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1 hour later…
Q: How to record a video directly on Helix Server from my Android device?

prasad.gaiI am new to server side development. I want to work on an application and I need to record a video on Helix Server from my Android device through my application. I have installed the Helix Server on a Windows Server PC. In the Android application, I am trying to upload a recorded video on the He...

gm frndz.........:)
very good morning
@all Hi
@samir @prasad.gai @Appu morning friends... :)
@Rakesh very good morning dude
@Rakesh Hey, Morning!
@Appu Hi appu how are you?
Good Morning
@NareshSharma morning brother
I am good. Thanks. How about you @prasad.gai
@Appu I too good
@Pallavi @Abhi @Hardik @all Has some one worked on Navigationtabactionbar by using actionbarsherlock?
@Appu ask your issue
@Pallavi vgm...
Q: How to record a video directly on Helix Server from my Android device?

prasad.gaiI am new to server side development. I want to work on an application and I need to record a video on Helix Server from my Android device through my application. I have installed the Helix Server on a Windows Server PC. In the Android application, I am trying to upload a recorded video on the He...

@Rakesh we can speak in full forms rather than short cuts.... very good morning.
Q: Android "The specified child already has a parent." for Fragments onCreateView()?

RajaReddy PolamReddyGetting this error for fragments. FATAL EXCEPTION: main java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first. this is the code in onCreate() private static final String AD_UNIT_STANDARD_BANNER = "/6253334/dfp_example_...

@Rakesh gm
Yes sure Very Good Morning @Pallavi
@Pallavi It says SherlockFragmentActivity cannot be resolved to a type when I have a class like this FragmentDemoActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity
@samir short message service language is not encouraged in this room :)
I followed this link.
@NareshSharma @Pallavi @samir @NagarjunaReddy @Appu please help me on this:
A: Activity onResume()

Corey ScottI am assuming you have implemented the tabs as fragments. If this is true then you need to move the onResume() method from the Activity to the Fragment. Reference link to fragment lifecycle: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html

@Appu ok.. going through it now... cleaning the project didn't help?
@Pallavi gooooood morrrrrrrning pallllavi jiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
@Pallavi Didn't help.
@samir :) good morning
@Appu oh ok... wait let me go thought the code.. throw some logcat lines
Good Morning..
It's not making me run the program to show logcat lines. Because it shows errors in the project in activity class at his line ActionBar bar = getSupportActionBar(); Like Type mismatch: cannot convert from com.actionbarsherlock.app.ActionBar to android.app.ActionBar
typecasting didn't work too.
@Rakesh Have gone through your question but I didn't get clearly where you are saving data?
BTW are you using navigationtabs or just normal tabs?
anyone ever worked with ioio here????
I am using Normal Tabs with a Constant Class, and i am able to add and view items in cart tab also to get changes in total amount, now i just want to show updated quantity, except this everything works fine... @Appu
Where do you wanna show your updated quantity? I guess screenshots would give a better idea.
@Appu please check now i have added screen shot as well: stackoverflow.com/questions/15194520/activity-onresume
@Appu typecasting is not expected..
it seems you are not importing the action bar properly
I have done with the recent one 4.2 only. Will try it with 4.1 and will inform you. @Pallavi
@Rakesh Your changes are reflected when you are at present tab only?
@Appu i don't think the version is a problem... you imported the .jar file right?
No I added it as a library project.
@Appu ok you imported the whole project... then i don't think that should be a problem...
Hmmm.. Yeah. I have extracted zip and included it as a library project and linked it to my current project.
for ActionBar, check what you have imported... is it the package name of your sherlock library or the package name of your current app... i think it should be name of your library
Sorry, didn't get it.
26 mins ago, by Appu
It's not making me run the program to show logcat lines. Because it shows errors in the project in activity class at his line ActionBar bar = getSupportActionBar(); Like Type mismatch: cannot convert from com.actionbarsherlock.app.ActionBar to android.app.ActionBar
what do you mean by this?
ActionBar was not imported properly... some thing is missing...
Yeah. But I couldn't get any clue why it shows like that. Restarting the eclipse circumvented this error.
35 mins ago, by Appu
@Pallavi It says SherlockFragmentActivity cannot be resolved to a type when I have a class like this FragmentDemoActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity
But not the latter one.
which is getSupportActionBar() type mismatch.
@App Now step by step: First, I browse products under Products Tab and then selected required one to buy, Second i browse my Cart using Cart Tab and here i am able to see my selected Item along with Quantity and Price,
now i want to increase quantity of this product, therefore i went back to my Products Cart and here i have given new quantity like 10 in place of 1, and then i went back to Cart Tab to see changes in my quantity and in Total Amount, here i am getting changes in Total Amount but not in Quantity.
@NagarjunaReddy instead of onCreate(), write the initialization code in onCreateView() itself!
i am trying to use 2 surfaceview in my app.One is covering whole surface and another is used as preview from camera.
Whenevr i double tap the screen ,they should get swapped
any way to do it??
@Rakesh This means mGTotal changes are reflected and thus it's visible in the other tab. But not the changes of mItem_Detail. Check the differences between these two in case of declaration,initialization. As per your explanation it seems to me that mItem_Detail.size() is localized and when you change the tab it shows the original one.
@Pallavi @Appu @Abhi @HarryJoy hi good morning
@HarryJoy hello how are you?
remember me? and where is mark?
@Appu public class Constants {
public static ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> mItem_Detail = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
and then i am using this mItem_Detail in ViewCartActivity....
@Pallavi scrollView1.scrollTo(0, 150); why this scrollto is not work
@Goofy hello!!! good morning
@Pallavi finally i have solved the expansion files, and it works
@Pallavi this method is not work for me i have a 2 scrollview so i want to start 2 scrollview with scrolled position
scrollView1.scrollTo(0, 150);
@Goofy Heya! How are you doing?
@Goofy that's really great but how...!
scrollView1.scrollTo(0, -150);
@Appu i am good
@AndroidDepartment ok you want to like split the screen in 2 halves along the center horizontal?
@Pallavi there are some complications, it took me 2 days to understand and then 2 more days to implement and 1 day to make it perfectly working according to my requirement
@Pallavi i want to split screen in 2 vertical scrollview in that i add images dynamically i want tset down the 2 scrollview with -position from 1 scrollview
@Rakesh Okay. How you link up this Constants class variable to those two tabs?
<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/homelistlayout"
<ScrollView android:id="@+id/scrollview1"


