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05:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

@raju @spatil @Kutbi hi guys
hi.. :)
how are you
@Abhi hi
hey @raju @Abhi very good morning friends
how are you?
@jeet m fine sir..how are you ?
@jeet :) hi dear, yesterday and tomorrow holiday yaar, at home now..
@Abhi wow, finally you got weekend
:D... so many holidays..
:) really after so many days
@Kutbi m not sir, yaar, anyway I am fine, tell me about yours
see.. i have a new comp at my home.. now if i install eclipse in that.. and copy my workspace and android-sdks folder.. will that work?
@raju it should be work..
ok.. :)
the thing is it takes so much time to download all the sdks now i have in my office comp.. :-X
@jeet i knw sir thoda shareef sa lagta hai..trying to doing file transfer using asmack
@Kutbi same thing, Lalit doing
@jeet whats going mate
@Abhi nothing spl
have you seen the rajasthan match yesterday @jeet
@Abhi yes, only rajasthan innings
well played Rahane
hello guys
@jeet i'd sent you frnd request today morning in FB..
@Ghost yes, I had accepted
@jeet Today i am going to match CSK vs DC :)in visakhapatnam
@Ghost hi
@Abhi to watch match in ground?
Good Morning
@Abhi garu.. hello.. that's cool man..
@Abhi Change room description, celebration is over now
@RobinHood hi.. GM
@RobinHood very good morning
android week is finished?
good morning to all
@jeet yes, @RobinHood yeah
@abhi what your home town?
still time is there we will change monday :)
Visakhapatnam @venkat
GM guys
@Sameer why :(
I changed my avatar/
Q: how to get html content from a webview?

user765970which is the most simplest method to get html code from webview. i have tried several methods from stackoverflow and google.but cant find an exact method.please mention an exact way. public class htmldecoder extends Activity implements OnClickListener,TextWatcher { TextView txturl; Button btgo; ...

i cannot get a prfect answer till nw
please help me
@Sameer Face Detection sample nice
after putting 500 bounty you didnot get solution @KIRANKJ :)
not yet
it very bad thing .hope you got
@Sameer want you ask one thing
@jeet @Ghost @RobinHood and all, Bye guys meet you monday :) happy weekend
@Abhi:your message is not showing here but its showed in another room
say what you want?
@Abhi ok, bye
@Sameer i am pinging no response from your side,i thought some thing is wrong, want to ask that, nothing more :)
enjoy a long weekend
@Abhi sure.. bye.. you too enjoy.
@Sameer any way dont mind, time to go now bye bye
i need a help of you
@user1008203 yes
in your application you are working with single chat or multi chat
are you facing memory issue
i am getting
if chatting with 5 or 6 persons
@user1008203 single and multi user both
okay me also doing
for memory
issue are you using something
@user1008203 i checked four device ..and it worked well
are you using chat bubble for
chat window
@user1008203 no
@user1008203 when u facing memory issue..i mean in single chat or multi user chat
in case of multi chat
single chat or chat with 2 is working fine
but when i try to chat with 3 or more person some time device is being hang
and some time app being crashed
heap size increses
@user1008203 sorry but i have to check that also..coz i tried with max 4 users and workd well..sometimes it little hang but never crash
i am getting issue like
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: (Heap Size=20359KB, Allocated=16658KB, Bitmap Size=180KB)
Guys anyone having knowledge of PJSIP?
@user1008203 wait i will check after few min and let u inform...
@Ghost hi
@AndroidGirl89 hey
@AndroidGirl89 hello
how are you?
@Jeetu hi
@RobinHood hi
not very good today :(
Hello ,
why so?
@AndroidGirl89 hi
whap happened to you
because of ongoing exams? @AndroidGirl89
feel tired and have exams and supposed to dilever project tomorrow with no result :'(
@all GoodMorningFriends
@AndroidGirl89 DO I know you 0_o?
or do you know me ;P ?
@AndroidGirl89 oh
@Ghost yeah
@RJ hi yeah we talked before i think
@AndroidGirl89 that's too bad..
@Ghost problem i finished coding project but server not working with me :(
I just wanna to start learning android. Which book will be good, Hello android or the books from CommonsWare? Any suggestions?
@AndroidGirl89 sad..
@AndroidGirl89 Hmm I also thought somewhere I heard this name
Q: Good book for beginning android development

GeosHi guys Can somebody suggest the best book or online resource for beginning android apps development? Thanks

@Ants hi.. i'd suggest hello android first.. then go with mark murphy's..
@Ants links provided in answers i think its enough to initiate.
Best of luck
@Ghost: Thanks mate.
@RobinHood: thanks for the link :)
anyone here know C++
i cant find a data type that will hold 1000000*1000000
@Ghost @RobinHood any one of you know how to use xampp ?
i need username and password and need to create database there in mysql
@AndroidGirl89 yeah.. i'd used it once.. try localhost as user name although i don't seem to remember the pwd..
@Ants you're welcome
@WhatsInAName long : 4 bytes
@WhatsInAName tried long?
ok @Ghost how to create database there in mysql ?
i was using wamp server but first time on xampp
long doesnt work
outputs -727379968 for me
@Ghost :)
no other suggestions from my end then.. @WhatsInAName
@AndroidGirl89 :) hope that helps
@WhatsInAName if long is not working then use String
@jeet if i send you my project can you test it to see what's going on there on real server ??
I also dont have server, but you would have done with server side, havent you
yeah you will find all info about server in project itself ,can you ?
@jeet hi
i have one issue can u help me?
@AamirPathan what's the issue?
@AamirPathan yes, ask
@hi all
@AndroidGirl89 ok
@AndroidGirl89 sorry I didn't work on xamp
hi @ll
send me code
Hello @spatil
ok @jeet give me your email
hi @ Robinhhod
@RobinHood it's okay
@AamirPathan ??
@spatil yes
@RobinHood @jeet have two class one is CalendarView and second is Agenda
@RobinHood @jeet here is a calendarView class pastebin.com/uXug8DEp
@RobinHood here at line num 423 i am calling one method of agenda class
and here is agenda calss
hi Good afternoon to All
@RobinHood do hv an idea abt setRepeating method of AlarmManager/
when i am calling this method i am getting java.lang.nullpointerexception
@AamirPathan Great its means you did something, anyway your pasted link is not actually a link, so we can't check your code.

