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@All GM
morning morning
Good Morning
Good morning
good morning people's
@alex How to get Telephone number in android
hi good mrng
can anyone help me out with a simple issue guys??
@alex i tried using TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String strphonenumber = tm.getLine1Number(); but getLine1Number() is returning null .
Regarding the problem loading while clicking a button
@Danny Say the issue
yeah when i click the button it goes to next activity during that time it takes nearly 10-15 secs
Q: How to get fast output in which calculation part has to be done by clicking button in Android?

DannyMy Problem is while clicking the button it goes to next Activity during that time it takes nearly 10-12 secs for loading the values in next activity.Please help me from this issue and suggestions will be appreciable. Here is the code: Button mButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.pay); mButton.s...

check this once @Abhi
@Nutan check if the number is displayed in Settings-> About Phone . If it is not showing in Settings, then it is the issue of the carrier... At times, the carrier do not allow to save phone number on SIM cards, so you are not able to get the phone numbers... same code might work for other carriers...
@Danny Use Asynctask to do calculations/loading, and show Progressdialog while calculation
@Pallavi Yes it is not showing in settings . Any other way of getting phone number ??
@Abhi same answer!!! :D
@Nutan nope.. absolutely no other method at all... getting phone number is not- reliable, better ask the user to get his/her phone number...
and then you can have some server side verification like sending sms to check the validity of the phone number...
here i mentioned the progress dialog as one sec
but still there it takes more loading time @Abhi
@Danny Use AsyncTask
Dont paste code here
@ALL Hi I need to work on JUNIT3 testing on android.I select junit3 test and run but I got this error " Failed to launch test"in Console .Please help me .....
@Abhi hello
@Danny what all things are you trying to do in your 2nd activity's onCreate()??? check that... i think that process is time consuming
good after noon bhai log
@RobinHood @Aamirkhan AVGAN
Hi all
stackoverflow.com/questions/15038385/… see this.if you have any experiance with this then guide me.
Hello Guys
@Pallavi Hey :)
@CapDroid JSK
@chintankhetiya JSK bro..
@pallavi c2.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
c2.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 9);
c2.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); i want to know that what is value for 12 pm its 23 or 24?
hi guys @ ALL
i have one doubt
anybody is there
@peter throw your query, if any one would know, will surely help you!
i have one button in my app. if i click that button it open a website in that site have one video if i click that video nothing is played. But i put seperate sample app and put button and click that button it plays well. i donno how to implement
can anybody plz help me
@peter have you put internet permission to your manifest?
@Adil soomro c2.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12);
c2.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 9);
c2.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0) c2.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 24);
c2.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 9);
c2.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0) in both condition my alarm is not working is thair is any issue with 12pm and 12am
@AdilSoomro i having issue in that timing only another timing alarm is working fine,so any solution for this?
@chintankhetiya hello
@Kirti 12pm = 12; 12 am= midnight= 00 hrs
@pallavi ok let me try
@Pallavi how are you ?
@Kirti sure!
@chintankhetiya i am good. how about you?
that's grate. ! i am also fine.
finally i have created a custom control like spinner and now its working good.
ok good.. what changes did you make?
i have not use that same code. create custom dialog append List View inside Dialog and manage according to that. at the end custom dialog inside custom List so its my custom spinner.
i tried that reference in new project but they also giving me same output. so at the end i decide to go with older idea .
@Pallavi too good done thanks :)
@Kirti :) good
@SwapAndroid: hi dude
hello @MahaveerMuttha
i need help
@chintankhetiya good for you it worked!!!
I want to display popup frame-view(video view) when user click on link on web view
@chintankhetiya hello
@chintankhetiya can you help me?
@Pallavi :) have you created spinner like that ? mean custom spinner in which width should be fix ?
@SwapAndroid will try
Hi all frnds
@chintankhetiya custom spinner- yes, fixed width, i don't think there would be any problem in it
@chintankhetiya: @AdilSoomro: @Abhi: hey guys @SwapAndroid this is new member in our group and he is good friend of mine please help him if you guys can....
@chintankhetiya i am using webview to show offline web site which is store in assets folder and when user click on video link i want to display popup frameview and into that frame view i want to play video from assets folder or from sd card..and after video finish again redirect back to web view
@Pallavi Good. so one thing is fix that may be issue is some were else. butter luck next time
I am calling a function in a button click event and that button is instantiated onCreate method. problem is that the code in my funcion is executing before I click the button I mean onCreate() method
How can I resolve this
@MahaveerMuttha thanks
any one Please tell me
@SwapAndroid where is issue ?
@chintankhetiya i dont know how can i achieve this.. how to display popup view kind of
@Ganesh: just initialize your button in onCreate() and set onClickListner there and use implements onClickListner it will override obClick() method and write your code there
paste your code in pastie.org
mean you want to play video in dialog box and after completion its should be redirect ?
@Ganesh : got your solution?
Please look at this
no @MahaveerMuttha
@Ganesh its impossible. may be that function is also calling in onCreate() . or write system.out.println() inside your function so you can identify
how to remove or hide alla thor fragments?
How can a function is called which is declared under a button click event without clicking a button? @chintankhetiya
debug it.
Hello. I want to run my app only in api level 8 device.
How to restrict app installation on api level 7 and below version.
how to remove or hide all athor fragments?
Q: how to create android app with app widget in single application

