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03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

hi @ all
please i need help with this
Why are you allocating and delaying in onDraw?? — alex 1 hour ago
Good morning All
Q: A false "Webpage not available" error

NezamI have been seeing this for quite some time.I am on ICS 4.0.4 tablet. Most of the times when i open a Webview the page displays correctly.But sometimes,the same page doesnt display and i get a silly Webpage not available. Note: The url has an extra # the pages i load are local this generally h...

Good morning to all ... have a great day ... :)
A very good morning to all of you guys :)
good morning all :)
@Pallavi sorry for yesterday, i was not here when you ping me .
@chintankhetiya no probs :)
Good morning
@Nezam is it ok to lock orientation?
@Abhi hey! good morning
@Nezam we did face same problem, but then we couldn't find a work around for it, so we locked the orientation :P
@RobinHood hellos
@Pallavi Oye, how you doing?
@Abhi am doing good... how about you?
Me too good
@all Hi
good morning every one
@Abhi @Pallavi Heya! Need help on handling orientation changes.
@Appu and what might that be?
I used asynctask to get the data from the server, so in the onpreexecute() I show progress dialog. At the moment the dialog is shown and the doInBackground runs, if at all I change the orientation, the app force closes. @Pallavi
I can keep android:configChanges, but I don't want that at all as it is not preferred.
hey guys i have a query !!1
@Appu what is the logcat when app force closes?
Leaked a window error. @Pallavi
@Appu hmm in that case, you have to override onOrientationChanged as it is trying to re-start activity
@appu could u help me out i have a query related to encryption/ decryption in android/php
do u know anything about it
a serious issue i have
@Pallavi Sorry I didn't get you. I didn't know about that overridable method. What should I do in that method?
dood m also toking to u ..
@rawD3buGGG3R Sorry, that is a new one up on me. I am busy even to look at that.
@rawD3buGGG3R Have patience I was trying to respond.
You can edit your ping.
@rawD3buGGG3R just ask your query, if any one knows the answer, they will reply.. and don't expect soon results as every one has their own work, people will solve your issues asap anyways :)
Anyways what's your issue, just ping here. If anyone knows they will answer. Are you following any private algorithm?
@Pallavi i have done the same always
@Nezam locked orientation?
@Appu no .. m doing it with AES that i have by default in android. I have an encrypted String with me and i am sending it to my php page .. :( but how to decrypt that .. is AES is same on both end?
@Nezam How could you manage it without using onConfigChanges?
@Appu along with android:configChanges you need to override onConfigurationChanged() method in your class file.
i have always used portrait and locked the other
i am waiting for a fine day when the client tells me to support that
in manifest its android:screenorientation can do that :D
@Nezam ok and now it is not giving any issue right?
@Pallavi But that is not preferred. So I just wanna let activity destruct and then restart.
@Pallavi just declare it in your manifest that you wanna use portrait
@Appu in that case, you need to dismiss the progress bar dialog box before you re-load the activity
@Nezam yes right that's how we have to do it
no no issues alhumdulillah
@Pallavi Let me do it then in the onPause or in onStop.
@Appu in onPause or onStop, just dismiss the dialog ... then you won't get error
yes right :)
Today we pinged 2 times the same sentences almost. :D
I am actually following a graceful solution for that with reference of Commonsware asyncrotation.
hi all
anyone please help me to sort this out. stackoverflow.com/questions/15128926/…
Hello Friends
Anyone here who can help me over DNS Setiings in Android?
Q: onConfigurationChanged() calling twice when change orientation Landscape to Portrait

chintan khetiyai am getting strange issue in my app. The main issue that i have asked here. issue is android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation" is not working in my code. so i have found the solution to manage it by @Override onConfigurationChanged() method in my code to manage orientation. but yet t...

