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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

hi all
Good morning
@Abhi Good Morning
@all Hi Good Morning.
@Abhi @JaiSoni @SheSmile Heya
@Appu me ?
@victor Hey, GM.
Hi hi, @victor you are odd man out :P
@Appu Good Morning.
@victor the forgotten..ahahah
I haven't seen that you were here. How come suddenly you are here?
@victor Anyways as abhi said you are odd man means you are a celebrity.. lolzz as I said yesterday. :P
@Abhi @SheSmile @Appu :(
@Appu hi Very Good Morning
@victor peace 8)
@SheSmile You are from?
@Abhi phil
@Nezam Well, then I am afraid to say it isn't possible with no extra coding. suppose if you have awful views' sizes in large screens, then you can code the separate xml files in res/layout-large with the same name. The same is the case with xlarge and so on..
Good Morning All Eid Mubarak
good morning friends. :)
@chintankhetiya hi GM
@JaiSoni GM
good morning to all
Eid Mubarak
@chintankhetiya @Kirti Heya! Eid Mubarak.
@Appu ^_^
@Kirti :)
You are tagging yourself? :D
@Appu ha ha ha lol
@chintankhetiya you are dull today?
@victor why ?
@chintankhetiya just like that
@victor hmm :)
hello everyone
Q: android: Galleryview Selector similar to Listview

pKsSo , I have a GalleryView and which is inflated with a RelativeLayout. When I click the RelativeLayout instance inside the GalleryView I want to apply a selector on it , similar to the selector that we use for imagebuttons and other views. So I tried the same into this case also but didn't work. ...

I couldn't get any comment even on this question.
that I posted yesterday
@victor @chintan : how to rub some portion of the screen?
@Romil mean how ?
@chintankhetiya did you look at the question that I have posted.
@victor hi
@chintan : I have one image and i want to rub only that image on the screen.how to do that?
@pKs i have already posted a question before some days but no replays
@chintan : there?
@pKs no idea bro
@chintankhetiya I didn't get
@pKs your layout is okay or also there are some issue ?
@chintankhetiya no issues with the layout
@Romil yes. mean user can rub the image form any angel is it
@pKs only selector is not working ?
rest is ok
have you tried some other selector ?@pKs
does it make a difference
@PareshMayani Hello ji..
@pKs see this was asked by me no one replay on it :( stackoverflow.com/questions/14412171/…
so can start a bounty.
But I can't because It will take another day.
@pKs where you are applying selectors?
@Appu in grid
@Appu in the inflated layout for the gallery view adapter.
@Praveen i am in Casual chat room
@chintankhetiya I don't find any relation for your question and his question.
@chintan : yes but only image one the layout
can you help me for that?
@pKs Where did you place that selector xml file?
I mean in which folder?
@Appu drawable.
@PareshMayani hi
@Appu no man pks just tell me that i have ask yesterday and nobody are reply for that. so i have past link which is asked by me but no one reply on it. if you can then please
@PareshMayani Well Come
@pKs Then what is this? android:background="@color/dashboardblue"
9 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
have you tried some other selector ?@pKs
You said that you have done that in drawable but you are using color in your relative layout?
@Appu see in place of this i.e. @color/dashboardblue
I use the selector
which has name dashboardselector
but when I apply this.
then the layout comes selected always.
@pKs I am unable to understand whether you are going wrong or I am going wrong.
Change this
@Appu look at my edit.
@chintankhetiya thanks :)
1 message moved to DUST
1 message moved to DUST
Please use the pastie or pastebin for posting code
@Praveen sure
@praveen : hello
I don't think it's a considerable amount of code that has to be moved into dust. That's why I pasted here.
@pKs what is the color code ?
@PareshMayani @Praveen long story short my selector doesn't work on the galleryview
and galleryview is inflated with a relativelayout
so I have applied the selector on the relativelayout
but it doesn't work.
@chintankhetiya color code?? does it make a difference.
@pKs AFAIK, you have applied color to your layout by android:background. Not the selector which is in drawable.
@pKs past your gridview code in your question
That is the reason everytime it is showing as selected.
@Appu I have edited my question on stackoverflow and I am using selector for the background
and not the colour
@chintankhetiya ok
Have seen your edit too. But it doesn't seem any difference to me either.
You are referring to colors.xml by @color but not to the drawable . Rigth?
@pKs where is grid code ?
@Appu oops did it wrong , its @dr
@drawable/dashboardselector , actualy I am doing this but writing it wrong
@chintankhetiya pastebin.com/B4j863S1
@pKs post in your question
@pKs How come you write wrong there. Are you not copy pasting your code. Rather are you writing the entire code on SO?
@Appu as it was a small line so I didn't
@Appu are you clear on the question now.
@chintankhetiya edited.
@pKs don't set selector in sub layout. set in your main layout. try it
@pKs You are really messing up ya. What's this in your edit?
@Appu remember mt yesterday issue ?
@appu : hello
@chintankhetiya Yeah. In gridview?
@Romil Hey!
@Appu sorry for the typos :(
Finally done it right.
@Appu I don't mean I am done with the solution but with the typos of the question that I have posted.
@chintankhetiya I am trying it on the main layout
@Appu no android:configChanges="orientation"
@Romil Hello
@pKs If you do this correctly android:background="@drawable/dashboardselector" You would be getting it definitely if you don't go wrong in any other.
@chintankhetiya No ya. I don't remember.
@pKs But I still find many issues in your code.
@Appu look when I apply the selector like this then the view always loads with the selected state.
@Appu thing is android:configChanges="orientation" should working if we change orientation form portrite to landscape but in my case for some activity its working but for some its not
@all any body worked on In app purchase ?
@pKs try to remove android:visibility="visible" form table layout and check it
@pKs Then in the selector what is this? android:drawable="@color/dashboardselected"
@Appu this is anothe color code that I want to switch when a gallery item is clicked
You are referring to drawable by android:drawable, but you are actually assgning colors rather than the xml file which is in drawable.
or selected
@Appu do I need to apply color in place of drawable.
Hi All
Still waiting for your response here
Q: How to programmatically get launch time of other apps in android?

