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Good Morning
Good moring :)
good morning
goodmornig all
Good Morning
Good Morning all
@Abhi Hello daaaaaaaaa
@Venky Hey i sent message to vivek :)
Okay man , no pblm
yesterday no balance to message that why didn't replied sorry man
okay no problem yaar, How are you?
@all hi gud mrng ve a nice day to all.............
yeah i am good thanks , how are you machi? @Abhi
Hi, how are you ?@malavika
@Venky ya g8 man wat abt u?
hw was diwali?
@Abhi good morning dude
Doing good thanks :) , Nice Diwali
@malavika Morning.., @Venky Fine dude
that's great to hear
Good moning
Morning man @Praveen
How is native @Praveen :P
Yes. Fine. @Abhi
@Venky How was diwali celebration?
how fine man... What about you?
Hmm. Fine.
good morning
Where is @jeet :P
@Abhi @jeet good morning
@Abhi m here, my friend
@jeet :) How are you dude?
@Abhi @Goofy @jeet @Praveen goodmorning all
Morning morning
@victor good morning
@Goofy very good morning
@Abhi m fine, what about you
Hmm me too fine
Good Morning all :-)
Good Morning @ALL
@Manjunath good morning
@Goofy, VGM dude
@Abhi are you free for 5min
pastebin.com/uTwFEjv9 could have a look into my code
i am getting json string twice
and displaying twice
i am not able to know how it is happening ..
300 lines of code!!! Tell me where is your issue?
i am getting json string twice
see the class LoadallProducts
Check how many times for loop is iterating
its only one time
Then how can you get data twice, Did you debug it?
@DeepikaLalra, hey
@Abhi, @DeepikaLalra, I am loading a local html page into a webview. But, when I click on the hyperlinks it shows "page cannot be displayed"
@Abhi any help
Try to debug. I cant find any wrong in your code
i am tracing everything @Abhi but not finding
hi @ALL
i have a project that is working fine
i have created that project as a library used that library for some other project
so if run this project the previous activity is finishing automatically
anyone have the idea about it@all
Q: How to create callbacks between android code and native code?

RajaReddy PolamReddyI have a requirement for creating call backs between native code ( c language code) and Android code . I wrote JNI functions for calling C code from the android like this JNI code here #include <android/log.h> void initSocket(); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif JNIEXPORT voi...

does anyone knows how to create a simple handwriting recognition app in android? or a link I can study? I have searched through net about it and I have not found any that may help.. Please.. :(
@all Hi
@Goofy @Abhi @Praveen @Manjunath Hi
@Appu, hey
@Yul how can i call ImageAdapter to use in android activity. like this gridview.setAdapter(new ...) pastie.org/5380999
@Appu hi
@Goofy NEED help in json
@Yul another activity no android activity. sorry
i dont get it
@victor sorry have not worked...
your pastie is weird:) If you want to use gridview.setAdapter(new ...) just remove GridAdapter extend Activity
@SpicyWeenie: Your problem with sms is all solved ?
Q: Clear the stack activity on Back button pressed

GoofyI have 4 activites : Menu -> screen 1 Menu items -> screen 2 Detailed View -> screen 3 Ordered item -> screen 4 in Menu activity(screen 1) i have a button onclick of that it goes to MenuItems activity(scrren 2 which is List view), on click of any item in the list view it to corresponding item d...

