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@jitendrasharma i was asking to myself how to send something to an android device from a webserver, or generic PC
@jitendrasharma so i need help :)
simple approach- create a webservice call that webservice, let webservice prepare the response xml, get data at client side, convert data to string, parse string with a parser, use parsed data
@jitendrasharma it not works have any code of it have u\
@jitendrasharma so, do i have to implement a webservice on Android phone? And then ? What's URL which matches with the phone?
@user801662: we aren't astrologists, my friend..
@user801662: as of now, it's the buzz.. but who knows what's gonna happen in future?
@Khan are you dere?
@NagarjunaReddy are you there?
@jitendrasharma @jitendrasharma it not works have any code of it have u\
ok, what have you done paste that code, I will lookinto your code
@jitendrasharma me or NagarjunaReddy
@Khan its for @NagarjunaReddy, he is facing issue since yesterday
@Khan you paste your activity and adapter class code
and I will look into the same
how are you doing? you guys are up late .
Anyone develop the kindle fire apps?
@Emmy hi
up late?
from where are you?
I am in US.
I got a problem about my kindle fire app
@jitendrasharma here is my code pastebin.com/f8y6K8U6
my app works on kindle fire and I submitted to amazon store. they told me my app screen is truncated on samsung galaxy tablets.
I don't want to support samsung galaxy tablets but just for kindle fire.
I don't have the samsung galaxy tablets for testing.
I thought the samsung galaxy and kindle fire has the same screen resolution 1024x600, why my app screen is truncated on galaxy tablets?
@Emmy you can test your app on galexy tab simulator
may I know what version android sdk do you have?
@Khan hi
dont take position as field of activity
instead it would be 3 parameter in getView and onItemClick
that is pos in your case
so remove field member position
from getview
@jitendrasharma hi can you help me for custom time pickers?
@jitendrasharma my android sdk is version 16
@HelpMeToHelpYou I havent made any
@Emmy ok, then create a new avd and see target if Galexy tab is available in the target list or not
developing android app has a lot of issues about the screen sizes. Thanks. @jitendrasharma I will try that.
@Emmy : hi
@jitendrasharma that int position i have defined that i have remove you say
i can test your app . .
i have galaxy tab
I am new to android.
great! @AndroidTechMe.
how can I send you the app?
ok @Emmy : you create application ?
@AndroidTechMe I also have one
yes. I did. @a
what's size of app ? @Emmy
you can send app in mail. but i cant test it now
i am in office so that. @ midnight i can test
can you give me your email address and I will send you the .apk file.
got it ?
I will test on the simulator first.
I will send you the file. Thanks.
yes, got it.
sure dear.
oh. no. it is gone.
can you give me again.
now got it ?????
ok. got it.
I will send you the email. Thank you so much!
you have install galaxy ADV in your Android SDK ?
no need to say thanks
Yes. I got galaxy adv. I am going to test it on samsung galaxy.
that's good
you can ask Query here . .
I did not know that amazon store also support other tablets. I did not test my app on other devices other than kindle fire.
@jitendrasharma not understand which i have remove and which i have put steady as it is
kindle fire resolution is 1024*600 na ?
I think galaxy resolution is also 1024x600.
than ignore amazon store
galexy tab comes into two resolutions
and upload your app in android market
ya dear
oh, @jitendrasharma. what are these two resolutions?
1024*600 is samsung tab 7
oh, no, I don't even want to touch android market.
and other is 1280*800 is galaxy tab 10.1
I am so afraid.
Device: Samsung i800 (Galaxy Tab) B 2.3.5 Installed Devices: Samsung P1010 (Galaxy Tab) B 2.2.1
android market you have to support all different kind of screen resolutions.
yes , but you can specify resolution in that
the above is the galaxy amazon review team tested on app on it.
how do you specify the resolution?
@Emmy: you said you want to support just kindle fire and not galaxy tab right?
yeah. can I do that? @Ghost
@Ghost Did you work on viewfliper?
@Emmy : in which resolution you want to run your application ?
@Emmy: I honestly don't know anything about supporting kindle as such, but can't you ask amazon fellows to just limit your app to kindle?
I just want to support 1024x600.
@RobinHood: nahin yaar.. I'm less experienced in android compared to you people..
yeah. I already sent them an email about it.
@Emmy: probably that requirement is causing the problem..
@Emmy : <supports-screens android:xlargeScreens="false" android:largeScreens="true" android:smallScreens="false" android:normalScreens="false" /> in your manifest file
I am interested in knowing how to specify the resolution for the device. If I can do that, I will just support 1024x600.
@Emmy: what dev tool do you use to develop apps?
that will solve all my problems.
@Ghost okay. no issue.
I use cocos2d-x .
@RobinHood :say buddy. i work on that
you application in cocos2d ? @Emmy
that's cool. must be good game you develop
@Emmy: in that case, I think your question should be posed to an iOS dev.. I mean, they develop more in cocos than android devs..
in Android Discussion, 2 mins ago, by RobinHood
Actually I am displaying marquee gallery at bottom of my activity, user select any image it will show in popup and if user want to swipe their, so he can, but don't know how to call next image within viewflipper.
@Ghost : no dude. . i am also create app in cocos2d
@AndroidTechMe: yeah.. i know it supports android too.. but what i'm trying to say is ios devs use it more than we do..
oh. ok. I will ask them.
@Ghost : yop buddy
whatever i give you code add in your manifest file @Emmy
@Emmy: ask them if there's a way to specify the resolution and limit it just to kindle and not extend it to galaxy tab..
@RobinHood : i got your Question buddy
wait . .
Ok. I will ask that to the people who developed cocos2d-x.
@RobinHood : you work on gesture touch ?
@Emmy: yeah.. do you've android sdk and eclipse too?
wait buddy . . @RobinHood
Use gesture.. for swiping left and right
Load your images dynamically and use gesture
try this . .
yes, I do have android sdk and eclipse
@Robinhood: r u there?
Anyone needs help? :D
yes @Chorche
oh and anyone want to help me with this?
Q: No variables shown in eclipse debuging

