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hello all
1 hour later…
Good morning
Good Morning
Good Morning to all
i need a help guys
anyone having knowledge in work around with android bluetooth api
i need to get currently connected device detail via bluetooth
can anyone help me on this?
hi @all
can anyone suggest me how to get airportcode from the address
Hello Guys, I need help for select item from listview automatically..
Please Help me Guys...
has anyone ever attempted to use google map in a fragment?
using fragment needs to extend Fragment, using map needs to extend MapActivity
but with one class I can not extend both?
hii good morning to all
does any body have any idea about how to play vimeo videos in webview??
@JaiSoni hii
good morning
hi gm
@Venkat Hi
Q: Framelayout issue

Nirav RanparaI have try to create layout using Framelayout . Below code which I try but dont get output . I want output like images. <ImageView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="left|top" ...

can u post full source of main.xml file
Good Morning
morning, even if it's actually afternoon for me
morning all
anyways, anyone ever used map as a component in a fragment?
Anyone here done apk-expansion in Android
how to play vimeo videos in webview @Pallavi
how to show progress dialog in intent service
i have written one asyntask in intent service if declared in async task its giving badtoken exception
@sravani Service is for background task
it shud run in background we have to show progress dialos for showingservice is running
@Venkat You need to use iframe tag
@sravani Then simply use asyns task in activity , why you need intent service again?
Good Morning to all
i need a help guys
anyone having knowledge in work around with android bluetooth api
i need to get currently connected device detail via bluetooth
can anyone help me on this?
do you search in google?? @Satheesh
@Venkat See here
already saw that site
i search a lot
but it is not working
Any one here who has used Map API v2 Android
but cant find the answer
@Khan Yes, @Venkat What is the issue?
@Abhi good i have used the Support map fragment to support the lower os device too but in some device app crash because of out of memory error as there is bug of memory leaking in support map fragment see report bug code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=4766 do you know how to solve it
@Venkat Are you adding any progress dialog?
@Khan No idea but it is bug it seems
yes @Abhi
@Venkat Delete dialog and try
yes i tried this i didn't get any errors but video is not playing
@Venkat Can show your code?
@JaiSoni have u got solution for Auto play ?
nope @JaiSoni
@Venkat <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/VIDEO_ID?portrait=0&color=333" width="WIDTH" height="HEIGHT" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
i also do the same naa? @Abhi
@Venkat Can you check
yes checked @Abhi
@Venkat check this example github.com/vimeo/vimeo-api-examples
ok thanq @JaiSoni
nirav define framelayout . inside frame layout insert imageview & finally close the frame layout.. it works
@Venkat these 2 are android example for viemo github.com/…
hi guys
A d i l
i got the exception java.io.IOException: connection refused with android bluetooth
@JaiSoni @Abhi do u know how to get events from facebook ?
i have successfully created events but dnt know how to get it ?
any one help me regarding this
Q: Unable to connect to Local Server XAMPP using Android Emulator

Jimmy HillI have made a program using PHP and trying to store data into Local Server Xampp, but whenever i run my php script using this url: Getting error message: {"StatusID":"0","Error":"Cannot save data!"} Please someone help me in this how can i make it useful for...

@JaiSoni ok
Hi All
Q: How to compress video in android?

user1002448I am developing an application that allows users to capture video for maximum 2min. The user can upload the video to server after that. I need to compress the video before I am posting it to server. How do I compress the video ?

Any alternate solution of the above issue
@Abhi: ther?
Hi all
hii @Pragnani
Q: how to play vimeo video using iframe in webview?

Venkatpublic class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); WebView wv=(WebView)findViewById(R.id.webView1); wv.getSettings().setJav...

