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Good morning All
@NagarjunaReddy goodmorning
@Yul GM
Good moring :)
@victor @Yul VGM
good morning. Did you guys had nice Diwali
Good morning
@Abhi GM
@NagarjunaReddy :) Nice
So it's festival of lamp and firework?
yeah @Yul
@NagarjunaReddy it seems to be html5 right?
Do normal people have permission to fire big firework? In my country it's forbidden.
firecracker not allow too :D
yesterday we enjoyed a lot with lots of firecrackers
@Abhi good morning
happy depavalli
When i was a child, firecrackers is allowed. It's also traditional item in Tet holiday( New year holiday according moon calendar).
why not now?
Good Morning all :-)
@NagarjunaReddy Hii Good Morning
@smiley morning
@Manjunath good morning
happy depavalli
@Goofy, VGM. thanks and Happy Deepavali to you too :-)
@Manjunath maga ivattu raja ilva?
@Goofy, no sir... :(
@Goofy which language is that
@Manjunath oh ok ok same here... mate how is work going on...
@victor kannada...
@Goofy, going nice dude.. :-)
@Manjunath got to know any openings?
for 1 +
android java/j2ee
@Goofy, no dude
@Manjunath ok ... :(
@all hi gud mrng ve a nice day :)
Good Morning all
@all Hi
@all hi
i'm new here
@SaeedHashemi welcome to the community
thanks @Adil Soomro
so what do you do? @SaeedHashemi.
It's Ok
I have a question ;for start android programming ,how must I do?
@Adil Soomro
@AdilSoomro thanks Adil Soomro
@AdilSoomro @Appu hi guys...
my question is about IDE choosing
eclipse or jetbrain ?
Eclipse @SaeedHashemi
@SaeedHashemi well Officially, I guess eclipse is supported, I mean they have documented Eclipse only.
@victor why?
@Goofy hay..!!
@AdilSoomro just for doucument?
they have documented Eclipse only
@Goofy Hey, How are you doing?
@Appu fine how abt you... happy deepavali...
ok I choose eclipse
@AdilSoomro happy deepavali...
there is plugin available in eclipse for android
@victor ok I know that
I use booth of them and also xamarin monodroid
@Goofy Thank you. Wish you the same.. I am good.
@victor but which differences between eclipse and jetbrain?
i dont know about jetbrain @SaeedHashemi
@victor ok
@AdilSoomro do you know ?
Q: What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in?

Jamey McElveenI am about to start developing an android app and need to get an IDE. Eclipse and the android eclipse plugin appears to be the natural choice. However I am familiar with intelliJ and re-sharper so I would prefer use intelliJ. Has anyone used http://code.google.com/p/idea-android? Is this any go...

we (the most of the people here) use eclipse only. :)
Hello Everyone
HI @NareshSharma
How r u>
@victor i am good thanks you :)
@AdilSoomro thanks ,have you any ebook for learning?
@victor what about you ?
i am great thank you bro @NareshSharma
@SaeedHashemi yes, I've only one.. that is here
@victor thanks
@AdilSoomro bhai hello i have one issue with custom dialog
can u help me
@NareshSharma lets see.
:) @SaeedHashemi
So i have a method that creates a custom dialog
@AdilSoomro but I'm living in IRAN and here I don't have access to developer.android.com
@SaeedHashemi why?
@AdilSoomro Google Boycott Iranian users
@SaeedHashemi use some proxy, vpn, etc.
It's very bad
I have a method that creates a custom dialog. It contains editBox that gets PlayerName and sets the data member of class.. This dialog creator method is being called in some other method. Now when i get the value of that data member using getter, it is giving error
I use ... but didn't work in developer.google
@AdilSoomro got the issue?
@NareshSharma does this help?
you can also go fot them ......but better go for developer site @SaeedHashemi
@victor very thanks
It's good
@AdilSoomro let me see
:) @SaeedHashemi
public void onClick(View v)
/** When OK Button is clicked, dismiss the dialog */
if (v == okButton)
// listener is object of your MyDialogListener, which you have set from
// Activity.
@AdilSoomro I want to set this.playerName = editText.getText here.
thanks all
Bye for know
@AdilSoomro And after that I wabt to use this.getPlayerName() to get value
What is happening is it calls this geter before actually the value is set. since alert behaves asynchronously it seems @AdilSoomro
@NareshSharma so you didn't read it carefully, read that again, that too is working async.
yup. But can u help me understanding it. I actually didn't get it. I am trying to understand it. @AdilSoomro
MyDialogListener is a call back set to dialog, so whenever you will dismiss the dialog or press the OK, callback will pass the value to your implemented method. and you can set that value to your playerName in Actvity.
@AdilSoomro Sorry to disturb u again. So, my activity should implement interface. And in customDialog1, I will have a class member of listener. But How will i create a dialog then in CustomDialog1. I got the point of setting a value. But i need to get it from editbox. Can u show me to include editBox writing some code in customDialog1
@NareshSharma what is EditBox, is it a type of Dialog?
or your EditText is contained in a Dialog
ya my editText is contained in a dialog. @AdilSoomro
ok, is there any Ok or Done button?
There is a OK button
@NareshSharma cool, now get that EditText's value in onClick of the ok button, pass it to listener's method. and in Activity's implemented listener method get that value and set it to some variable.
@AdilSoomro, I am saving images to DCIM folder, does it give error if I remove SD card and try to save images into this
k let me try.. @AdilSoomro
@AdilSoomro it is again in the same issue
com.android.internal.os.LoggingPrintStream.println error
show code from Activity and Dialog. only listener related, using pastie.org
@Manjunath sorry, no idea of sd card
@AdilSoomro k. just a min
@AdilSoomro hello , good noon
How are you mate?
@Venky I'm cool, you say?
Did you cheked my question?
Q: Calculate image size based on Screen size in android