ChorcheI saw meny similar questions, but the solution was not found, so i'm asking: When i'm debuging the my android app NONE of the variables are shown in the "Variables" window. The console shows me that the debuger is not fully loaded. [2012-02-21 22:23:29 - Watcher] Android Launch! [2012-02-21 22:...

@Krishna ask
@Emmy: by using android.os.build.MANUFACTURER, you can get the name of the manufacturer.. depending on that, you can limit your app to kindle, AFAIK..
My problem is how to load audio files dynamically
even this might help you.. @Emmy
@Chorche are you watching any variable, by selecting variable, right click on variable and select watch.
@Ghost great. Thanks. but I have to make sure amazon is ok with that.
I hope they don't force me to support other devices.
@Emmy: why wouldn't they be?
I am still waiting for them to reply me.
they probably won't .. after all, you're the dev..
@jitendrasharma what are you talking about? The variables are not even displayed...
@jitendrasharma there?
@Krishna more information pease...
:) yeah. I am very new to android. and this is my first android app.
@Emmy : 1st app and it's in cocos2d-x . . Great . .
@Chorche variables will be displayed if you select a variable to watch
i want to load audio files when image changes.So renamed audio files in the order "sound1","sound2" etc for images "image1","image2"...
So i want to load audio in order
@jitendrasharma the variable i have define int position that i have to remove or other
@jitendrasharma umm, and where can i select itt?
I don't know. I am new to their store too. I still don't know what their rule and policy are.
that's why i suggest you . upload you app in android market
I got to go. it is very late for me now. It is very nice to chat with you guys and got a lot of help from you. Thanks. talk to you later.
@Emmy: as a matter of fact, this is my 3rd month into android and i'm still learning the basics.. :) no need to worry..
@Ghost : sahi hai boss
do I have to support all different kind of devices on android market?
@Krishna you want to load the audio file, when you replace an image with another?
yup . . @Emmy
android market is even bigger and more devices to support.
@jitendrasharma dont take position as field of activity instead it would be 3 parameter in getView and onItemClick
that is pos in your case
so remove field member position
getting? don't get an idea what to change or not
@Chorche: yes..
as you u told
@jitendrasharma huh?
ya . . over 1000 device support android market application @Emmy
android market is too much for me. :)
@Emmy: yeah.. but that depends on your requirements..
does app make money on android market?
I plan to just support kindle fire and nook color these two devices.
@Krishna and what do you know? What did you already coded?
I don't even like to support iPhone.
yes @Emmy
+1 @Emmy "I don't even like to support iPhone."
iphone is a whole different platform
I heard that apps don't make much money on android market.
yeah, I just transferred from iOS to android.
you can . . put app paid
that depends..
again +1 @Emmy "I just transferred from iOS to android." ;)
he hee.. :)
yeah. I develop iOS apps for about a year now I want to get into android market.
@Khan paste your changed code in pastebin
@Chorche: i dont know how to load that ...i used mediaplayer for playing a single audio
@Emmy : good choice :)
player = MediaPlayer.create(MyServices.this, R.raw.natural);
anyway, nice to talk to you guys. I got go to sleep now. it is 4:20 am now.
@jitendrasharma hey, what about me? :D
Hope I can do better on android market.
@chorche:But how to load 20 to 30 audio files
who knows.
ya @Emmy
dnt fear . .i am here @Emmy
bye @Emmy
hai ghost
@Chorche yes what about you?
@AndroidTechMe: dialogues maarna bandh hua kya?
@dada: hi.
@Krishna What do you mean "But how to load 20 to 30 audio files"?
@Ghost :D
@jitendrasharma where can i watch the variables? :D
aadat hai
@Chorche right click on variable you want to watch,
ghost how to implement deleting listview items
@jitendrasharma the code is same but what you have told me to change in this code i don't understand pastebin.com/f8y6K8U6
i have 30 audio files ..ie 30 images are there.
select watch option in options avaiable
@jitendrasharma and where is that variable?
@Krishna : all data are static ?
@dada: i'm still new to android yaar.. I don't really know..
@AndroidTechMe: yes
@AndroidTechMe: pata chalta hain..
than what problm you face ?
it's easy to manage man
@dada: ask jitendra..
@Krishna yes
ok jitendra can you help me in that
@AndroidTechMe: my problem is i want to load audio based on different images.I have 30 images .So for wach image,i want to load the corresponding audio.
@jitendrasharma Where do i have to find that variable, to watch it?? I said like 5 times, that in my eclipse "Variable" window, none of the variables are shown...
@RobinHood:did you get the solution for viewflipper?
no yet I am trying.
ok i got it
than use hashMap
@jitendrasharma sorry for previous question. It was very stupid. A simple return in web service gives me back data... -.-
@RobinHood:actually your have problem in swipe ?
@jitendrasharma however.... do you know in android, or java, how can i combine user and pass for building a random long string ? For security reason
@RobinHood:did you use gesture?
@RobinHood @Krishna @AndroidTechMe do you know in android, or java, how can i combine user and pass for building a random long string ? For security reason
@kinghomer : use MD5. search use MD5 in android
@kinghomer not an issue, we learn as things comes
Q: No variables shown in eclipse debuging

