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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 16:00

~~~Good Morning~~~
goodmorning all
hi all
good morning
i wish all a bug free day :D
@all Hi ....
Q: How to create soap request using ksoap2 for a wcf webservice method with data contract?

ReneezI have successfully accessed web services using ksoap2 but i am stuck with calling a web service method with data contracts. The webservice request in SoapUI is shown as : <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/" ...

pls have a look at this and suggest some solution
Good Morning
GM @Abhi
good morning
hi gud mrng:)
@Abhi how to disable a row in lisview baseadapter.. so user should not edit that row.. only he can view that row content..
How do i implement rest auth mechanism in php ...i dont know php langauge plz help.
gud friends
Hello any buddy knows how to integrates the push get notification in our app
any budy have idea to integrate the gcm in app
hello @all
hi @Rishi Gautam
Hello All
please help
Q: Marquee not scrolling in android

user1726619I want to use the feature of marquee in my android app and am using this code for achieving the goal: <TextView android:id="@+id/marqueetext" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:ellipsize="marquee" android:fadingEdge="horizonta...

hi @kongkea
hi @victor
@iPhone-Android-rahul hello sir
any idea
@kongkea i have a problem can you solve it..
sir how to integrates
@RishiGautam i have a problem can you solve it..
the gcm code in android
tell sir
Q: how to change only fragment on onclick in list fragment rather than the activity in android

Rcpi have a two fragments in one fragment i have list at the left and in right fragment i am showing the list view in list fragment ,if i click the list in list view i need to show another view in the place of list view but the left fragment should still there . In t...

@iPhone-Android-rahul hello
@RishiGautam check it out plz
@victor hi..
@RishiGautam are you there
sorry i have no idea
@victor plz help me..
@victor are you there
@iPhone-Android-rahul i too never worked on it @iPhone-Android-rahul
its ok..
anyone one can help me..
How do i implement rest auth mechanism in php ...i dont know php langauge plz help. and in android
@kongkea are you there??
@iPhone-Android-rahul I never use Fragment. sorry
@iPhone-Android-rahul you can hide and show the fragments from fragmentActivity.
@iPhone-Android-rahul check this is the simple example for Fragment..
Hi Rishi
are you asking about GCM push notification
@SilentKiller actually next view on click is fragment activity not fragment and the parameter in the method of hide and show takes only fragment not fragment activity.
@SilentKiller i have modified my question plz take a look..
Hi all
Q: how to change only FragmentActivity on onclick in list fragment rather than the activity in android

Rcpi have a two fragments in one fragment i have list at the left and in right fragment i am showing the list view in list fragment ,if i click the list in list view i need to show another view in the place of list view but the left fragment should still there . In t...

@Venky Why dont use Custom ImageView for that ?
Good Morning
@iPhone-Android-rahul hii
plz solve my problem..
@DeepikaLalra ya
u have did this
@all: Do u know?
@all: Congratulations
plz help how to integrates in our app in android
@MAC Hii after long time
ya mam i have a code of gcm but no idea how to integrate it
@all hi gm
@All : Goodmorning.....
i have some prolem please see dis link ....
Q: how to give comma(,) separator as decimal separator in ios 6?

baluIn my app im using HTML page for taking the data from the user in that im taking an textfield with type number ,my problem is that after entering the number into the textfield click on done button data coming on textfield with comma (,) separator ,this one working fine in ios 5 but in ios 6 not c...

okay @RishiGautam what you have done please tell me. i think did you set your menifest file and made the broadcast reciever class?
hi all How can I replace the apk in Google Play?
@DeepikaLalra First i start the splash screen then start the main class
give me you email id i will mail you demo project
@DeepikaLalra k mam [email protected]
thax u mam @DeepikaLalra
@No_Rulz: change version name and version code
then upload new APK
@MAC but I need to change the packagename
@DeepikaLalra r u there
then upload it as a new App
@MAC For an example First I created an app like com.first.com now I created the package name in standard format but I cant upload it
ya, you could not change package name on google play
so, create new app in play store and upload new
@DeepikaLalra Whom you want to contact?
and if you want remove previous
then unpublish it
@N-JOY @DeepikaLalra @Abhi anybody know this?stackoverflow.com/questions/13487322/…
@MAC I search about unpublish but after publishing in Google Play there is no way to unpublish
@No_Rulz just deactivate it
@Abhi may be whom want help
@RishiGautam i mailed you
@No_Rulz if u deactivate old apk.once u upload new file, it will override old
@MAC And also I forgot the existing keystore password while creating a new keystore iI cant upload it
@sanjay How can I deactivate? can you explain it?
