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12:09 AM
Question for the candidates: What is your stance on questions about software under NDA? Let's say somebody asks a question about the iOS 8 SDK and it begins attracting flags. How would you proceed?
[Rant mode] Actually, you know what? Never mind the generic "software under NDA" bit, I'm asking specifically about Apple NDAs. Because I find 'answers' along the lines of "This is under NDA, you should go ask on Apple's developer forums instead" incredibly annoying.
Out of fairness, I'll wait until the town hall actually starts to answer that.
Well, on the train now. If everything goes to plan, I should be home about 5 to 10 minutes before it starts. So just a heads up, it may not go to plan...
12:34 AM
@RebeccaChernoff Has the format changed from the first town hall at all?
@GeorgeStocker good evening gortok (sp?)
About to watch an episode of something or other with the wife before the town hall meeting, so I'm AFK for the next hour.
@GeorgeStocker enjoy
It's How I met your mother, I think I will. :-)
As an aside, my wife's friends keep telling me I look like Barney Stinson (or as he's known in the Real World, NPH).
Awesome. Himym rocks. Nice to see another fan...
Or Doogie Howser ;)
12:44 AM
@JustinjjnguyNelson Should be pretty identical...people will ask questions (bold them/star them if you can, please!), candidates will reply at will (use the explicit reply button to the right of the post, please!), and we'll all get through the hour in one piece (hopefully).
@TimStone awesome, thanks.
@GeorgeStocker if you're watching last night's, this episode made me o: heh
Alright, time to check and see if anyone's in the StackExchange BF3 server. See you all in an hour and change.
Robin and Barney sitting in a tree... ;)
It's amazing that this question has legs, after all this time. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/60242/…
12:48 AM
Yeah. Really sets a good stage for the rest of the season. Though it wasn't as funny as the one before it...
I think it came back because someone put it in their election answers (Null, IIRC)
@GeorgeStocker Waffles recently posted a problem about questions not gettign closed.
Are we sure it's still a problem?
herpa derp
1:07 AM
@adam2510 Indeed!
There are a lot of folks here for being nearly an hour before the start. Damn overachievers!
@Shog9 I'm technically afk...
start of what?
isn't here but is
@adam2510 Moderator Election Town Hall Chat
1:09 AM
oh right
@JustinjjnguyNelson quick response for afk
@Shog9 waiting for my pizza to cool so I can devour it!!! Prolly time now!
mmm pizza ... damn you i want pizza now
Smother it in cold yogurt. Less waiting, more eating.
Apple sauce is also good
@Shog9 or beer??? (brb)
1:14 AM
soggy pizza?
Beer to wash it down
@Shog9 are you mad... apple sauce yes
gotta be a good beer though
That's a great idea (beer, not apple sauce). I think I will once I get home...
Three train stops to go (about 12 minutes). Then a 10 minute drive home, then back here for town hall... I can't wait to move closer to work...
Hiya, did I miss anything?
@BrantBobby It depends on the nature of the question. NDA software questions can often be closed as too localized (temporally) since the code in question is likely to be changed. I think it's a case by case consideration. So, there's a logical reason for closing those, beyond "defending Apple's NDAs".
+1 screw NDAs
Are we starring Qs and As for the digest?
1:25 AM
And everything else I'm sure
Haha, poor <person name here>.
@Moshe: I think we're supposed to wait until the town hall starts.
At least, I did.
Ah, sorry. I saw the Q and I thought I was late.
Not really fair of us to start answering the questions a half hour before everyone else is supposed to be here :)
Good point.
While we wait, anyone know why my IDE won't open input files
1:27 AM
@Moshe Want to get more specific than that?
@MichaelMrozek Sure. If compile a C++ program in Xcode or CodeBlocks and I have an if stream, it will run properly only from within the IDE.
When I try to run the binary directly from a terminal it refuses to open an input file.
Error message?
wait, so is it your IDE that won't open input files, or your program?
@MichaelMrozek Only my own cout: Error reading names.txt
@Shog9 my program
or... are you writing an IDE
1:30 AM
@Shog9 Haha, no.
@Shog9 Yeah, I got hung up for a minute and decided later messages supersede earlier ones
Sounds like he's writing a program that takes an IDE as an input file.
Unless I'm missing something
@Moshe Path issue? Are you opening a relative path?
