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02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

@AnthonyTannoury Hi, what's your problem
Please help
Q: Fragments and Inner Activity

AndroydsNeed some help here. I am new to fragment (and currently switching from tabgroup to fragment). Anyway here is my project name. com.example.fragmentactivity My classes are as follows Tab1Fragment.java Tab2Fragment.java Tab3Fragment.java TabFragmentActivity.java Tab1Inner.java The first Activ...

@Appu good morning
@kongkea Hi, Good Morning.
you so early today
@kongkea Yeah. Somewhat. :)
@all good morning to all have a nice day.................
@malavika hey very good morning
@CapDroid hi dude h r u? my demo was success project conformed yar
@malavika I am fine & congo...
@CapDroid thnq
@capdroid gm
@dhrumil vgm
hi capdroi
@sabari hey
do u tell basic android install and basic code with run functionalty
i do not know where is download
and start functionalty
will u guide me?
Good Morning Everybody.. :)
i am nothing know about android because i am working in php
@sabari ok wait
thank u.
@chintan gm
@sabari you have eclipse?
@sabari first you have to download ecilpse
@capdroid one issue
ecilpse have any version ?
@sabari check on eclipse site
may be "indigo" latest
@dhrumil yes
now i am go download page
@capdroid i have three button..three button have different listview when i click on button 1 it show me all list view including button2 nd button 3 listview
good morning
@dhrumil you want to show only one listview at a time ?
@capdroid yes one button 1 click i want see only button 1 listview
@dhrumil then why you take three listview ??
take only one & just change adapter on click ..
Hello Everyone
@capdroi is eclipse editor?
@sabari perfect guess :)
@capdroid on click adapter is not set
i have netbeans
@dhrumil you have to manage
@sabari need eclipse for android
@capdroid plz see pastie.org/5487189
Hello all
@DeepikaLalra hey
Good Morning
@CapDroid hi
@deepika hey
Q: Usage of In app purchase in my app, requires information?

RajaReddy PolamReddyI have an app that can be downloaded from google play using In-app purchase. I am using sample product id android.test.purchased to purchase product from google play. I am able to purchase the product and getting toast message Thank you. Your item will appear shortly but i am unable to see ...

