@PiyushMishra i have a list of linear layout .. i want to change the color of the linear layout(to detect that it has been clicked) and background of its child view(like image view and text view)..the thing iz that i am able to do so when the user click on one of the linear layout but when i m moving to another page on click the color changing algo not working....
@PiyushMishra its not working mate...still the same issue..when i m removing the intent part its color iz changing but when the intent part iz present it moving to another activity without changing the color..
@sabya pastie.org/8074073 check this file . put this file into your drawable folder and add this drawable as a background of your linear layout. it will change the background color of your linear layout automatically...
you can change background color in this file according to your requirement @sabya
@Ghost @Supreet i am also fine. Can you help me please? I need to play two videos in two video views in same screen i am unable to achieve it. Is it possible?
@PiyushMishra can you please give me some link for reference. I can see both the layouts but only see black screen on one of the videoview. I need to play two videos one from sdcard and one to buffer online. But cant see the one which is to be buffered online.
@newBie i did this with inflating a videoview inside the layout and add this layout to the parent and set the position of the layout i tested it with 3.
hey folks!! could someone help me out with my SO question? I got votes but no answers, and its getting kin of urgent :( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17261284/android-strange-behavior-of-fragment-transaction-replace votes are cool tho too ^^
@RobinHood marker which explain that there are someone who need help and in some serious condition, and second one that can help(a person) and third one Delhi Police PCR Van who moves all over day on map
@ManishAndroid for 1st person you can you some hazard symbol.. and for police van, you can use some police symbol.. you can get those on google, just resize them
I have been using the new nested fragment API that Android includes in the support library.
The problem that I am facing with nested fragments is that, if a nested fragment (that is, a fragment that has been added to another fragment via the FragmentManagerreturned by getChildFragmentManager()) ...
i need your suggestion, i am working on a aap in which i have show all images from gallary, but in case phone have lots images its exceed allocated memory
I want to use a multipane layout for wider screens. The data is persisted with sql and each fragment fetches the right data. The extra layout xml files are in resource directory folders.(i.e. layout-w500dp) But i have some strange behavior.
It only seems to work after I select something and then ...
I'm trying to invoke WebService from Andriod,At WebServerSide getting java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
here my Code from Andriod:
SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
//Pass value for userName variable of the web service
PropertyInfo unameProp...
getting null pointer on onActivityResult When i am in nested Fragments Solution : use interface cause we can get this data on Parent fragment or Parent Fargment Activity Using interface to move data
I've a CSV file of 500 thousand rows.
I've to insert all rows of CSV file into a table created in SQLite Android.
I want to know how much rows I can insert in any table in SQLite ?
I want to use a multipane layout for wider screens. The data is persisted with sql and each fragment fetches the right data. The extra layout xml files are in resource directory folders.(i.e. layout-w500dp) But i have some strange behavior.
It only seems to work after I select something and then ...
@Supreet because here It tells that the term_id of this table is a foreign key, which refers to the _id of table_terms. Consequently if we delete a term_id (id = 2), all referenced subjects with the term_id = 2, will be deleted too.
@Pallavi I am developing an app which will take list of time for seven days at which a video will be played.. the code is working good in emulator. But while running on device when I select start time it's ok but when I select on stop time and click done button it's FC :(
want to Add Home,Office, etc.. Number to Single Contact Name using below code
ArrayList<Phone> phones = contatsetget.getPhones();
if(phones != null){
for(Phone phone:phones){