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Good Morning all
Good Morning Everyone
Q: How to set Parameters for Titanium.Yahoo.YQL?

NezamI cant find anyway to put parameters into YQL to fetch private data like contacts lists etc.I dont find it documented anywhere.. I know we can fetch public data without parameters but i am asking about private data which needs parameters like oauth_token and oauth_signature ?

Good morning @ALl @NareshSharma
@Khan GM
Good mrng frnds,twodays i am striking with one problem can you give me solution for me stackoverflow.com/questions/15500314/…
Friends,can you give the solution of my problem
Good Morning All
good morning
Good Morning Guys. :)
Good Morning :-/
If you solve it then close your question by clicking the green tick, to close this question.Its next to the arrows at the top of this answer. — Hardik Sep 27 '12 at 9:47
@RobinHood, i am n ot getting the solution for my question
Good morning
I tried a lot,but cant get the solution of my problem,if anybody knows the solution ,tell me
@Hardik Its not working.
Good morning all!!
Date always return Thu Jan 01 00:19:00 GMT+00:00 1970
@RobinHood what brother ?
@Hardik :D
@RobinHood its working bro
what is your time format ?
` new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm a");`
@Hardik kya hua?
Its not solve the issue of Asok that's why you didn't get green tick mark :P
@Pallavi did you play with SimpleDateFormat?
@RobinHood what's the issue?
@RobinHood Ohk bhai
But he is Tiru
not Ashok :P
@Pallavi I am trying to find hour difference between two times.
@RobinHood ok...
@Pallavi ok?
@RobinHood You facing issue ?? is it a jock ?
@RobinHood what else is happening?
23 mins ago, by RobinHood
Date always return Thu Jan 01 00:19:00 GMT+00:00 1970
@RobinHood Calendar.getDate()?
ok checking
I think this is wrong
Date date1 = simpleDateFormat.parse("8:19 AM");
Date date2 = simpleDateFormat.parse("11:19 AM");
Don't think, be sure.
@RobinHood what you get in "difference" ?
long difference = date2.getTime() - date1.getTime();
Big Zero
@Pallavi aka :D
@LalitPoptani hey!!! DON!!!
@RobinHood this gave me a difference of 0 days, 3 hours, 0 minutes difference... which is a correct answer..
i think you should have written 08 instead of 8
I done it !
@Pallavi nop, I wrote 8.
@RobinHood huuu... and what was wrong in your previous code??
Everything :P
Q: Difference, in minutes, between two dates

Kris BI need to get the number of minutes between two dates. I know Joda is the best to use, but this is for an Android project, so I prefer to use a little external libraries as possible, and the app I'm building doesn't require the calculation to be surgically precise. However, the code I'm using d...

@RobinHood paste your new code... :)
This ^ help me
@Pallavi sure
hmmm ok... my answer worked too :P
@Pallavi: hi
@NiravRanpara hello
@Pallavi: I have one costume listview
when I click on particular item I go to another activity
whan I click done on that layout
I want to change text of that particular list item
I dont want to load listview again ,
if there any way ?
@Pallavi : ??
@NiravRanpara have you gone through this
@Pallavi : I think u did not understand what I try to say
hi all
can any one help me how to play two audio file at same time by using media player
Use SoundPool
@Hardik when i run the app in emulator its taking too much time to load, and that size of file is also increasing, what should be an issue ?
hi folks
@chintankhetiya Use real device :)
Is it possible to stop displaying(default behaviour of android web view) error page with some image using xml layout?
Note: i dont want to use html page to do that, that u might suggest as a one of possible way to resolve this issue
hey @nirav how r u man?
has anyone ever worked with TeeCharts?
@mohit: hi
hello @Nirav
help me resolving the issue that i just mentioned.....
i am trying to solve these problems two day,but i cant findout the correct solution,can anybody help me stackoverflow.com/questions/15515643/…
@mohit : I will check when I get time
sure, but pls get some time man :)
@All how to use iphone like swipe on off button for settings in android
or anyother way is there to solve these problems
Means ?? Which one ? @AndroidDepartment
@AndroidDepartment See here and More
The Rock...!!
hi @Abhi
@Abhi can i use async task in service(without activity)
Have anyone have chess tutorial ?
Mine one is for tutorial only not for whole project
@YasarKhan Yes
ooh, shit, but I have full version not trial
@Hardik :) Good Joke :P
@RobinHood is it star or you are adding blank value ?
@chintankhetiya not got your missed call :P
@chintankhetiya blank value
@Hardik sorry bro, haven't check my mail sorry for that, wait
@RobinHood then - - so it should be balance :P
Hello Friends, I know you guys are bored of FB Questions, but it really don't work. Please help
Trying to use work with FB sample. Any Idea?
Q: Android: How to handle ANR error and SntpClient (java,net.SocketException)