@chintankhetiya :D
@Appu no more option ! its big issue. hope some one help me
@chintankhetiya I hate this orientation changes irrespective of its pros as it has no direct solution. Ugh.
its danger,so many developer getting issue ,may be due to Tab
Hi @Pallavi
@chintankhetiya But I wonder why the system calls it twice. Might be you are going wrong somewhere.
@Pallavi have you any idea for page swapping with indicator in nadroid
@Appu no i have log you can see in that page, even now i am scared what is going actually ?
@ManojPal search for view pager
I have and got library on github.. but not willing to use library
@ManojPal this one?
then you have to do it manually...
your main XML file will contain an image view, below it will be your linear layout which will hold the dots/ page indicator
and then in your class file you need to handle the image swap
@Pallavi i need to implement 6 page and all contain either textview, edittext and spinner or button.
@ManojPal then use library
coz this method, you are allowed to have only image view... it will be too complex if you want to swap activities...
@Pallavi Have you seen the above link?
@Appu blog one or git one?
git one is linked in the blog one. So, both.
@Pallavi ok .. means i need to use above library :(
hi eveyone
Hey stackunderflower
i have a question for u...@appu
@Appu hmm ok... yes saw both... if you don't want to lock orientation, then i guess it's not possible, and yes, the async task goes on in the background... just the separate UI is not shown... what i asked you to do was, in onStop/onPause, just dialog.dismiss...
@ManojPal for your convenience, else, it's quite a tedious job, you need to have a tab view and tab group and then customize it to look like the desired view... it would be a headache and time consuming, so library is better :)
@Pallavi what you think about my issue ?
@Pallavi Have done already and circumvented the error and thank you very much for that. But the thing is- suppose if the background thread takes 10 secs time, and if I change orientation at 5th second, the progress dialog dismisses at that moment. But I need to show up again the progress dialog for the remaining 5 seconds?
@chintankhetiya it's a global issue... but can't find workaround for it... albeit, you can do 1 more thing, i assume you starting the progress dialog box on click of some button... now, what you can do is, disable the button till the async task finises it's activities, and then you can enable it again in onPostExecute()
@stackUnderflow What's that?
greetings fellow humans
check out the question posted... let me no the solution
@c0dem0nkey hello!
where do you get your apps
i mean test.
@Pallavi hey man.
QA team does it.. with limited number of devices... you may give it to some of your friends Friendly customers who can give you review of the app :)
@c0dem0nkey make it girl :)
@Pallavi for what i have to do that? i have append one more query about it. like how to save data when change the orientation. again want same data when change the mode. also that will work for me
@stackUnderflow Are you using alert dialog to show?
@Pallavi youre a girl? that what u mean?
Hi guys
@Pallavi that took me so much time to absorb.
@chintankhetiya Then you need to use onSaveInstanceState() or the other.
@Sameer Sup!
1 min ago, by c0dem0nkey
@Pallavi hey man.
@Pallavi well im not developing it under a company. im developing independently
what do you think which mistake generally we do while making our app..Checkout and let me know androidtrainningcenter.blogspot.in/2013/01/…
@Appu yes that i know but don't know how to mange it
@Pallavi alright i get it
@c0dem0nkey in that case too i have answered your question :)
@what ide do you use
@Appu sup??
how to do expression evaluation in java like 1+2*3/2 ..
@chintankhetiya checked this
hello friends,
first of all i need to find all the proximity alerts present in the particular area , how to get that one.
@c0dem0nkey eclipse Indigo version
@Sameer What's up!
@Pallavi but under development, where do you initially test? do you use adnroid VDM
@Pallavi how can open instagram link in instagram app from application.
@c0dem0nkey yes, but i also have a few devices with me
@Pallavi thanks, i will work on it
@Hasmukh no idea sorry :)
@Pallavi i only have a galaxy mini with me. should i buy some more?
@Appu ok i am good yaar ,, how are you
okey np,
@c0dem0nkey if you have the money and you are on a spending spree yes, else you can configure different VDM
@Sameer I am good. Thanks.
@Appu hows things going dude?
@Pallavi lol im not.
@stackUnderflow Sorry, no idea. I thought your's was a general question, but you are turning it to proximity specific.
@Sameer Going in a sluggish manner. What about your side?
@Pallavi theres a local brand here of android phones. do you think it will do as a test device
@Sameer nice... :)
@Appu time moving very fast..
@Harpreet how i can open insagram link in insagram from android application.?
@c0dem0nkey any device can be a test device... try getting a nexus... it's the best test device...
@Pallavi thanks pallavi,
@Sameer Yes time is moving very fast. But not things at my side. But you are doing lots of good things making move quickly like this. :)
@appu thanks for ur reply...

