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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

Gooooood Morning....
Good Morning
anybody in here
Good morning all
good morninf
any one worked with spinner with checkbox
Hello Everyone
@all Hi, GoodMorning
@Appu & Every Body GoOd MorNiNg....!!! :)
@all good morning to all have a nice day...................
@chintankhetiya @malavika very good morning buddies
@victor u too....
@victor Good Day. :)
@chintankhetiya Hey, Morning. :)
@harish What's your issue with it?
Hai all
@SHIDHIN.T.S hello
Hii @all GM
@MAC Hello Very Good Morning.
@MAC are you there ?
does any one know how to do connection for database using jdbc:sqlite driver
@amy new user for this room ?
@any phonegap developer here?
@amy Sorry you can't ask directly. BTW can you introduce yourself ? not compulsory.
actually myself amy
@amy that i know . as working or student ? experience or fresher ? working platform ?
i am working on android application
6 months experience
@amy Grate. so what you want to do actually ?
actually i am creating one databse application
i want to access databse from server in android device
so i am using servlet for that
@amy what you tried for this task ?
and trying to connect sqlite databse through sqlite:jdbc driver
public class ConnectionActivity extends Activity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
@amy i am web developer, i know hmtl, css, jquery, php well
try {

Log.i("driver load","done");

} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
@Dhamu change ur profile picture
@Shyam y?
@amy don't past your code see on right corner read the instruction and follow them.
@amy now i am interested to create app?
i downloaded phonegap
which eclipse i wanaa download
okay @Dhamu i got it what you are trying to do with phone gap
:) n
just i want to install first :).. @victor
okay you can go to anything but thing is to add plugin to eclipse thats it
go to android documentation
Morning Guys
Hi every one
i have question can some one here to help me?
@SHAZAD throw it..
i have a game in flash now i want to put some feature using anroid sdk is it possible?
any help will be appriated
i am new to anroid
@SHAZAD: I really dont have idea about flash...
may be some one will help you.
@SHAZAD there are option in flash editor like make for android game
@SHAZAD is it only animation or scripting for game ?
@chintankhetiya that game working fine in android Amulator
only animation
means i want to put some feature when i touch on screen left or right my object moves that side
@SHAZAD that game working in flash player ?
yeah it works fine in flash player
@SHAZAD if you are touch the some of the game object then its play in regular way is it ?
sorry it works in device not working in amulator
yeah you are right
does anyone have idea how to connect remote database in android
@SHAZAD see for that you have write some script for animation and moving object same way you have to code for in android .
@amy i ask you what you tried for this task ?
hi guys
what is collection base on java?
there is no such thing as extends CollectionBase
@chintankhetiya is car diriving game
@SHAZAD you are flash game developer ?
No @chintankhetiya
i said beofre
@SHAZAD what you are ?
@amy can you post that link again i want to see it.
@SHAZAD mean app developer ?
@chintankhetiya yes
@SHAZAD ok who is the developer of that game ?.
@chintankhetiya i dont know my manger send me the link but it is in flash
@SHAZAD if you want to play some animation on game then you have to code for it. or if you want to play same game the code for whole game in ios.
when i run on device it works
@SHAZAD can you play that game exactly as flash player ?
@chintankhetiya look i try to explain
for you
when i run that game in flash player its left and right events works
but when i run it on device it left and right evernt did not works
so i want to put that left and right event in it using android sdk
it it possible
Q: how to create pdf file with multiple pages from image file in android

B K SINGHHow to create PDF file with multiple pages from image file in Android? I created one PDF file from image. That PDF file has one page. That is half of that image. In the right side search part is cut in PDF file. I am using itext-5.3.4.jar for create PDF.