Yasar Khani have created an app i.e. service which send user location to server..and it runs in background using async task(doInBackground and onPostExecute method) it is hidden from user...and AFter 1 entry it gives error ANR in com.example.yayaa and the value is added in database..and After 3 entry th...

@All Hello please give me answer
my question
Q: How to Check Internal Memory Storage count in android?

crickpatel0024i Want to Iternal storage get Memory and used memory in progressbar in like in image below in my app.how to apply please help me custome progressbar used in android.and i used download app.

Q: Error :The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification

kkarthickkThis is my logcat erro; 03-20 04:24:42.482: E/AndroidRuntime(920): java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only from the UI thread. [in...

Hello All
Any idea how to implement sms gateway in android? text should be sended and received ?
@all @JaiSoni bro have you worked in g+ sharing ?
@chintankhetiya hi sorry bro not yet :(
hmm , okay thanks for that, is there anyone who can help me for g+
@chintankhetiya hope this link will help you developers.google.com/+/mobile/android/getting-started
@JaiSoni hii
hi @crickpatel0024
@JaiSoni thanks. get the same link in my browser also, but its take a time to read whole doc and implement it . let me check
koi to help kar do
@JaiSoni how to set two Text view in progressbar?
Q: How to Check Internal Memory Storage count in android?

crickpatel0024i Want to Iternal storage get Memory and used memory in progressbar in like in image below in my app.how to apply please help me custome progressbar used in android.and i used download app.

hi guys
2 din se dimag ki dahi ho rakhi h
koi h kya help karne joga..?
I have created a custom scrollview when i try to display more than 2 items in this scrollview it scrolls and displays the first item not the third .. please see my code here pastie.org/6636543 and please help me resolve it
frnds can you look at my code and solve the problem stackoverflow.com/questions/15515643/…
@kkarthickk debug and trace
I m getting the null pointer exception at line number 312, when adding custom adapter to the list view
@Prakash show error log, even show your R.layout.activity_saving.
Hello All
Any idea how to implement sms gateway in android? text should be sended and received ?
its not working
@crickpatel0024 @RobinHood @Droid28 i am getting error: ANR in package while i am not using any activity... stackoverflow.com/questions/15517950/…
Q: Android: How to handle ANR error and SntpClient (java,net.SocketException)

Yasar Khani have created an app i.e. service which send user location to server..and it runs in background using async task(doInBackground and onPostExecute method) it is hidden from user...and AFter 1 entry it gives error ANR in com.example.yayaa and the value is added in database..and After 3 entry th...

