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03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 20:00

@all GM
victor: any solution for my problem? i saw tutorial on youtube. They just simple update code and relaunch (ctrl+R) and emulator update new code
yeah i too face the same problem but previously i didnot found this @Yul
i too searching for the same
anyone has template for requirement, analysis, design for Mobile Game
Good Morning
Hello Everyone
Hello all, a little help on this will be great: stackoverflow.com/questions/13282372/…
good morning
@all Hi, Good Morning..
Hi Gooood Morning to all :)
hii Good morning to All
pastie.org/5340194 i am not able to Print data can u please help me
Good Morning all :-)
@Manjunath please see my code
am not able to Parse data and Print
@Appu are you there?
@Manjunath u there
@Anil, Yes
please help
where am doing wrong please check
i have to apply PUll refresh list
wats the error you are getting ?
@all very good morning to all have a nice day .................
@malavika good morning
can i get some help on Titanium?
@kittu88 i m working in eclipse dude i dont knw titanium
@Anil , there?
please tell me @Manjunath
@Anil, wats the error you aer getting ?
@kittu88 ask @Manjunath he may knw
@malavika no probs!
wait am telling
@Manjunath can you please help me out with Titanium
@kittu88, I know basics dude
@Manjunath may be you can look at this: stackoverflow.com/questions/13282372/…
@kittu88 Hi, Yeah. Have looked question just now. I am unaware of titanium. sorry.
@Appu no issues
@kittu88, sorry dude, don't know
@Manjunath when i Put break Point on pastie.org/5340194 then it becomes traminate and show Source not found
@Manjunath its oh!
@Manjunath u there
@Anil, yes
please check
where am doing wrong
@Anil, one minute
yes sure
@Anil, I just compared your code with this
but seems there is some other issue
Hi all Gudmrng.need help with images
anyone has experience with that ???
yes Ejectly @Manjunath can u please
tell me how i do Parse and Print it
@Anil, check that JSON parsing code seperately
yes seprtly i did its waorking
i did this example
same code i have write
JSONXML parser class also i have Put
@Anil, inside Listview getView() method, is it showing updated data ?
no its displaying NULL
@Manjunath i m trying to do it last 3 days
not able to do please help me @Manjunath
@Anil hi
@Sandeep hi
can u help me in this pastie.org/5340194
@Anil dude what do you want to achieve
@Anil, but, can you show ur ListAdapter class ?
@Manjunath what i want i want parse data and collect string private String[] mStrings \
actully i want to apply pull to refresh listview
@Anil, yes but, I wan to see your ListAdapter class
is this u want
in Smart Phone's Lab, 3 mins ago, by AamirKhan
@hardikjoshi Getting Excepotion: ServiceNotAvailable while finding current latitude and longitude
any one have faced it before?
am able to Print
@Anil, :-)
private String[] mStrings = {
"Abbaye de Belloc", "Abbaye du Mont des Cats", "Abertam",
"Abondance", "Ackawi", "Acorn", "Adelost", "Affidelice au Chablis",
"Afuega'l Pitu", "Airag", "Airedale", "Aisy Cendre",
"Allgauer Emmentaler"};
able to Print this wid PULL to refresh listv
i just want parse and collect sting
and aply wid same logic
u got my POINT
that link uses ListActivity and just by setting an array adapter it displays the list... but you are extending just Activity na, so you need have your own ListAdapter na @Anil
@AamirKhan: what emulator did he use? my guest Android2.2?
can u please tell me
otherwise extend ListActivity @Anil
@Manjunath how i will create
@Anil plz declare name inside the for loop
which u have declared globally
plz do like String name = c.getString(TAG_NAME);
sort of
infact do this for all
i did modified let me check now @Manjunath
@Yul nope,i am testing in samsung tablet android version >4.0
hi alll
@all hi all can u suggest me any sample of deleting the the items in the listview which are checked ,i googled but i am not able to get correct sample
can anyone help me with frame layout??????????????????
@jeet bhai need help bro
@samir yes say
@samir can u help me
@Pallavi good morning
@jeet bhai i need to do make different regions in an image clickable
@samir okay
heyyyyyyyyyy samir can u hear meeeeeeeeeeee
like the scenario is i have a lotus image and clicking on each of its petals some logic should be run
thats for analysis
so how can i do something this hard
you are having a framelayout right
@jeet bhai abhi to i have nothing i m starting now but maine pehle socha tha ki shayad framelayout se kar sakoon
@samir yes, you can use framelayout
in framelayout add an image view
done that
and add clickable regions by setting margins
wo kaise ???
so u mean to say i will have only one image in that framelayout?
@samir yes, only one image
and as many views as no of clickable regions on that image
didnt get that last line
as many view mean?
@jeet @samir hi's
@jeet sir u there?
@Anil, there?
@jeet sir this should be the screen like freeimagehosting.net/f3jyn
@Pallavi, can we apply more than one animation on a view simultaneously ? @jeet, @samir
Q: Getting Exception Service Not Available While Trying to Get Current Location Latitude & Longitude

AamirKhanthis question might be duplicate,but not getting satisfied answer so here i am throwing my issue.i am trying to fetch current location latitude and longitude using geocoder,before 2days i was able to get latitude and longitude but today getting exception:java.io.IOException: Service not Available...

