Did you mention me before. It's showing that I have been mentioned by you. But when I click on that it's not showing any thing that you pinged with @appu
Remove this remove this listView.setItemsCanFocus(false); line and check.. But it doesn't effect AFAIK. Anyways check it out. I am getting doubt are you able to view the listview at all as you wanted?
I have some 50 images which i want to display on view dynamically by picking images from drawable folder .how should i use them without making use of switch cases.
@Praveen I have some 50 images which i want to display on view dynamically by picking images from drawable folder .how should i use them without making use of switch cases.
You will need TimerTask for it.
Below Snippet will help you
It will change image every 3 seconds.
timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
@Pooja Make an array to get those 50 images from your drawable folder.. And, use that answer from that link to show up the images with time interval simply
@samir Okay tell me ontheing you're ging to display your layout with these components only. Or else will you add anymore?
@Praveen I am not making use of image view...am setting images using this subCat.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(R.drawable.dessert, 0, 0, 0 );
@jee tI have some 50 images which i want to display on view dynamically by picking images from drawable folder .how should i use them without making use of switch cases.
I Want to Show WebPage Inside WebView. Up to this it is fine.
But I have WebPage (As Given Below) and I want Certain Part of it. I mean just Top Left Corner should be visible in fit to screen mode in all the devices.
I'm resolving this Problem since last two three days.
What I want : I want...
I have used this Example to get attachment from Gmail.
In that Example they use following..
String host = "mail.gmail.com";
Store store = session.getStore("pop3s");
Now for Yahoo mail, I search on google for host name and store value. Anybody know about yahoo mail host and store valu...
I haven't heard such @samir But I am just manipulating your requirement something like up to what I understood till now... You have an image on the screen. So, you would know up to which co-ordinates it spreads on your scree. With that by getting the co-ordinates of the screen, you are doing the image things. Right?
As they will definitely take effect because android automatically adjusts the image and makes sure that it fits your present screen. As you hardcoded the co-ordinates and manipulating it so that it takes care of the present screen. But the co-ordinates of the touch on the different screen may not be matching with what you have set now..
@samir check this [link](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9355594/android-virtual-device-configuration-for-a-7-inch-tablet-in-android-sdk-2-3-3) and according to this Width: 600px Height: 1024px
In my android app, in login page their is forgot password test when i click on that it should take to next activity how can i do that? can any one help?
@user1805266 Use Intent intent = new Intent(this, ForgotPasswordActivity.class);StartActivity(intent);
in the onclick of button
Didn't get you. You edited the image?
@samir It was a long call..I have never worked with such image clicks which change according to screen. It's rare I guess. Anyways what I am thinking is --> Keep different images in drawable folder for different screen sizes and set the respective images in the conditional statements by getting the width and height of the screen of present device which your app is running on...
How you restrict image so that it doesn't get expanded according to screen size when you use that as a background? Even if you do that, wouldn't the other places (like sides) empty without an image?
I am doing login page in android where only registered user from website can login. I want only authenticated user to login. How can i access server data base remotely. what all i need from server to authenticate username and password?can any one help to solve this?
im trying to create an app to turn on the LED in galaxy s3, api 15 (4.0.4) i used the codes i found here in this site, but it crashes why this is the page mkyong.com/android/… any1 know what i am doing wrong