how are you all
i will see u later
@DeepikaLalra @CapDroid hi morning
@deepika fine nd u
Hi sir @Nagarjuna
i am also fine
i have a question for all of you.
@Nagarjuna hey morning
@DeepikaLalra i m fine and u ?
do anyone of you know about how to set up COCOS2d in android eclipse?
@DeepikaLalra no dear :(
@DeepikaLal hello how are u mate
if you free for some time please helpme in searching
@CapDroid Vgm how are u?
@Nagarjuna i m fine
i am fine but not perfactly ihave to setup cocos2d. @Nagarjuna
@no idea dude...:)
@DeepikaLalra always prefer native development
@DeepikaLalra You need only cocos2d? I have worked on that for very few days somewhat.
@DeepikaLalra hai dudi you are ios developer....???
@DeepikaLalra r u der???????
no i am android developer
please help me
@jeet to whom?
no, my question what is dudi?
@jeet from where you are coming?
@DeepikaLalra yuo are busy or talking to someone?
Good Morning All
actually i don't understand to whom you call dudi
@DeepikaLalra Check this link and get back here if you run into problems. Better copy the source file rather than adding the jar file.
okay @Appu
@jeet Hi Good Morning ya!
@Appu very good morning
@DeepikaLalra to you???????
if you can tell me please share your views
@DeepikaLalra views?????
yes buddy views equal to knowlwdge about cocos2d
@DeepikaLalra yes...you are trying to develop iphone apps
no i want to develop cocos2d in android
Good Morning guys
@DeepikaLalra use AndEngine - Free Android 2D OpenGL Game Engine
for better result
i want to use cocos2d only this requirement of project
@DeepikaLalra ok
@DeepikaLalra Even I suggest you the same. Because there are no sources I found for cocos2d android much. Better to use other engines unless you have to.
BTW For your info - cocos2d is old somewhat. New one is cocos2d-x.
@DeepikaLalra better you can try to add cocoa framework.....tried it????
would you please guide me
@DeepikaLalra do you have an idea about cocoa faramework???
no i am very new to all these
you just refer cocatouch frame work in iphone archtecture andyou can get an better idea...you are gonna develop game only know??
no i have to learn first and make a sample project
then may be i will make a game
in android i don have much knwledge....ummmmm okay i will send send some links to refer cocoa framework u jst refer it okay...
okay sir
@DeepikaLalra sir?????
okay only ragavan
@DeepikaLalra got it????
@ragavan which framework is best for android to develop games
@victor in android development there is no frameworks.. i think it's different sdk ummm name is native i think
r u there???@DeepikaLalra
@ragavan in those which one is the best
@victor search like native sdk for gaming in android
@victor u have idea about Gestur
@victor ok
Hello Gm all
HI All Gm
please anyone help me to give ans of this ques: stackoverflow.com/questions/13738389/…
@AdilSoomro @AamirKhan any idea about my quest.?
@PriyankBhojak Please check the link i have given a solution. stackoverflow.com/questions/13738389/…
@all good afernoon
@ricintech ok let me check tnx for quick reply
I have a question similar to this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/13630668/…
can anyone please help me
@ricintech your way is right but the bundle which i am getting is null
so what should i do?
@kittu88 you also have same issu?
any idea?
@PriyankBhojak Where did you create bundle object? I couldn't find it in your code.
You are adding it to intent and you are retrieving from Bundle.
That is why you are getting null.
@PriyankBhojak no idea yet
not getting a way out
@PriyankBhojak Please use setResult(RESULT_OK, intent); and then start your activity with the intent
@ricintech ok so my prob is i m setting data through intent and getting it in bundle ...right?
so in my case can you please tell me how can i get data..?
@PriyankBhojak Check my answer.
@PriyankBhojak I guess after a long time...ah
@Appu yea after 2 weeks..:)
@PriyankBhojak Why???
@Appu was on vacation..:)
@PriyankBhojak Ohh hiee seen u after a long time
@JayThakkar yea its after long time..
@AdilSoomro where r u bro?how r u?
@PriyankBhojak Okay. :) BTW you have asked question from false account I guess. :P
@Appu actually i asked be half of my friend he is new on stack so i help him..:)
Okay. Did his problem get solved? @PriyankBhojak
@Appu no he is working on it actually he want to get data through intent but its showing null all the time.. so he is trying diff ways...to do it
@PriyankBhojak What? o_O I pointed it out where is actually going wrong. Right? Anyways please ask him to accept it as an answer if it is solved. He might not know about accepting an answer as he is new. ;)
@Appu vary smart ha...:P first let the prob solve then he will sure accept..:)
@Appu he is posting comment on his post so try to give ans to solve his problem ..
@PriyankBhojak given, though it is very trivial.
@Appu ok
@PriyankBhojak here only, cool enough, you say.
@AdilSoomro i am also cool...adil one of my friend need some help can u please check his question
@AdilSoomro check it and if you have any idea about it then pls give ans on his post
@PriyankBhojak hello
@AnthonyTannoury kol khara
@AnthonyTannoury hi
@PriyankBhojak can you paste the whole onActivityResult??
@PriyankBhojak i have a little issue can u help me
@AdilSoomro i am coming after 15 mins then i m sharing you tnx.