@MichaelMrozek yup, likely it.
Just log everything to the console and stop guessing
1:31 AM
Excellent. You owe me. If you win, you have to ban people whenever I say. No questions
@Shog9 I am. Not sure how to make a cross platform absolute path.
don't. Put 'em all in config files. Or on the command line.
This is for a hw assignment.
hw doesn't have command lines?
You probably want a relative path, just make sure it's right. Run the app from the same directory as the file or whatever
1:33 AM
It does, but I'm on Mac and the prof is on windows.
first thing I write in ANY new program is the command-line parser.
Homework problems don't need to get fancy
@MichaelMrozek I am.
@Shog9 getopt, noob

if (fin.fail()) {
cout << "Error reading names.txt. Terminating.";
return 1;
1:34 AM
@MichaelMrozek that's really overkill if you only need one parameter.
And names.txt is in the folder you ran the app from?
I never use ifstream, but that seems sane
And we are stopped one station away. Looks like I will likely be late... god do I hate NJTransit...
@ircmaxell Stay on the train and chat from there!
@MichaelMrozek yes
@Moshe Use fopen like a sane person and be done with it
1:35 AM
Not being part of this from my cell phone...
@JustinjjnguyNelson An hour later .... "This is the last stop on this train! Everyone please exit the train."
That is crazy...
Vote: Live Virtual Agent? Real Person? Or Bot?
You didn't already have a file open on that stream, did you?
@MichaelMrozek Hrm, prof probably will complain about that. It's a real beginner class.
@MichaelMrozek nope
1:36 AM
Jenny Says: I'm actually a virtual agent. I'm here to help you with your credit. Virtual is a computer simulation of a real chat :)
@Moshe exactly.
@JustinjjnguyNelson ? Are you saying to use`ifstream.fopen()`?
My professor seems to hate that.
It's just fopen, it's a C function
@Moshe I don't know C++ (or C or whatever archaic language you are using.) I was replyign to your earlier comment.
@MichaelMrozek ah, ok. ::looks it up::
1:38 AM
I love C++, but a couple things are so much easier in C. fopen >> std::ifstream, and printf >> std::cout
@JustinjjnguyNelson C++, btw
@MichaelMrozek Where do I store the open file?
anyone here who can help with spring securrity?
We'll get started in about 20 minutes
@Moshe FILE* file = fopen("names.txt", "r");
@adam2510 this is an event chat for the elections.
1:40 AM
If file is NULL it couldn't open it
@MichaelMrozek Can I use getline() on it after that?
@JNK its not like anyone else is using it for help as well...
I'm not sure you just popping in to ask a random question is the same thing...
if anyone can help.. can they jump in the java chat with me
@Moshe I think you want fgets
1:42 AM
thats sort of what i'm asking
@adam2510 you could just, yknow, ask a question @GeorgeStocker spring security.
nah java..
Not so much then.
Although I've hit my head on Spring.NET to know that I hate it.
@GeorgeStocker ... still i could make sense of it :)
1:43 AM
@MichaelMrozek Ok, I need to just ask the prof why it won't work. I'm probably missing something.
@GeorgeStocker more spring security is confusing me rather than java it self'
@Moshe You might try std::ifstream fin("names.txt");, that's how I normally do it when I need to use ifstreams (instead of calling .open()), but it should work your way
@adam2510 Did you try asking it on StackOverflow?
^ what he said x 10
@JustinjjnguyNelson yeah
1:45 AM
Today I learned I live about 3 blocks from 'Haskell Street'
Q: Unsure how to modify userDetailsService to allow for custom userDetails but keep datasource

adam2510what i am trying to do is i'm following this http://www.theserverside.com/tip/-Spring-Security-Customizing-Your-User-and-Authorization-in website to attempt to customise the UserDetails so i can retrieve more fields regarding to the user... as far as implementing the UserDetails, where i am con...

@JustinjjnguyNelson Stack Overflow? Nobody uses that site
@MichaelMrozek well, only losers use that site...
@JustinjjnguyNelson ouch so harsh
the cool kids use the hyphen site, have i got that correctly?
