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@Abhi had gone for lunch.. what's up?
@Ghost mate solved
@Abhi cool :) what was the issue?
so, you were facing the same prob as rashmi?
@Ghost do u know what make json get some data leave rest from mysql ??
@AndroidGirl89 uh, no mate.. i actually didn't understand our question properly.. can you pls re-frame it again?
see comment: test now, date: 2012-04-12 20:14:38, privacy: 1, longitude: , latitude:
however data being in table just fine and date also getting yesterday date however it's in table with now date and time ,very strange case
@Ghost no my case different, just to take screen shot, @RobinHood You??
@jeet you there
@AndroidGirl89 oh ok.. well, i don't know buddy..
@Pallavi yes
@Abhi oh! i had ready-made code for that :)
yeah @robin
@Ghost ohh but i got now :P
@jeet, my problem is that, i have a "date time" stored in my DB column, i have stored it in the "String" data type. Problem now i am facing is, i want to populate a list which is based on the "date time" column. I want to display the "most recent " first.
any one here could tell me why i getting this json response ?
@robin r u playing or what :P
Show me your response/
@Pallavi wait I am little bit busy
need to prepare some builds and testing right now
comment: walaaa now, date: 2012-04-12 20:14:38, privacy: 1, longitude: , latitude:
but when i say "orderby dateTime DESC", since it is a string, it considers "13/4/2012 12:50:23 pm" to be greater than "13/4/2012 01:08:56 pm"
will be back to your prob, then
@jeet ok, whenever you get free, let me know
did u see it @Robin ??
I have a question regarding OpenGL ES
@ladiesMan217 Post it mate.. If anybody knows anything, they'll surely answer your query..
Sorry, I was out,ya now say
Are you getting error in date?
@KK07k11A0585 hi good afternoon
@AamirPathan kam kar taru
Q: What's the difference between recursion and corecursion?

user1131997What's the difference between definitions? recursion corecursion In wiki, there is few information without clear code for good understanding these terms. But, could you give very simple examples, which explain these terms. Why is corecursion the dual meaning of recursion? Where it's dual? ...

@RobinHood now not getting errors in json response , i want to show in listview but i'm getting Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 0, size is 0.
@SpK : i jus logged in back ,,any suggestions from your side ??
Q: Sort DB data and display in list view

PallaviI get data from my DB using cursor = db.query("WebLeadMaster", select, "condition1="+conditionVal1+ " and condition2="+ConditionVal2,null, null, null, "RegistrationTime DESC"); I am getting the data in my cursor alright. To display the data, i use the following code: SimpleCursorAdapter ...

Hi all
can anybody help me here?
Q: How to display multiple lines of text with scrolling in android?

sanchitsinghI want to display multiple lines of text in my application in particular range such that user can scroll to view other lines. I have tried edittext, but it generates keyboard on tap on it and doesn't scroll properly. Then I tried textview, it also doesnot scrolls the text properly as I wanted. is...

@sanchitsingh what about having TextView inside ScrollView? like this:
<ScrollView android:layout_height="fill_parent" ... >
     <TextView android:layout_height="wrap_content" ... >
@AdilSoomro please look into my question too
@LalitPoptani can you help me?
@Pallavi what is your date format, which you are storing in db?
@AdilSoomro M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss a
@Pallavi it should be yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss :)
that's not my problem sir, my problem is it is not sorting according to the time
A: Android SQLite problem

ThorstenvvSQLite treats your dates as strings, simply sorting them as it would sort strings. SQLite does not have a specific data type for DATE. You need to store your date values in line with SQLite's date / time functions. From the SQLite documentation: SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for...

this date format is given by client and i cannot change it
but my data type in DB which stores the date-time is "String"
@Pallavi you can change its format at the moment when you are setting it to any view. but when saving, you need this format.
@raju yes
see my answer....
@raju, i am inserting to the list directly so that is not possible
i have around 600 items in my list view and it is a complex list view, so need to use the "SimpleCursorAdapter" so, @raju your solution won't work for me. But thanks.
okok.. i missed that part..
@AdilSoomro ok i'll check what i can do about it...
@Sameer : how are you?
Any one , can help me on push to talk topic in android ?
@RobinHood - specially u
I have to search and do R&D to help you/
A: Parse data of size about 3MB using json in ANDROID?

dziobasYou're parsing whole 3MB string in memory. It causes out of memory exception. Parse large data in stream: JsonReader since API level 11 Android JSON library or for large data Jackson Streaming API