<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/homelistlayout1"
See right side to paste code in the website and edit your ping.
@Pallavi Trying with 4.1 gives me double errors both Fragment and type mismatch.. Ugh.
@Goofy Have you any idea on actionbarsherlock navigation tabs?
@Appu sorry no idea
@AndroidDepartment ok i might take time to respond... so keep calm... going through code
@Pallavi ok
@Appu i have also updated code of Products.java please check: stackoverflow.com/questions/15194520/activity-onresume
@AndroidDepartment so this works???
as in does it divide the screen in 2 parts?
@Pallavi : Hi..GM
@Romil good morning
@Pallavi currently i put the static images for check scrollview after that i add dynamic images in this scrollview
@pallavi : i have a problem in seekbar
@Romil try not to use texting language here :)
@Romil haven't worked on seekbar...
just ask your question, if any one knows, they will answer
@AndroidDepartment for static image it works for all screen sizes?
no after that i get the screen width/2 and assing to imageview
@Rakesh What is that onClick() method. When it would be fired?
@Pallavi so i set it down the scrollTo(x,y) dynamically from screen size
@Appu i am using AddtoCart Button, for that click ....
@AndroidDepartment ok now, i you may have a workaround something like- have a text view with layout_height=0dp, layout_width=fill_parent, center_horizontal=true
and then you can have scroll views adjusted with respect to this text view
like- above textview and below text view.. that way you won't need to adjust it in your code
@Pallavi i send you screen shot so you can understand
@AndroidDepartment ok sure
@Rakesh When user clicks on AddtoCart button you are removing everything from the arraylist by looping it. Then again I can see you are adding only one value to it rather than updating with the present one.
@Appu yes i have given code to delete previous quantity of an item..
@AndroidDepartment oh!!! ok.. so you want 2 list views independent of each other
@Pallavi but 1 is scroll 2 is auto scroll
now as i said earlier, text view with center_horizontal=true, make it textview with center_vertical=true
Good Morning guys Have a good day :)
@Pallavi which type of view i want that is not possible in listview
@Pallavi that's why i use dynamic scrollview with custome layout
hmm ok
so any idea how to set 2 scrollview with - position
Good Morning
@Rakesh My doubt is everything is being removed and only one value is added. That is why you are getting quantity value as 1 always.
@Pallavi give comment in that question place.
@NagarjunaReddy did i solve your issue? :P
@Appu i am using below code to update quantity of an item, before moving to cart tab i am able to see updated quantity, but once i go to cart tab, then after not getting changes in Quantity:
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.mItem_Detail.size(); i++) {
if (Constants.mItem_Detail.get(i).get(TAG_NAME)
.equals(song_name)) {
@Pallavi i think now you completely understand second scrollview vertical right and 2 scrollview with minus position
@AndroidDepartment yes got it... but i think i will take time to think what exactly will go there,
@Pallavi ok
@Rakesh just check your code again, check where you are re-setting the value of the text which is not getting updated...
@Pallavi i am using below code to update quantity, and i am able to see changes in quantity if i will not move to Cart Tab by using this code: for (int i = 0; i < Constants.mItem_Detail.size(); i++) {
if (Constants.mItem_Detail.get(i).get(TAG_NAME)
.equals(song_name)) {
but if once i move to cart tab, i did not get any changes in updated quantity, so i guess i should use this code in ViewCartActivity also:for (int i = 0; i < Constants.mItem_Detail.size(); i++) {
if (Constants.mItem_Detail.get(i).get(TAG_NAME)
.equals(song_name)) {
but don't where to place and use to get updated quantities
Hello every one
how to check last item of ListView is fully visible in android ??
@Abhi : hello
@Pallavi: how to check last item of ListView is fully visible in android ??
@Rakesh: how to check last item of ListView is fully visible in android ??
@Jayesh tried this?
@Rakesh so you place it in onResume(), and it is not working??
@Pallavi: but where that code i have to keep ?? in Oncreate or in OnScroll Listener ??
@Jayesh where would you prefer to keep it?
@Pallavi one issue
@Pallavi: in my Application , I want to recognize that the last item is shown in List View while scrolling down , for that I just set onScrollListener of list view and find the way stackoverflow.com/questions/5123675/… , but problem is that onScroll method is called initially without scrolling the list view down
@Pallavi: so can you help me please to solve this issue ??
Good day guyz does anyone here knows how to view an pdf inside your application? without using 3rd party application just api or any jar files
@Jayesh you want to find the last item of current showing list or last item of the list view?
@Laux where is the PDF you want to display located? locally or online?
@Pallavi: you there ??
Q: Reading PDF from within an Android application