sanchitsinghI want to get launch time of all apps in android. Please suggest me any solution to achieve this. I am using this code. It is to kill non system apps. But it is also not working. Can anybody suggest any solution for it. Thanks timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { ...

@Praveen @Pallavi @JaiSoni any of you have worked on In app Purchase
@Goofy yes, what is your issue?
@Goofy yes !! lemme try if i can help you
Hi @Pallavi
@sanchitsingh hello
Need your help on above SO question
@sanchitsingh and i have no answer for your question sorry...
Can you suggest or advice any solution?
@JaiSoni there ?
@victor @Pallavi we have exactly same issue please see this stackoverflow.com/questions/8182272/…
@Goofy you are testing from test account right?
@Goofy the solution did not work i guess...
@victor yes we have a test account and we are testing with that
@Appu @praveen : how to rub some portion of the screen?
@sanchitsingh i don't know if what you are doing is right or not... coz closing apps should be in user's control...
@Pallavi yes correct ? what might be the issue am i missing something?
@praveen @Appu I have one image and i want to rub only that image on the screen.how to do that?
@Goofy Nope
@Romil No idea dude
@victor need help
@Goofy when had you published the product?
@chintankhetiya what?
@victor android:configChanges="orientation" remember ?
generally it takes around 2 hrs for the product to publish and be able to use...
@chintankhetiya yes
@victor still facing
@Pallavi we have not published it its in active mode but its in draft mode, i have uploaded last night , almost 11 hours back
the product needs to be published
@pKs Yes. But I don't think you can refer to colors.xml from the item tag. Check it once.
@chintankhetiya Why?
@Goofy yes !! accepted with @Pallavi
@Appu Yes you can , I just checked this.
@Romil Sorry, no idea. You have been asking this for last two days. Why can't you post a question.
@victor @Pallavi ok in the docs developer.android.com/google/play/billing/… its said that "Test account users can make purchase requests only within applications that are already uploaded to your publisher account (although the application doesn't need to be published)." or is a BUG in ANDROID
@Appu first i think that may be tab widget issue but some other activity are well running under tab widget even though i orientation .so its confirm that no issue about tab widget.
Q: How can I test in-app-billing with a non-published app?