ChorcheI saw meny similar questions, but the solution was not found, so i'm asking: When i'm debuging the my android app NONE of the variables are shown in the "Variables" window. The console shows me that the debuger is not fully loaded. [2012-02-21 22:23:29 - Watcher] Android Launch! [2012-02-21 22:...

@AndroidTechMe thx. ill take a look
@kinghomer : welcome
@jitendrasharma no yaar it not work on other item check the previouscheck remain checked too
@Khan make list_time.xml's each view unfocusable
by property clickable=false;
let me try
@jitendrasharma thanx yarrrrrrrrrrrr it works
@Khan partyyyyyyyyyyyyy
@jitendrasharma suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee
@jitendrasharma how much exp have u minded guy u yar
Hi friends
I have one question.
Q: How can i get broadcast when any application launch from home screen?
@Khan not much, 3 yrs in mobile and 1 in web
@patelnikul you mean a broadcast receiver for all applications
ok great!!!!!
@jitendrasharma only 0 value, after debug app i got this pastebin.com/Pues2EnA
yes But i am not sure this is possible by broadcast receiver
@NagarjunaReddy paste your code again seems my code has not been posted
hi all
@jitendrasharma means my original code
@Khan in which city you currently in?
@NagarjunaReddy no edited code
@iPhoneDeveloper: iPhoneDeveloper in android chat room? :)
hi, btw.
@Khan okay
@Ghost hiii..how r u
@jitendrasharma and u and in which comp.
good.. how abt you? @iPhoneDeveloper
@ghost,,,me fine
u work on android ?
@iPhoneDeveloper: yeah..
do u have skype
not here in office i don't
in home u login ?
I don't.. cuz whenever I want to talk to my friends, it's just phone or gchat or something..
I just have skype id for name sake as such.
@Khan I am in jaipur, my friend
and comp does not matter when we both are in different cities
ok than meet you tommorow same place bye have nice night sweet dream to all
hello,there,I have problems to sync calendar in my touchpad, CM9
@Ghost u dree?
@iPhoneDeveloper: yeah
can u come online on gtalk ?
hello friends
Your internet speed is slow, still it is showing me loading....:P
@RobinHood Hello
One query
I need to add unique key , but duplicate values, which collection is Best
@bo2bo2 Welcome
Key A- Value 1 , Key A-Value 2,.. like this
Your smile make me laugh always.
@all : hi...
can any body help me?
probably not. Depends on the body. A body of stars will likely only help you stay toasty.
@KushalShah i can help you
@Chorche : hi
I have used scroll view in my xml..
now i want in the bottom of my activity one button display
which stay stable.
when user scrolls ...
i think you should go though the basics
Hello all, so I had a question i posted about android, how much time passes since the last post do you guys normally consider a question to be dead (won't be answered)?
I don't have much experience asking questions on here. I usually just browse through the threads with problems similar to mine
any one is having openGl tutorial..i found some but could not satisfied

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