VenkyI am trying to calculate image height & width based on screen size.. I am getting 5'x 7' dimension image from back end , in order to convert pixels multiplying by 72 i have 360 X 504 dimension image. For 360 X 504 , my dynamic transparent rectangular area will appear at (1.223') x (1.179') i....

@AdilSoomro There?
@AdilSoomro pastie.org/5375879
see this
@Venky yes, I've seen that.
Way i calculated heigth& width is right?
@Abhi hello
@AdilSoomro are u there. HHave u seen my code
@Venky let try this
BitmapDrawable drawable = (BitmapDrawable) imageview.getDrawable();
bitmap = drawable.getBitmap(); w = bitmap.getWidth();
h = bitmap.getHeight();
Image is dynamic from server , any how i tried calculating using getWidht & getHeight.. thanks
hello all
anyone know how we get an event for before net going downn
@AdilSoomro i have one strange issue
in Android Discussion, 2 mins ago, by Venky
How to calculate Tab bar height? @Dharmendra
@victor: Do you have any snippet for creating timer? I got one from here but IMO it like brute force-way. Is there any elegant way?
will check wait @Yul
yeah i too used the same way to perform delays
i.e for timers i set using performwithdelay
even my previous javascript Limejs also haves same timer method so i didnot check any other timer methods @Yul
good morning
does anyone know if there is a 3rd party library for playing .flac files?
@Venky used GCM?
@George: you can try Vitamio. The official site is down. But link of sdk is still available
@Venky Hello.., Sorry i am not here so cant give reply. Seen your question +1.
@yul thanks a lot
You're welcome.
to all
any one ?
just ask
If you're interested in Chrome browser development I've started a new chat room: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19520/…
@Abhi i have a query to u...
@Goofy What?
@Abhi i have 3 activities A,B,C now on click of A it goes to B, and onlcick of B it goes to C,Now on back button pressed in C's activity it goes to B ... now prob is i do this several times and i am forced to click back several times as i am not able to exit from application... any solution....
What happens if you click back in Activity B?
@Abhi it goes to C...
but it has to go to A...
How you start Activity B?
onlclick i call an Intent @Abhi
Smart answer :P ,Did you add finish()
@Abhi where?
Show your click event code in pastie.org
see this @Abhi
@Abhi i have edited please check
Yes it is ok.
@Abhi i have edited then what is the prob? i mean how to rectify that?
Code is looking good., Did you override back button in activity B?
@Abhi yes...
in that i have given finish();
Remove that
hy, does anyone a smoother way to stream a song? The thing is that resetPlayer (from MediaPlayer) it's stops for a half second player .. which is a bit annoing for some of my clients
@Abhi ok then how to go back from B to A when back button is pressed?
use Intent:p
@Goofy Comment that override code and try once
@Abhi ok...
@Abhi where ever we call an intent ... say we can an intent from A to B at that time do we need to declare fininsh(); like this...
Intent i = new Intent(A.this,b.class);
No need of finish()
@Abhi yes if we give finish() then when we click back the activity will be destroyed and we cannot go back to that activity... am i correct?
@Abhi so when we click on back button we need to give finish()?
otherwise u have to click back button n no of times...
@Goofy No need to give finish() for back button
@Abhi ok i will explicitly have a back button then how?
i hope i am not disturbing u a lot...
You have to manage it with intent flags
@Abhi ok thanks a lot...
@Abhi Hi good eveng !... I have asked you one day about creating bar-chart in android right? i have done that concept...now i cannot able to arrange those bar-charts properly, can you let me know to solve my issues?
What is the issue, properly means?
Now show your code in pastie.org
@Abhi okay just a minute...
Demand!!!!! Great. Some questionnaires have developed a lot.. ;)
@prabu See this instead of Intent Use GraphicalView. it will retrun view. Add this view to your layout
Bye guys

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