JanuszI have an Android app that uses In-App-Billing to sell Account Managed Items. I tested the app with the static response IDs and everything seems to work. I now want to test the app with real product Ids. I created the app in the Google Play Store and uploaded a draft version of the app with t...

see harry's answer there
@Goofy your publisher account and test account should be different
@Pallavi yes they are different what might be the problem its almost 11 hours
@victor and yes i had seen that and tried but still no luck.
@Pallavi Do you have any idea of making any Task killer app? As there are many apps in android market like this.
@Goofy signed apk right?
@victor yes buddy.
@victor @Pallavi we are getting this ressponce from market
IabActivity.onFailure: Unexpected PurchasePermissionResponse: -1
@sanchitsingh yes, but in that case, user chooses to kill all the tasks
and then the user can also select which tasks not to kill!
lunch time...
Bye guys..., Leavning Will meet you on monday
@Abhi see you !!
@Pallavi Ok Great. Can you suggest any code sample to achieve this task killer
@Abhi why? its too early
@chintankhetiya was away for lunch. Then have to think. Show me your manifest file.
@Pallavi stackoverflow.com/questions/10277590/… i tried your code, but can't seem to find the dbpath :(
@Pallavi it says that the path does not exist
@pKs Okay. By this <color android:color="@color/backgroundcolor"/>
Let me know if you are done.
@chintankhetiya Name one activity for which you are not successful with that. I mean preventing the recreation of activity.
@Appu news.java i have also hi-light in manifest
@Goofy Hi
@chintankhetiya Checked this?
@chintankhetiya sorry was away
@JaiSoni its okay thanks for replay
@chintankhetiya did you want any help ?
@Appu my min API level is 11 so scren size is not shows in drop down in my manifest file
@SheSmile I have initializes path variable using this : path=" /data/data/com.example.db/databases/"
@JaiSoni yes my android:configChanges="orientation" is not working for some activity mean that is not saving state its again call oncreate()
@Appu the problem i asked yesterday it even affects margins.. meaning top bottom etc for views.. how to solve that?
@JaiSoni oh, ok i'll add another data folder then, thanks. ;)
@chintankhetiya Okay. Jaisoni might help you on this. Because only orientation for configchanges is not sufficient for all versions and all situations.
@Nezam sorry, didn't get you.
@JaiSoni thanks, it worked :D
@SheSmile welcome
@Appu okay. thanks a lot at least you tried for that
@Appu asked you this yesterday.Remember?
@Nezam If you want to design separate layout and as well as separate sizes for all views to make them look graceful, code for whatever screens you want like this.
@Appu you mean to say i need to recalculate and do adjustments via code right?
I pinged you long back. Haven't you seen? ;)
4 hours ago, by Appu
@Nezam Well, then I am afraid to say it isn't possible with no extra coding. suppose if you have awful views' sizes in large screens, then you can code the separate xml files in res/layout-large with the same name. The same is the case with xlarge and so on..
@Appu thanks i was'nt online that time
@Nezam If you want to change only sizes for the views, then look at this thread
@JaiSoni check it. may be version issue. let me check it
@chintankhetiya check answer by nmr
hello everybody
@Nezam welcome.
@appu thanks for that link again..
@JaiSoni yes that noted that for above 13+ you have to manage something more but in lower 12 they are manage automatically. i am on the way. and get back to you . thanks
@chintankhetiya got that working by applying the selector to the main layout
@pKs i told you buddy.
@chintankhetiya but there is a problem
look at this selector
@pKs now working ?
@chintankhetiya yea working but one thing need to be fixed
@pKs aaahhh what ?
@chintankhetiya I have to tap twice to make the galleryview take the selector
I have send you the pastebin link for the code.
of selector
@pKs past your question link when i will free i will try to help you right now i am facing with issue
For the very first time the galleryitem is not active but once I click on it then it becomes active and starts behaving ok
any catch
@pKs can you show your xml layout for gallery view
@JaiSoni sure
this is it
Can anybody suggest any code sample to achieve this all tasks kill in the app
Hi @chintankhetiya
@JaiSoni are you playing with it
@pKs sorry buddy I can't.. I can just give you one suggestion if your are using Focus able in touch mode = true for your Image view them remove it
@JaiSoni pastebin.com/9G3LXFsw this is the selector that I am using anything wrong with this
@JaiSoni no bro its not working. i just set minimum API is 8 and run.
state_active is not missing plz check it @pKs
@chintankhetiya then sorry bro
@JaiSoni its okay. thanks
@JaiSoni sate_active is not missing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<item android:drawable="@color/dashboardselected" android:state_checked="true"/>
<item android:drawable="@color/dashboardselected" android:state_active="true"/>
<item android:drawable="@color/dashboardselected" android:state_pressed="true" android:state_active="false"/>
<item android:drawable="@color/dashboardblue" />