@crickpatel0024 I have used this class for drawing and animating text in side seekbar code.google.com/p/horssonkeeplearning/source/browse/trunk/…
this is the code : http://pastie.org/6636570#312,404
this is the main layout file : http://pastie.org/6636655
this is the list row file(custom) : http://pastie.org/6636660
this is the error log : http://pastie.org/6636675
@Prakash can you look at my code and tell the solution stackoverflow.com/questions/15515643/…
@kkarthickk.. let me check
@YasarKhan NO idea yet sorry
@Prakash Prakash and Prakash
replace your listview id.
@RobinHood.. let me check bbrother..
@Prakash can you find out something
@kkarthickk improve your question.
i did lots of changes in my question code
check some of others question, and improve it your too
@Droid28 OK...
i checked lots of way but nothing works
then asks to your TL
do you know the solution of these question
@RobinHood Hi brother
Your question failed to explain your problem
8 mins ago, by RobinHood
Your question says: that do my job, which is unexpected.
I have a problem with viewpager adapter
can anybody help me
can any one tell me how to block any application in andropid
any body having idea of removing buttons from the UI ?
can any provide demo that
@JaiSoni bro can you check this link ?
@RobinHood is the bro!!! :D
in that check they are importing activity form extra folder path of sdk. thing is i can find that path but there are no and java file as they have shown in web page
@Pallavi for whom ?
@Kirti set it's visibility to gone or invisible
@chintankhetiya of the room!
@Khan pastie.org/6637041 see here
i created dynamic buttons here add is works perfectly and removing button is also works,but when i am going to remove button of middle one than it create issue that button is not going to remove
@Pallavi can you help me for my query :(
@Pallavi oye
@chintankhetiya follow this path in you Android SDK folder "extras\google\google_play_services\samples\plus\src\com\google\android\gms\samp‌​les\plus"
@RobinHood what happened?
Hi friends
@RobinHood provide demo bro!
@Abhi Hello, who are you?
@chintankhetiya google plus??
@Abhi hiii welcome
@AdilSoomro oye oye
@Pallavi kuch na
@RobinHood what?
@AdilSoomro I'm innocent :P
@RobinHood yeah yeah! I know!
@Pallavi not whole concept but right now i am not getting java file and jar file as is showing in page. see this where they are importing path
@Pallavi i am getting form <android-sdk-folder>/extras/google/google_play_services/. path but that all are blank
oops... i have no idea about this... i am sorry
okay no problem :(
i have one trouble
@chintankhetiya bapu... JSK
@RobinHood @Abhi @AdilSoomro hey bro.
@chintankhetiya You should first upgrade or download.
Android SDK Manager
@CapDroid hello!
can any one tell me how to block any application in andropid
@chintankhetiya then in SDK manager check Google play services are installed or not
@SibinF hi
Hi... i have a image button , when i click that button it background drawable image sholud change to another , when i click again it background will set to previous,... how can we do that???
@Venkat aaaha, smarter :P
@Venkat aaila baby...
@AdilSoomro whats going on?
@CapDroid JSK
@JaiSoni this is my xml in drawable pastie.org/6637117
I have a problem with viewpager adapter
can anybody help me
@JaiSoni see guys , that is installed
@JaiSoni u there.................????
Guys i got answer for my question. stackoverflow.com/questions/15477699/…
@RobinHood my sdk is upgraded up to latest
well done @kkarthickk
thnks,for me its working fine,if it works for all accept my answer
@chintankhetiya I have the same and I also have the sample inside google play service folder.. may be not properly installed in your system
@CapDroid nothing much, just usually awesome. you say!
@SibinF yes
@AdilSoomro too much work, nothing else...
@JaiSoni so you are getting all things which they are showing in web page ?
directly you can change the image by using onclick listener and a boolean variable @SibinF
@chintankhetiya yes
@JaiSoni D:\Chintan Khetiya\Android Kit\Android\android-sdk\extras\google\google_play_services so is it same path ?
@chintankhetiya yes
when updating pager adapter contents view is getting restored
and list displays first page every time I am updating my list with values
can anyone help me to figure out this issue?
@JaiSoni OMG 0_0
@chintankhetiya you have to import that library, and integrate in your project
@RobinHood but dude , in that form they are saying that import project from given path. leave it, else how can i get that lib which you are talking about
@JaiSoni u there?? u get any idea about my problem??????
@Venkat see this is my drawable xml with two images pastie.org/6637117 , when i click i need to change the background image to editorange, when i click again it shows the previous background... how we can do this??/
@SibinF follow this pastie.org/6637505
@AdilSoomro :) Was on bed for two days. Ill
@Hardik @CapDroid Hi hi
@Abhi so bed was ill??
Put proper gear not reverse gear :)
@Venkat verey very thanx....................
@AdilSoomro @RobinHood ok say how you are?
is it works for you ? @SibinF
@Venkat first when i click the button it will change to another color and toaste "changed" but when i clicked agin.. it is not changed????
@Venkat whts wrng??'/
Hello everyone
@Venkat i initialize the value of fun with false
how to stop thread in my code please check it pastie.org/6637598
I want to display list of image inside the widget that i create for my app, Can anyone help me to solve this out
@Abhi fine and shine!
@Venkat u there..?
when i click btnview then stop the stardownload method how to posible
@SibinF yes
@Venkat whats wrong???
Lets feed the troll:P:D
@chintankhetiya Do u know how to show list of images inside widget
@JaiSoni please
help me
@Venkat it worked
@Venkat thanx
any party is there for me @SibinF :p
@Venkat ...hehe.... one more doubt . that image button i crated for a calendar. using gridview,when i click a date i want to store that date into one string array..?how...?
if that date is present in the string array then remove...
can u give me any logic like earlier u given..
@Venkat i checked that i am not getting it
@Venkat u there?can u understand my problem
@SibinF nope
@rani after rooted your mobile then only it is possible
@Venkat i don't understand
@Venkat help me..
@SibinF show me ur code
@JaiSoni hii
R u there?>
Hi everyone
Q: Web View Not Loading HTML content