will you please stop pining everytime?
@RobinHood k np
9 messages moved to DUST
Surf excel
@AamirPathan Share your logcat using pastebin
@spatil :(
plz explain me ..@all\
Did you Google? @spatil
or what you tired for that?
i want one service in my app which will runn always in background
yes @RobinHood
@RobinHood u there?
what chill out @RobinHood i facing a big problem...
@spatil hey, what happened
@jeet i want to calculate speed using lat and long in background service
now i have created one service which running in background ..i have used alarmManager to start the service at every 20 second....
when i start my application its works fine but after some tine it get stopped..
@RobinHood lol
@AndroidGirl89 hi
@spatil ok, have you implemented location listener in service
@AndroidGirl89 hi...
yes i have implemented it
@Spatil hi honey what is the problem if i know i will help
@All can I help u anything???
@Suvam hi
tell me wahts problem u r facing
@AndroidGirl89 tell me
no problem now jeetu checking it but you can help @spatil
K, anybody here
@spatil any trouble?
Q: android simple list view of all sms/mms messages

espressohello all i wish to do is have a non threaded sms app as apposed to the default application. how would i import the current sms/mms 's on the phone to an array? Edit:) so how is it that for instance handcent sms imports all of my existing sms messages?

what an entry @SuvamRoy :)
can any body help how to take information about sms/mms messages that are in the mobile
@jeet ?
@spatil let me check
@jeet @SuvamRoy pastebin.com/RB9X3hn4 here is my code
@jeet u there?
@spatil hey Why dont you start your service in Sticky Mode
mean...not getting actually i am new to android...and first time doing this..
@spatil in that code what problem u r facing???
@jeet but how can i use this?
@SuvamRoy this service not giving me location upadates
have u checked that ur service is start running and locationupdate listener is registered?
yes i ahve checked it..
have u used this permission - <manifest ... >
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
yes i have used
@jeet thanks
try with once - LocationProvider locationProvider = LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER;
@SuvamRoy ok actully my code works fine for some time after some time it get stopped
that means u r getting location updated?
but some times later
@AndroidGirl89 hey now are able to connect with webserives
@jeet @AndroidGirl89 @Ants @Abhi @Ghost
@Rstar no buddy jeetu checking it
Byee cya
@RobinHood why u go so early ?
Q: Different positions in ViewPager

Kalai Selvan.GIn my Application am using ViewPager to swipe the images,which comes through webservice as URL. Everything goes smoothly,the problem is while swiping myself getting the position as collapsed one.. Swipe left-right: positions are 1,2,3,4,5,etc.. if i stops swiping at 5th pos and started to Swipe f...

3 messages moved to DUST
Don't know.. Bella
@AndroidGirl89 Change your name to Bella
@spatil hi , have u solved ur error on GPS ?
@Kutbi hi
i have one query can u solve my issue?
@sravankumar no:(
@spatil yes tell me
@AamirPathan wat's the query ?
@sravankumar i have two image . i need it animate in android.
hi everyone. Does anyone have any experience in rooting a vanilla ROM image?
What I mean is turning the vanilla ROM image into something that has root access, but for the rest is unchanged.
@Ganesh ya it's very easy
hello guys!!!
anyone works on viewpager
@Ganesh wat u have to do that ?
@sravankumar i show goat1 image on imageview.
when i click on imageview., it will animate like jumping.
yes what is you problem @KalaiSelvanG
in view pager@ka
but it will animation continuously.
@sravankuar but i need only once.
@sravakumar if i touch the image , only one jumb enough.
@Ganesh that not for continuesly , start and stop animation
but that source code is, if again touch the image only it will stop
@SandeepKumar: yes in viewpager oly
have any one work on drag and drop image for specific area in layout
@KalaiSelvanG ya i worked in viewpager
@KalaiSelvanG tell me your problem
@SandeepKumar: what is start pos,end pos and last pos in viewpager
@sravankumar after checking i'll tell.
@all is this possible to create service in the background will run continuously in background (from installation to uninstallation)?
@KalaiSelvanG it is depends on your views.
@SandeepKumar: i have bunch of images in pager..i need to download particular image means,how can i get it..position differs there
@SandeepKumar: please check out this
Q: Different positions in ViewPager

Kalai Selvan.GIn my Application am using ViewPager to swipe the images,which comes through webservice as URL. Everything goes smoothly,the problem is while swiping myself getting the position as collapsed one.. Swipe left-right: positions are 1,2,3,4,5,etc.. if i stops swiping at 5th pos and started to Swipe f...

@SandeepKumar: u ther?
@KalaiSelvanG yes i m checking wait
@SandeepKumar: k
Any one knows how to disply tweets in list view?
05:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

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