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@hcpeter @twDuke Good Morning
@all hello good morning
Good morning
@furqi @raju
good morning.. :)
@Sameer gm buddy how r u?
i am fine :) and u?
@Sameer me 2 :)
hmm :)
@furqi @Sameer @SandeepKumar @spatil @JaiSoni @raju Hii Guys any one know how can we make some changes in the existing voice mail. I want to append a voice with the existing voice is that possible ??
Good morning to all
@All GoodMorning
hi good morning to all
@Sameer Like It
good morning all :)
thank you @TechDroiod
Good Morning Friends
any one know how to disply twitter feed in android listview?
use twitter api to integrate it then you can get twitter feed
@Sameer can't we do it by Json?
@TechDroiod no idea mate
@All Hello
Have a nice Day
yes ..do you have json from twitter?
@MehulPatel hi Good Morning
@Sameer i don't have any idea about it i will try by Googling
@Frankenstein Good Morning...,
VGM @Abhi
@TechDroiod: that's best idea
Good Morning
@all : Good Morning
@Frankenstein Soni
Good morning @All
@Pinki @Pallavi GM
@Sameer hello
Hello Mike.
@Sameer can we make a json string for our twitter account?
probably yes
@Sameer ok
@Pallavi tum kaise ho
Q: Cannot display twitter feed in Android ListView

mirroredAbstractionI am trying to make an app that parses data from Twitter using JSON and get the live twitter feed, I was successfully able to log the data into the logcat, but somehow I am unable to display the same in the ListView, the last news feed is showing up in the ListView but the rest of feeds are gone....

@Pinki tum kaise ho
@Sameer ya i have already run this sample and it works
this is a string which has been used in this code probably it is fetching bbcnews feed
@Frankenstein Ok dude
see this
Gud Morning Guys. :)
Anyone knows something regarding Recurring Payment???
As i don't know.... :P
@Sameer can i use this link search.twitter.com/search.json?q=android?
inplace of link given in this example?
@Sameer sovled
Good Morning All...
@TechDroiod need your help
@Rstar ya tell me
@TechDroiod i want to fetch JSON data from twitter
so i need to use OAuth lib ?
@Rstar sorry no idea if i found some thing than will tell u
@Rstar You need to query the Twitter API to get the Respose..But Twitter API require every Request poperlly Signed with The Access Token..For getting the Access Token you can write your own code or use existing library..but for sure if you want to write own code then also sign libraries will be required to make any call to the API
Status Away
@NJOY hey Welcome mate
@Ghost you are here
@AdilSoomro Shining star hi
@Abhi garu.. hello. yes
@Abhi :)
@Ghost how are you?
@Abhi i'm fine ra.. how abt you?
@NJOY you manager didnt come today?
@Ghost good
@Abhi he is there;)
Ok you are managing the manager @NJOY
@Abhi ha aha hayes you are perfectly right.
@Abhi hello
@NJOY me too, my place also shifted, now i am in front of manager's room. but he is on leave today
@PareshMayani: hello sir how are you..
@Sameer: Hi bro.
Can u tell me how to make a single word clicable in TextView.?
@Abhi then n_joy today.
Use Spannable or Linkify text
@AdilSoomro hiii, @PareshMayani Be lated Wishes sir, Happy BirthDay, How did you celebrate
there are lots of question there about it
Thanks bro,
@Abhi thank you dear :) It was a wonderful bday with better-half :)
@PareshMayani First birthday with life mate is always good i think :P..,
@Abhi yes, i think you are also experienced man :P
@PareshMayani Not yet :(
@Abhi to bhai ku6 nai ho sakta tera :P
@PareshMayani Color :P
@LalitPoptani Welcome big-boss of Color :P
How are you mitr?
@PareshMayani lalit is DON of colors
@Abhi yes exactly...he is, what you say color mitr @LalitPoptani ?
I am fine always :P
Somebody just missed Me
"just" missed or fully? :P lol
its a half way miss :P :D
color :P
Hi all
is there a way to use service as inner class ?
Hi @AndroidGirl89
Thnx @Tech_Droid i want extend service to check if chat friends online or offline.
yeah i see that i can't do it
@AndroidGirl89 ok
@SpK : i tried it but no luck can u suggest any sample verified webservices i can use them to load data in json format ?
Q: Stub Not Generated using Sun Wireless toolkit 2.5.2 on Windows xp

