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Hello,Is it permission to write something into the drawable directory
Hello evryone
I have a problem of multiple screen size problem in android can anyone plz post any sample example of one layou that works on all the screen size??
@chintankhetiya it is possible brother.. sure I will got solution then it will at answer...
Hello all
Have one problem in twitter integration
When i share with twitter api sometimes it opens the twitter page and sometimes it shows black it doenst allow to open twitter page and it gives com.project.OAuthRequestTokenTask(10421): oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthNotAuthorizedException: Authorization failed (server replied with a 401). This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match.\
Hello all
Can someone help a newbie with a SharedPreferences question
I'm storing prefs with this method:

public String get_StringPrefs(String key) {
String key_value;
SharedPreferences userDetails = getSharedPreferences("userdetails", MODE_PRIVATE);
key_value = userDetails.getString(key, " ");
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Get Key: " + key + "/" + key_value);
return key_value;

And retrieving them with this method:

public boolean get_BoolPrefs(String key) {
boolean key_value;
SharedPreferences userDetails = getSharedPreferences("userdetails", MODE_MULTI_PROCESS);
key_value = userDetails.getBoolean(key, false);
@all gm freinds..
But when I go out and come back in to my activity they all read blank
Sorry wrong get function:
Ignore the above mess
@GM morning
People Good Morning
@All Good Morning Everybody Have Good Day.
@all Hi
@victor hello Good Morning
@chintankhetiya hi
@victor How's the weekend ?
@jeet: what is the difference between service and thread,verified in different blogs but i am unable to get the answer,can u...?
@Praveena_Pinki Thread is simply an execution path
and service is an component of android application
Every application starts with a thread
in which we can create multiple threads, means multiple execution paths
@jeet Hello
@chintankhetiya hi
why we use services instead of thread and in which situation we use thread or service?@jeet
@jeet How's you ?
Service, allows to do some long running task in background
@jeet have you ever work on video streaming ?
@all hi
@chintankhetiya nope sorry
@jeet :(
@Praveena_Pinki when to use Service
@Hello is there any body who can help me for video streaming ?
Service we use to do some background operation which dont need frequent ui interaction
@CapDroid @Pallavi have you work on video streaming ?
@chintankhetiya nope.....
@Pallavi :(
anyone ter
@chintankhetiya no :(
@Pallavi plz help me
are yaar koi to bolo ki me help karne k liye taiyar hu... :(
@CapDroid hi, can you please re-ask your question, i guess i missed it
@chintankhetiya what is your exact issue?
are you getting any exception or any thing? @chintankhetiya
Anybody works on android in app billing service
@Pallavi, Hi do you know how to remove default click sound ? I mean, as it plays a default sound when we click on any clickable view ?
@CapDroid can you check if it is the issue with the font installer itself? may be it can install only 1 font at a time
@Pallavi hello
@Manjunath it is a system setting, so it is not advisable to change it
@Anshuman what is your issue?
@Pallavi not any issue but thing to discuss before start
@Shyam hello
@chintankhetiya ok.. then i haven't worked on video streaming.. sorry
@Pallavi, ok
@Pallavi there are not coding issues but regarding web service for video .
@Pallavi suppose i have four product, and i have four buttons for buying that product, Suppose the user buy the first two product and exit the app. So next time when user open the app, at first i check which are the product already buy by the user and based on that i want to disable the button, and that information i want to get directly from the google play server.
@chintankhetiya oh then you definitely have the wrong person... i don't know any thing about the webservices
@Pallavi Thanks .Good Joke.
@chintankhetiya ok
@Pallavi Kidding Don't take seriously. lol
@Anshuman oh let me check.. did you check if there are any google service available for the same. I always had a single product to deal with
@Pallavi For single product also, how do u manage to know that the product has already purchase by the user, whenever the user open its app.
@Pallavi yes issue with intaller
may be issue with system not in my code
@Anshuman use a database
@CapDroid right
@Pallavi how to solved that ?
@CapDroid can you try using setTypeface instead of doing it only on rooted phones
@Pallavi I dont want typeface
I know it is very easy ..
@CapDroid and also compatible with most of the phones...
i haven't worked with rooted phones.. so can't help you with that
also, the app does not work with few phones.. check the user reviews
@Pallavi ohh madam ..
@CapDroid did i just say any thing wrong :P
@Pallavi no..
all made me sad.. I come with you with some hope...