@AdilSoomro hello
@AnthonyTannoury hello
@AdilSoomro Hru today
@AdilSoomro I'm new here :)
@AnthonyTannoury Cool enough!
@AnthonyTannoury Welcome :)
@AdilSoomro I have a little issue in my ListView, can you help me to resolve it please?
@AdilSoomro hello, I have an issue like this: stackoverflow.com/questions/13630668/…
how to set the dialog to show to left side?
here is my code
can you please help me?
@kittu88 are you sure that it is static final String URL = "file:///android_asset/music.xml";
cause the way I see it it has 3 (/)
and it is not a URL
its not alive url
its the local file path
for parsing local xml
@AnthonyTannoury fire your query.
@Androyds any idea?
@kittu88 your URL seems invalid
@AdilSoomro I developed a dictionary using fragment and Framelayout. I have a listview in left side and on right side the details page. My listview data are loaded from sqlite db. What i need is to highlight the clicked item and the item stay highlighted
could you post the log cat?
@Androyds I told you its not a URL
its a path to a local file
@AdilSoomro i saw many post so i used mListView.setSelection and mListview.setItemChecked
@AdilSoomro dunno why wotn work
I want to parse a local XML file
in the same way as an online XML is parsed
@AdilSoomro any solutions?
@kittu88 have a look at this thread
I can't suggest straight forward solution. :)
@AnthonyTannoury You need to use selectors, have a look at this thread
@AdilSoomro i'll check it now and give u feedback. Thnak you my friend
@AdilSoomro the content of selector can't be colors? or it must be drawables?
@AnthonyTannoury they can be colors too.
@AdilSoomro @Appu this is the full code of that ques please check it:pastie.org/5487768
Hello @ALL
@AnthonyTannoury android:drawable="@color/blue" OR android:drawable="#FF0011"
Can we print the URL with parameters in POST method @AdilSoomro @Appu @Manjunath @Pallavi @CapDroid
any one have idea about gesture in listview
@jeet how are u bro?
@AdilSoomro this is the ques:stackoverflow.com/questions/13738389/…
@AdilSoomro It changed the color to what i need but after 1 sec it wont be highlighted. I want that will stay highlighted
@JayThakkar m fine, mate, what about you
@Harish Hey, Didn't get your question clearly.
@jeet yeah m fine mate hows ur work going
@Appu How can i view the url when i'm posting it to server with parameters
@JayThakkar doing great
How can i view the url when i'm posting it to server with parameters @Venky
@Harish Show me your code snippet where you use post method
Anyone know about watchdog in android? i search about this and only find a manager called WatchDog. But i found many log in another app.
@all hi guys
hi da tell
@Appu i want to view the url with parameters snippet
hi da tell
copy this url first
hi da tell
@Venky , Share your code
@Venky I got it..
@Harish If you want to see which variables are being sent through post method. They will not be included in the url and rather they will be hidden. Anyways you have to specify the url in the code to which you want to connect. So you already know it. But then again why do you wanna display.
Not possibl eman
okay check it
@Venky, From this you need to read all Textarea inside of TextAreas tag..is 't
Not possibl eman
yeah righ tman
@Appu i'm getting inputparameters required error from server side...but i'm sending all the parameters correctly
@Venky.. let me check it for an moment
okay man bye
@AdilSoomro there?
@Harish Are you sure you are using correct names at server side that match your names in namevaluepair? Most probably I guess here it is going wrong. Recheck even caps and smalls.
suppose here you are using "Action" name for "SaveContctDetails" value and at serverside, $_POST['Acton'], if it is php at your serverside.
@Appu .net server side
@Harish hello
i checked all of from my side is correct @Appu
@AnthonyTannoury hi
@Harish hru today
@Harish i have an issue in my listview, can u help me?
@AnthonyTannoury tell me what's the problem you are facing
@Harish I used selectors to highlight my listview items when clicked. I changed the color but how can i let it stay highlighted after click?
@jeet nice have u implemented twitter sharing
@Harish I used mListView.setSelection and setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE)
@JayThakkar hmm, but back a long time
@jeet can u help me out i want to share pic
@jeet actually it will pass the URL in tweet but how i dont know
I dont think, I could
but let me know, if possible, I would try
@AnthonyTannoury Hey :), was away for a while.
@Appu hru man? I'm trying to let my clicked item in a listview highlighted but dunno why its not working. i'm using selectors
@jeet yes i am in need for that in urgent :)
@Harish Okay. Then try to check in that .net code whether the parameters are received with the correct names.
@AnthonyTannoury I am doing good. You? Okay. Can you show me your code?
@AnthonyTannoury u need single choice mode
@Appu I'm fine. yes sure
@Harish @Appu 1 min ill put my code
@all have anyone use to loop layout?
@AnthonyTannoury You might be setting the color only when item state = pressed in the selector. So, the color would be only for a while.
@Appu @Harish pastie.org/5487908 thats my selector
@AnthonyTannoury Why did you give every state to the same color? that is why you are unable to find difference.