Yes, maybe it helps u
@sanchitsingh you want a small text box with scroll bars is it?
why don't you use a WebView instead directly?
@RobinHood R u lucky for me when i trebling then u help me.
when i am in problem i came u
Right now you are doing R&D or developing?
Its my pleasure to help you.
i have study in PPt but now problem in creating
i have find itsdk jar file use for developing but there has not any option how to register it . there has use xmpp server for login and logout
It also new topic for me.
But I will try my best to help you
i know yr
I have offered 2 bounties! Look at my profile at SO, I'm awarding reputation! :)
@user1131997 can't help u because i android developer ..i have not knowledge of c++ briefly
ok @Spk I will try that nd tell u till tomorrow if it worked for me
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@Pallavi Jo humkum mere aka
@LalitPoptani :)
@Shruti Okay..
@Pallavi you want to sort the data using date and time?
yes, but the problem is, it is stored in DB in String format. @LalitPoptani
I am back
@LalitPoptani how are you, bhai
aaao mitr
same pinch, tune bhi yaad kiya aur maine bhi ;)
I am fine what about you?
Hmm :)
I am good
@LalitPoptani i want to help on push to talk topic
u have any idea
in Android Discussion, 5 mins ago, by Dharmendra
Is there possible to change the image as well as text color of the button using selector ?
@jeet @Dharmendra how to get birthday and email info from contact list using contact id
@Dharmendra simply have different images with different colors :P
@Kutbi by using contacts contract api
I have to support multi language
so need to use a single image without text
Can I get phone number?
I tired this but it gives me null.
Q: Get Phone Number in Android SDK

jkapIs there a way to get the phone that is running my app's number within the app?

Why so?
oh yeah in some devices it will give NULL
@jeet ok
understand the reason
yeah some devices
coz phone number are not necessary stored in SIM
@milanmanvar sir ,, u have any idea of push to talk tpoic
so when phone number info is not stored into sim, how and which api can read out this
@LalitPoptani i have to view all json data in listview data is fetching but not viewing in listview its giving catch android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
@all hello how r u?
@furqi that my favourite error I gave many answers for the same ;)
@Pallavi i have solved that problem
@LalitPoptani tell me plz buddy
@VaibhavVajani wow!!!Bingo!
@Pallavi your date and time stored in a single field?
yes @VaibhavVajani
@jeet Got the solution.
@Pallavi can you make them into seprate fields?
@furqi use runOnUIThread
to update the UI
+1 Lalit
will that solve the problem? coz the then you need to sort according to date separately then on time! @VaibhavVajani
@furqi I forgot this one I answered today also check this stackoverflow.com/questions/10135353/…
@RobinHood of what prob?
@Pallavi: ya i m using two separate fields for date and time and i sorted the data using both together and it worked..
@LalitPoptani, the phone number retrieving is dependent to "Service Providers" not on "devices" :)
what does your "ORDERBY" condition look like? @VaibhavVajani
@Abhi: it was successful and printed the test page..
@RobinHood you want the phone number or IMSI number?
phone number
@RobinHood ok
it's not possible @RobinHood. I have tried it... many times
But I got some alternative ways.
for different devices and different service providers, it does not work...
I have another solution, incur some cost but you would get number definitely
@Pallavi: Stringsortorder="your date field " + " DESC" + "," + "your time field" + " DESC";
Cursor cstd=std.query(Table Name, null, null, null, null, null, srtOrder);
@jeet How?
@VaibhavVajani cool thanks :)
@RobinHood implement one sms gateway type service
@Pallavi: ok
you have work with map?
@LalitPoptani but i am using progessdialog in it m calling my function
@AdilSoomro how it is? whats wrong with my printer
whenever you want to fetch number, send a msg to sms gateway with some id
@VaibhavVajani what is the problem?
@Pallavi just try it ;)
So every time I have pay charges?
Let I earn some then I will ::P
@Pallavi: i have stored latitude and longitude with every entry in database.
now i want that whenever i load map i want markers on every location with using those latitude and longitude values.
1 message moved to DUST
@VaibhavVajani my bad luck, i cannot separate it, coz i am assigning the same field as "_id" to populate in the list view
@RobinHood pastebin is blocked in Pakistan buddy
@Pallavi: so now? and can you help me in my problem?
@VaibhavVajani sorry mate i don't know about that...
@Pallavi it depends on SIM rather, I was mistaken.
@Pallavi: ok
@RobinHood better use SIM number for uniqueness
@LalitPoptani :) yes right... the SIM is given by the service provider so i said service provider :)
@RobinHood you want the device unique number then you can use "IMEI" no. If you want the SIM's unique number, go for IMSI number
@Pallavi bahut hosiyaar bandi hai ;)
@LalitPoptani :D he he he thank you Don ;)
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@Pallavi you are most welcome chota DON ;)
lol :D @LalitPoptani
Thanks I will read out.
solve my question plz Don... @LalitPoptani
@Pallavi what is your format for date
M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss a and i am storing it in a "String" data type
guys i needed help
@Pallavi did you check this one
@Goofy just write the query, if any one knows will answer you..
@LalitPoptani i'll check and get back to you... thanks
@Pallavi please get back to Android People Room not to me ;)
i have some 4 fileds among them email id is one.so when the user enters email id and password and clicks on submit the server should send a mail to that email id that this is your password
which type of serves are u using in email
@Akash right now i am using php as middle ware and through that i am inserting values into mysql database
@LalitPoptani i meant, i will tell you the results as soon as i get them :)
tell me about your application jar file and which connectivity use them
@Akash i am working on android buddy
@Akash any idea on that dude
i have work on email but using java maill .. so i m asking which method(technology ) use for connectivity of server to application
@Akash php mate
@jeet: Paypal done bro. :) Thanks for help. :)
@Haps Paypal done?
Congrats machi
@Venky For what?
@Goofy then i have not idea of PHP mate .. sory dude
@SpK: done bro. it was easy, but lengthy. :P
Suma da
@Akash its ok
@Haps In which way are you using for that? MPL or MECL
@Haps I know that's easy. But, MECL is somewhat little tuff.
and just done a SimplePayment.
@SpK: hmm i didn't tried it yet.
@Haps I have helped you in paypal
I couldnt remember
ha ha ha... :)
buy anyway, great to hear prob. solved
@Haps Okay.
@jeet ha tuj jaise badhe log acha kaam karke bhul hi jate hai.
Sorry @jeet, actually it was SpK who helped. :P
@LalitPoptani are nhi really, mene paypal integration aaj tk khud nhi kiya
me kya help kruga
LOL!!!! @Haps it might be Lalit Poptani who helped you then :P
So Thanks to @SpK, paypal implementation is done. :D
LOL @LalitPoptani.
@RadheMohan Jay Ho.
Have any one worked on Barcode & OCR concept?
I will try to remember who have done paypal integration
to get help next time when I would need
ok @jeet: sure bro.
Actually the link given by @Spk, it also had sample source code in zip file.
@Haps worked on Barcode,dont know about OCR
@Abhi: So any tutorial u suggest for it?
Biggu Scanner @Haps
@Frankenstein hi
@Haps OCR?? refer/read tesseract
@Haps i have work on Barcode
@All Hey Guys
tell me ur problem @Haps
@Abhi: Should i google about Biggu?
@mike hiii bro
@Ghost: ok bro, i'll go for Tesseract
@Akash hey Wh up ?
@Haps if you wait i can give you link, i have some urgent work
@Haps :)
fine n u ? @Mike
Same here
@Abhi Biggu scanner?
yes @SpK
@Akash: I have to take pic of a sticker which will have a bar-code, by scanning dat I'll get the all details of a person, then i'll have to scan an OCR sheet to fill updates in it.
@Abhi I know it. You need that?
@Abhi: ok bro. no prob.
I think i just got that from you only @Abhi
@Haps need that
@Haps You need to scan somethings
yr i have work only Barcode but not work on OCR .. sory dude
@Abhi: yah patient's admit card sticker.
@Akash: ok bro, no prob, just refer me something for Barcode, as i have to implement both but should start with something. :)
@Haps plz search for "tesseract". It's an OCR
i haven't worked on it but just know it..
Knowledgable ;)
Q: android OCR?