any one help me
@SHAZAD that is developed by flash script coding same way you have to code for android and ios for what ever you want. everything is possible .
@chintankhetiya Yeah i know but i not want to develped that game from start in Android only i want same flash game but insert left or right touch event in it..
beacuse i already tell you it works in device fine only touch event not working
Hi All
@SHAZAD so is that part of flash obj ?
good morning to all
@juned Very Good morning.
i need some help to create a specifiv layout in android
hi @chintankhetiya
@juned new for this room ?
nope but i didn't visit since long time
@chintankhetiya no that part of android sdk
@juned ok Grate.
i need to create specific layout to android @chintankhetiya
@SHAZAD see you can.
@juned yes its good
but please tell me how i can do it?
i want to fix the right and bottom side of specific area to fix for all activity. how do i create this kind of layout ? @chintankhetiya
did you got me @chintankhetiya ?
@SHAZAD can you see me image how you want to do actually ?
@juned yes. how much of area its fix of dynamic ?
@chintankhetiya, bhai, I wanna make listview non scrollable... any idea ?
@chintankhetiya ok wait let me get screen shot from that..
@Manjunath so you want to hide list view ?
@chintankhetiya, nope
just, I want to prevent from scrolling @chintankhetiya
@Manjunath so its fix that some number of data in list ?
4 button of left side and 7 button of bottom should be same for all @chintankhetiya
@juned have you try for menu ?
nope this all are toggle buttons so how do i use manu for that ?
@juned its will fix that you will not set any sub menu .
this button should be visible always, how the menu suits to it
@chintan for this line Class.forName("SQLite.JDBCDriver"); i got error classnotfound Exception does not able to load driver for android
@juned that you have to try on that
tinypic.com/view.php?pic=295emar&s=6 tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ivzcqo&s=6 these are screen shot which i take when i run it in flash you clearly see there it left and right events works here
please check the above link
@juned or you can fragment for this . this app is for tablet of phone ?
i dont think so,to show a menu user needs to press the menu button so...
@SHAZAD are you talking about left and right button of the game to moving cars ?
yes exactly
but in android
using same flash game i want put these feature there
@SHAZAD no man its not possible. you have to code for whole the game because as you want its integration of game and it's not possible as per i know. you have to code for whole game
@chintankhetiya ?
@chintankhetiya its not good man your means i need to develped it from scratch
@chintankhetiya tell me one thing
@juned yesss i m here
@SHAZAD only one oky ?
yes offcourse man hahaha
@SHAZAD ok share it
@chintankhetiya look i run this game in glaxy s1 mobile every thing works there only left and right not working
@SHAZAD which are the other feature that interact with native code ?
@chintankhetiya there is start button when i press this button in mobile it play the game and all cars runnings...
so all these feature working there
it means there is possibility to fix it..
for android
@SHAZAD start button is your play button ?
do you have any example for same ? @chintankhetiya
@SHAZAD and what about 4 navigation key it will part of out device mean keyboard ?
@juned i ask you this is specif for tablet ?
yes its keyboard keys..
yeah its for tablets ! @chintankhetiya
@juned use fragmentation
ok Thanks
@chintankhetiya this is point where need to concentrate on it..
ok thanks @chintankhetiya
@AdilSoomro hi
one issue bro
@SHAZAD No you never do like this. because behind that game some script has written and we can't interact with it. see one is your app you build. In that one button is there .. now i want to use that button if i press that button it should be close . can its possible ? no never you have to code for it.
@chintankhetiya good point ........but it put me in serious trouble to hear from you only way to develped it from start..
bye the way thank you so much
you help me lot
@SHAZAD its not easy to explain you. ha ha :)
hi all: is there encryption and decryption method in sqlite?
@chintankhetiya wait wait i have a idea
can i share it here
@SHAZAD if short you can
yeah it short
@KalaiSelvan how many number of data available in db?
number of datas in the sense?
look if we change these keyboard event in movse event in flash then i think it works in mobile beacuse mobile support the movse event
@SHAZAD but if mobile which is not touchable then ?
@KalaiSelvan some data exist of new born of data base ?
i need to encrypt particular column values
@chintankhetiya but we need for touchable mobile for the time being..
@AamirKhan hay! w.slaam, proceed.
@chintankhetiya have you any experince in flash?
@SHAZAD ok try it.Best of luck
@SHAZAD koi shak ...? not about script in depth
@AdilSoomro: is ther any enryption and decrypt method like mysql in sqlite?
@chintankhetiya ok thanks
@KalaiSelvan for that you can do by coding and insert encoded data in db and retrieval time you have to decryption of data.
@AdilSoomro in tab host i want to recall my activity when i click on some tab item
how to do that
@KalaiSelvan I don't know buddy, sorry :(
@AamirKhan re-call ??
@AdilSoomro @KalaiSelvan Hi ya. Do you have idea on actionbarsherlock?
@Appu nop.
@AdilSoomro ya
@Appu sorry no idea
@AdilSoomro @AamirKhan Okay. :(
@AamirKhan I meant, I did not get it.. what do you want to do...??
@AdilSoomro suppose we are having 3tabs A,B,C
now i am some where in A and i go to B than when i again goto A than i want to recall activity
@AamirKhan do you want to re-start Activity?
the heck I cant ask a question anymore?
@AdilSoomro yes
Hi all
any idea regarding "SQLiteException : no such table" , in database file table is already there but somehow this Exception raise, not regularly but some times only
Hi every body
I have query : how to send the lat, lng through webservices to server in every 5 mins even app is closed
@AshishPandit use service find good android background service will guide you
@chintankhetiya but i don't under stand how to use it
@AshishPandit have you read how to make background service in android developer or any other web res ?
@AshishPandit "My Name is chintan kheitya"
@AshishPandit ha ha kidding
@chintankhetiya sorry for that - yes i am reading but not able to get it
hey guys..
@Sowmya hey
@AshishPandit have you ever make background service app or demo example ?
@chintankhetiya Have u worked on MySQL database server connectivity?
@Sowmya yes
I need to retireve some data and show them in a list and I"m unaware of the number of rows in the table..
@chintankhetiya no sir
@chintankhetiya How do I use an async task and load the values dynamically..
@Sowmya Is it a remote server?
Im on remote now.
What is the server side scripting language?
Okay. So use REST or SOAP service to get your work done.
@AshishPandit please do first . there are api demo in sample code also try it and then move to next step.
I'm using a Json for parsing
@Sowmya where you getting a problem ?
I want to know how to show the values using an async task in a listview.
@Sowmya have you try other async example. lots of example are available on web
as there are "n" number of rows
Tag the people @Sowmya so that they will get notified with asterisk when you pinged. You are parsing the data into json object. But how do you send that object? By get or post?
@Appu ok handle to her
@Sowmya please add "@" before name and don't cut off our name is very good why you are doing this way ? :(
@Sowmya Okay. fine. Are you getting the data that you want in response? Just check it by log.d or sop's. If you get the data, then it's not that big task to set the data in listview.
@chintankhetiya oops..Soorry. :(
@Appu i'm nt sending any data. I'm just reading the rows.
@chintankhetiya oops..Soorry. :(
yes I do
@Sowmya ok. care for next time.
@Appu Well, clearly I'm aware of that. My question is in the listview how do I load the values using an async task.
@Sowmya Well, it depends on your requirement if you want to set the normal listview, you can directly set the data in the listview that you get with the help of arrayadapter. If you wanna use the custom listview. Then you have to define a custom adapter. You set this custom adapter in the onPostExecute() method by listview.setAdapter(adapter)
@Appu @chintankhetiya @Sowmya had lunch?
Hmm. Have had just now. You?
me too
@victor huuuoommm. its very good now sleeping time in background service
@chintankhetiya give me your manager number :P
@victor 1 2 ka 4 or 4 2 ka 1 :P
@Appu not yet.. I'm also confused about retrieving the number of rows from the database server. If I"m showing a list of 10 items in a page, when the user scrolls up I need to load the values on the go. So do I need to send a request for every 10 items?
@Appu not yet.. I'm also confused about retrieving the number of rows from the database server. If I"m showing a list of 10 items in a page, when the user scrolls up I need to load the values on the go. So do I need to send a request for every 10 items?
@Sowmya use paging in ListView
@Sowmya Yeah you can do something like that to get the data step by step. Or you can use this endless adapter for listview which can load the data while scrolling.
Have never worked on it. But still thinking whether to implement it in my project. @Sowmya
@Appu not working ur Listview example
@Shyam ????
You mean it's not working?
@Appu hi
when i fire backpress event in tab host on that time i want to check from which class back press is fire
any idea how to do that?
when i fire backpress event in tab host on that time i want to check from which class back press is fire
@Appu Thanks. Will give it a shot.
hello guys @ALL
@AdilSoomro any idea?
@AamirKhan Don't have idea on tab host. But is there any possibility in that to override the onBackPressed() method. If so, set some tags to the global variable which is available to all classes in that backpressed() method .
anyone ter
@Sowmya Welcome. :)
Q: Encounter random SQLiteException of "no such table"