ShrutiI am trying to generate stub using the sun's wireless toolkit 2.5.2 .The os on my pc is windows xp.I am trying to generate stub by using following process Start -> SunWirelessToolkit -> Utilities -> stub generator -> launch then i put the wsdl link of my webservice in that and s...

hi @all please help me with this question of mine
@Sameer there?
@TechDroiod ?
@Sameer i am parsing one xml file
this is a link of it
i am parsing data name & logo
it works fine
but when i am using this link api.twitter.com/1/statuses/…
for parsing text & profile_image_url
than it gives me error :"Wrong XML file structure: Unexpected end of document";
@Sameer where i am going wrong ?
here is my code pastebin.com/prXFfw4h
hi @all
hi @TechDroiod @NareshSharma
@spatil hii
@NareshSharma sorry friend..no idea
@spatil ok no prob
@TechDroiod:no idea dude
Q: Wrong XML file structure: Unexpected end of document while parsing twitter api xml file

Tech_Droiodi am parsing one xml file this is a link of it http://www.nieuwspoortapp.nl/restWS/public/Addresses/get?id=21&pageindex=0&pagelimit=20 i am parsing data name & logo it works fine but when i am using this link https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.xml?screen_name=nieuw...

@Haps see
A: Hyperlinking the Phone number in AlertDialog of Android

Sameertry this one: Spannable spans = (Spannable) text; ClickableSpan clickSpan = new ClickableSpan() { @Override public void onClick(View widget) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("http://"+ url)); } public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) { //override link-centric...

@Sameer: Thanks bro. But i made my mind to use webview to do dat. :P
@Sameer: have you worked on paypal payment interface/ API?
I want to know regarding Recurring Payments.
yes i have work
i dont hv idea abt recurring payment gateway in android @Haps
@spatil: ok, no prob.
@Sameer: any tutorila for it or example to work on?
Q: Accept recurring payments with PayPal PayFlow Link

ChopraI am looking to set up a recurring payment option for my website. I was thinking of going with PayFlow since it does not require expensive SSL. But I am not sure how to set up a recurrence payment where if the user decides to change the account type, we can automatically set up recurring payment ...

@Frankenstein thanks buddy
@sammer i want to get SharedPreference value in Service
@Sameer: dat i means i go for Checkout Express, as i was using MPL.
@jeet hey
@Abhi hi
how are you friend
hello every one
i have a problem
just post here, if anyone could help you, will reply you :)
i have a checkboxes in listview when i check any checkbox that particular row should be deleted from folder in sd card
because names is coming from the folder in sd card
anyone have any idea
anybody is there
@iPhoneAndroidrahul Hay! you need to google it, for example this and this would be helpful you.
i have done it already but i couldnt find out
@iPhoneAndroidrahul So what you have done till now?
@Adil Soomro have u any idea
about my problem
1 min ago, by Adil Soomro
@iPhoneAndroidrahul So what you have done till now?
@LalitPoptani hi
@KK07k11A0585 hii
i am showing listview with checkboxes
but i could deleted the file
when it is clicked
@Adil Soomro ru there
@jeetu Hi
@LalitPoptani kia hy jee?
kuch nahi jee.
@TechDroiod hi
@jeet i am good, you?
@KK07k11A0585 i have one problem
Q: Wrong XML file structure: Unexpected end of document while parsing twitter api xml file