question is that i want to mark each and every house in a street.
If i start moving it should show all the houses marked in that street.
hope its clear nw..
@Appu ha ha but i stopped giving time to it since last one month
and m thinking to stop now
@Sameer yeah. But one is a good number per month besides doing the task and why do you wanna stop?
@Appu because it need lots of time with almost no benefit
@Sameer Oh! Okay. But it defines your knowledge, enthusiasm towards subject and the helping nature towards others. But still I can understand that even benefit is important ;) Aren't you getting any ads?
@Appu no yaar, i applied but Google repeatdly reject it with no reason
@Appu they said they are bound to specify reason,
@Appu whats u real name buddy?
Oh! BTW sorry, I forgot to mail you as you asked on the other day
@Appu about what?
@all In java file of my android appln, i used a line setContentView(R.layout.welcome);
But it shows errors as
- welcome cannot be resolved or is
not a field
- R cannot be resolved to a variable
Please anyone solve the issue?
@RenjithJR Try to clean your project and restart eclipse.
@Appu, @stackunderflow, @pallavi, @Hasmukh, @c0dem0nkey
Any idea on the above said issue
@Appu I did it.
Are you running a simple project? @RenjithJR
,as i am new 2 android
@renjithJR clean ur project once
@stackunderflow: s, i hav cleaned and restarted. But issue not solved.
@RenjithJR Okay. Then create a new project as you said it's simple it doesn't take much time. Try not to copy paste, develop from scratch..
My java file is
package com.example.androidlogin;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class WelcomePage extends Activity {
Bundle myValues;
private TextView welcomeMsg;
private Button backButton;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
@renjithJR hw u cleaned ur project?
@stackunderflow: ssssssssssssssss
i dont think ill be getting a nexus just for a test device
@renjithjr how u cleaned ur project?
@Pallavi lol
@Pallavi i dont think ill be getting a nexus just for a test device
From Project->Clean
Hi guys need help in listview can anybody help me ??
R.java file not generated in my android appln and so it shows error as R cannot be resolved. Any suggestions?
not me im just starting to cross over to android :(
guys what device do you test in
Nexus S
do i need a new nexus just for testing?
like the nexus 4
@RenjithJR: you may have some error in your `res` folder.
If not then `clean` your project.
@MAC: R.java file not generated automatically in my android appln.Y/
once clean the project
sss, i have cleaned the project by Project->Clean.
right click on that project and build the project
@RenjithJR: check your RES folder
thern may be some error over there
@MAC: [2013-02-28 14:01:48 - AndroidLogin] C:\Users\renjith.PSY.000\Desktop\AndroidLogin\res\menu\main.xml:3: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'showAsAction' in package 'android'
[2013-02-28 14:01:48 - AndroidLogin] C:\Users\renjith.PSY.000\Desktop\AndroidLogin\res\menu\main.xml:3: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'title' with value '@string/action_settings').
@RenjithJR: in main.xml
@MaC These r the errors in XML.How 2 solve?
remove this attribute
I am new 2 android.
@MAC the second error
you need to create one string in string.xml named action_settings
open string.xml
and typed <string name="action_settings">Action</string>
Guys who can.. just flag this as not welcome in our community.Its hate speech and slang use :
A: client-server mobile application in android

Jono JamesYou know what fuck stack overflow there are idiot trolls on this site down voting good questions .Then they look at all your posts and down-vote them all bunch of retards However use Google Cloud Messaging service to forward the details