@Manjunath am a beginner buddy never working with it
can any one go through it ?
@samir. :-)
@AamirKhan i cant check buuddy but can give u working code that i wrote
can i ???
its simple
@samir my code is also working but now i am getting exception,still let's try with ur code
paste it somewhere if possible
@AamirKhan might be your mapapi key got invalidated.... Check with other device, if you still face the same problem, try changing the maps api key.
@jeet bhai u there ????
@Appu do we need to have map api key for finding location,i don't think so
@samir yes sorry, wasnt on seat
@jeet ok sir
like you need to set a clickable region on 22 px from left
and 12 px from top
@jeet but its a curve
just create a view with layout_width=20
did u c my lotus image???
Hi, can anyone tell me how to stop/delete an app I suspect is a fake virus even though "force stop" and "report" are disabled when I view the app in applications manager? The app I'm talking about is "Software Update" (com.wssyncmldm). I think I got it after a fake t-mobile update... because a bunch of spam apps started showing up on my dock.
and top_margin
you can not curve view in android
@jeet ok
but if you still need it
@jeet but setting margins and all that
will set that image there
but how will that part be made clickable
@samir no, image view will be added as whole, without any margin in framelayout
then you will add this view in framelayout, with these width and height, and margins
@AamirKhan AFAIK I have done only by using API Key. Previously you were able to get the location without including map api key in your xml file?
and then setOnClickListener on View
ok @jeet
@jeet but this will be for one part i mean region
but wht if i have many such regions ???
@samir if you still need polygons, then I think you should have a static list of regions
@samir then create many views
@jeet dont knw how to do that . any tutorials ???
best according to u
@samir dont know, if there would be any tutorial for this type of view
@Appu yup
and sorry, you need a relative layout or absolute layout, not framelayout
@jeet ooh absolute is not there
so relative is the only option
@AamirKhan we dont need api
network wise location is fine
@jeet bhai ek project dekhoge i didnt get that
thats for a similar problem
if u have time
Hello all
Can any Body help me for doing this ?
Q: Make Downloader which download file in background and upading progressbar

Ramesh SudrasanaI want to develop file downloader app . which download list of file .when i add file to downloader list then its updating progress periodically. i close all activity and again i run the app then my app list all the current downloads with continuous progressbar What should i do for that ? I am u...

@samir sorry, yaar, will be busy next 2-3 days
@jeet no problem sir
@samir I am not sir, yaar
@jeet ok bhai
@AamirKhan oh then I don't know. sorry.
@samir thank you
@jeet hi
@Appu it's ok:)
@hacker hey
@jeet bhai can my problem be addressed using some matix concept sort of??
@samir yes, thats what I was telling you
if you still need clickable regions in polygons
have a list of regions
@jeet ok
how to find those regions ??
the sample that i have
regions are polygon
has declared in xml like
<map name="usamap">
<area shape="poly" coords="230,35,294,38,299,57,299,79,228,79" id="@+id/area1" name = "N. Dakota"/>
this way
a polygon is simply a set of coordinates
but i dont knw how to find pixels from my image?
@jeet can u u pls check this ? stackoverflow.com/questions/13245556/… @
you need to, actually, there are lot hard codes, in these type of problems
@jeet but how ???
i mean how can i find places ??
i mean point coordinates
u can sugest
any way /???
@samir one way, is to open image in some image editor
mark the margins, of regions from there
@jeet ok
this is good
but will it create problem
when the screen size changes?
@hacker sorry, yaar what is exif, I havent any idea
@samir if you will take image views dimensions in px, it wont, I guess
@jeet thanks bhai
lets try
@jeet bhai
@samir yes, thats what I would suggest, if later we face any issue, then we together solve the issue
imageView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch (View v, MotionEvent event) {
se x and y get karke calculations karke bhi kar sakte hain kya???
@samir yes, you would need this method
@jeet ok..
by this method, you will detect, if the point which has been touched, lies in any of the regions, you defined
and if it is, you need to highlight that region
@jeet ooooook
and how to check if that lies in that region ??
polygon me to kafi coordinates hai ??
wo to main thoda search karta hoon
@RobinHood welcome buddy
@jeet did you work on pdf generation?
check this link
Q: Point in Polygon aka hit test

Scott EverndenWhat's your best, most elegant 2D "point inside polygon" or Polygon.contains(p:Point) algorithm? Edit: There may be different answers for floats vs integers. Primary goal is speed.