user121196I'm looking for a Java OCR that runs on Android, however Asprise doesn't seem to be a platform independent OCR. is there any opensource/free Java OCR I can use for android application development?

@Pallavi: Thanks Pallavi, Ghost has also suggested the same and I am studing about it in another tab.
@Haps follow this link i m sure this can help.. code.google.com/p/zxing/downloads/list
@Haps ok! didn't read the previous chats!
@SpK: i also found tthis. :)
That's not working na?
@Haps use the SVN "checkout"...
@Spk: don't know just found it. :P
it would download the latest code
svn checkout tesseract-ocr.googlecode.com/svn/trunk tesseract-ocr-read-only
@Pallavi: Sorry don't know about it. Can u give the link plz.
you need to have svn. then use "svn checkout tesseract-ocr.googlecode.com/svn/trunk tesseract-ocr-read-only"
the data would be downloaded in "tesseract-ocr-read-only" folder
@Pallavi: thanks. :)
@Haps no probs :)
@jeetu could u please help me in this i'm having java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 0, size is 0 in this line in geocoder
try {
List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(latitude,
longitude, 1);
Address returnedAddress = addresses.get(0);
@all: check it very useful..............i have just studied but not worked...
@Ghost could u help me in this i don't know what's wrong there
@AndroidGirl89 in what buddy? if i know, i'll surely help.
i'm having java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 0, size is 0 in this line in geocoder
try {
List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(latitude,
longitude, 1);
Address returnedAddress = addresses.get(0);
@AndroidGirl89: are you using geopoint?
i'm trying to get location via Gps not in google maps @Vaibhav
hey guys bye
Its raining here
so leaving

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