Is it correct?
@RenjithJR yah think so
<string name="hello_world">Hello world!</string>
Another error in the xml file
<RelativeLayout xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"
android:layout_height="fill_parent" >
guys getFromLocationName is not working in 2.3.3 @Pallavi @Abhi
Showing error msg as Incorrect line ending: found carriage return (\r) without corresponding newline (\n)
@RenjithJR: I think you have deleted :: />
<RelativeLayout xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"
android:layout_height="fill_parent" >
</RelativeLayout <---- missing
@MAC the complete code is
<RelativeLayout xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"

android:typeface="serif" />

@RenjithJR: all okey
please remove code from here
use pastie.org
if needed in future
Just save and clean your project
Hi ,I am using the solution provided in this question stackoverflow.com/questions/… .. it is working fine for me but the list item animation is not working smooth .. please help me on that
@Shruti paste your full link
Q: List view snap to item

nininhoI'm creating a list of pictures using a ListView and the photos are of a size that would fit 2 to 3 photos on the screen. The problem that I'm having is that I would like to when the user stops scrolling that the first item of the visible list would snap to the top of screen, for example, if the...

question is asked by some other developer
yes but that solution is what i wanted but now list is not scrolling smoothly .. so do u have any solution for that ?? if yes then please help me
guys need help on LocationManager @Shruti @Pallavi
@Harish hi, yes, reverse geocoding return null in 2.3.3
@Harish : yes what help you need for location manager ?
getFromLocationName() is not working in 2.3.3 @Pallavi @Shruti
@Harish : see this
Q: Does geocoder.getFromLocationName not work on emulators?

AaronI am working on an app that takes the user input and then center the map on what the user entered. I have properly installed the google maps API. The map shows up. I also made sure the emulator is google API. I have tested my code and the geocoder.getFromLocationName returns null. I have look...

and this
Q: Geocoder getFromLocationName is not finding address

LawrenceGSGeocoder getFromLocationName is not returning anything if I'm searching for business places. Here are my finding so far: grocery places, commercial buildings -> no result schools -> finding results, but only returning Latitude and Longitude. I have to do reverse geocoding in order to get the ad...

@Shruti in those one of it that guy has implemented that pragmatically where as in other no clarity .
@Harish what it is saying?
@Abhi same thing is working 4.0.3 where is in 2.3.3 it is not working..
@Harish yes, i know docs do say that geocoding was introduced in API level 1 but it doesn't work for version below 4.0
@Pallavi Are you sure?
@Abhi yes, reverse geo coding / getting address from latitude- longitude doesn't work for devices below 4.0
So any device that doesn't come with Market, GMail etc will also be missing the Geocoder back-end
@RobinHood oh! is that the logic! i didn't know, and i thought it was version related issue!
A: Why is Android Geocoder throwing a "Service not Available" exception?

Ollie CI asked Google's Reto Meier to confirm my theory was correct and he says..."Correct. The geocoder is part of the Google API add-on that isn't part of the AOSP" So any device that doesn't come with Market, GMail etc will also be missing the Geocoder back-end

Even m also came to know from^^
O_o ohk!!!
Then soltuion? @Pallavi @RobinHood Google api i guess
well actually it worked on Nexus and it doesn't work on Ace. Both came with pre- installed gmail and market
that's why i concluded it is version dependent!
@Abhi well, i used Google Api to compile it, but that's again not working...
Why ?? ,google api should work i think
@Abhi @Appu @AdilSoomro @Pallavi hi
@prasad.gai hello
@Abhi nope not working at all :(
@Pallavi how are you?
i am good. how about you?
What is the Issue?
I too
@Pallavi @Abhi can u please help on issue?
Say we will try if we can :)
@Abhi Robin gave a link, check the last comment by Turbo
Q: how to record a video directly on helix server from my android device?

prasad.gaiI am new to server side development.I would like work on an application that application I need to record a video on helix server from my android device through my application.I have installed helix server on Windows server PC. In my android application I am trying to upload recording video on he...