HarshidI have already done one android application which is store Date with person name and phone number. now i have to develop one widget for this application to show today(date,personname,number) with button . Requirement: Single application with app and widget. When i am click on button which is ...

@chintankhetiya I have tried just adding small toast on their click event
the toast came after click only not onCreate but the function is calling
how can this possible?
*the function is onClick() of abutton
i have seen it.
what is the task of function working ?
Connecting to bluetooth printer
@Ganesh may be onClick of Button is being fired when Activity is trying to set the initial state of Button, why don't you try to give android:onClick="methodName" attribute to Button tag in your layout xml?
I am new to android. Can anyone provide me a simple android application code to study the basics of android?
but that is not a good process I think so
@Ganesh how could you say that, if api gives us an attribute, that means its standardize approach :)
Okay let me try once boss
still same problem
@all Hi to all
persists @chintankhetiya
@chintankhetiya hello .. can you help me to show a popup frame ( sub view of main view) and that popup view contain video view over web view..i am totally confuse from where should i start to write code to have this kind of functionality
@Ganesh can you share your whole Activity's code?
@SwapAndroid what about a custom dialog.
Yeah sure
@AdilSoomro pastie.org/6332904
here is my code link and calling those functions in onClick of a button
how i can restric my app not to install in android version 2.2 or below
@Ganesh where is onCreate() ?
sorry it was here
@Ganesh is that the whole onCreate()
here is full onCreate() method

});//After here you have started your method So it is inside oncreate method

public void IntentPrint(String txtvalue)
//This function is implemented outside of onCreate method but the code in this method is also executing onCreate time only. It is also calling onbutton press along with onCreate() how to resolve this
@Guri use <uses-sdk
android:targetSdkVersion="15" />
yeah that function is implemented outside of onCreate method only and I called that function in onCreate- onclick of button
@Ganesh I think you may call that method some where inside oncreate
@AdilSoomro custom dialog ohh is it possible to add video view in custom dialog?
I have posted the entire code see I am not calling that any where else
show me your full code as of implemented by you
@SwapAndroid yeah, it can be a custom dialog or an Activity with dialog theme.
@Ganesh where is your IntentPrint() at out side onCreate method
yes it is outside of onCreate method only
please show it to me there
@AdilSoomro ok i will try to have custom dialog to play video.. but problem is that how can i come to know that which video link is clicked? because i am displaying html page in web view and that html page contain the video link..
@SwapAndroid send your question by posting on StackOver flow
hi guys
@AdilSoomro is there any way to retrive user clicked url from html to java code..than i can check in java code which url is clicked and according to that i can play
Q: How can I record touches?

jj33Is there an existing app I can install that will record my touch interactions in the background? I just saw this and it made me want to play around with my touch data to see what it looked like. Didn't turn up any likely candidates here or in the Market. Google seemed to indicate that it is ce...

