yes done,if i click on play button ,pause button is disappear and if i click on pause button ,play button is disappearing,but the problem is placing of 2 buttons
i'm not able to place 2 buttons in the same position in my layout?
@NareshSharma @furqi @SilentKiller is there way that our app apk must not be installable without android play store like app sharer type app which send apk via diff sharing option so apk send by this type of app or other way must not be worked in device it must be installed from market to work any idea about it
@Pallavi, I have a question, Which way is better to record the whole phone call log on the database 1) reading continuously Call.log 2) using PhoneStateListener to get phone status, Any idea?
@Pallavi actully app is released in playstore but by using MyAppShareer app and astro file manager we are able to send our apk to other user either application is free or paid see the link…
yes @Pallavi i seen that we are able to share apk by using that i have not tried with paid application but seen as one app i have created i downloaded from playstore and after that i share it via bluetooth using that app beacause of this type of app we missed actull app user count in playstore
@Khan well, Nexus wasn't accepting the APK file from bluetooth, so i sent the APk to my nokia n attached it as e-mail n sent it to Nexus n guess what! you are so right!
@Pallavi me also trying i am right now try to decompile app sharere app and than see how it actull works and than thinnk how we can avoid this right now i have also checked app with the same setting debuggable=false and andorid:allowbackup=false than sign apk but not release apk than installed in device and try with app shareer it also sharing app i think i have to try after release that apk in market
hey friendz.. is it possible to access a LAN connected printer using android.. My printer doesn't support WIFI connection but I have the LAN IP address... Can I access it from my android by any mean.????
@Pallavi @anon @Harish @Prakash hi friends i have doubt in this xml file please explain node, nodelist, namednodemap, element in this
hey friendz.. is it possible to access a LAN connected printer using android.. My printer doesn't support WIFI connection but I have the LAN IP address... Can I access it from my android by any mean.????
@Pallavi... is it possible to access a LAN connected printer using android.. My printer doesn't support WIFI connection but I have the LAN IP address... Can I access it from my android by any mean.????
@Pallavi i think not possible one of the way is there we have to run service in background which search our app using packagename.apk and if it will be found that it will delete that at the time but i think it is not good solution
@Pallavi it is not necessary where it will be stored but if able to delete this that is good in my app shareere it first show apk and than it will get apk from backup folder and stored in MyAppSharere folder and than send it in attachment
@RobinHood yeah i know you are Robin, you must have tried that long time back though... any error/warning in logcat? some hint or some piece of code... write a log and check if at least the Intent is getting initialized. that way we know if the issue is in your intent or the condition(if any)
@Pallavi we are also able to make this type of app before days i read about it in one of the blog they get apk as file from the one of the folder i forget excar folder name i have read on that blog right now i forget that blog link
@Pallavi i think by using that we are able to delete the file from where apsharere get apk file we have to delete apk file from that when the app launches first time or installed let me check if i found than surelly send you
@Pallavi see this link… it so answer we have to delete apk from this folder where it is stored here is path of folder is given
@Pallavi are we able to delete the apk from this directory where it is storeed in device /data/app folder in device are we able to delete do you know i have tried manually
@SHAIKAFEEZA What i usually would do is.. I'll send my login credentials to server. got authenticated, get my user_id and other info like, name, e-mail, session_id etc from server. and in every next web-request, i'll submit user_id and session_id with web-request.
server will send you session_id and session_expiry time when you login.
so before making any request, check if the session expiry time has past or not.
@SHAIKAFEEZA when you want to invalidate a session. remove session id and set session expiry to 0.
hey guys, I just made a small project to persist cookies across app restarts. I would like to make it avalible for other developers to use. I was wondering if somebody would like to take a quick look at it and see if I miss anything out?
I have a custom listview in which i store some title,comments etc and i want to store an image taken by camera.I have a database and a custom adapter.I don't know how to implement the photo though
Yes.And I can't figure some things.Accordind to your answer , I must use ImageHelper as my database?Or this database will hold only the photo?I am asking because I already have a database
You use your database only,But see what i have done there. I taken BLOB colomn in database. After capturing the image i am storing that image in the form of byte[]. And Retrieving Blob to Bitmap[]