Jayakrishnan MelethilI am looking for a library/API that I wish to integrate to an Android application so that I can read any PDF files from within the application instead of using any third party applications! By any PDF, I mean, say an Article in a magazine. I have the entire content of the article in PDF format....

@Jayesh i asked u some thing
locally @Pallavi I tried online into my previous project and it works fine
@HarryJoy without using 3rd party application he said... :)
Q: Android API for Reading PDF

Christian Eric Paran Possible Duplicate: PDF parsing library for Android? How to read pdf in my android application? I have to make a application that would read a PDF document. I don't want to use external application to read PDF document. is there an API for reading PDF that i can implement in my appl...

@Laux for local PDF files, you have to have a 3rd party app, coz as of now, android does not have in-built PDF reader
@Pallavi Yes I showed ways with third party API not using third party application
there is a diff in api and an application
3 mins ago, by Laux
Good day guyz does anyone here knows how to view an pdf inside your application? without using 3rd party application just api or any jar files
i just mentioned app, but he specified no API's too...
nor jars
sorry guys\
just api or any jar files does this means without api and jar?
i mean not apps
@Pallavi: sorry, i just see your message now, I want method that tell me that last item of listview is shown while scrolling not the last item of current showing list
just api or library
T_T crap wrong taughts
@HarryJoy ok ok ... my mistake..
@Pallavi :)
my bad guys
i just want api or jar file
i tried pdfviewer.jar
@Laux you want API or jar's but no apps?
in that case you already have a lot of options!
but it seems my eclipse keep on errors about java heaps
@Jayesh so it should return you some thing like - if first 10 items are showing, when user scrolls, return you 11,12,13 etc value??
@Pallavi: got my question ??
@Jayesh not really
any ways, i don't think i understand your question... @Abhi, @AdilSoomro can you guys help @Jayesh in his issue?
@Pallavi: muze bas itna chahiye ki , mere pass list view he usme 10 items he, jab me scroll down karu aur 10 th item(last item) dikhe, tab muze pata chalna chahiye ki list view ki last item dikhi muze
didn't understand either can you elaborate your question
@Jayesh may be you are looking for this:
Q: Android: Detecting When ScrollView Hits Bottom

Peacecraft Possible Duplicate: How to trigger an event when scrollView reach the bottom with Android? I have been trying for an hour or so to detect when my scrollView gets to the bottom of the screen. Due to the various screen sizes and what not involved with Android, I can't simply say it's at...

@HarryJoy: onScrollChabged method is for ScrollView , but i have to do that for ListView.
@Jayesh then may be this:
Q: Find out if ListView is scrolled to the bottom?

fhuchoCan I find out if my ListView is scrolled to the bottom? By that I mean that the last item is fully visible.