@Ganesh Every thing is fine
it will never execute without fire a button event
but it is firing
what may be the problem?
does I need to show my Manifest file?
@AdilSoomro Thank you so much....
but the remaining two button clicks are not executing before onClick
only the 3rd button btnPrint is executing
@Ganesh check your layout button properties
You may use onClick propertie there
Noah I have not used that property in xml layout
@Ganesh try to comment your function once and check it .
if I comment that function then nothing calls then what is the use of commenting?
@Ganesh can u implement your code out side of the try and catch blocks about 3rd button to print
no no its just for testing :) can you try to use form different file ?
@Ganesh that may be open/closed braces problem
in Java and Android era, 16 secs ago, by chintan khetiya
@Rank i want to change the screen when user swipe right to left . how can i search it
@chintankhetiya Just search with "ViewPager example android"
okay i got it thanks
even the function InitPrinter which I am calling from IntentPrint() is calling after removing the line from IntentPrint()
Does my manifest file cause any problem
@Pallavi there?
@Goofy yes
@Pallavi sorry to disturb u
@Goofy ok
i need your help in expansion files @Pallavi
@Goofy oops.. i have not used one though
@Pallavi oh ok ok
@Goofy just shoot your issue here... any one can answer... you are not new to the room's rules right?
@Pallavi yup :)
guys i need your help in how to use apk expansion files form scratch
@Ganesh change your method name and try once
did u made some thing on manifestfile?
what have you done there?
nothing but intent filte see this once
causes any pblme with this code
@Ganesh nothing is new there
Okay Thanks I will check my code once again :)
@Goofy come on... give us some more info on what you exactly need... what is your issue.. where you are stuck up
Q: how to start with Apk expansion files

GoofyI have google account in and i can see that there is a limit of apk files size of 50 MB, but i got to know that there is something called expansion files which will break the barrier of 50Mb file size, i have found a tutorial here : http://ankitthakkar90.blogspot.in/2013/01/apk-expansion-files-...