@No_Rulz go to ur account,and ur published app,then theres a deactivate option on top right of ur apk file Tab
@sanjay i think google takes care of . or anything i don't know
@DeepikaLalra can you pls post that demo in any blog, and share it ll help to all developers
@sanjay thanks for giving the suggestion
@DeepikaLalra nope we should do deactivate & activate new one
4 mins ago, by Abhi
@DeepikaLalra Whom you want to contact?
only one apk can be in active state at a time@DeepikaLalra
i want to contact venkat
@DeepikaLalra can you pls post that demo in any blog, and share it ll help to all developers
what u want to be posted
demo project
@sanjay and also how can i get the password of existing keystore? I forget it
GCM Demo project
@DeepikaLalra s
@Dhamu: GCM Demo is available in API demos
do you have blog? @DeepikaLalra
@DeepikaLalra Just go to his account and open any question.Post message there
also see this tut
@No_Rulz hello..u should know ur password na
@DeepikaLalra ya thax u
k where i integrate the code in my app
no i don't have any blog
A: Push Get Notification on GCM in android

MACFollow steps give here Download complete demo given here Import sample and modify DemoActivity.java checkNotNull(SERVER_URL, "SERVER_URL");<--- checkNotNull(SENDER_ID, "SENDER_ID");<--

but he didn't respond
@No_Rulz @DeepikaLalra actually theres two tabs called apk file & Product details on ur app account.right?
@sanjay yes but I did as major mistake I thought We can create a new keystore password at any time
@DeepikaLalra ur android dev?
Because he is not online.
yes @sanjay
nope.we should maintain single pass for all@No_Rulz
@DeepikaLalra where ur from?
@sanjay what you want? your question are out of tech.
@sanjay Here aftr I dont do make this pbm and Now what the solution for this
@RobinHood this is also tech quest.. lolzzz
ok.. your shared files with rishi.. so it may your own api? so i asked to post your api in public to know all users @DeepikaLalra
@RishiGautam just cool down and debug all code and understand code cycle you will know where you should put it
no its not my own api
@RobinHood i asked one tech quest.But nobody respond me :(
@RobinHood hey how are you doing ?
k @DeepikaLalra
May be we don't know or busy, have patient. and try your self till none reply
@sanjay cool down and please maintain tech environment
@CapDroid doing well
@RobinHood goood How going work ?
@DeepikaLalra @RobinHood okies
@CapDroid no work,now a days, so digging sherlock-action bar examples
@RobinHood nice.. enjoy sherlock-action bar
Any phonegap developers here?
@Dhamu I am not
@Dhamu i think @AamirKhan is
I knw deepika but plz understand my question when i start my app first splash screen is start then main activity is start through intent
@sanjay ok sir
@AamirKhan phonegap developers?
@Dhamu yeah
@No_Rulz no sir..call me sudhir
@CapDroid what about you?
tellme will try to solve
@sanjay ok sudhir
@RobinHood I am also free.. Helping junior & enjoy Here
@DeepikaLalra k
i start the DemoActivity.java class through intent then how to start the main activity in class

PhoneGap Framework

Welcome to phonegap dev's hub, catch us on facebook facebook.com/
did u implement this code in any app
@RishiGautam Through intent
@CapDroid whhhaaattttt....????
you are helping...????
@SilentKiller yes Android Juniors not BB
yes i have implemented @RishiGautam
NativeControls plugin of PhoneGap.
@CapDroid :(:(:(
@SilentKiller your bad luck
first write the code which is written in oncreate of demoactivity in your homeActivity then paste the broadcast code in your home activity or Abstract class.
then give permissions in menifest file
add jar file
then make sure your GCMIntent service is in the same package which you have mentioned in your menifest file
first do these steps then tell me
@Abhi @spAny idea to convert image to pdf?
Hello @ALL
@Dhamu Read room description
@Venky with iText library you can
@Venky itext
Q: Convert image to PDF in Android

Nandlal ViraniI need to send an image as in form of PDF file in my Android application but I dont have idea how to convert bitmap to PDF. I am able to write pdf with text only. Is there any solution?

@DeepikaLalra k
@Abhi k
@Venky hi da..
@Venky See this
Hi @Abhi, @DeepikaLalra
thanks guys , let me check
hello everybody.
@chintankhetiya hello
hi @sanjay . How are you ?
fine yep
@sanjay can you help me ?
@Abhi, @DeepikaLalra, video encoded with mpeg ts compression doesn't open
@chintankhetiya proceed.ill try
@DeepikaLalra its for me ?
@SilentKiller hi
for what?
@sanjay i want to play live audio streaming and i have some reference links . if i pass simple url like xyz.com/new-song.mp3 then it works for me but i have not same link for other audio Url . it may be different so what should i have to do ?
@sanjay see this is a link where a can play audio listenlive.eu/norway.html
@chintankhetiya ill check
@sanjay ok thanks .
@DeepikaLalra ok i just ask because you have not use specific name in your comment .
guys You must specifiy a valid layout reference. The layout ID @layout/header is not valid. @Abhi @DeepikaLalra
@chintankhetiya can u make ur question clear?
to include layout in other layout
@chintankhetiya xyz.com/new-song.mp3 this link works for u right?
@sanjay ok have you check my reference link ?
list of radio stations
@sanjay yes if i play like simple audio .mp3 as i give you xyz example its works for.
@sanjay yes that all are radio station now there are no any API or Developer tag available where i can use it for more reference .