this is very importent
i am trying it from past 3 weeks
please help me
@Pallavi in devices only will it work ha on emulators it will not work haaaaa
@Harish i guess so...
@Pallavi ok. thanks for info :)
@prasad.gai No idea
how to post data on http ??/
@Pallavi @Abhi any another alternative way is similar to my question?
@rawD3buGGG3R what have you tried?
@prasad.gai nope.. no idea sorry
@prasad.gai do you want some thing like live streaming? then there are a few projects on git which do that
or you can just record video then upload it to server...
@Pallavi I would like to connect to server and send my live recording video to that server.
@prasad.gai search for some thing like live streaming recording
@Pallavi I saw all examples those are all recording video on sdcard
get streaming from sdcard by treating device as server
all are like that for android
@prasad.gai Sorry no idea. But how do you transfer the video to server? I mean which way you are following?
what app did you check?
@Pallavi WiFiCamera,spy_droid,android_recorder,etc
spy_driod i think shares screenshots
@Appu I have installed Helix server on my windows server 2003 PC
@Pallavi I wonder why GeoCoder doesn't work on all cases
@prasad.gai Okay. But what way you follow to transfer the data?
@prasad.gai used IP Camera Recorder ?
@Appu I am trying to send my streaming to server by using http
@Appu my live video stream should be record on helix server
@Appu hmm no idea :)
@Pallavi @AdilSoomro @Appu hi how to run off line google map in device
@RishiGautam don't think that is supported for all android devices...
@Appu I tried with Socket it is returning true if i check isConnected()
@Pallavi I am going mad. I have used everything in an app and the issues seem to be endless.
@Pallavi give any idea :P
@prasad.gai You mean httpPost()?
@AdilSoomro i want to stop the animation for out next activity means when i redirect the nextactivity is directly display generally activity is dispaly like sliding but i want to display activity instantly instead of sliding
is this possible
@Appu yes
if it works
@Pallavi ?
@Pallavi How did you manage to get the location details on all devices. Or at least what are the things I need to take care to get it worked on most of the devices?
@prasad.gai What's your server side script?
@AdilSoomro and this animation for only single layout
not for all
stop animation in activity when 2 activity start
is display instatnly
@RishiGautam no idea sirji.. check this blog it says We're not all seeing it on our devices yet, but the updated version has already been spotted on a Galaxy Nexus or two.
@Appu see, getLocation() get's the latitude-longitude in no time
@Appu is it work with http for helix server
I am new to server side development
I did not ever work for server side developement
@Appu the conversion from latitude-longitude to area- Eg- Koregaon Park, Pune is difficult as it uses server interaction
@Pallavi 1 more thing how to show current location of the user in my app
@RishiGautam on map??
@RishiGautam get cuttent location lati and longi pass those to Geocoder to display pointer
@Pallavi Yeah. getLocation in the LocationListener gets long and lat very quickly. But the conversion from lat,long to adress doesn't work? That is what GeoCoder class task has to do. Right?
//set the default zoom level
final MapController mapController = mMapView.getController();
@prasad.gai It's okay if you haven't worked before. But what are you thinking to make use of?
@Appu yes right but like i said, it didn't work for some devices
@Appu is it required to write any server side devlopment in case of Helix server?
@prasad.gai apiKey is different
@Pallavi Are there any other ways to circumvent this issue even on that few devices? Or you left it like that?
use your api key there
@prasad.gai I don't have idea on Helix server, but I believe it's no different from other servers like tomcat, xampp, wamp
Correct me if I am wrong.
@Appu No helix server will collect video files like as ftp server
@Appu i left it
What have you shown in that cases? Like unable to find location.@Pallavi
@prasad.gai Oh! Okay. Will let you know if I find any.
@Appu yes, i check if it is 4.0 or less, if less then straight away say it is unable to find location
@RishiGautam ..how r u doing buddy
@Pallavi It doesn't work on devices that are less than 4.x ? o_O
The GeoCoder Class in android is totally depends on Device. It require data packets for getting GeoCode or ReverseGeocode, so before checking on device make sure you have DataPackets enable. If then also it not works you can Use Google API
@AnimeshSinha You mean we need to differentiate in the code whether the location can be gotten from the geocoder, if not then use google api?
03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

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