@Pragnani: hi
gn @Venkat @NiravRanpara
@NiravRanpara @Venkat sorry guys today is holiday for us..And I am in my home, so I can't answer your question right now , because I don't have android installed in my pc.
@NiravRanpara signup is the second image and text with arrow first image right..?
what were those platforms..
to make ios and android app
hi all,,anyone tell me how to achieve justification of text programmatically in android textview which is html data.
@SHAIKAFEEZA u need make it justified within the tag of html or div or p, whatever u were using.
@Pragnani :yes
@Pragnani: how to do that ?
@Harpreet can you provide me with a example
@Pragnani: support in all layout , I dont want to so using margin or padding
hi guys. can someone help me with this. thanks stackoverflow.com/questions/15739835/…
this might sound ridiculous, I was reading some instructions, most told me to 'Click File -> Import..., select Android -> Existing Android Code into Workspace'
but under file->import, there is no android option?
@Telkitty maybe there is no source in it. what instructions di you read?
@Harpreet but iam using this code to convert html code
Spanned marked_up = Html.fromHtml(description.get(i));
TextView desctv=new TextView(CheckoutPage.this);
desctv.setText(marked_up.toString().substring(1,170).replaceAll("&nbsp;","")); it is ignoring those paragraph tags.
@Telkitty It should be
@SHAIKAFEEZA which paragraph?
@RobinHood for me that text is coming from json web services.
@RobinHood looks there is something wrong with my setup:
SDK location?
@SHAIKAFEEZA okay, then whats the issue?
this is a small issue, but this is what gets me. I need to set dependency to this library:
but when I open properties:
It is empty
As you can see it sits right in the source directory
@RobinHood I just want to set that text to justification.
@SHAIKAFEEZA setText(Html.fromHtml(temp2));
temp2 is wat ?? @RobinHood
@Telkitty what you are trying to achieve? you wanna integrate lib?
@SHAIKAFEEZA your texts.
ok thanq @RobinHood let me check
keep lib outside project, and marked as Is Library.
and then try above steps.
ok, lemme try. I am trying to use google map
but it is giving errors
yeah got you, just try above steps, sure its works
like it compiles alright but crashes on start
If any of tag is not working then try to replace with something else. @SHAIKAFEEZA
ok @RobinHood :)
In my case <em> tag is not working, so I did like: temp2 = temp2.replace("</em>", "</i>");
marked as Is library, still nothing
my current project sits away from where other Android project resides
check android SDK location,
in another directory ... maybe I should try the sdk directory 1st
yes, and?
click android
k, thx
lemme try something 1st
@SHAIKAFEEZA i said u need to justify that thing in html code, rest u r doing is good.
Hey you can also use that code as:
TextView desctv=new TextView(CheckoutPage.this);
without going for Spanned
@Venkat @Venkat
yes @Abhi
@Venkat Check your question
ok thanq very much @Abhi
nope its also not working @Abhi
@Harpreet @RobinHood in that case all those <p style="justify"> html tags also visible in my output textview.without spanned how to achieve that???
@Venkat Which device you are using?
motorola 2.2.3
@SHAIKAFEEZA u mean it is viewing in textview as it is?
@Harpreet yes :(
@RobinHood I re-added jar file, could not set the whole directory as library & now I am getting this when the app starts:
Could not find class 'com.google.android.gms.maps.SupportMapFragment', referenced from method
permission in manifest file?
<uses-permission android:name="com.packagename.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE" />
and even meta-data
android:value="KEY" />
guys a quick one : Is it possible to implement browser bookmark type functionality in android?
what you think?
need everyone's valuable comments?
@RobinHood most of the manifest here: pastebin.com/vtNnPBDS
any solution @Harpreet @RobinHood
try replacing p-tag with div-tag
@RobinHood thx..let me check
@RobinHood xml:
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
java code, how you did initialization of MAP, in v2 initialization is to be done in different way
like this:
map = ((MapFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.map)) .getMap();
Q: Google Maps Android API v2 SupportMapFragment memory leak

NimsUsing 2 simple activities. First Activity which only holds a button to start the 2nd Activity which holds the map: Main Activity: public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentVi...

@RobinHood give me some suggestions regarding this stackoverflow.com/questions/15895437/…
hey I am facing the same issue and got outof memory error becasue of this MAP v2 and app crash any one have an idea how to solve it
@Abhi is it playing in your device??
except from webservices side.Is there any way to solve that from our android @Harpreet
@SHAIKAFEEZA look this
@Venkat in which device you are testing?
@AdilSoomro bhai assalamualikum
motorola droid 2.2.3
but <p> tag is viewing in my textview y??? @Harpreet
@RobinHood bhai walaikumussalam!
@Venkat Yes once try in samsung, And give android:hardwareAccelerated="true" to for applicaiton tag in manifest
ohhh i have no samsung mobile with me @Abhi
@AdilSoomro hi
Q: Framelayout issue

Nirav RanparaI have try to create layout using Framelayout . Below code which I try but dont get output . I want output like images. <ImageView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="left|top" ...

@NiravRanpara So what is the current result?
@SHAIKAFEEZA I think, it not recognized by Html class while converting.
both are above
Q: How to move application to SD card in samsung galaxy s duos

HarryHow to move application to SD card in samsung galaxy s duos. I have tried some application from Google Play but did not succeed. Plz help me

