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@Yul @furqi Hi guys
@Abhi hi
Hi @Abhi. How is your work going?
Yeah its good, what about you?
according to plan, i'll back to mobile dev in 3months
Now in which development @Yul ?
hello, hi
hi hello :)
@Abhi @jeet Hello
Abhi + Jeet = AbhiJeet
Good Morning All
@Yul hey
@Abhi: sorry i had lunch. Now i learning .NET
hi @chintankhetiya
@Yul how's you ? BTW Good Noon as your time. i had just take a Tea. let's join
I'm fine. Working, waiting for increase salary + waiting for Tet's holiday (Like new year celebration but according moon calendar. Ours true new year holiday)
I have a problem with VideoView so please any help me out
i want to enable Bluetooth on emulator problematically but i get Null pointer exception...what to do
@SumedhTambat I think u should try with real devices
i dont have...is it not possible with emulator
no it's not possible because Android emulator doesn't support Bluetooth
thank you
@SumedhTambat Even u want to use bluetooth with Emulator then install bluetooth plugin in Emuloator after that u can use
got through this link hope this will help u
can you post the link
Q: how to test bluetooth application on emulators in android

user590849I've made a Bluetooth chat application on Android and I need to test it, but I do not own an Android phone so I am dependent on an emulator for all my testing purposes. Is there a way for me to test Bluetooth-based applications on an Android emulator? I am using Eclipse for development. I'd lik...

sry thanks
good morning all
hi all
do any1 here worked with webservices in android?
@Reneez....can u discuss yr problem
@Yul there ?
@Dipu hello can you help to solve out some APK size issue ?
getting error
{"error_code":101,"error_msg":"Invalid API key","request_args": [{"key":"method","value":"auth.expireSession"},{"key":"format","value":"json"}]}
when i logout with facebook from my application any idea anyone
@All does any body can help me about apk size increasing ...:(
@chintankhetiya yes :P
@Abhi hii.
@Abhi the problem is that my APK size is very high its near about 8 MB. and total project folder size is 25 MB. there are no too much data in res still its increasing. what should be problem in that ?
@AdilSoomro Good Morning Bro
@chintankhetiya morning jee.
@AdilSoomro how was your weekend ?
@chintankhetiya awesome as always. :)
@AdilSoomro that's good
@Abhi: boom boom!!
@Dipu yes, i am accessing a webservice with complex types
and i am not able to pass values which has nested complex types
@chintankhetiya, I'm here
7 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
@Abhi the problem is that my APK size is very high its near about 8 MB. and total project folder size is 25 MB. there are no too much data in res still its increasing. what should be problem in that ?
take a nap for afternoon work
@Yul @AdilSoomro see what is going wrong here
can you find which folder?
8MB is not big
@Yul project folder is 25 mb and res folder is 7 mb.
and others folder
@AdilSoomro :)
what i mean you can check which folder cost size
@Yul bin size 16mb .
may be you include some libs in your apk?
@Yul ya libs size is 2 mb.
hey how to update android app programatically ??
bin folder 16mb and your apk only 8mb i don't think it's big problem :D
@Yul its taking too much time to load. thing is i have two work space. one for general. in that work space size is different . total size 9 mb and other are according to that. i just create new work space and import project in that. no other project are holding in that . issue is different .
Hi! Can anybody help me with checking data folder in android??
i think the problem is related with reference lib or using system libs (using many permission). I had a project like yours which downloaded from internet
@Sahara you can find it in File Explorer
see log when i install
i take long time to load many libs i even not know :D
@Yul hmm. try it
Yea.. I saw in the file explorer but when I open it, there is nothing.. But Im sure that when I have saved something inside already.. And I need to check using the codes.. Is it something like this?? File file = this.getFileStreamPath(OUTPUT_FILE);
if(file.exists()){ //file exist}
@Sahar file?? It will be in mnt->sdcard
ouhh.. so the file thing is not to check whether the file is in the data folder?? is there anyways I can check that the file i saved is in the data folder??
No files will be stored in sd card
@Abhi i need to implement piechart i have seen achart engine it seems ok , but do you know any other engine which is of good quality?
Google api chart is there, But i vote for achartengine
@Abhi ok can i add a border to the pie chart ? and also i need add good gradient colors to it can you please help me on that
border in the sense like this ....code.google.com/p/chartdroid/wiki/Screenshots
chartandroid is library? @Goofy
@Abhi please see the like you will come to know
@Abhi i am trying to get the source code but not finiding, no idea is it a library or not but they have mentioned it here stackoverflow.com/questions/424752/…
hi people, I am actually experiencing the same problem as @Sahara and what happens is that while connected to a real device, I am unable to view the items in the /data folder. Any advise?
@Goofy Go to source -> browse, there you can find code
@Abhi yup checked it but nothing is there
@Goofy Check your mail
@Abhi ok...
@Abhi thanks a lot
@Goofy Welcome
2 hours later…
Good morning all

plz check my question
@all: Folks, I m Inviting you guys to participate on Android Quiz on Android For Life on Jan28 at 2pm respectively, if you want to participate , Please click the following Link and answer the following Questions for Qualifying the Android Quiz docs.google.com/spreadsheet/…
@SankarGanesh Nice.
@Praveen Thank You Mate
@SankarGanesh Is there any registration to participate that quiz program?
yes you need to register and attend the Qualifying round by answering the Questions in the above link, if your shorlisted then you will get an opporunity to praticipate on Android Quiz on Jan 28 which is going to be happen in the AndroidForLife room
i answered the questions. But, no such registration form is there.. :(
Tea Time
hi all
i have one question regarding video capture using intent
Q: size of recorded video is 0 by recording video through intent

SaurabhI have developed video recording application using Intent. It creates file and stores at specified location but shows 0 bytes on sdcard. what would be the problem? Thank you.

@Saurabh add your code in your question
@abhi added code in that
@Abhi hi
bro can u help me :P @Abhi
@Saurabh Check your answer
@RishiGautam I will try
@Abhi i make the the vcard its work ,but it pick only sim contacts not other
like phone ,facebook etccontacts and
@RishiGautam No idea at all. you have to teach me this concept :)
k bro why not sir
Hello guys, I've met problem with orientation... I have seen all answers but I can't get correct orientation... it is all time 0 though default value I'm giving is -1
more than that it is shown in galery with the same orintation... What can be wrong?
Hello all.. My onAnimationRepeat() interface method is not working.. what to do?
@BLOB check ID and duly check again the Animation Class used. Somewhere mite u left some code changes.

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