SameerI am loading check string inside a webview String Check = "<html><body><form action=\"https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/api/checkout/v2/checkoutForm/Merchant/**ID**\" id=\"BB_BuyButtonForm\" method=\"" + "post\" name=\"" +"BB_BuyButtonForm\" target=\"_top\">" ...

@Sameer congrats bro
@Hardik for what dost
@Sameer You solve this
@Hardik question..i mistakenly post it here
i want to post another discussion about garbage collection
HI all
I have created one android community to share your thought and discuss here
just see URL
@Hardik @Harish @RobinHood @furqi @Abhi @AdilSoomro
sorry for pinging your names
@Sameer Liked... good going bro
@Hardik thanks ,, you are the man
@Sameer I am :)
@Sameer Nice
@Sameer ok
@Sameer fb blocked in office kya ha link ma?
@furqi community page
i will send u on fb
@Sameer ok buddy
@Hardik: hi
@JaiSoni hi
I change layout on click on submit button but when I back to that layout I want to refresh that layout
@NiravRanpara @Rohit hello
@Hardik: yes
hws going this room?
I change layout on click on submit button but when I back to that layout I want to refresh that layout
I'd be very gratefull for any assistance on this point : stackoverflow.com/questions/15521639
androidannotations + maven related, I'm out of ideas
Good evening all...
SmsManager mSmsManager=SmsManager.getDefault();
mSmsManager.sendTextMessage(numbers, null, message, mSentIntent, null);
I am sending SMS using this code but it's not support all the sim card providers to send sms
I have imported import android.telephony.SmsManager; this package which supports both GSM and CDMA but i can't able to sms with airtel or aircel only sends by using BSNL or Reliance may i know what happening..
@Hardik I too having msn :P
@RobinHood :D
du kya?
Bubye friends
@RobinHood hahahha yes
@Abhi good bye
@RobinHood humare pass Gtalk he na chalega :P
MSN ki jarurat nai
nahi mujhe to MSN me hi chat karna he
because I too have MSN
bhai kal le lunga abhi bye bye :D
thik he kal teri waat lagata hu :D abhi ja tu
bye gyus good night...
Hi All
Q: Maven + AndroidAnnotations generated but not reachable classes

DaneoAlright. I'm attempting to create a project which is perfectly build able by using maven, and maven only. Currently I'm facing this issue of classes being generated, and working fine, as long as there is no reference in actual java code. Meaning, that if I create an example as in the documenta...

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