@Pallavi using a database will solve the problem...but somehow if due to some reason there is a loss of data in the database...then form where i get the info of purchsed item, so at that time i have to retrive the info from googple play server..so how that can be done...
@Anshuman there is a method in in-app billing which communicates with the google play server and it tells if the item is already purchased or not... let me check the exact name
@Pallavi ok
@Pallavi, Hi, one strange issue with xml layout. I have made two xml layouts with same name & kept one in layout folder and other in layout-large folder... for galaxy nexus it should load from layout-large right... but its not loading
@Manjunath get the DPI of the device,. My table returns the dpi to be "MDPI" where as i thought it should be XDPI!
@Pallavi bye the way i gone through the following example to do my in app billing thing blog.blundell-apps.com/simple-inapp-billing-payment/...here somebody says that calling restore transaction will give u the result..but no clue for me
@Anshuman right i guess that's the one... in our code, we have used database to handle this situation
@Pallavi, how can I find it re
@Manjunath search the code to find the dpi on google re...
@Pallavi But i tried calling restoreTransactionInformation(Long nonce) method that are defined in sample example but dont get any result..can u please check, if anything else to do in the sample code,
@Pallavi, OK :)
@Anshuman hmm have to check... please wait
@Pallavi Ok thanks.:)
@CapDroid hi bro how r u?
@Anshuman did you try using GetPurchaseInformation of BillingService.java
@Pallavi hey bro. i m fine n u/.
@CapDroid @Pallavi @Manjunath i am changing layout on configuration change but its now showing any change i have two xml one is in layout and other one is layout-land bur showing no effect.when i rotate screen.
@Anshuman i guess you had to call RestoreTransactions() not RestoreTransactions(Long nonce)
@Pallavi i haven't but i found while debuging i found that GetPurchaseInformation is called when ever the user buy the item..so u mean that i have to call GetPurchaseInformation for restore also
@PriyankBhojak may be need some changes in menifest
search it, I dont remember now
@Pallavi there is no such method RestoreTransactions() in the sample example..is it a default method
@CapDroid i did all the changes in manifest bro..like android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation"
but not work
@PriyankBhojak, did you try with layout-land & layout-port folders instead of layout folder ?
@PriyankBhojak hmm..
@Manjunath yea i am putting my landscape xml in layout-land where i am doing some changes in xml but its not effecting when i rotate screen.
Any one have idea about NFC FOR android?
i want some help
@PriyankBhojak oncreate calling ??
@PriyankBhojak, try overriding this method
@Manjunath ok tnx
@CapDroid what are u asking bro?
@PriyankBhojak, let me know if you can solve...
@Manjunath i have tried this but when i rotate my data are not adding in new xml its only showing layout which i have created in xml
Oh ok
@Pallavi do u have any simple solution for that thing..
@Anshuman still checking...
@Pallavi ok
@PriyankBhojak your onCreate method excute when cell rotate ??
hi guys. :)
hi Guys.
@Abhi: whats Rock cooking today??
I was hoping if someone can help me with this question. stackoverflow.com/questions/13604145/…
@CapDroid yes i tried to debug it i found that its not loading my screen again activity fari thi call nathi tati bhai..
@Abhi how r u?
@AdilSoomro Pressure :P
@PriyankBhojak Fine mate, you?
i am also good
@PriyankBhojak thats why
need to one override method
Hello @ALL
@Anshuman did you try doing some thing like this?
@Yul hi, How can you run localhost like this (mmm.localhost) in android
hi all
anyone knows android apk expansion ? @Pallavi @Abhi @AdilSoomro
@hacker nope
read this?
@Pallavi i went thru this..but cannot create the library project..
@Yul I found it out
@Pallavi No there is no such code i have seen in the sample app the i used for doing in app billing from this link blog.blundell-apps.com/simple-inapp-billing-payment, Actually the sample app give in android doc is complex.So i prefer this link
ok :) improve searching skill
anyone working with libgdx :D
i just started and left !! so no much idea on it @Yul
@Anshuman i have referred to the dungeons code.. it is well documented... you copy the same files, except dungeons.java. replace the contents of dungeons.java into your activity file. and you will be able to do every thing without much coding
Hello all. Good afternoon..
@HarryJoy Hi
@victor. :d Now i move to unity and self learning libgdx. Not going with corona. At least i finished Line98 game using Corona.:D
Q: Multiple font Not working at time in same application

CapDroidFriends, Running out in a strange issue. I want to use two font (Gujarat & Hindi) in same applicaion. Here is process of install fonts in device Needed root device. Install Font Installer App Download Lohit-Devanagari.ttf & Lohit-Gujarati.ttf from this site Copy ttf files file at ...

