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04:00 - 09:0009:00 - 20:00

@TaylorBioniks Sorry
@Taylor: I am fetching data from server..
@maya ok also if your a girl your the first girl programmer I have met funny when you know the first programmer was a girl
@maya : phonegap is a cross platform application framwork..
@SakiMake are you opening a network socket?
No.. i am just hitting a server URL.
Yes @maya
@Abhi seem depress
maybe add some checking code like if (URL != null) continue
because it sounds like you're missing a resource
thats why it happens randomly
@RobinHood what yaar, what happened to you today
@SakiMake .I Dont know about the Phonegap will help me or not , My Requirement is Creating one html App , creating one icon or exe for that html App ,which will run in symbion, windows, android OS.For this can I go ahead with Phone gap
@RobinHood @abi
Wt happened you both
@RobinHood tell me what is the problem
55 secs ago, by RobinHood
@Abhi, @RobinHood, @maya hi
@RobinHood strange
@jitendrasharma hey
@Abhi whats going on
Are you there
@jitendrasharma watching yesterday's match highlights :) lunch time
@Abhi good enjoy
@maya: hi.. yeah.. just now got back.. what abt u?
@Taylor: Yes i checked everything , when we start application it works fine for 5-6 minutes but after that my application gives me UnkownHostexception..
@Ghost ya over
@maya: good
@maya : do u want to develop an application or a web-site ?
One Html Web site
@maya an html web site ice-os.com
@maya: means it will open in web-browser ?
Using phonegap???
@SakiMake I don't know thats all I can think of right now
@LOKESHKV my requirement like that , Wt i specified above , which api will help me
@Taylor : I have searched every thing regrading this issue but not got any solution.
hi @all
@SakiMake ya . In android we are using webview Like that ,
i am new to this forum as well as for this chat i want support from all of your side
i am asking my query here
@varun: hello mate.. welcome.. sure.. we'll help you to the best of our knowledge
@varun what would you like?
@maya :k.. for Phonegap you should some knowledge of javascript and some server programming language like php.
i want to provide facility of translation in android build like google translator does
@Varun , can you help me
phonegap is cross-platform apps development. It has its own API
@SakiMake Ya i know little bit html , jsp, struts , java script
I can acheive my task using phone Gap ???
Anyone know aobut this error?
@maya : yes you can.....
what is your task
not at all
@SakiMake Plz help If i am in any trouble
and i think phonegap will good solution if you want something different . just try Seanch
@LOKESHKV Creating one html App , creating one icon or exe for that html App ,which will run in symbion, windows, android OS...
sencha is also good, now I'm working on that only
@LOKESHKV have u use twiiter in sencha?
I m new to this..just exploring
1 message moved to DUST
@LOKESHKV i am working on phonegap+sencha
@maya : make a html page with help of phone gap and put it in your tomcat server director.. now open your browser and you will c your phonegap is working.....
Ok ,@SakiMake , but how to create a exe or icon in any tablet (Android , Or windows 7)
@maya : you can make a shortcut icon of this web- page.
How you using both
@maya you might want to look at how Google Chrome does it's web Apps
just for ideas
@Khan I didn't use saxparser dude
have any other idea for rss read
@LOKESHKV still not have worked on blutooth :)
@khan any of the RSS stuff help?
@SakiMake wow great . thank you Still i didnt install phone gap . I am going to install , then i will get you back soon . AS i understood , creating one web page using phone gap and run in my server . creating a icon for that web page , we have to keep in our android tablet or windows tablet or symbian
@TaylorBioniks Ok thanks
@TaylorBioniks i have tryed many code as i have but it will not give any output my question is at stackoverflow.com/questions/9493833/…
@Maya : :)
thank you so much
Well I don't know Night I'm going to sleep it's 3:34 AM here
@khan : can you check it's value in logCat data.get(position).getThumbnail();
@Taylor : goodNight...
I download phone gap 1.4.1
it will help you.
Ok @SakiMake Thank you
@SakiMake no i have not check let me check
@khan:yes plz.. and open this url in your browser
@Khan Have you got any exception when using SAXParser
@SpK with other link it works
Hello guys, I need help with OSMDroid and Overlays...
@Silentw: can you explain where you are facing issue ?
@SakiMake goo.gl/d9PBC > As you can see here, I'm trying to delete an specific overlay, so I don't have to redraw the map every single time
any more advice for this: stackoverflow.com/questions/9494781/…
@Silentw : don't need to delete it.. just make it's property to GONE
can you help me with that? I'm clueless o.O
@Silentw : just make a object of overlay and set it's visibility to GONE
@Jlouis : you can use Thread Delay.
or timer
@SakiMake can you give me an example while looking at my code? :)
@SakiMake I have a timer (in question can be seen) but I can not program it right, I've desperate!
@siletw :balloonView.setVisibility(View.Gone);
Anybody knows how to attach multiple files with email sent through our application?
@SakiMake hmm, didn't catch it... :/
@SakiMake let's say I'm not that good in java
@Silentw: what is your overlay object name ?
@Jaydeepsinh : in PHP or Android ?
@SakiMake goo.gl/d9PBC < you can look at the source code here :)
@SakiMake In Android
@Silentw: mMyLocationOverlay.setVisibility(View.Gone);
I think it should work.
Anybody knows how to attach multiple files with email sent through our application? In Android
@SakiMake It won't work like that because mMyLocationOverlay is an ItemizedOverlay
@TaylorBioniks have any idea for this que stackoverflow.com/questions/9493833/…
@SakiMake What's your real name?
@SakiMake it is asking Pick your platform, If i pick Android means it that web app will support for windows 7 or symbiam
@maya: don't know mate.. i think it'll support.. it's probably asking your dev platform..
@jitendrasharma: what are those numbers? :)
@Ghost Ok thank you
@maya: you're welcome
just pinging you guys
dont know why it is displaying numbers only
now its correct
@jitendrasharma: haaaa..
Wts up
done with application for all tablets
@maya: yeah.. it's the dev platform
it's asking for your dev platform..
@Ghost , thank you so muchhhhhh
@maya: even though you build the same app that runs on different platforms, your GUI changes with each platform.. like it's not the same in iOS and android..
you're welcome.. no need to thank every other time.
but how the google is supporting
@maya: don't know abt that much details..
@Ghost Ok
@maya: did you get to download the book link that i'd sent you back then in the morning?
@Ghost , I got that I am reading that book
@maya: ok.. good.. i think everything will be explained there itself.
hi all
@NagarjunaReddy @harish hi
@Ghost hi
how are u?
@NagarjunaReddy: i'm fine mate.. how abt you?
good @Ghost
@all hi guys!
@kinghomer hi
anyone help in parsing this xml
@harish what is problem
not getting.. i need to parse the file..
only two attributes .. i need to add the image in image view
Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(YOUR_XML_STRING.getBytes("UTF-8")));
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
NodeList nodes = root.getChildNodes();
for(int i=0; i< notes.getLength(); i++)

