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Good Morning Everybody.
good morning
Anybody work with AdWhirl ad in android ??
@HJV sorry never work on AdWhirl
@jeet Good Morning
@JaiSoni its ok bro
Good Morning All
@all Hi Good Morning.
Gud morn..
@All Good Morning...
@MAC:hi do u know abt file transfer using bluetooth in android
Good Morning
@Abhi:do u know abt file transfer using bluetooth in android
@tamil In api demos there is one sample. did you see that?
@Abhi:it has only chat message.i need send file to other device
@tamil: didn't work with bluetooth yet
@tamil Yes in same manner you can send file i guess by converting bytes
@Abhi:how can we view that file in other device.if we send file in byte.we have to convert it into original file
@CapDroid do you worked on Harism Pagecurl effect
@victor no brother
@tamil Yes see how they convert that in chat application
@Abhi:ok man
@Abhi:if u know anything abt that let me know here
okay sure
anyone worked on twitter image sharing ?
@Pallavi aka :P
@LalitPoptani ah! the DON!!! how are you? and where are you these days? not active on SO?
I am fine always and an Active member of SO in Casual Chat :P
yes you are!
@LalitPoptani yup got it :) in short you are not active here much...
yeah but at times come to meet aka :P :D
@Pallavi, I am playing a video through videoview, when I change the orientation, it starts from beginning... any suggestions ? @LalitPoptani
@LalitPoptani :D thanks DON
@Manjunath no idea sorry
@Pallavi, OK
@Pallavi Hello
@Shyam hello
@Manjunath you can restrict the Activity from re-creation by using configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" in <activity> tag in Manifest file.
@LalitPoptani, whree can I find default video player source code.. any idea
@Manjunath: Please take a look at android sample: MultiResolution demo
it will help you to solve your orientation problem
@MAC, ok thanks dude
dude == milk :P
@LalitPoptani, :-)
@Manjunath hi
i have some doubt can you clear me?
@CapDroid are you there ?
@chintankhetiya hi
@victor @Appu hello ?
@malavika hey how are you ???
@chintankhetiya ya fine dude. I have some doubt can you clear me?
@malavika i have also . okay . start with you .
HI All
@chintankhetiya do you aware of achart engine???
Is there any way to receive periodic incoming data via Bluetooth in BroadcastReceiver
@malavika i think i have that demo but never work on that. sorry. :(
@chintankhetiya oh its k
Anybody know how can measure real height of content of an EditText, not just visible area?
@AVEbrahimi actually edit text default size is fill_parent but you can mention the size of the edit text like this width x height 100dp x 50 dp
@user1726619 Put one method in First activity call that in onPostExecute() of Second Activity
@malavika I need real content height, not visible height
@AVEbrahimi content means??
@chintankhetiya yes
its not coding question but regarding image creation . if you are free for 5 mins then i want to discuss with you.
@CapDroid we are using draw able images in android . and iphone is using retina display mean crystal images. so same way can we use that type of image in android ? and for that we have to create specific image from designer ?
hey guys... we have an android opening in our company... Any1 interested? Forward your profiles to me @ [email protected]
where is location @SeshuVinay
@victor search in google. okay. its your city .
@victor noida
for a few days
and later in hyderabad
@SeshuVinay How much experience your company needs?
around 2-3 yrs
@Appu we need to wait for that. ha ha
How much of exp do u ppl have?
@chintankhetiya Nope. ;) I actually have 2 years. But not on android.
@SeshuVinay Got it.
@Appu then in java
R u kidding me?
oh u mean 6 months?
and overall experience?
2 years. But as an analyst upto before 6 months.
@RobinHood send me ur profile or atleast ur number our HR will come back to u
I am not supposed to disclose all details here
Noted, will send it tonight.
Final location is hyderabad,right?
yup @RobinHood
@SeshuVinay Am I eligible to apply?
@chintankhetiya i dont know about iPhone
@Appu send me ur profile... I am not sure... they will decide if its ok...
Hmm.. Will forward it this evening. fine? Can't send from our office.
@Appu ok fine
@SeshuVinay :)
@LalitPoptani are you there buddy ?
can you help me for retina images ?
retina images?
@LalitPoptani we are using drawable images in android . and iphone is using retina display mean crystal images. so same way can we use that type of image in android ? and for that we have to create specific image from designer ?
@LalitPoptani do you never work on iphone ?
who is iphone developer ?
@chintankhetiya Rajnikant
@LalitPoptani sorry. i guess you are android +iphone developer.
only android
@LalitPoptani okay.
@LalitPoptani Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #24: Error inflating class .PageCurlView any idea why this causes
1 hour later…
@all any body can help me?
i ve viewsonic 2.3 android g tablet i have installed my app in tablet now i want to take screen shot from tablet how can i take ??
@malavika tablet showing in eclipse as Android Device?
guys i needed some help building ffmpeg for android
No idea on NDK
thats k
only on building ffmpeg
i need it to only function as an image to video conversion tool
and i dont want the other functiosn to reduce size
@Shyam android tablet
Hello @all
anyone is there
@Abhi @Appu @malavika @Manjunath @CapDroid
any one
@Harish what is your issue?
@Pallavi How to send multiple parameters from one activity to another activity i have more than 20 parameters
@Harish Intents extras????
@Pallavi i'm loosing some parameters
@Harish hi
@Pallavi is there any other way
@ManojPal hello
@Harish what do you mean by loosing some parameters??? you must not have assigned them
they can't just get lost!
@Harish Pallavi is rite.
@Pallavi k.But passing more parameters from one activity to another?Is there any other way ?
@Harish you can use global parameters or shared preferences
@Pallavi global parameters mean by extending the Application class
@Pallavi k
Q: How to transfer file/String message over Bluetooth From any Bluetooth-enabled device to Android device