@Venky Hey! You there?
No :P
Hello Friends.
Anyone can help me to set DNS settings in Android Ver 3 & above?
@all Hi
@Pallavi Hey, you there?
@Appu yes
How to get only street name from the address that I get from the geocoder class?
I can get it by getAddressLine(0), but this gives me extra details too.
@Appu just the street name? actually it returns just the address stored in google maps server. I don't think you can control that...
@Pallavi Yeah. That's what my problem is. I have to display only street name.
@Goofy did you go through this answer?
@Appu then i don't think so it is quite possible...
@Appu Let me know what you are getting extra details?
@Pallavi But I have seen in some applications displaying only street name.
@Appu i will give logical idea about it if you give example u r getting when u call getAddressLine(0)
@Pallavi yes, i havent understood how it works ? then i can understand what he is trying to say, firstly i need to know how to create expansion files and then how to use that
@prasad.gai @Pallavi I am getting roadno, lane name, street name. I used split method for the time being.
But we can't depend on that as we may get extra details than these I guess.
what I have done is fulladdress.split(",") which gives me String array and then from this I am getting street name by stringarr[stringarr.length-1];
@Appu at the google map server they did not add separate for get street name only
@Appu yes that is only a way to get street names
@prasad.gai Yeah. I referred api too and browsed a lot for this.
@prasad.gai But what if we get 5 details with comma separator?
@Goofy yup that is true.. first create the expansion file then use it :) sorry i haven't done any...
But there is no way to get only street name on API
@Pallavi yes i am not getting how to create it ... i am check on that
and thanks
We can't say which is exact street name from given address
please share with if you find any links on that @Pallavi
yes sure!
@prasad.gai Yes ya. But I need to display only street :(
@Pallavi My app is throwing exception android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.android.exchange.ExchangeService has leaked ServiceConnection how to solve this problem
@Appu try with some different known locations and find where the street name exactly returning from given address then decide it as that position value is for street only
@Pallavi In your app, you have displayed entire details to the user?
you can split string and save in different variable ..
@Appu yes, it was the requirement... we needed real detailed address
@Rank Thanks ya. I have already done this.
10 mins ago, by Appu
what I have done is fulladdress.split(",") which gives me String array and then from this I am getting street name by stringarr[stringarr.length-1];
@prasad.gai Yeah. Okay. I will try with different location and then I have to test whether the position of the street name in the array is fixed.
@Nutan checked this
For this I have to change location ;) but I can go to other place only after some time.
@Rank @prasad.gai @Pallavi Is there any way to refer in google how getAddressLine(0) gives info?
rather than changing my location.
@Appu not getting your question... what do you mean be way to refer in google how getAddressLine(0) gives info
Actually at present it's giving only 3 details by a (,) separator. would it give 4 values for any other location. Does it vary location to location?
@Appu geocoder.getFromLocationName("Known location name", 1)
Known location name can be even street name?
@Appu Yeah may be,Test it once if it may return same as street
@Appu any luck?
@AdilSoomro hi
@AdilSoomro i am stuck with apk expansion files can you help
nop.. :(
@prasad.gai sorry, was afk. Gonna check now.
@prasad.gai, @Pallavi ,@Appu, @Goofy
1.I got arrayOut of bound exception..
2.i save all server side data in Main arraylist..
and then clcik on button and only fetch first 10 item from existing list uisng get( index) method and save it ito new sub arraylist for displaying data in list.
3.Again when i click on new button 2, it will fetch next record from 11 to 20 , but if we have no record , it will give exception arrayout of bound exception...
4. How i can handle it..
@Rank check if there are that much records available...
like, if you have total 15 records, first iteration will work fine, then you subtract 10 from 15 and check if it is greater than 10 or not, if yes, then fetch 10 records else, get the difference- in this case 15-10... so get the next 5 records only
Main arrayList have only 10 records..
if there is no record , i am using toast for displaying info,
i already use isEmpty() method to check arrayList..
bye @all
ok @Pallavi
@chintankhetiya: there bro ? need one small help
@chintankhetiya: i am using Sectioned listview which contains textview and radiogroup when i select a radio button its working but when i scroll it dont show the selected radio button means that getView () isssue
if there are 25 records-> you will have 2 loops and then remainder records = total - (10* number of already completed iterations)... if(remainder records> 10) get 10 records else get remainder records... This will work even for 5 records...
Q: encoding character in sqlite android

Siddhpura AmitHello i am reading english and afrikaans language from two different file and put into one sqlite database the word is correct in afrikaans language for example the afrikaans word is below 'n slegte lot 'n voël die wilde diere van die prooi 'n trekvogel =======================...