not as perfect as I want
KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN is not working, nothing happen when I click on it
ok @Harpreet let try to replace <p> with <div>
Anyone help me solve this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/15899630/…
@All I am stuck on that issue
@RobinHood I was following that, lol
but it didn't work
I am using map inside a fragment
and my project directory is else where (not next to the SDK)
& there is no compilation error, makes it all the harder to find the bug
Maybe I should post a question instead
@SHAIKAFEEZA hmmm. get it done.
I have an android application that send a post request to an http server every 15 seconds to relay location and get some data back. My question is: Would i be better using some kind of instant Message technology? Which one?
1 hour later…
hi all , Can any body help me to fix this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/15880426/…
Hi all
I want to insert some data into my database, and i am working on android so on sqlite table i want to enter multiple rows with different dates, but when i retrieve it, it should retrieve data in a sorted order(past to future), but first it should retrieve current date's data then it should move to other dates. how can i achieve it?
@UdiT what is your problem particularly? Database not being created? table not being created? data is not inserted? date is not being fetched? data is not being sorted? current date's data is not being fetched? is it not moving to other dates?
@Abhi @Abhi
@RobinHood where r U?
@AdilSoomro @AdilSoomro
@Pragnani,@Abhi hii can we replace duplicate value with blank value in
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> stellolist = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
how can we replace the duplicate value with "" in this arraylist hashmap
after create the arraylist hashmap
@AndroidDepartment do you wnat to remove duplicates or replace duplicate value with empty
replace duplicate value with empty
@AdilSoomro ye ra
@RobinHood kia chal rha hy??
@AdilSoomro dimag ko 6od kar sab
@RobinHood haha..
@Abhi what is rock cooking today?
@AdilSoomro ye key down kya fanda he?
@RobinHood which one??
@AdilSoomro Nothing specail :P
@AdilSoomro see this link developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/releases and i am facing an issue code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=4766 so according to first link they have resolve the issue and my map api key i have generated before feb so should it will take an effect or not or how can i get benefit of update and avoid outofmemory issue for the google map api v2
@AndroidDepartment Did you post the question..? if so share link here
ok i will post but my current acc is not allow to send question
i create another
so i will give you link
Hey everyone!
use pastebin
@Appu hi
Hi @Khan
hi guyz
Hello, sup!
guyz i am in trouble
and need some help
@AndroidDepartment Why your current account is not allowed to post question?
@RobinHood for what..
whose? appu
@Khan hello khan! I don't have any idea about v2 maps.
Trying to access key down event but nothing happen when I click on it.
@AdilSoomro ok bro no problem
goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more.
does any one have knowledge about onTimedTextListner in android
is gives this
I don't need to learn anything. Because I have already seen few guys before facing that problem.
Have you ever deleted a question?
This guy has serially downvoted my answers and questions on the other day after suggesting him not to post entire code on SO.
For which I lost even many upvotes for reversal script.
r u there
@AndroidDepartment Yes.
so means we can not delete any question from our account ?
@AndroidDepartment Yeah if you had deleted before having this thing happened.
so how to solve this issue
is any way
@RobinHood hope you seen this already
I don't know. Might be you have to read that entire story or you have to search.
Q: How to change the duplicate values with empty in arraylisthashmap in android?

start androidi want to change duplicate value with empty in arraylist hashmap how can we change the duplicate value with empty you can see i have TAG_ALPHAABET in that i store 0 to 9 and a to z i want to change the duplicate value with empty try { JSONObject jobject = new JSONObject(dat...

any idea ?
sorry I don't understand your question.
where does this temp value come from?
@AdilSoomro hummm
instead of temp put convert string value
now check
@AndroidDepartment You want replace duplicate values or keys?
@AndroidDepartment so you want to check for the duplication whether the convert string is already present in map?
i will explain you
Leaving time :P
map.put(TAG_ALPHABET,convert); in this convert string i am geting the different value every time like A,A,B,B,B,C,D so i am every time storing this value in TAG_ALPHABET in each position now after creating this list i want replace the duplicate value like Example you can see A,A is COMING 2 TIMES SO NOW 2 time A is replace with empty
means second A is replace with empty
Hello all
I have an query for android
Q: Detecting changes in android Content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI

NikhilHello everyone , Sorry if you think that this question is repeated but I am asking this question because seriously I am not getting the solution for it. Actually I am developing an android app in which I have to detect changes in android sd card for audio files with the file name , file path an...

Please solve my query if u can
@AndroidDepartment You can have unique keys by default but not values. You have to implement some logic to make it done like using brute force algorithm, but these kind of techniques would make it inefficient.
Hashmap wont take duplicate keys, If tried to put duplicate key, value will be replaced with new one
but he needs values to be non-duplicate.
Then key has to change if it already exists
no every time i create new hash map you can see
on top
so is not replace value
for(int i=0;i<jbrands.length();i++)
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

you can see every time new hashmap is come
this is the using webapi
Hello Friends..
is any one use alarm manager
@AndroidDepartment then you might need to loop through the arraylist having maximum limit as the present looping counter value. Then get hashmap for each inner loop and then check whether the value is already present. This is what something like bruteforce goes and I can't be of much help than this. But I suggest you filter them at serverside itself.
Thanks for this help
Did you get my answer?
i trying to filter from server side
Oh! Good.
Q: Google Map Api v2 Outof memory error Android

KhanI am using google map api v2 for android. Here is my code of fragment class mapview.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:mySwitch="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" android:layout_width="match_parent" a...

Good evening guys... has anyone here implement Radaee PDF Viewer?...
@AdilSoomro you there?
@Harpreet der????
4 hours later…

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