Take a look to Document and Element Class
@RobinHood Hi man
anybody is there
hai jitendra i have one doubt
@peter hi
whats difference between basecontext,application context and activity context
@hai kinghomer
Q: Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context?

AlnitakIn various bits of Android code I've seen: public class MyActivity extends Activity { public void method() { mContext = this; // since Activity extends Context mContext = getApplicationContext(); mContext = getBaseContext(); } } However I can't find any decent...

@kinghomer hai
Q: getApplication() vs. getApplicationContext()

MatthiasI couldn't find a satisfying answer to this, so here we go: what's the deal with Activity/Service.getApplication and Context.getApplicationContext? In our application, both return the same object. In an ActivityTestCase however, mocking the application will make getApplication come back with the...

@RobinHood nice work
yeah.. that's why i starred both.. :)
@RobinHood i got idea robinhood
in Android Discussion, 10 mins ago, by RobinHood
@Kishore Before asking any question you should have to try yourself.
i am ready to do android projects for freelance
anybody ready to give?
@Abhi hai
I don't know When I last read this line.. → 1 message moved to DUST here. o_0)
@RobinHood hi :P
haiiiiiiiii all
@jitendrasharma hi
@Rosalie hi
@NagarjunaReddy hello
@jitendrasharma iam use media player got some errors please clarify that errors.
@NagarjunaReddy yes, throw
hi all
which line it is
@AsankaSenavirathna hi
this is my first time here
is there anyone who develop Android for living?
@NagarjunaReddy post your code as well
@AsankaSenavirathna android for living?
@jitendrasharma is it possible to call a function after certain time....but ONLY ONCE
i mean developing android apps for living, without doing any job :)
@RashmiB timer, or thread
@RashmiB yes, use Handler.postDelayed(Runnable r, long time);
@jitendrasharma I want to call only once
@AsankaSenavirathna I am doing job
is it possible with Handler>
@RashmiB yes, it will call only once
its not loop
@Abhi not timer Abhi thread. I am getting a response from server of time 10 secs 20 secs
after parsing that time, for tat much tme, on button click, I must call a function after that parsed time but only one
I cant believe I framed such a stupid sentence in english :P
only once means
sorry for that, I meant to say after I fetch the time tag response, after that much time has elapsed, I must call a function but only once
do you want to run it once application installed
and it shouldnt run after restart app
or re-start of activity
or re-click on button
@jitendrasharma I am getting set of device names in that function, on pressing button, it goes to server and fetches <responsetime>
in that I have values 20 30
so if the status is success, after "responsetime" has passed,I must get latest list of devices
device names and response are in separate tags
please note dont get confused
i mean separate XML responses
so depending on the <responsetime> tag's value, I must get devices list(latest)
so there may be 20-30 response time, is it?
@jitendrasharma can you give me some example where handlers are sed?
and you need only first response tag value to set delay in response time
so basically i want to do (after 20 secs)