@sanjay see this is the main link codecanyon.net/item/…
@chintankhetiya i think diff url is enough for playing diff stations audio
@sanjay have you check my last reference link .? in that one is SHOUTCAST in that just play radio it will play on web in new window. so i just copy and past that url to play same satiation in android. but no effect
@sanjay ok sanjay take your time i am waiting.
Hi all
anyone have implemented microsoft dynamics CRM in android
can someone please help me resolve this issue? stackoverflow.com/questions/13414242/…
@chintankhetiya i think they have to give list of audio station url's for playing diff audio
u need to check them once
@sanjay i have check it . but there are no any url which can be play an audio. there are no any api or developer port so we get more.
@DeepikaLalra r u there
@chintankhetiya shoutcast.com in this ex..there are 5000 stations are ther.so u need to get separate link for diff stations
@sanjay if i play radio on web its working in shoutcast. but if i use that url for live streaming in android then it will not play.
playing web is diff from android
if u use shoutcast.com/..what will happ?
hi, i am stuck with accessing a wcf webservice with complex types, please have a look at this question stackoverflow.com/questions/13472504/…
@sanjay shoutcast is good i can use that api and all that thing but they ask developer key to use it and there are just login to developer not link for new account in help.
u have said the DemoActivity.java class code is write in the homeactivity
r u there
@DeepikaLalra ?
@RishiGautam PhoneGap?
no gcm in android no man @Dhamu
Q: PhoneGap NativeControls Tabbar selection

NinaI am using XCode version 4.2 and PhoneGap version 1.5.0 to develop iOS app. Using the following code, I was able to add tab bar on the page, but I couldn't make it to navigate to another page on selection. I have created the tab bar using NativeControls plugin of PhoneGap. function onDeviceReady...

same problem here?
any one answer?
@RishiGautam india?
@AdilSoomro Hi. There?
It was working fine. You great
But, one small doubt
Should i have to use the -fno-objc-arc for my ViewController?
r u there
hi any budy tell me how can i integrate the gcm code in my project , i have a code
reply plz
@RishiGautam @Abhi Has done GCM you can ask him..
@Abhi did u done the gcm
thax @Praveen
@Abhi r u there man
r u there
i was taking lunch sorry
yes i have said to write DemoActivity code in your homeActivity
it happen we can call the demoactivity through method
this is sample whose code you hav to use in your app
yes i have send the main page class in ur email id @DeepikaLalra
plz can u accept my chat invitation in ur email id
r u there
how resize the grid dynamically in android???
i orrected your code
i just mail you
yes i will accept
@DeepikaLalra @RishiGautam @user1508671 Hi i have one doubt i have 10 videos in my sdcard how to play all videos continuously
in videoview
@RBalaji u want to play them in one or deifferent video view??
u can not i think
you can do one thing
make layoout gridview of videoviews
and then you can play them at once
one videoview
@RBalaji et a MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener on your VideoView.
okay sequence wise is possible only
ok i will try after i will let you know @DeepikaLalra @user1508671
@RBalaji okay
how resize the grid dynamically in android???
@user1508671 yourImgView.setLayoutParams(new GridView.LayoutParams(100,100))
@No_Rulz okay let me implement it
@user1508671 mm
Q: How to create soap request in ksoap2 for a wcf webservice method with complex types?

ReneezI have successfully accessed web services using ksoap2 but i am stuck with calling a web service method with data contracts. The webservice request in SoapUI is shown as : <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/" ...

@No_Rulz hey i said i want to resize the GRID??
@user1508671 if you resize the image in Grid it will automatically affect in GRID
@No_Rulz But my requirements is to hv grid of user chioce so use can change grid size dyanmically
before adding or aftre adding images
@user1508671 basic que from your requirement How did you get the size from user
Anyone tried using Zxing on 4.04
@No_Rulz Acutally the concept is there are 3 image : 3*3, 4*4 ,5*5 on click of these images there will be grid of that size and grid may or may not be filled
if 3*3 images are filed and user select 4*4 he is suppose to resize the grid with all previous images
@user1508671 ok dude sorry for interrupt I am havng meeting now I will catch you after 3o min sorry dude
@user1508671 I am back
@Venky Hi
@Venky..plz try the below link once u may have some clue on it.... justpaste.it/edit/1225905/63c621fb
@No_Rulz can u plz help me out to resize the grid?
@user1508671 Did u create gridview by programatically or else by using layout
@Venky.. refer the same code here pastebin.com/FAfrzfSZ
@No_Rulz hv to create programatically
@SenthilMg hello
Put code in pastie.org @SenthilMg
@user1508671 check this link it may help you stackoverflow.com/questions/6912922/…
@No_Rulz No this didnt worked thanks for help i ill try do it
Dai it's not oepning here paste your code in pastie.org
@Venky...refer hr pastie.org/5410812
That above link is also not opening , what's that?
@Venky..all those links working fine...
@Venky u may blocked to access those by ur admin
@Venky i have one doubt in android date picker may i ask you?
yeah man here access blocked
@AdilSoomro hi..i have one doubt in android date picker, may i ask you?
@AdilSoomro pls look at this question stackoverflow.com/questions/13472504/…
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 16:00

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