where i need to write code for that in convertview== null or not null and wht i have to write? @chintankhetiya: means R.id.rButton.setSelected(true); or what ?
@prasad.gai I got only colony names for some names when I give only colony name in getfromlocationname.
For someother I am getting in another way. Like streetname, statename.
what you get error exactly ?
@chintankhetiya: this is my code i have add comment here please look at it . pastie.org/6333690
@Rank Yes. As pallavi said do like that. by checking with the total array size.
it gives me null pointer exception when i write something at R.id.absent_checked
Thanku ....:)
@MahaveerMuttha are you sure absent_checked is there in the layout that you are referring in the present activity? It might be in another xml file rather than in the file you are referring from activity.
@Rank :)
ya its a row for listview which contains textview and radiogroup
infact its visible to me and even i can click and select absent or present but when i scroll the selected radio button changes to unselected means all radio buttons to unselected @chintankhetiya
may be they are lost they focus
@chintankhetiya: no i dnt think so actually its a problem of getView when i scroll i have to check for convertview and according to that i need to set checked or unchecked but i am not getting where to write that code and something is missing in my current code
@Rank no problem :)
@MahaveerMuttha this
@chintankhetiya: this?
@Pallavi want to discuss on view flipper , if you guide me for that
@chintankhetiya what about that? as in what's the issue you are facing?
@chintankhetiya this is the best sample example i could get... the simplest one...
not getting issue. but don't know how to work for multiple XML
@chintankhetiya then better use overridePendingTransition
yes same thing i am using but my client's want that if user swipe right to left or left to right according that screen should be manage and also Tab should be maintain. and my app is almost 60% ready.
@chintankhetiya O_o hmm clients!!!
current as simple if user Tap on tab then it will change according my animation like fade_in fade_out . but now i want to change
if possible use Sherlock Activity Bar they have both change activity swipe and on tab press...
mean it will work like gesture ?
View Pager is also there, but i haven't yet clubbed view pager with tab bar
It's Sherlock ACTION Bar not Sherlock Activity Bar..
okay. i am confused. how to change everything
@chintankhetiya yup that's the one...
i guess this would be the easiest way out...
i guess its like menu type.
@chintankhetiya you can hide the action bar i guess and use just the tabs and inner pages...
;( let , i will check once, BTW thanks
Anybody there??
Can you guys help about Android Sensor matter?
@YasirAdnan yes and no
@chintankhetiya no probs :)
Ok then bye :)
what kind of sensors are you looking for?
@Abhi what's up with you? totally busy in work?
Yes :P
room owners started neglecting the room!!! not fair!
Hi....I need a little help
Big word @Pallavi Hurting :)
pastie.org/6333924 I get this warning - finally block does not complete normally
@Pallavi What happened?
Anyone can help?
@Praveen none of them were present today! to solve queries :P
good now you are there too :)
@Praveen Ok now? :P You are the real owner :)
@Pallavi pastie.org/6333924 I get this warning - finally block does not complete normally
@adrian yup.. going through it
congratulations @Praveen :D party time!!!
@Abhi Why?
@Pallavi I'm busy with objective-c :)
@adrian instead of finally just write the statement outside finally... you are adviced not to write return statements in finally block...
@Praveen oh! ok... :) that's good though
@Pallavi Tell me ur issue now. I'll try if i can..
@Praveen i don't have any issues... :) i am helping our friends here solve their issues... normally others are present too... today every one else was busy
:) Coz, moday..
9 mins ago, by Abhi
Ok then bye :)
@Pallavi Thank you. I got rid of the warning
@adrian cool :)
@Pallavi I hope you die and go in HEAVEN.
@Abhi bye gn :)
@adrian wow!!! seriously???!!! you want me to die??? i am too young to die yet :P
@Praveen hmm i guess so :)
@Pallavi But you will go in heaven...what difference does it make
I wish it happens to you as soon as possible cause you are a nice guy
@adrian i have things to do before i die... any ways, this is a technical forum, let's not discuss about spirituality here ;)
i am a girl by the way :)
@Pallavi ok, sorry, I'm european and I'm not used with these names
thought you were a boy
@adrian yeah saw your profile... no probs
@Pallavi Why you want to die?
@chintankhetiya: chalo bro i am leaving will meet tomorrow...
@Praveen i said i am too young to die yet Adrian want's me to die and go to Heaven!!
@Pallavi :D:D:D:D:D
@Pallavi i'm sure no one want it thiis for you. See if you help people what you get
@adrian ha ha ha true... :) that i know
bye guys
Good night all

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