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Hello Can anyone help this guy : stackoverflow.com/questions/14468371/…
2 hours later…
Good Morning Everyone
Good Morning
Good Morning
morning morning
good morning @victor
Hi Good Morning @All
@Joan Gm
Good Morning
Q: How to change the search criteria of auto complete text view

PragnaniWe know auto complete textview searches the given characters based on the search criteria of 'Starts with' but my requirement is to have a auto complete textview with the search criteria of 'Contains'. I don't have any Idea how can I achieve this, I have already worked with AutoTextView... Any he...

@Venky @victor @Hardik gud mrng guys. how to save previous data when i press onBackPressed().
@ElnazShahmehr check the answer
Plz help me for this question stackoverflow.com/questions/…
Q: Android Bluetooth Socket

JaiSoniWhat I am trying to do: I am working on an application that will fetch data from biometric device using Bluetooth using SPP. For that I have some command (in byte and HEX format) and steps provided by biometric device manufacturer. My Problem : I have to follow 2 steps for getting the data i.e. ...

hi how to install apk Run commands Android Terminal Emulator by code
Good Morning All Have a Good Day
Good morning every buddy
I am facing a problem related to calling a web service
issue is as: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14433157/how-to-pass-array-to-soap-request-in-android
any help
@chintankhetiya hi bro gud mg
any help
@Venky I miss you :P
hey all i have very small query on android anyone ?
@Nezam share your issue
give me a moment framing the question properly.Inshallah @Tikam
hi @abhi
pls help me on this.while running google map api V2 on virtual device it shows google paly update service button.i refer www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidGoogleMaps/article.html
@sravani Hi
@KIRANKJ map apiV2 new for me, after you done with that, teach us also :P
how to write the specific code with respect to os versions
Q: moveTaskToBack(true) returns false always

NezamI know this has been asked earlier here & here too.They are not answered properly (or not answered at all).But,i don't know why moveTaskToBack(true); always returns false for me.Can anyone tell me why and how could i solve the issue? Thanks in advance. public void onBackPressed() { boolean ...

how replace string, from 3rd space
@sravani For which you are asking?
for desing purpose if app is loading in 2.2 then i have to show the spinner
i dnt have to show
int currentapiVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
if (currentapiVersion >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.FROYO){
// Do something for froyo and above versions
} else{
// do something for phones running an SDK before froyo
ok thanku\
one doubt for me regarding the action bar
@sravani no idea on actionbar but fire your query
we have gmail app na so in the lower versions of honey comb we have the ui like menu bar. in higer versions we have action bar. for folder view of inbox and sent higer versions are using action bar to show the drop down menu (list navigation), but is there any way to get that list navigation in lower versions with out using any third party libraries
@sravani late but Refer these links link 1, link2
@Abhi hi how to save previous listview data when i press onBackPressed()(default back button)
@Abhi need help
@sravani, hi
which list navigation you are talking about?
@Rao's Put data in static :P
@Goofy whats that?
@Goofy What about Robin's answer?
@Abhi not working buddy
you got what my problem is?
@chintankhetiya @Goofy hi
@Goofy Give padding 10dp and radius 30 dp, check once
@Goofy, why can't you set the Color instead of the image ?
@JaiSoni jsk bro
@Manjunath i have to set the image as a background only buddy
@chintankhetiya hi
@Abhi i will chek that
@Goofy, coz its mono colored na so.....
@Goofy hello.
hello @Abhi @Manjunath
@DeepikaLalra hi mam
@Manjunath no buddy i have to set the image only as per the requirement :(
@DeepikaLalra Hi
@DeepikaLalra, hello
@Goofy, cool
I have a problem
yup tell me
i have to implement magnifying glass like effect in android
i searched a lot but didn't find anything
do anyone knows something about it or can anyone help in doing this
@Goofy just try that way, whether its work or not.
@RobinHood ok will check please wait
@Goofy pastebin.com/DrWjA050 check this
@JaiSoni ok
you have to just change color code @Goofy
@DeepikaLalra How, any image or link?
@JaiSoni no buddy i have to use the image only
@DeepikaLalra, did you try this
@RobinHood nope still no luck buddy not working :(
no i didn't have
its just like i touch image and a difreent view will open with a zoomed part of that image
@Goofy send me your image.
@DeepikaLalra, yup do you want to magnify an image OR a custom layout?
Q: Android Bluetooth Socket

JaiSoniWhat I am trying to do: I am working on an application that will fetch data from biometric device using Bluetooth using SPP. For that I have some command (in byte and HEX format) and steps provided by biometric device manufacturer. My Problem : I have to follow 2 steps for getting the data i.e. ...