what is that line98 @Yul
i think that is famous game in Window
@Pallavi actually initially i tried using that sample code only, But not able to find any flow of the code, thats why i choose this sample example link.
maybe the right name is Lines or Color lines
okay will check
i think is famous like mine sweeper :D
or maybe just in my country.
@Anshuman ok...
@CapDroid r u talking about onconfigurationchange mathod..?i have done that..but no change on configuration change.
@PriyankBhojak hmm
check orientaion in that method
@Pallavi..sorry to distrb u again..but am little confused about the mBillingService.restoreTransactions(); method, am nt able to find how it show the list of already purchase item
Hi Pallavi
The history of already purchased item will be obtained from android market. This will happen when user have deleted app data from the device.
@ricintech can u look at this sample link and help me to solve which method should i called while restore data from android market. blog.blundell-apps.com/simple-inapp-billing-payment
Is there any way so that we can use/fetch Google Places Database? I mean to show all google places with the 10 kms range of my current location.
Hey did anyone of you know about how to prevent memory leaks?
@DeepikaLalra Try removing unusable Log and remove all System.out.println, then see if you get any effect.
Try to avoid the use of static inner classes and destroy the unusual objects those consumed the resources.
is there any tool for getting where the memory is leaking
hi Harry :)
@DeepikaLalra hello
tool called traceview will help you for this issue.
hiiii @all
@HarryJoy Hi Harry hv u work on in app billing in android
@DeepikaLalra hii
@Anshuman no :(
@MAC hv u work on in app billing in android
@Anshuman: yup
@all Hi
@Venky Hello da @CapDroid CD
@Abhi hey AB
abhi ko abhi abhi yad kia
@MAC Actually i follow the following link to do my In App Billing work http://blog.blundell-apps.com/simple-inapp-billing-payment/#comment-2298, and every thing works fine, But now i want to restore transaction for the already purchased item from google play but not from my local database, So for that i look at the following examples and they say do this changes and it will work as given in this link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8638665/inapp-purchase-restore-transactions-i-am-not-able-to-figure-the-code-out, but in my case whenever i call BillingHelper.restoreTransactionInformation
@CapDroid Busy mate.., Pressure like anything.
@Abhi hmm ..
can u lookover this link @Abhi
@Rao's Hi
@Anshuman The code in the above link is fine.If you want to get the purchased item history you can get it from VerifiedPurchase class.
Hi all i am working on an android app in which i have to use Bluetooth to connect with external H/W. device and get periodic data in between from the external device.
I am able to connect to external H/W device but not able to get periodic data.
@ricintech Thats what i am trying to do, but how to do that, can u please explain me with a sample code, Actually i have four items and four button to buy that item, i buy two item, Now when the app is running get the purchased item history and then based on that i have to disable that two button.
@Abhi hi hw ru
@Abhi can u look over this stackoverflow.com/questions/13681586/…
@Anshuman Please check the link i have updated the sample code...stackoverflow.com/questions/8638665/…
@ricintech can u look over this stackoverflow.com/questions/13681586/…
Q: Multiple font Not working at time in same application

CapDroidFriends, Running out in a strange issue. I want to use two font (Gujarat & Hindi) in same applicaion. Here is process of install fonts in device Needed root device. Install Font Installer App Download Lohit-Devanagari.ttf & Lohit-Gujarati.ttf from this site Copy ttf files file at ...

Any one can help me ?
@ricintech Thanks for ur responce...but my main doubt is from where i can call this code and how can i call this code.
@Rao's Yes you want something like slideshow?
@Abhi s.. like slideshow it must contain scroll & autotimer, page view.. any idea about it.
@Abhi In homepage I have 3 IMAGES which is coming from server. that IMAGES features contain autotime- means it must change IMAGES per time. that images contain scroll view so user can view scrolling also.. SO WHICH IS BEST WAY TO ACHIEVE THIS
@Rao's See this Demo. it is for Scroll and timer.
@Abhi:hi do u know about opengl in android
Zero knowledge in OpenGL
is any one know phonegap ??
@Anshuman Please check the link again. I have updated the code to call that method.
@ricintech can u help me?
can any one help me?
Hi guys,when you request a web service from android,which do you perfer,HTTPURLCONNETION or HttpClient httpclient.execute(new HttpGet(URL))
guys anybody know how to format saxdata
get it.I search stackoverflow and decide to use httpclient.
guys any one is there
@CapDroid @abhi
@Raj Yes say what is the issue? @Harish i am here
@Abhi how to view sax data
Sax parser?
bye guys @ALL
@Abhi tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=a9f36e8 see this image title bar is custome or not and how to add drowdown as shown fro application
Is it not spinner?
@Abhi yes not spinner ithin k
does anyone here has experience with facebook 3.0 for android?
bye everybuddy tc@all
Q: How to transfer file/String message over Bluetooth From any Bluetooth-enabled device to Android device

YuDroidI know there are lots of already asked questions about the the title I provided above, but I found none as a satisfactory one. Also I gone through Android Bluetooth and its sample Bluetooth Chat application. But What I want is to create a demo android app, which receives data (String message or ...

1 hour later…
Hi all
any one know about Magnifying glass?
Please help me..

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