rajparaStrange exception raise randomly (not in specific scenario/pattern), exception is as below which gives "Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: Courses: , while compiling: SELECT * FROM Courses" Every time it runs perfectly but some times it throw above exception, so ...

@Appu i have disabled backpress now
@AamirKhan o_O ??
@AamirKhan when your TabActivity is visible, onBackPress() is handled in TabActivity. not in child Activities.
@rajpara Where is your db file? Is it in data folder or assets folder?
@Appu yes
@AdilSoomro hmmm
asset folder
@Appu :(
That's what the problem is.. It throws exception sometimes if you put that in assets folder. AFAIK it's not a good practice to put the file in assets.
any idea?
Try putting it in data. @rajpara
And let me know the output
@Ramkumarandroid in terms of what? design? api? or what?
@Appu let me try that also
BTW thanks
in design
@rajpara Welcome :)
one more thing, because occurrence of exception is rare so its take time to test, but i will try this
@rajpara Okay. No problem.
anyone ter
@Appu hi
@RishiGautam hi
hw r u @victor
i am good @RishiGautam thank you and what about you
i m also gud so
u knw is there any method run in background in the app fire every 5min when ever the app is runing or not
can anyone tell me value of k in barrel(Bitmap input, float k) stackoverflow.com/questions/6214377/fisheye-distortion
@RishiGautam nope
@RishiGautam Hey
@Appu after rename all table , exception goes
hi everybuddy
hi khan
any one have used gtask api
@rajpara Glad, your problem is solved. Yeah. I too have seen this workaround somewhere, but forgot. ;)
hotveryspicy suggested that, i am also glad that you help me ;)
hw y ru
@AdilSoomro hi
@RishiGautam I am good. How about you?
Haven't checked.
@AdilSoomro need some help in In-app
@victor in-app??
@AamirKhan hello?
@victor dungeons app is working fine?
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

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