Tech_Droiodi am parsing one xml file this is a link of it http://www.nieuwspoortapp.nl/restWS/public/Addresses/get?id=21&pageindex=0&pagelimit=20 i am parsing data name & logo it works fine but when i am using this link https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.xml?screen_name=nieuw...

plz look at my question
@iPhoneAndroidrahul then what is the problem exactly?
@KK07k11A0585 r u free?
@TechDroiod just checking this url api.twitter.com/1/statuses/…
it is working for me i am able to get all 5 statuses
which parser are u using
@Adil Soomro i simply fetching the names of file in folder of sdcard to the listview
@KK07k11A0585 it's a DOM parser
what parser are u using?
my need is in listview when i check the checkboxes that particular file should be deleted from the folder
Dom only :)
how can i do it
@KK07k11A0585 hmm
//document.normalize(); do not use this statemment
ok let me check
it will work for u i also had same problem
@KK07k11A0585 ok i am checking it
@KK07k11A0585 i have not used it
have u used this ----> Element rootElement = document.getDocumentElement();
@Abhi I am also good
@Abhi good afternoon :)
@KK07k11A0585 no
can u see my code
@TechDroiod U ARE not using i saw ur code in pastebin use this u should parse an xml file by taking its root element into consideration
use this it will work
@KK07k11A0585 ok
is it working ?
@Jeetu sorry yesterday i fall sleeping while we was talking :)
@KK07k11A0585 i am checking
@KK07k11A0585 afternoon...
@ABHI how is vizag ?? hot or hotter
hotter... may be... hyd is hotter too.. >.<
hmm then wat abt us (Ahmedabad) more hotter 43 deg
@KK07k11A0585 Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
NodeList nodes = rootElement.getElementsByTagName("status");
like this?
yes exactly
and no need of rootElement.getElementsByTagName("status");
@KK07k11A0585 k
becoz ur root element contains statuses
u can use it will be easy to understand no problem in using that :)
ok let me try
here inplcae of nodes variable can i use rootElement EveryWhere?
@KK07k11A0585 not getting
it shows me error
what error ? can u post
@KK07k11A0585 do i need to use loop for it?
obviously u have to
becoz there are 5 children and u want all 5 children data so u have to use loop
for (int i=0; i <rootElement.getLength(); i++)
Node fstNode = rootElement.rootElement(i);
see this
here i have replcae node by rootElement i am not albe to get length of it
@KK07k11A0585 can u just modify this loop
rootElement.getLength() // ---> wrong
ya it's wronh
seems guys are talking about DOM Parsing?
@KK07k11A0585 ok
@jeet y
@Tech_Droiod ok
@KK07k11A0585 not getting can u plz modify my code
do u saw the above link
still u r getting problem
@KK07k11A0585 Element has not been used here
@KK07k11A0585 u told me to use Element but it has not been used here
see he is using direct document instead of element ..
@KK07k11A0585 let me check again
any xml document will have only one node
that is parent node
ya that is
so u will always get length as 1 which is confusing u
that's y i suggeted to use root element
ok thanks
here in ur xml file the root element is statuses
right ?
whcih means length of that element will be 5
ya depends on xml data
becoz it has 5 children of name status
right ?
ya right
u are getting all the 5 children then y u are not getting the data
use the above link ... it has explained how to parse data from children
ie from a node which has children
u will understood . .. clearly ..
Remember Node and Element both are different
are u there ?
ya checking
<kk><kk1>asd<kk1></kk> how many nodes are there in this example
for tag kk
ok <kk> <kk1>asd<kk1> </kk> now
same na?
<kk>space<kk1>asd<kk1> space</kk>
3 nodes
check Document.TEXT_NODE
and the remaining third node is kk1
is it clear for u ?
but Elements are only 1
which is kk1
whcih we call as tag
or child
or sub tag
or whatever it is
@KK07k11A0585 good tutorial thanks
wel since we don't have getElementList method
we have to use getChildNodes method and we have to get elements from Nodes
ok ?

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