@samir thanks:)
@RobinHood no, but I dont think its feasible in android
@jeet bhai ok thanks
very good noon guys.
but if you want to try, check iText Api
it should provide max features, for pdf documents
@N-JOY hey very good afternoon
@jeet yeah, using itext library , I achieved to generate pdf, but having issue while encrypting.
@RobinHood what issue?
actually after generating, m applying watermark , and later encrypting using below line of code.
stamp.setEncryption(OWNER_PASS.getBytes(),USER_PASS.getBytes(), PdfWriter.ENCRYPTION_AES_128, PdfWriter.ALLOW_PRINTING);
but its gives error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No valid encryption mode
I really don't know when to do encryption before watermarking or after, if I do before its gives error that first encrypt your pdf. and if do aftere its gives above error.
Thor hammer :P
@jeet Hii buddy. howz You?
can any one tell me a basic cook book application in android how much costing will come
can any one tell me
@RobinHood did you try changing encryption to some other than PdfWriter.ENCRYPTION_AES_128
nop, it will affect?
lemme check, another is 256.
same errro
@RobinHood coz see error
its showing no valid encryption mode
@N-JOY m doing good
what about you
i got a null pointer exception in my logcat i can't recognize the reason behind it someone please help me to solve this
@agen451 okay, show logcat and code
this is while running my timer activity it associated with three other classes
here is my logcat pastie.org/5344383
what is line no 227 in TimerKnob.java
@jeet:here is my main class this is an activity class pastie.org/5344392
Has anybody worked on OpenGL?
Q: Encryption of pdf using itext Library

RobinHoodI am trying to encrypt a pdf, before I sucuessfully generated pdf with watermarking but after watermarke, when I encrypt a pdf its gives error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No valid encryption mode If I encrypt before watermarking its works fine but again it gives error while watermarking...

@agen451 where is TimerKnob class
@jeet:this is the TimerKnob.java pastie.org/5344398
@agen451 I think error on the line
plz check if service has been initialized before invoking this method
@jeet:and in addition to these classes i've two other interfaces here they are pastie.org/5344423
@agen451 you havent initialized service object
r u free
can u please tel me how i will do this
there are 2 Project
@Manjunath u there
@Anil, yes
please yaar help
@jeet:where should i initialize them ?
i tried last 3 days not able to do PULL to refreshlistview
wid my application
@Manjunath please help me
@Anil, did you check your JSON parsing code is fine ? I mean your contactList is getting updated everytime ?
yes its working fine
there are 2 Project
which i have to do for Pull refresh
how i will integrate wid one to another
In your code, please extend ListActivity for the class PullToRefreshListActivity.. @Anil
ok i idid
now tell please
and i m able to display data in listview
does it work ? @Anil
please check this code it working fine now please tell me
what chnage requred now
for PULL to refresh listview
am doing from starting
@Anil, OK
now please tell we have to change
@Manjunath please help i have tried it last 3 days not able to do
@Anil, dude from this link
you should import both projects
because, one is library project
just tell me which is Libarary Project
pullrefres or pull refresh Example
@Anil, pulltorefresh
ok so both Project we have to create right
just give me some time
i ll get back to You
@Anil, OK
@Manjunath i have create Libarey Project import com.markupartist.android.widget.pulltorefresh.R; this line coming Error
The import com.markupartist.android.widget.pulltorefresh cannot be resolved
@Manjunath u there?
i am using zxing lib for scanning qr code.. but my camera dosent autofocus :( any solution.. I have added all the user permissions
@jeet bhai should i use px in polygon ????
@Manjunath can u please tell me how to add libray folder to Project
@PatilSagar Tell me here
@SpK i am using zxing lib for scanning qr code.. but my camera dosent autofocus :( any solution.. I have added all the user permissions
@PatilSagar Actually, @Abhi worked with qr code. You can ask him.
@SpK when i bring QR code closer to camera.. it dosent scan n focus also
@RobinHood Nope. Just now seen. No idea dude
@SpK oks.. thanks :)
@spk can u please how to add porject to libary folder?
add project to library folder?
@Anil, sorry couldn't notice
@Anil, very simple dude
jusst add na
does anyone knows how to post data to database server in android?
please..please... help
import com.markupartist.android.widget.pulltorefresh.R;still this Error is coming
how to remove this Error
Hi Anil and manjunath
Hi anil i mailed you the procedure for Pull to refresh ListView
@DeepikaLalra, hello
yes hello
@DeepikaLalra, have you done animations ?
what kind of animations you want
tell me first
I have an image, when i click on it, it should expand and move to another place simultaneously.... But, the movement is not straight, it should move across a curve @DeepikaLalra
okay little tricky
expansion you can do with scaling animation
it is simple
but movement in a curve
let me try first
even moving straight is also simple
give me some time
but yup, moving in a curvy path is the prob
hi everyone
I plotted Butterfly Curve by this :
03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 20:00

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