@Yul I want to do like this line 10 pastie.org/5380999
@Manjunath @Abhi @Goofy I need some help on storing the pic taken from camera ya.. I have to take pic from camera and later that should be stored in remote server folder rather than storing the blob itself in database and that url should be stored in remote database. Whenever we retrieve from the database the pic should be displayed. Please suggest..
line 10 is @Override
3 mins ago, by Yul
your pastie is weird:) If you want to use gridview.setAdapter(new ...) just remove GridAdapter extend Activity
Just use public class ImageAdapter extends BaseAdapter{ remove remove GridAdapter extend Activity
@Appu basically u want to send the image from your app to server ...?
@Appu Yes you can upload image to server, from server side if image get uploaded ask them to return url. Store that url in local database
@Yul are free for 5 min
@Goofy Yeah..
@Yul doyou have another way. I know this way it can
@Appu use REST ...
another way from remove extend activity
am i free for 5min?@victor
@kongkea: You just dont need activity. It's simple a Adapter class and you can use it in any activity
need help in android @Yul
@Abhi Yeah. But I need to store that url in remote database only.. I am not getting how to do that from starting to ending.
just ask. If i know, i'll help
@Yul oh I see. thanks
@Goofy I am completely unaware of REST service ya.
http://pastebin.com/uTwFEjv9 could you look into this code my requirement to get the json data from the url and parse it and store in sqlite and then display data from sqlite
i am able to store the data but coming to display the data is displaying from the json url only
pastebin.com/uTwFEjv9 could you look into this code my requirement is to get the json data from the url and parse it and store in sqlite and then display data from sqlite
i am able to store the data but coming to display, the data is displaying from the json url only
@Goofy @Abhi One more thing is that I am using php at server side. I am able to store data and able to retrieve the data from remote database through json. But I am not getting how to store image and retrieve..
just for sure. You want to display data stored not directly from json? That is not easy to solve in 5 min :)
why is that my application works on gingerbread but not on 4. 0 +\
it makes me confuse
yeah @Yul
@Appu First of all i dont know about PHP
@Appu in the same manner how you are storing the data you can also send the file from app to server. search for uploading file to server in android in google you will get it
i want to store the json data into sqlite and then display the data
Dont ping me too much :). I'm still here. Did you success store in sqlite?
@Abhi Okay. no problem. Thanks for your time.
@Goofy It's a picture. Not a file.
@Appu yes you can even send that too ... just google it out..
@Goofy Okay. I always search number of times before asking. But this includes lot of different things like android,json,webservice, php, remote database and server ya. That's why I am unable to find resources.. I will try once again. But it's taking much time for searching itself.. Thanks for your time.
@Appu please dont mistake me ... the reason i told youto search is that i have the code some where and i am unable to find where it is so i told you...
@Abhi +1 @Appu please refer that link thats the one which u need to use...
@Goofy @Abhi Went for lunch.. Thank you very much guys... I have already seen this and bookmarked too but there is some ambiguity in the server side php script to store and retrieve in that source , that's why I left.. @Goofy No, I didn't misunderstand ya. I know you said it in a positive way :)
anyone work here on GPS location manager?
Is there anything like "#region" for C# or "#pragma" for C++ in Java?
@Yul in corona do you read anything about In-app billing
No. I'm just newbie. Currently learn how to use LUA and basic concept
@AdilSoomro Hi.
Hello @Praveen.
@all: hi
@AdilSoomro Dude. How to change the button click color blue to green?
@KalaiSelvan Thuppaki pathacha?
@Praveen: yeah dude
How is it?
mass film
@Praveen that is default button, if you want to change it, go with customize button. (i.e provide background default, and highlight states)
:) Ok fine.
@Praveen @KalaiSelvan Talking about movies :P
@Abhi: cha cha..
"cha cha == Uncle "
Oh! using by states? Okay will do it.
@AdilSoomro cha cha == No no in tamil
@AdilSoomro :) cha cha means No No :P. And i am boy not uncle :D
@AdilSoomro: no no
@Abhi @Praveen: u guys knows tamil
@KalaiSelvan Hey! Am from TN only.
@AdilSoomro Any sample snippet for button?
@Praveen: oh thats fine
[btn setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"normal"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[btn setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"highlighted"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
@AdilSoomro Oh this one. Okay fine. I'll do. Thnx
@Praveen setImage and setBackgroundImage two methods.
hi to all
@AdilSoomro Okay will read about that one.
@victor between Phnoegap and Corona which one that developer like to use and why?
am using the above code to check user click on space key in edittext
it is working for my hardware keyboard i mean my pc keyboard when when i click on softkeyboard it ia not working
using corona you can easily build with less code @kongkea
plz give any solution
for it
1 message moved to DUST
@AdilSoomro @Praveen @Abhi Hello guys
@Venky ay!
how are you mate?
@victor is it a commercial framework ?
@Venky cool, you say.
Hi man.
yeah i am doing good
@Praveen Changed profile name.. Great da'
Hmm. Just use my real name simply :)
its free to develop but its commercial to final build
@YerramNaveen what is the problem
In tokyo.
@Praveen, WOW :-)
@Praveen OH!
And, its free internet i think so.
@Praveen is it free
@Praveen r u edited or is it real
pastebin.com/y4ef0qYb @AdilSoomro @Praveen need your help
i cant able to display images from the json
and sqlite
@victor instead of posting the whole code, you should post only the relavent code and your specific problem, I'm not ready to look into all of your Activity class.
sorry @AdilSoomro pastebin.com/AZvsb9qk
i getting data from sqlite using that code but i cant able to display
@victor image is ArrayList of type string why you are using decodeByteArray()?
previously it is String[] i just changed into ArrayList at that time
even for string also no use @Abhi
Use decodeFilePath()
ok will check with that
Use pstie.org man
@hi all
@abhi need help in xml
a small issue
@abhi i need my title in app as freeimagehosting.net/917l8
check the image
and i m writing code as pastie.org/5381857
but when i run it in emulator it shows like freeimagehosting.net/ld4ub
so plz tell me whts the issue
there is something wrong with height attribute somewhere so plz tell me
@AdilSoomro plz if u can tell me where am i doing wrong
Increase height of title strip
@abhi ok
i think u r right
let me try
@Abhi thank you but no use
Are you getting data into image ArrayList?
Then how can you set it as Bitmap? First make sure that image ArrayList should contain urls
@Abhi didnt work
i set the height to 70 dip but still cant get desired view
Try 100dip
@abhi ok
@all Here anyone knows PHP?
@Appu wht do u need to knw in php ???
@Abhi good evng...i have one question may i ask you?
i have two questions :P
@Abhi :)
Say if i can i will
@Abhi @AdilSoomro Any sample to increase & decrease image dimension without losing aspect ration?
@samir To store every image with unique name in the folder and store the image path in the database.
createScaledBitmap() wont help you? @Venky.
No buddy , losing clarity
@Abhi right now i am working with bar-charts in android okay...After getting the inputs from the user,as per the input the bar-chart get draw okay...But here my requirement is, i need to show that bar-charts in animated manner...ie.,after getting the input from the user the bars should draw one by one....How to do this?
@prabu No idea man
@Venky See
hmm let me check
@Praveen Hi..i have one doubt may i ask you?
@Abhi i didit its working :)
thank you very much for your support
Okay give party..
done!!! week end freee ??
Yeah come to Vizag :P
hey i think you are from hyd
ne ways lots of thanks
@Abhi one doubt
TimeoutException :P
i am able to run the app in emulator but when i run on device with 4.0 and above the app is getting stopped unfortunately
Check log cat
my target version is 15
hey even in emulator it is running good for 4.03 also
@Abhi any idea about this type of issues
Check the exception which you are getting in device, debug it
sqlite exception in logcat but the code works fine and getting displayed too
Check the exception which you are getting in device
@victor i guess u have not closed the db connection
bye @Abhi @Manjunath and @ALL
@Harish, Bye dude :-)
Bye guys
by e @Abhi
2 hours later…
hello everyone, currenlty i'm working on a player in android and i wonder if there is a 3rd party library used in order to play .flac songs or any other way

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