call fetch devices function:
I have already parsed responsetag value
I am getting it.
now I must pass it to a function as time to be elapsed
Handler.postDelayed(new Runnable(){public void run(){ //fetch device list}}, response.getListTime().get(0))
ah huh
The method getListTime() is undefined for the type String error @jitendrasharma
@RashmiB because I just give a dummy name to your response list
pass your parsed time here
@jitendrasharma On which project you are working?
no @jitendrasharma I replaced it with my string
come on I am not so dumb to just copy paste what you give :) ;)
:) if its string parse it to long, or int before executing method
@RobinHood one mailing solution
but not much work on the project now
in my application i have a navigatiobar, after 20 secs i should replace it and place another one
how to do this?
any idea?
@harish just replace views in your layout
or remove previous view
add new view
another alternative is to add all views to viewflipper and when you want to switch the bars, call showNext() or showPrevious()
@jitendrasharma can you explain meee
not getting
@harish which method
Jindra I am reading textview in activity and using in adpater, Is it possible?
@jitendrasharma the navigationbar is an image.. given in image view and after 20 secs it sholud change automatically
@RobinHood yes
so you just want to switch image on navigation bar
yess after 20 secs
ok, its very easy have an array of images you want to switch from
and an index as a field of activity
@jitendrasharma I did, but it not reflecting in my view..
create a thread sleeping for 20 secs
create a handler to setBackgroundDrawable(arr_img[index]);
and Thread thread=new Thread(new Sleeper()); thread.start();
and in Sleeper
private class Sleeper implements Runnable{public void run() {Thread.sleep(20*1000); handler.sendEmptyMessage();}}
@RobinHood Hello
@jitendrasharma thankyou for your support
let me try
@jitendrasharma: hello
@Venky Hey.
@harish you are welcome
@Pinki hi
@RobinHood are you facing any issue?
@jitendrasharma: yesterday we discussed about ohone right? actually i want to use that agps demo in my android app.But ophone is another sdk so,can i use that in my android application
@Pinki actually its for some chinese phone
your application would run on the phone running that platform
so this sample I think wont be any of your use
@jitendrasharma: that means ,android app with that sdk means it is working in china right?
Hello! Friends!
@Pinki no, its for some chineese phone
not every phone
not samsung, lg, htc would support this
@JaydeepsinhJadeja hi
@jitendrasharma Where r u from?
@JaydeepsinhJadeja india
hi jitendra
@dada hi, after a long time
ya litlt bit busy
wat abt u
I am good
is it possible to hide checkbox of the checked textview
then why are taking it as checked textview
do you know any aes encrypting
time to go home,
vaise encryption ke liye phle se utlities bani hui he
ok bye tc have a peacefull night
ok but i dont know i will see dat
@dada take some of your time to search for utility
and we will talk later tomorrow
the method inside run is executed as soon as the control goes to that
not after the long time elapses
@Rashmi : have u used Thread.sleep(20*1000); ?
no dude
y dont u declare it directly in milliseconds
I have used long(time*1000) in Handler
K now put a Logcat before and after the above syntax..
and then check
byyyeeeeeeeeeeeee allllllllllllllllll llllllllllllll
2 hours later…
Hi :)
1 hour later…
hello, any body there?
hey everybody
someone with paypal api integration experience ?
So there are 6 people here. Has anyone pulled of something simple listview that inherits from xml.
04:00 - 09:0009:00 - 20:00

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