@Appu Just for testing bro
@Appu I tried to remove all items and only leave "state_selected". Its the same
@AnthonyTannoury Then try to add this <item
android:drawable="@color/white" /> and leave remaining states as blue. Then you will be able to find the difference.
@AnthonyTannoury Your name seems from other area, but your language sounds native. ;)
@Appu I'm lebanese
@all have anyone know about cube transition effect while switching activity
or on Views in view pager
@AdilSoomro hi
@AnthonyTannoury Okay. :)
@AamirKhan hello, w.slaam
@Appu @AdilSoomro is it possible to pass intent to the class which does not extends activity in android?
@AdilSoomro hw r u ?
@Appu @AdilSoomro Whats the bug in my selector?
anyone know any app show network activity such as current connection to some site ??
@AamirKhan yeah, why not..?? whats scenario??
@Appu @AdilSoomro @Harish This is the code of the function that prepare my listview pastie.org/5487968
@AdilSoomro one minut
@AnthonyTannoury don't ping everyone, and every time.
@AnthonyTannoury you should have default item too. like this <item android:drawable="@color/Blue" />
@AdilSoomro Ok bro i'm sorry, i'm new here
@AdilSoomro hi let me tell the issue about what @AamirKhan asked you
@victor ask to Adil about ur issue
i am having a variable with holds some data in one class.I want to send the data to the other class which does not extends an activity
I am setting value of the variable dynamically
for that i am using class name.variable name
but i am not getting that data
@victor are those static variables??
@victor at which part you are initializing it?
@AdilSoomro If i put blue for the default one so all rows will be highlighted blue? What i need is all rows with white bg and when i click on an item, will be highlighted blue and stay highlighted
in method of the onPostexecute
yes @AdilSoomro
@victor Why don't you use Application class.
@AdilSoomro Can we print the parameters when we use POST method?
@Harish are you using HTTPClient??
Hello hello
how how
22 mins ago, by Yul
anyone know any app show network activity such as current connection to some site ??
@AdilSoomro DefaultHttpClient i'm using
@AnthonyTannoury As Adil said and I said did you keep default as white when it is not pressed and not selected.. Add the above code which I have given and try it
@Appu Yes i added it with red color, nothing changed
@victor Are you sure it's getting called after the value has been initialized in onPostexecute()
Can some one please check this one? stackoverflow.com/questions/13741181/…
@AnthonyTannoury You have to delete the unwanted states too besides adding that code.
@Harish how are you adding post params?
@Yul No idea dude
Another question: do you know android sercurity forum ?. I had an chatapp which require many unneccesary permisions. I decompiler apk and found some class call virus =.=
how can i handle two array ?
@Appu yeas
@Appu When i added your item with blue color, it works good but dunno why the listview scrolls in a way that i dont see the selected item. to see it i must scroll to it again
@AnthonyTannoury Don't mess up with states, there might be duplication of the states in your selector. try adding this code link . Hope you would get this time.
@victor show me your code if possible.
@Appu there?
@Appu when i used only one item, it works good but can't see it highlighted blue if i dont scroll the listview. And when i use the latest code u gave me, it doesn't work
hi @Abhi @AdilSoomro
@ahhi @AdilSoomro how to do this in view pager here is the image.. freeimagehosting.net/xk4wf view pager hold 1 images in single page currenly..
i want scrolling also..
in single page 3 image when scroll again 3 image with CirclePageIndicator.
Any idea..
Hi, did anybody used native debugging in eclipse with cocos2dx on Windows?
@all Hi can anyone please help me with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/13696909/…
@all have anyone know about cube transition effect while switching activity
or on Views in view pager
@AshishWadatkar do u working on view pager
@abhi any idea,, about it.
@abhi you know cube transition effect on view pager
@Rao's See this.., @AshishWadatkar cube transition means?
@AshishWadatkar how to add 3 images in single page in view pager any idea freeimagehosting.net/xk4wf
Cube means when we scroll view in View pager then view will scroll like cube or box
@Abhi thank u i will look over it.
@Rao's Another
Q: Fill array list with two array in adapter?

kyogsMy problem is when I set this two array in one list I cant get proper value of this two array. Below is my json response which I get from server. User_Label_List is not always getting but Admin_Label_List array is common. { "User_Label_List": [ { "iLabelID": "60", ...

@RobinHood whats exactly problem??
A: Fill array list with two array in adapter?

RobinHoodYou are not initializing your LabelModel in second time, while you are filling your second array data, Can you please reinitialize your LabelModel, don't worry about previous data you already filled, so while filling next array data you have to reinitialize your LabelModel, hope it will work.

@RobinHood chaa gye bhai..
bas kar rulaye kya :P
02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

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