@HarryJoy: That is not working, see my comment on that question
is any other solution ??
hi.... gud af noon @Jayesh, @HarryJoy, @Laux
good afternoon @KarthikeyanKarthik
hi did u know android global variables....
@KarthikeyanKarthik : Create application varu=iable
@Abhi hi
@NiravRanpara... this is not.... now i need android Global variables.. its store all data in global.
@Abhi have u worked on paypal
@NiravRanpara hey
@Aamirkhan No, I already told i think :P
@chintankhetiya : yes
you mail me in Gmail
@KarthikeyanKarthik : If you want to store Global data then you have to use Application
Q: Store application global data

Harikrishnan RHi What is the best way to store global objects/instances through out the application ?

@chintankhetiya: What ?
@chintankhetiya : you send me request and pls dont disturb me !
@Abhi :P
now i ll try this...@NiravRanpara
@NiravRanpara i haven't , actually you have send me two mail, so okay,
@chintankhetiya : you send me and ask question , please do this do this
sorry , i haven't
I query text from database and set it to TextView. but it isn't order. pastie.org/6377713#52 imgur.com/Mft5Ehu @chintankhetiya
@All does anyone knows how to crop an image and save it based on the new size of the crop image? because i manage to crop though it's just that the size is different.
@Pallavi aka :D
GoogleMap map; how i get this library?
Q: Query text from database to display in TextView but Text isn't order

kongkeaI queried text(title) from database and I display it in TextView but when It displays, it isn't order. And it just display one title that title is in the last index of title column. how can I display it all and order from first to last? ImageAdapter public class ImageAdapter extends BaseAdapte...

D:\Software\android-sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib it showing me error that thair is no project to import what i do?
@All any body worked on google map api v2?
@Harish @Ramakrishna @kongkea
you should copy your library folder to eclipse workspace and import it@Kirti
@kongkea ya did that still it is showing me same error at the time of importing that No projects are found to import
can you give me link to your library ?
D:\Software\android-sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject here it is
eclipse workspace is where you save your project @Kirti
@LalitPoptani Don!!! :D had gone out for lunch :)
@kongkea its not 100% true; you can have your source code at different location then inside workspace. Workspace can only have Eclipse's configuration files.
just for info :)
@Pallavi yeah I know that ;)
this is my experient I used to use this way. and it work for me. :) @HarryJoy
anyone can solve my problem
@HarryJoy hi
@Goofy hi
@HarryJoy remember me? where is mark?
@kongkea yeah most of out there uses it this way !!! :P
@Goofy yeah.
His account is merged with mine.
@LalitPoptani hmm....
@HarryJoy oh ok ... how are you ?
good. Thanks :)
in listview i have dyanmically add toggle button problem is that when i click on button and scroll down then button state will go Off State plz help me for solving this issue
hi Pallavi
@RobinHood hi
@rani mess with getview method of listview
@Goofy hey
i will give u full getview method
@RobinHood nothing buddy i have solved the expansion file issue and it works now
@Goofy Great post the solution too.
@rani use pastie.org
for pasting code
@RobinHood yes
m waiting for solution
In getView we always recreate view , so how you can expect that a button will store its previous state even after getView called again .
so what to do
so store states inside an array for every button and set state according to this array inside getView() itself .
by:-Shailendra Rajawat
how to do that
A: Button events in listview

HiralLets say you have CustomAdapter.class to populate your listview,then: public class CustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> { String[] array; Context mContext; LayoutInflater mInflater; int[] buttonStates; public CustomAdapter(Context context, int textViewResour...

what is the way
Hi @all
Can any one tell me , how i can swap Layout on left slide ,and on right slide ,
i am using touch method..
can u please modify that code only
robin plz can u please modify that code only
If I will do then what you will do?
i will try thanku soooooooooo much for ur reply
na something different not thank
@RobinHood JSK
panipuri for 6 month :P
NMG !!
its a new Gujarati Movie :P
OMG is a 2012 Bollywood courtroom comedy film directed by Umesh Shukla. The film features Paresh Rawal in the lead role, along with Akshay Kumar and Mithun Chakraborty in pivotal roles. The storyline is based on a Gujarati stage-play entitled Kanji Virudh Kanji. Made on a budget of , the film received positive response from critics upon release. It managed to do well at the box office, and was declared a super hit grosser. Plot Kanji Lalji Mehta (Paresh Rawal), a middle-class atheist-Hindu owns a shop of Hindu idols and antiques in Chor Bazaar, Mumbai. One day, a low-frequency earthquak...
yes i will give u
@rani how?
@@@@@@@@@@@@ take this
@RobinHood Is it Jalebi ?
@RobinHood :D
or chakeri ?
its only Puri where is Pani ?
pani kal milega
8 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
Then its call Dry Puri :D @rani
@Villan Smarty
@chintankhetiya SHARPY
@Goofy: hey..
@Ghost namskara,
@Goofy namskara.. yeah.. i'm good.. thanks.. how abt you?
how's the new (a bit old) job?
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 15:00

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