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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

hello evryone
getFrameAtTime: videoFrame is a NULL pointer
when i m setting my video thumbnail i m getting this error and it gives null pointer AT
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
videoFiles.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bos);
@jeet any solution
@Abhi please if you can give any solution regarding this
yaar @abhi not getting the softkeyboard in emulator
I mean i m running my app in emulator
and cant input in username and password
i dont even see the keyboard to enter
@JayThakkar what is videoFiles
@samir run in device and check
@abhi got it working yaar had to change in input setting and enable english keyboard as input method
@Abhi its a bitmap
Bitmap videoFiles = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(imageItem.imagePath, MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND);
i am getting Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_FEATURE @all
how to resolve
@Abhi m i doing ryt ?
@sravani Your app may using Google map so edit emulator api
level to Google API
i am running it in mobile
i am using google map
@samir Where?
@sravani i think you had same app in your device with package name.., delete it
@sravani dont you have default map app installed on your device ?
@JayThakkar yes i think so
yes it is there but just now i am checking . if i open that. map is not loading
@Abhi then y it gives nullpointer at
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
videoFiles.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bos);
@abhi there is setting for input methods in android i guess that should be changed to checked
and when i check the value of bos it gives 0 there
@all , Hi guys i have developed one Android Application for the cute kids.Please check and dn forget to give review..Many Thnakx in advance Todder Home
@Abhi ??
@samir okay
@JayThakkar may be thumbnail is not generating..,
@all , Hi guys i have developed one Android Application for the cute kids.Please check and dn forget to give review..Many Thnakx in advance Todder Home
@raman nice design
@Abhi thumbnail is generating but first time when i run it givves null pointer in that but when i open it second time it will generate it
@mayank...Thnakx Buddy...Did u install the App?
no current i have no device at office
Okay buddy
When ever you have just installed and let me know the review about the app
No pb.
ya sure
Thnakx dude
this is my apk
@JayThakkar means on first time it is not taking path i think
@AamirKhan ha ha ha
@Abhi first time only y ?? it gives null pointer at this
videoFiles.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bos);
Need to debug mate i cant say here
@Abhi i have debug it a lot but still found that bos gives value 0
@JayThakkar Sorry yaar i could not figure out the cause
Its ok thanks for your reply mate :)
@Abhi how to give LONG data type to sqlite query?
Long only
i guess :P
i know that :P
@raman very nice design dude keep it up
actally sqlite.org/datatype3.html here long is not listed so i asked @Abhi
Leaving time Bye guys
@Abhi ok bbyeeee
@Abhi bye tc:)
@hardik..Thnakx dude...Did u install the app ?
@raman yes
i install it
@hardik......Thnakx man....Please give your review man...many thnkx
@amirkhan can you please help me out for my issue?
@PriyankBhojak what is issue
hi gud evng to all
can any body help me
any body here?
@asha yes
what is issue
hey thnx for ur reply
i want to do live streaming in android
i ve some doubts and issues
@asha sorry yet not worked with live streaming
any body aware of live streaming???
@amirkhan my bit map are not getting recycle thats y when i click on tab web service call will occurs
my application size is increasing to 200 mb
and on click of 2nd tab another webservice call occur and new data will filled and the size becomes double and app geting restarting automatically
please tell me how to handle bitmap
or what should do in this case
@PriyankBhojak if u are downloading images from webservice than u need to store them to cache memory locally,for that use lazy loading so that images will get downloaded only once after that it will store on cache and every time same image willnot be downloaded so ur application will be smooth
@amir khan i am using Android query
library which is working fine for me for loading images but dont know is it problem for bitmap,byte or anything else
@PriyankBhojak store locally all images
@amir khan how can i do it
any refrence
because on loading of my gallery first time the size is gone to 200 mb
so where is the prob can u tell me where should i check bitmap or something?
@amir khat but it will work for grid view i have to add so many images in my grid view
@PriyankBhojak u can use it for any view
it's not just for grid view
i think u need to apply some changes as per ur need
and there are some other tutorial also availble for lazy list
u can search about it
ok tnx amir khat i will try this tommrw
well now i am leaving have a good day ahead
take care good night:)
tnx for help
see u tmrow
@PriyankBhojak by tc
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

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