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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

@AdilSoomro hello sir
hello everyone
does enyone know a tutorial or help link where i can see how to make an image with colored border margin?
@RishiGautam hello
@George hello, did you search on the internet first?
@Pallavi yes, but din't find what i was looking for
@Pallavi hw r u
did u khow to to call a method which run every 5min even the app is close
@George ok... did you go through this answer?
@RishiGautam read about Services, AlarmManager?
@AdilSoomro yes
yep, but i try to do it programatically
in-app billing @AdilSoomro to my product
founded now something, i'll go try
but how to use @Pallavi
have a code
@victor no idea, sorry..!!
okay @AdilSoomro
@George cool...
@Pallavi pzl send me
@RishiGautam and you are simply supposed to run the code?
read the documents, if you are stuck at some point, some error/exception, then we are there to help
any link @Pallavi
read the room description please
any link @Pallavi
@AdilSoomro any link for this issue?
@Pallavi use a background Service.
@RishiGautam now please use google to search sample codes... you will get plenty of blogs.
@AdilSoomro ok thanks :)
@AdilSoomro I am fine, thanks
k thax @Pallavi
@Pallavi, @AdilSoomro, how to disable ListView scrolling ?
@Pallavi @RobinHood hii
@all hi
need some help
r u Worked with GCM?
@Shyam hello
is this your query? btw! my answer is NO.
@Pallavi i have problem in GCM
@Shyam just ask your query... who ever knows it will solve...
@Manjunath tried this?
@Shyam is it just for the first time the application starts or always?
as in is it taking time to register to service?
i havn't worked on the server side actually... so can't help much.
@Pallavi its take time first time only
@Shyam then i guess, first time it registers for the notifications that is why it is taking time...
@Pallavi thanks
@Pallavi but it already registered with GCM
@Shyam you said, it happens only once-for first time right?
@Pallavi yaa
then how come it is already registered?
@Pallavi first time means when i start app after some time interval
@Pallavi need your urgent help ?
can i ?
@Pallavi i pass to registered id to Webservice
@Kabir121 cool
@Kabir121 just ask your question... there are experts here to solve your issues
Hey Thank u buddies the scenario of problem is i have some friends
Heading Good friends
friend1 friend2 friend3

heading Only Friends
Friend1 friend2 friend 3
I have the list of question but do not able to understand how to manage this grid in adapter class
@Pallavi, thats not working
we can not take grid as it requires scrolling and it grid does not work in scroll view
Please can someone tell me how to inflate friend1 friend2 and friends 3 at run time
as i have to set images of all three friends in a row at one call from adapter
@Pallavi @Shyam
so you need grid and scroll view?
isn't grid a scroll view by default?
we cant use grid inside scroll, i searched over it
thing is i have to inflate three views of friend 1 ,2 and 3 inside linearlayout
inflate layout
yes, you are not allowed to have scroll view inside scroll view
right you taken 3 gridview insdie scroll view and you are not able to scroll. right?
damn! its not possible if you did so.
@Pallavi i did not get the good example
Hi guys
@Abhi --- hi a
yes @RobinHood and @Pallavi yes we can not do it so but how to inflate only three elements then another inflate linearlayout then another three elements
@Abhi hi
r u there
its really wiered , wash my brain to inflate views in adapter at run time
@Pallavi hello
guys @Abhi will take it from here... :)
Hey @Abhi
Take 3 layout inside one scrollview and inflate your row file.
@Pallavi my query?
@Shyam Abhi will help
@Pallavi thanks
@RobinHood i took like
1. ONe layout for friend category
2. Another linearlayout for three friends
3. one layout for friend category
4. then another linearlayout for this category
@Pallavi I didnt say that :P
PROBLEM IS how to inflate now only three friends
ina row
@Abhi yes, definitely, but you know more than me.. :)
@Kabir121 only first 3 layout you want to inflate, right?
yes inside linearlayout i need three friends layout
Share you view hierarchy, to understand better
@RobinHood i have an small screenshot plz tell how can i send it you
there is upload button right side, use it
i have to show this after heading
1. ONe layout for friend category
2. Another linearlayout for three friends
3. one layout for friend category
4. then another linearlayout for this category
2nd one? @Kabir121
salah time, catch you later
Actually all i am setting at run time in adapters getview method.
can view my getView method
oh ok ... i need urgent help
Can somebody help me?
any one
Hey anyone available ?
@Pallavi, solved it, Just displaying an ImageView with transparent and made setclickable true...
ok now i have an issue.. please help me solve it:
On long press of Menu, list of recent-apps is launched, now if you see **Angry Birds** game, when it is launched from recent apps, it re-starts. I want the same kind of behaviour. Any ideas how to do that? I have tried ***android:clearTaskOnLaunch="true"*** but that works only when the app is launched from the **Menu**. So, finally as of now, I have used **android:excludeFromRecents="true"** but this is not what i want to do... i want to show my app in recent apps but re-start it when launched from recent apps
@Abhi @AdilSoomro @RobinHood
any one?
I am doing this because, I have mapview and it is working un-predictably. I crashes randomly if I send the application to background when mapview was in foreground... for other activities it is working as expected
@Pallavi, you mean, when your app launched from recent apps, it's not resuming from the last saved state
Q: Force application to restart on first activity android

SephyFor an unknown reason, I can't get my application leaving properly so that when I push the home button and the app icon again, I resume where I was in the app. I would like to force the application to restart on the first Activity. I suppose this has something to do with onDestroy() or maybe onP...

@Manjunath it SHOULD not resume from last saved activity
@Pallavi, Oh ok
@Pallavi, What do you think about this: keeping some boolean in sharedpreference and play in onPause & onResume methods
@RobinHood i checked the Accepted answer, from that link, and in my question i had written I have already set it to true. According to docs, when you set this flag, when you start application from MENU, the application re-starts... not when it is called from "Recent apps"
@Manjunath and do what?
maintaining a flag for Application foreground is not easy
i have tried that
but it is not working as expected... :(
@Pallavi, hmm may be it is difficult
@Manjunath actually, it's becoming tricky to maintain it... i have 3 activities and they get repeatedly called... there is dynamic list view creation so the code in each activity is quite complex, no issues about that, but that makes maintaining the flag difficult
@Pallavi, yup
also, handling home button press is also difficult
@Manjunath that will be the last resort...
@Pallavi, :-)
Hello all
Quick newbie question for somebody?
How do trigger an onclick event in code? I have an imageView with and onclick calling a mybutton_click(View) routine. How do you call the mybutton_click() if you want to trigger that routine when you enter the view? I'm thinking something like mybutton.PerforrmClick(). Is that a simple question?
Cancel that figured it out
3 hours later…
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

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