this is the xml
@SheSmile sorry was out... are you creating the database first?
@Pallavi yep, but its solved already, but i used ur code, i just added another "data" folder in the path.
@SheSmile oh ok!!! cool good for you!
@pKs I mean in developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/… not in your selector
in android developer guide it is android:state_activated and you have used android:state_active @pKs
hi friends
can anyone help me please
@cavallo shoot your query... any one who knows will solve it
Hello... I am noob in java concurrency stuff and would like to know how to add Handler to GLSurfaceView... Should I use Looper explicitly or is it implicitly defined (as in UI thread)?
@Pallavi i am capturing an image and storing it to SD card and then passing the path to another activity
@Pallavi but in the other activity i am not receiving it
i get null
@Appu @victor @JaiSoni there i solve my issue
@Pallavi any idea
@chintankhetiya hey man!! Pardy sharpy ?
^^ Help plz
4 mins ago, by Pallavi
@cavallo shoot your query... any one who knows will solve it
@chintankhetiya Glad it is solved. what was the issue?
Any one knows about android renderscript?
@cavallo in the same activity first print the path.. and check if you are getting any path there, if not, then there is some issue in your code, if you are getting the path then you are probably not passing the intent properly
@chintankhetiya Great :)
You were the person in java room who kept on asking us about developing a game in an efficient way on the new year eve, weren't you?
@Appu I was... still working on it
i get the path @Pallavi i have it in my log
@cavallo ok then some issue in your intent...
@Appu @JaiSoni @victor issue is that there is main three file one is main tab.java next is tab groupactvity.java and final is news.java. and i am just setting in only two. forget to set in tab.java so . Thanks Thanks lot of fan
Oh!Okay. Glad to see you back. What's your query again? @BLOB
@cavallo please paste the piece of code in www.pastebin.com
@Appu should i define Looper explicitly for GLSurfaceView or is it defined implicitly (like it is in UI Thread)
@chintankhetiya ne ways pardy?
@victor mean ?
I am talking about this Looper -- > developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Looper.html
party @chintankhetiya?
@chintankhetiya That was the reason I particularly asked you in which activity you are getting it to point out that you might not be using it in that activity. you said new.java and I didn't find it missing in news.java
@victor for all of you
@BLOB Sorry, no idea on it.
@chintankhetiya now you are smart
@victor @Pallavi @chintankhetiya Any idea on BLOB's query?
@Appu Nopes
hmm.. ok..
please check
@BLOB BTW As per my knowledge you don't need to. As it will be defined implicitly once. Otherwise how come your UI part works.
@victor Thanks Thanks
@chintankhetiya I don't want that imaginary pizza. I want real one.
@Appu One Looper per thread right? For UI thread, it is implicitly defined.. But wondering if this is the case for GLSurfaceView also...
@chintankhetiya @Appu Me too
@Appu okay free daredevilry. just miss call it
^_^ :) ^_^
this is for appu @Appu suites for your profile pic
@ victor yaa true :)
@cavallo It's because you are not passing string, but a URI.
@BLOB I think yes, but not sure. BTW why are so particular about it?
@victor Which profile pic?
@Appu That is the only way I can send instructions from UIThread to the GLSurfaceView (Rendering Thread).. So...
your SO profile pic
hi guys @all
@BLOB Hello @Kirti
@chintankhetiya You can't pacify me with those until I get a real one.
@Appu it will take 30 mins to deliver but may be lot of Traffic so delay.
Let's see. If I don't get even after halfanhour then what would you do? @chintankhetiya
@Appu sending Request again
@chintankhetiya what about me? I asked first ;) ?
@victor family Pizza Bro so chill
@victor : hi
@chintankhetiya to whom it gets deliver?
@Romil Hi
@victor : do you know how to rub image?
@Romil Nopes dude
@Romil your location ?
@Romil any City or only Gujarat ?
@Romil i just kidding. Rajkot
1 hour later…
@cavallo there??
you are trying to put URI in STRING and that's why the error...
you need to convert it into String format then pass it as result.
@pallavi hay what is u r fb id
and why would you need that?
@Pallavi hay if u have any problem than its ok
thanks :)
@pallavi :) & sorry
@Kirti nothing to say sorry about just that this is a technical forum and sharing personal info is not really allowed....
@pallavi ya actually...
@pallavi @kirti : hello
@Romil hello
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

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