plz help me
@RobinHood how shall i send?
@Goofy why r u using image?
@JaiSoni requirement buddy :(
u can draw this shap @Goofy
okay to show i have to find a snapshot
then use rounded corner image
@RobinHood yes yes
@all hi
@sanjay hi
hi guys,...
is there any broadcastReceiver equivalent of android in iphone
guys i want to add different-different view in xml when click status change it should be change.
@victor hi
any body out there having gestureDetection experince please?
Please answer my question Here. stackoverflow.com/questions/14473280/…
Q: How to change the search criteria of auto complete text view

PragnaniWe know auto complete textview searches the given characters based on the search criteria of 'Starts with' but my requirement is to have a auto complete textview with the search criteria of 'Contains'. I don't have any Idea how can I achieve this, I have already worked with AutoTextView... Any he...

Hello can i put a jagged array inside and intent and retrieve it?If yes,then how?
how to calculate week in android from date
wee no?
search on SO its a common question
if you dont get answers ask a question and i will try to answer it
no way
Q: Camera setParameters failed : FATAL EXCEPTION

rajparaI am trying to capture image with Camera API. All things works well until i set camera focus mode parameter with Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_EDOF before setting focus mode i check that if PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA_AUTOFOCUS available or not. Below is my code : My test environment in LG Optimus Ne...

Hello @ALL
Hi Guys. :)
@RobinHood hiya
@AdilSoomro @AdilSoomro
hi guys...
gud after noon
hi gud af
@Abhi @Abhi
@Abhi hello @KarthikeyanKarthik
Huh Color @AdilSoomro
@Abhi heh Color :p
Go to home and celebrate festival, jaa :P
@Abhi will go, by tomorrow :P
@AdilSoomro Enjoy
@Pallavi hi
how to take the screen shot from andrid tablet
@sravani you want to take it from eclipse?
Single line is enough to tell :P
thanku got the idea
i am taking from eclipse
@nikki hi
@Goofy issue solve?
@RobinHood nope :(
did you get anything on that?
@Goofy can you explain me what you are trying to achieve?
@RobinHood please have a look here stackoverflow.com/questions/14476261/…
that I seen already
@Goofy you just know me that what kind of view you want?
Please help me.
Q: Getting strange exception while deleting sms from inbox

user1726619I am writing a project to delete sms from inbox.Most of the times it works fine,but sometime it gives strange exception.This is the stacktrace of exception: 01-23 16:41:20.016: E/AndroidRuntime(7328): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 01-23 16:41:20.016: E/AndroidRuntime(7328): android.database.sqlite.SQLit...

@RobinHood ok . i want the image also to have rounded corners along with border but, now borders is of rounded corner but the image is not having rounded corners
i hope you got my point
@Goofy image keep changing or its static?
@Goofy as i suggest there, wont be helpful to you?
@RobinHood static...
10 mins ago, by RobinHood
@Goofy as i suggest there, wont be helpful to you?
@RobinHood can you please explain me once again...
@Goofy i done it
Q: How to always start from the root Activity if Application is recreated?

AmitI have three Activities in my Application say A,B and C, Where A is the Login Activity and starts B after login and B later starts Activity C. Now if I am on B or C and the Application goes in background and later Android decides to kill my Application (for what so ever reason). I want to always ...

@RobinHood how?
@Goofy see this
it looks perfect
@Goofy hold will update my answer there
@RobinHood ok
@Goofy and @RobinHood
can you please help
@Amit just a min
@Goofy thanks buddy
hi all
i have one doubt about rotating image
on tap
can anyone help me to solve it?
@RobinHood i havent received the update, can you please check once again
@Goofy hold
@RobinHood ok ok
A: Bitmap image with rounded corners with stroke

RobinHoodThis is one of solution in which you have to make round to your main layout background and inside keep your imageview with your desire image: something like below: back.xml This will make your image to round corner <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="http://...

@Goofy check now
@RobinHood what about the border now
i had tried that and was unable to add the border
please dont mind
@RobinHood can you please remove that image as i am not suppose to disclose that
bye guys
bye all
@RobinHood Hi would you please check this post stackoverflow.com/questions/14468371/…
will see
Q: rotate image on every touch event

SaurabhIn my application, I have some images and when I tap on that image, it should be rotated by 90 degree. I am able to rotate image once but can't rotate on second tap. Can anyone help me to solve this problem? How can I rotate image on every touch event? if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION...

can one check n suggest something?
@ElnazShahmehr check this stackoverflow.com/a/13506238/646806
1 hour later…
hello guys new android developer here :)
hi guys i have a problem regarding fb android is it ok if i ask here?
2 hours later…
sure, what is it?

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