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Hello guys, good morning
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning all
Good morning to all
@Pragnani Godd Morning
hi all
anyone knows why internet change destroy the whole application?
@nitishpatel Be specific..
Hi all..good morning
@Pragnani when my app is in background and I off my internet connection at that time application gets closed
I'm facing an problem while disable airplane mode in sdk version 4.2
hii all very gud morning....
i want to know how i can get the page rank and keword rank in the android app
hey today my first meet with client for android development....
@nitishpatel ok... is there any exception or an error in logcat
@Pragnani yes..it was giving nullpointer
@nitishpatel ok....Do you post any question regarding the same.?
Q: moveTaskToBack not working in different android OS

nitish patel I am using moveTaskToBack to put my app in background. App is working fine in OS 2.2 but when i test same app in OS 2.3.6 i face some weired issues. While internet is connected if I put app in background and then again in foreground things are working fine but while app is in foreground and if...

How do i disable airplane mode toggle button click in android 4.2
@Pragnani it gives nullpointer at XMPPClient.connection.addPacketListener(listener, filter);
@nitishpatel Post you code in the question by editing it..
Hi, Good Morning @all. configuration change restarts my activity how can i fix this.
Good morning
@nitishpatel good ...post stack trace also
@Pragnani u mean log cat?
@nitishpatel yup
how to keep airplane always in off state in android version 4.2...
good morning
any idea about :-FB login(like pinterest)using sdk 3.0 with permission email,basic_info,publish_action in a single request
@Pragnani i have posted
Q: FB login(like pinterest)using sdk 3.0 with permission email,basic_info,publish_action in a single request

skbishi is it possible for me to reopen a Facebook session using the Facebook SDK if I have certain info from the last session (last time they used the app)?

@nitishpatel What is line no 266 in buddyList.java
@nitishpatel please use pastie.org to paste your code.
Good Morning @ALL
Hey everyone!
Q: Fbconnect Share Box Feature

Rahul PatelI am making app in which i want share dialog box as below picture. I am using fbconnect sdk. I googled about it but doesn't get anything for ios app. So any help would be appreciate Thanks in advance

hey frnds this is ios question i want same thing for android any idea about it
Hi all
hey rani
can i ask the password before uninstallation of the application?
Q: Is it possible to prevent user from uninstalling application in Android?

StarkI want to prevent user from uninstalling my application.But my main objective is to ask the password before uninstallation of the applcation.Is it Possible in android.

So what happens in the event that the user forgets the password? Are they forever stuck with your application installed until they factory reset? Like kabuko, I'm completely against this in general unless you are distributing your application as part of the core device. — Deco Nov 18 '11 at 7:21
@Pragnani :its commented code
// Intent i = new Intent(XMPPClient.this, BuddyList.class);
Heyy guyzz...
Hi All..How do I stop connecting USB mass storage on my PC.
All I just wanted call password activity before uninstall any application
16 mins ago, by RobinHood
Q: Is it possible to prevent user from uninstalling application in Android?

StarkI want to prevent user from uninstalling my application.But my main objective is to ask the password before uninstallation of the applcation.Is it Possible in android.

15 mins ago, by RobinHood
So what happens in the event that the user forgets the password? Are they forever stuck with your application installed until they factory reset? Like kabuko, I'm completely against this in general unless you are distributing your application as part of the core device. — Deco Nov 18 '11 at 7:21
@RobinHood i wanted to that any idea
Just click on that link and check who answered and what?
anyone having idea regarding reboot device on button click.??
what you have tried yet?
Did you search on Google?
not possible. you must have a rooted phone
i have googled regarding this
i can provide you the links
but thats not working
or your app must be signed with system app signature
can u pls give some idea regarding this..
@AkashG I smell you are developer, don't put illogical argue like "Its not working", provide proper reason?
@RobinHood its not providing desired output
A: Programmatically switching off Android phone

CommonsWareYou cannot do this from an ordinary SDK application. Only applications signed with the system firmware signing key can do this.

