the image in my gridview isn't stretch.
how can I stretch it?
This is mine.
This is what i want
android:layout_height="match_parent" >
I mean I have a group of buttons I need to associate those buttons to ids so that I can pass the id onClick. The id is fetched from the web service. I don't want to loose my layout alignment for this @Appu
Okay. If you have "answer1" as id defined for button1 in your webservice, you can set the tag for that button as answer1. When you click that button, you can get the tag by getTag(). @DineshVenkata
@DineshVenkata Welcome. But I have a doubt in your question. You don't want to display it as text for that button. Right? If not, you need to use setText and getText(), otherwise the above answer is apt for your req.
You would be able to show it from raw/ or assets/ if your application actually implemented a PDF reader. Since you want it to be displayed in a separate application (such as Adobe Reader), I suggest doing the following:
Store the PDF file in the assets/ directory.
When the user wants to view it...
@AdilSoomro actually i am creating custom dialog for checking internet if not exist then user have two option in which they can enable or exit form app. i get wi-fi enable but not form setting screen
@AdilSoomro i get this Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.setClassName("", ""); startActivity(intent);
@AdilSoomro but its not applicable in dialog class because we are not extend activity so and i use that as function and call that in dialog class but giving null pointer exception .
@chintankhetiya make a method say openSettingActivity() in your Activity, put the above code in that. now onClick of Dialog, call the method openSettingActivity() of Activity.
@AdilSoomro i do same way in my activity i make fun name getConnection() and call in dialog class but not work . that says not find {} class in manifest . but this is default how we can i ?
@AdilSoomro i do this public void Get_Conncetion() { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.setClassName("", ""); startActivity(intent);
@CapDroid just get data enable screen if internet is not exist on click of get connection button . i get that code but giving force close says that class not found
@AdilSoomro @CapDroid i use this and is working for me . public void Get_Connection() { Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS); ComponentName cName = new ComponentName("", ""); intent.setComponent(cName);
@CapDroid how can we found that a class is called form which activity ?
@all @Appu @CapDroid mean i have dialog class and using in different activity so i want to know form where its called ?? its not a intent otherwise we can put string and get in next this is class
@victor @chintankhetiya @CapDroid @AdilSoomro @RobinHood @Goofy @Harish @Praveen @NareshSharma @Romil @Avin @all **WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR** Ha! That was a long list to go. But I do miss some persons as they are not here.
@all : Keep the smile, Leave Di tear, Think of joy, 4get the fear, Hold Di laugh, Leave Di pain, B–joyous, becoz it is Coming new year 2013! Advance Happy New Year