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Morning all
Good Morning
Hello Frd :p
Q: How to make POST request in Android 4.0 and above?

sanchitsinghI am writing below code for making POST request in a project in android. The code works fine in android 2.3.3 and below version. But it doesn't work in android 4.0 and above. Please suggest any solution for this. String url = String.format("some url"); String postContent = "&jso...

Can any one Suggest me alternate game for Temple Run and Subway Surf (As these two games can't be run on my HTC Salsa)
gud mg all
@chintankhetiya : hello
hey please help me out with this
Q: when app launched default layout first flashes before my app sets content view

amanI am making an app which has architecture like this there are two activities a)BaseActivity b)MainActivity BaseActivity extends Activity and mainActivity extends BaseActivity now public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity { OnCreate(Bundle SavedInstance) { super.OnCreate(Save...

somebody please help me uderstand as to why this is happening
hi friends
i am planning to buy a device so which will be best match for similar zone device
i have s3 ,note 2 in order list
is s3 will be helpufull for note 2..please suggest something
here screen size is different.is it matter more..help me please
Q: How to scale and save View to SDCard

HardikI have one View now I am trying to save it as fix size for example 500*666 into sdcard. Image save successfully but Image save as following. Image is save as on corner of entire image Please see attached image. Code : private void onSave(final View v) { v.setMinimumWidth(500); v.setMi...

@Hardik I'm not sure. But, this may help you!
@Praveen Ohk bro
Hi any one can tell me ,how we can integrate .dae file into android application,
if not, what is alternative for that @Hardik ,@Praveen ,@mAndroid ,@MAC ,@aman ,@Romil ,@RishiGautam ,@RobinHood
Can Anyone please help me in POS ESC Commands Execution. I want to execute these commands in android. How can i execute. Any suggestion or guidance
@rank never worked for integrating .dae file
Thanks for reply
One more question have you worked on OpenGl
Hi @all , can you look at my issue once... stackoverflow.com/questions/15681169/…
@kumarsu: hi
@NiravRanpara Hi,
@kumarsu: StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder()
add this in your activity
@kumarsu: Is that code work in 2.3?
Yes its working for 2.3.3 .
put above code
then check
In first activity I need to call this...?
put it in all activity
after setContentView
StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy); In this line, I am getting this error Multiple markers at this line
- Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)
- Syntax error on token "policy", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this
sdk ?
sdk above 4.0
I had given <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="14" /> in my xml file... even error is showing.
remove that line
yeah, removed errors and run, same app is force closing when click on settings button.
@AdilSoomro : hello
guys my R.java is not update when i copy some java file form one path to other ,
@Praveen @Pallavi @Kirti @ALL
"https://graph.facebook.com/shaverm/picture?width=200&height=200 " right now I uses this .I retrieve widthpixel and height pixel .Now I want to put this value instead of 200 .How can I pass these variable.
@ALL plz help me
int height=200;
int width=200;

String url="https://graph.facebook.com/shaverm/picture?width="+width+"&height="+height;
String mainurl="https://graph.facebook.com/shaverm/picture?width=";
String width="200";
String hightlable="&height";
String hight="200";

String finalurl=mainurl+width+hightlable+hight;
@MAC @Hardik Thnak you
have you ever share video in fb ?
to all
hi all
I have small query frnds
I have table layout in which I am adding table rows dynamically on button click event
so each row contians 3 text views
every thins works fine like adding and those rows are seen in table layout
but those textviews are displaying very adjacent to each other but I want them in some margins between them
I have tried adding layout params but if is of no use.
Can any one Please tell me?
@NareshSharma @Abhi how can i share video to facebook ?
what's meaning this error?
Q: How to execute POS ESC Commands for Thermal Printer in Android?

Naresh SharmaI am working on the Point of Sale application with the Casio POS Android based device VR100. That device have built in EX840 printer and Line Printer. I have to interact with this printer and use to print the details on receipt and then with cutter cut that receipt automatically. I have seen some...

Anybody have idea about this issue ??
Hello everybody
how to refresh the listview in DSLV ??
@Hardik: have you work on DSLV ??
DragSortListView ??
have anybody worked on DSLV ??
Can any one tell me how i implement dictionary in my app to check correct words
@MurtazaMehmood: may be this one helps you.... developer.android.com/guide/topics/text/…
Jay Swaminarayan
@crickpatel0024: jay swaminarayan
@all does anyone can tell me how to call a webservice from another webservice in android using json
@crickpatel0024 i have checked that one in that we are only calling for webservice
what i want is to call webservice from webservice1(eg:)
i need to display the webservice response 1st not webservice1
@Jayesh i want to give word to dictionary and its check weather it is correct or not.
@MurtazaMehmood: don't have much knowledge of dictionary in android
@crickpatel0024 can u help me in this
@Jayesh Its ok My Friend
is here anybody who have worked on DSLV ??
@RobinHood: have you worked on DSLV (Drag-Sort-ListView) ??
is there anyone who have worked in G+ sharing. i read that document at GDA but not getting. or failur due to improper code. please guys help me
@Html5 sorry dear but i don't know how to one webservice call another webservice ?
its ok @crickpatel0024 anyways thanks for ur response
Hi @all..
hello all please any one could see my query at least
Q: How to share text & image in Google Plus (G+) from android without using Intent?

chintan khetiyaGuys i want to share in G+. As i knew there are G+ API same as FaceBook & Twitter. I get this doc and follow the same process. I have found that we can share via two different like , Deep linking Interactive posts and base on that i have to choose DeepLink for sharing. i have reach up...

Hey @chintankhetiya @Hardik i need to ask something regarding services
@chintankhetiya i am working on app which uses fb sdk
actually i am starting a service and hiding the main activity
the service checks with facebook (via http) in every 10 secs that whether the person is online or not
it is the requirement
that app works on background and whenever someone is online it gives a notification
so the basically its establishing a http request via fb sdk in every ten seconds
alls good and its working great but
after one hour or so of starting service my apps gets a force close
i need to solve this issue.. any pointers?
@chintankhetiya you understood?
Can any one Suggest me alternate game for Temple Run and Subway Surf (As these two games can't be run on my HTC Salsa)
2 hours later…
Good night!
Hello every body here

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