then what output its providing?
@RobinHood nothing seems to be happen on click event
put debug point and check why nothing happen.
@AdilSoomro Where're you?
hii all
anybody have know about expansion file in android
how to display router web page in web view
@GunjanVerma by loading its url, as simple. Any complications
@Praveen I'm here.
in iOS Developer Family, 21 mins ago, by Praveen
If we want to develop an app for supporting iPad mini also means, we have to do anything that making frames for that or any thing else?
@Praveen There is no difference in screens. :D
@Praveen Here you go
Okay thnx dude!
Hello @EveryOne
I have a linearlayout with a list view on a button click i want that instead of the list view the linearlayout should show me the map view
can any one tell me how should i do this....
woah so many people all of a sudden
.. does any one has any idea regarding my prob.
Hey all
hey @Khan
feelin verry sleepy.. can someone suggest a remedy?
I have a linearlayout with a list view on a button click i want that instead of the list view the linearlayout should show me the map view
can any one tell me how should i do this....
@Nezam coffee
@Telkitty but i am not actually in the habit of drinking coffee or tea.. rather i prefer maza and slice!
drink some coke? or energy drinks? ... or a mini nap :p
and yeah dont go for caffeinated products like coke pepsi too @telkitty
infact i have went into several micro mini naps ranging from 5 to 10 secs
maybe a jog if you have the time
even half eyed naps
in which i would close one eye lid and try for a nap
most effecient way is a power nap
15 mins
does wonders, but I assume you are at work that's why you can not nap?
yeah obviously
@telkitty even tried still-naps .. which made me go into statue mode with one hand on keyboard another on mouse
but all of that for bare minimum 10 secs for max
hello guys
what are the basics thing need to know for android beginners?
pls help me guys
depends on your level
@iOSBee So whats the problem in starting a MapActivity?
@Pallavi aka :D
@LalitPoptani DON!!!
@AdilSoomro only prob. is that i don't know how to add it on the layout
as i have listview
already on the layout and i want on click of button instead of that listview map view should come up
@Pallavi: Hi
@Jayesh hello
@Pallavi: have you worked on LazyList demo on Github ??
@LalitPoptani how are you? and why did you change your gravatar?
@Jayesh nope...
Hi. I am new to android programming.
@Pallavi fine as always, no reason ;)
how about you? @Pallavi
@user2227173 hello and welcome to this room...
I want to make a camera app.
@LalitPoptani i am good :) oh really??? ok...
Where can I find an easy tutorial?
@user2227173 google may be?
I have a linearlayout with a list view & i want that on a button click, instead of the list view the linearlayout should show me the map view
can any one tell me how should i do this.... Any help
@Pallavi yes exactly :D
@LalitPoptani :)
I have already searched
I have some problems adding the camera permissions to the app
show your search.
@user2227173 what exactly are you searching for? and what issues are you having
when I run the app, the phone doesn't let the app access the camera
have you used <uses-permissions ... CAMERA> in Manifest file?
@user2227173 make sure you have given permissions
Could someone look at my posted question? @Pallavi @LalitPoptani
@user2227173 you can have some help from here vogella.com/articles/AndroidCamera/article.html
Yes, in manifest file, I have added the android.hardware.camera and the android.hardware.camera.autofocus
@user2227173 Any errors in the logcat?
yes. lots
can any one put some light on my issue plz ??
1 message moved to DUST
I will look into what iOSBee has given me. Then I will report back here when I have probs
@iOSBee sorry I don't have a torch right now!
@LalitPoptani what ya!!! :P
i need a help for select item from listview on activity start..
@LalitPoptani Yeah. Even in the comment one blogger suggested me to see. I have seen the listview things which used arrayadapter or some other but not simplecursoradapter.
@user2227173 paste the logcat details in pastie and we can help you solve the issues...
@LalitPoptani :P
Please Help Me. i am new in android..
how to retrieve bitmap from statelist drawable?
i have a list view on my linear layout and i need to have a map on the linear layout on a button click
