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03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 16:00

@LalitPoptani Hello
I have one query on Canvas
@AdilSoomro @Abhi There
sorry for second time any one know how to do it stackoverflow.com/questions/12972733/…
@Venky I have no idea mate.Better to ask Dharmendra I has idea on that
@Harish what error is it giving? it is working fine for me
- Syntax error on token "(", . expected
- Syntax error on token ",", ; expected
- Illegal modifier for parameter Title; only final is
- Syntax error on token ")", ; expected
- showAlert cannot be resolved to a type
@Harish what are you passing the title field?
@AdilSoomro Installed?
@SpK I don't have device yet.
:( Great.
@Pallavi nothing
Okay. I've concatenate two string like below -

NSString *conctString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", resultButton.titleLabel, @"@@"];
@Harish "" atleast?
Is it valid procedure?
@Venky yes tell
@SpK what is @"@@" and why?
@Pallavi Just given title as "title" in the html
Have to concatenate string with @@
@Harish ok.. first try out exactly what i gave
coz that is working fine for me
@SpK so you want "@@" two times in the string?
@Pallavi Just i have copied u r code and pasted it in my activity and html but it is giving that above error
@Abhi what new is going on in developing problems?
sorry in development problems
MyJavaScriptInterface myJavaScriptInterface = new MyJavaScriptInterface(this) where are you writing this?
the MyJavaScriptInterface class is an inner class
@SpK [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ @@", resultButton.titleLabel];
@Infoware i have made a glow on border of image. is this is your requirement
@Pallavi i have written it in the oncreate()
@DeepikaLalra What?
i mean what new problems you are solving i also want to participate. :)
hello @sampathpremarathna
@DeepikaLalra no i want to blur the image but not from center ..
just try this code if this is useful in your problem
1 message moved to DUST
copy this code and move it to dust
OMG code :P
@DeepikaLalra Use pastie.org or pastebin.com for posting longer code
okay i didn't know about that
@LalitPoptani aiyalaa. :p
yes what is so shocking in this.
and MyJavaScriptInterface is an inner class, so you have written it outside all methods and inside your DayViewJSActivity class right?
@DeepikaLalra wish is always mine :)
@Pallavi yes
@Harish ok.. then i guess it should work...
@Pallavi But it is not ?
ok.. can you show the updated code?
@DeepikaLalra i try it but it apply to the hole image but i want the center part of image normal
@Harish and the HTML file
don't do this
in my code had i written the showAlert inside "run()"???
@Pallavi ok i kept it in outside now will it display alert
it is not displayed any alert
Ok i'll do this on Monday
Thanks For help and sorry for Leaveing for the day
Bye happy week end
to @all
@Infoware can you apply gaussian blur to image
@DeepikaLalra yes i try it but it also apply in hole image i don't no how to make image center normal.
@Harish ok.. no probs
bye all going to home sweet home
Tomorrow bring some sweet
@Abhi :)
Does someone here has experience dealing with complex parcelables on android?
@Abhi i have an async task which starts in Home activity. onPostExecute of this async task, i want to show a dialog... however, the user may have navigated to next activity when this asyncTask is finished... so, it is not showing the alert dialog... any idea how to display this dialog?
dialog.show(); :)
I've posted a question a whole ago but did not get any response so far...
Q: How to know the datatype of the remaining data on a Parcelable?

ThomasI am implementing a sort of mapping between a XSD object into a Parcelable on Android. Everything goes fine except when I have a more complex xsd element which contains a elements which are optional (minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'). I need to write my bean constructor with the format: private Bean...

@Abhi are that's not working :(
Show your code of onPostExecute()
ok... wait a minute
is that possible to show dialog after main thread is inactive(after went to next activity)
Fast @Pallavi All are going here :P
see, if i am in the Home activity, and then the onPostExecute is called, then it is working as expected
@Pallavi i think that is the case
@sampathpremarathna what is?
AlertDialog.Builder dlg=new AlertDialog.Builder(Home.this).create(); @Pallavi
if you are showing dialog in try catch block try printing stack trace.
@Abhi ok...
it won't be coz of the getApplicationContext()?
instead of "Home.this"?
@Pallavi Give Use Home.this
@Pallavi what is..you are trying to show dialog after activity not in active state.so i think you cannot show dialog from that activity
and it will be called from all other activities as well??
@sampathpremarathna ok...
Why dont you create another alert for another acitivity
and call that method from other activity?
Why like this?
then how?
how would i get the onPostExecute of the AsncTask?
Put Asynctask simply in Your class :P
@Pallavi i have done this kind of thing by creating custom activity
@sampathpremarathna ok.. how
you can create custom activity with a method that shows dialog with given(arg) String
it must extend activity class
Oh sorry i used service for that
not your case
android how to send mail with out UI
@NagarjunaReddy no idea...
using services?
@ok @Pallavi
@sampathpremarathna any example
@sampathpremarathna i am not using service... :(
@NagarjunaReddy without UI you mean as background task?
yes @sampathpremarathna
if yes i think the answer is services if i got your question correctly
useing services
@yes @sampathpremarathna iknow..
time to leave GOOD NIGHT
03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 16:00

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