YuDroidI know there are lots of already asked questions about the the title I provided above, but I found none as a satisfactory one. Also I gone through Android Bluetooth and its sample Bluetooth Chat application. But What I want is to create a demo android app, which receives data (String message or ...

@Harish Hey
Can anyone help with creating a keystore?
@birdman hi
@Shyam Hi
@Appu hi
@birdman tell me what problem you are facing?
Documentation is very sparse
@Shyam OK, just testing the export of my first app, Up to Keystore selection and I'm a bit lost
@Shyam not sure if I have one already or if I need to create new
I saw a public key when I registered with Google
@birdman Are you try through eclipse?
@Shyam yes
@Shyam Win 7 64 Eclipse Android Developer Tools Build: v21.0.0-531062
This product includes Eclipse Platform, JDT, CDT, EMF, GEF and WTP,
@Harish What happened?
That means it create APK first time only?
@It is the first time I create for distribution. Have loaded a nimger in debug but I never see it. It's automatic
nimger = number
@birdman Sorry bro I never used 64bit os
@Shyam this step different? For 32/64 OS?
@Appu nothing .. i thought it is from serve side.. they r checking it..
@Shyam Does it matter where you save and what name you give it?
Hi guys.Have you encounted such problem:I put a image in tomcat root directory the path is:localhost:8080/splash.9.png and use the HttpGet to access it.but faield.
The error message is:Connection to localhost:8080 refused
But I can open it in my chrome
@xff1874 given permission in manifest?
@victor you mean the tomcat manifest or AndroidManifest.I have put <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
android manifest
Hi All,
Can anyone help me with the basics of creating a keystore for distribution?
Does it matter where you save and what name you give it?
bye @ALL
@Harish Bye
@Harish bye
@victor only the <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />,does it need other permission.
no its enough
@birdman it not matter
you can save anywhere you want
@victor java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to / (port 8080) after 5000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
@victor the error message
check your httpconnection @xff1874
@Shyam Is the keystore for all apps or only for the one? Should I keep it with the app code, Workspace or somewhere completely separate. It sounds like it is important not to lose it.
@Shyam Still there?
@Shyam It's OK thanks for your help. I found a good tutorial on it.
@Harish Okay. :)
@victor I solve that problem:my smart phone can't access my pc(where I put the splash.9.png) directly if they are in the same wireless network.
@victor sorry,they can access only like two machines in LAN.can't access each other through the USB .:)
@victor thanks
@all hi
@all hru all
i have a question, anyone can help me?
@xff1874 hi

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