The issue is where I need to put this line viewHolder.checkbox.setChecked(list.get(position).isSelected()); to ensure that checkboxes are not jumbled? @LalitPoptani
Any idea ??
@iOSBee So you want to replace the listview with map?
@Lalit Please help me
@Lalit Please help me
@iOSBee Then make use of viewSwitcher or ViewFlipper.
hi guys, anyone have an idea on facebook sdk?
In my linear layout on click of a button @Appu
That's what in your linearlayout place a viewSwitcher.
In that viewSwitch/flipper have a list and map as childs.
@SagarMaiyad just write your question in 1 block with the log cat errors and we can help you out
@SagarMaiyad what you have tried?
@Appu ok i'll try using it ..
i want to select listview item from activity start.
@SagarMaiyad Did you started eclipse?
@pallavi ,@lalitpoptani,@appu how to retrieve bitmap from statelist drawable?
Then create new project and start coding
@Ghouse did you search in google- convert drawable to bitmap
yeah i tried but nothing usefull i found thats why i came here
@Ghouse any specific errors?
@SagarMaiyad do some R&D,
@pallavi my statelist contains gradient shape item then it contains bitmap i want that bitmap for comparsion i am not getting any errors
@Ghouse Did you check this?
Bitmap bitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(),
@appu let me check that one
and @appu i am setting that drawable as background of textview dynamically so i cant use this Bitmap bitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(),
R.drawable.image); i think so
@appu i am setting drawable dynamically so that bitmapfactory.decoderesource function will be of no use
@appu and my drawable is combination of both shape and bitmap
@Ghouse What are you trying to achieve? For which view you have set both shape and bitmap drawable?
wait min i will tell you
i am pasting my code in pastebin just give me a minute
@appu pastebin.com/2FDn3ZMx check this
@appu pastebin.com/dELb3KaM check this
check the second link @appu
@appu you got the link ?
Hi All
@Ghouse I think I got them. But I think I couldn't be of much help, Sorry.
okay any how thanks for help @appu
can't believe Android room won't let me in
Considering most of their posts were spams/trollings
how to set text bold?
protected synchronized void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Rect bounds = new Rect();
textPaint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), bounds);
int x = getWidth() / 2 - bounds.centerX();
int y = getHeight() / 2 - bounds.centerY();
canvas.drawText(text, x, y, textPaint);
public class NavbarActivity extends MainActivity extends MapActivity ... is this the correct way ??
@crickpatel0024 check this
@iOSBee terribly wrong.
@Appu yes ... sometimes ...
@iOSBee base rule of Java, cannot extend 2 classes...
so how can i extend two classes in a single class
You can't extend more than one class for a class.
@iOSBee you want to show a map only right? then why not extend just the mapactivity?
you can implement more than one interface.
my NavBar class extends Main Activity
Mandodari IAS
and i also want map on the same activity ... i wanted something like iphone tabbar effect
on tab change different activity should start
Like one Parent Activity having 4 child activities
and one of them is map
so on parent activity view if i switch b/w the tabs the view should change accordingly
@iOSBee you go for TabActivity.. TabActivity is like UITabBarController... which will hold Activity (UIViewController).
can i create a custom TabActivity also
right now i am using radio buttons (Compound button)
naah! why?? use TabActivity.. rather inventing the wheel again..
i'll use TabActivity ...
Thx @AdilSoomro
@iOSBee welcome, incase if you want to have iPhone like Tabs in android. Have a look at this awesome post :p
humm .. yes nice link .. thx @AdilSoomro
@AdilSoomro hi
@LalitPoptani hello
Q: How to morphing on image in android?

Roadiesi want to morph images like this.. If any one do this help me.. Thanks in advance. Added 08-04-2013 I used this code but not working properly.. private static final int WIDTH = 20; private static final int HEIGHT = 20; private static final int COUNT = (WIDTH + 1) * (HEIGHT + 1);...

2 hours later…
hello guys anybody used or worked on ksoap library or soap objects?

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