1:46 AM
I'll just leave this here: quora.com/How-can-you-read-a-file-in-C++
@MattBall correct
If you get jjnguy on the record as saying that cool kids use the hyphen site, I think we'll be able to watch his primaries score plummet in real time
the hyphen site is the best place to go to ask about sex changes
1:47 AM
who says i didn't do that already?
@JimmySawczuk Yeah, I'm talking him out of using a filestream. Although for reading line-by-line it might be easier
@MichaelMrozek yeah, I doubt I could survive that.
@MichaelMrozek My professor wants a file stream and such. Using the shortened syntax seems to work
ifstream fin("names.txt");
you're STILL talking about file streams?
1:49 AM
They are important!!!!!!!!!!
@Shog9 Havastar.
10 minutes!
@Moshe Ah, cool
But I think we just solved the problem.
Yeah, pretty much all of unix is built on them, huh... ASK ON L&U!
1:50 AM
SO chat has proven that SO is no longer necessary
@Shog9 You can't even get our acronym right? For shame
The rule is that if we finish it before @Shog9 yells at us for discussing, then a question is not actually required. We narrowly satisfied that criteria this time.
Shog9 should start yelling faster. At rchern
Hey @BradLarson. Welcome and grats on doing so well in the primaries.
1:51 AM
Hey all
@MichaelMrozek hrmph
Not being able to clear stars in here is going to drive me up the wall when the chat starts
@casperOne Hello.
Hey @Moshe
1:52 AM
@MichaelMrozek i could allways drive you up there now
@MichaelMrozek Thankfully, I can.
Just throwing this out there in case anyone missed it:
@TimStone Are you doing the digest live?
@adam2510 We'll carpool
throwing what
1:53 AM
is campaigning illegally within 200 meters of voting stations
@jonsca i'm going to be mean and say you have to sit on the roof
Protect unicorns is only 3rd on your list?
@MichaelMrozek This one will most likely be done a bit delayed, since I'm trying to finish something else at the moment.
You have a spelling error.
And I'm not telling you where.
@Moshe: Me like
1:54 AM
@adam2510 That's not mean, as long as you don't use bungee cords
@Moshe I would make fun of that as being desperate, but other people have gone much further
@Moshe Pretty cool, man
@jonsca nah hockey straps
@AdamRobinson Liar! :P
You spelled maderater wrong
1:54 AM
@adam2510 kay
Oh. is embarrassed
So is this going to be a free-for-all, or are there rules to follow for asking questions?
@Pubby is obviously from Boston.
@MarkTrapp I think there are rules, kinda like on SO.
1:55 AM
@MichaelMrozek And I've only got several more votes than that person. Heh, no worries.
@Moshe I mean, do we voters just ask our questions and hope someone sees them amongst 20+ people answering questions all over the place, or do we submit them to someone for dissemination?
@MarkTrapp I expect it to be more chaotic than a typical townhall.
@MarkTrapp No, I believe that they are supposed to be starred and perhaps done in order.
FGITW, chat style
1:56 AM
We answer on our own.
Good morning/afternoon everyone. 'Sup dawgs?
@MarkTrapp I generally make my questions entirely bold, and if we keep the useless starring to a minimum there'll be that too
@MarkTrapp You just ask them, preferably in bold text, and they'll be starred to make them easier to spot.
@MichaelMrozek +1 for useless starring to a minimum,
@MichaelMrozek If only the <marquee> and <blink> tags worked in chat...
1:57 AM
Then the candidates may respond as they see fit.
@slugster em the sky
:1880035 haha i wonder if i can predict the future
@MarkTrapp Wouldn't help me; I have a userscript that <marquee>s and <blink>s all chat rooms all the time
Isn't there usually a moderated room for the questions+answers to be posted, and a backchannel room for general chitchat?
1:58 AM
Hello everyone
@BrantBobby All the ones I've been in were single-room, but it's been a while for me
damnit... i cant quote something that has not been posted yet..
I am not late, am I?
@NullUserExceptionఠ_ఠ Nope.
@BrantBobby Generally people are sensible enough to just stick with the program, and everything goes fine...if not, @RebeccaChernoff will deploy the stabbing sticks, or something.
1:58 AM
::is probably at the star limit::
@Null, not yet
@NullUserException You're early for tomorrow's chat ;)
Is there a hotkey for replying to someone? Or if I use the @, does it automatically link it to the previous instance of that person chatting?
I am going to be on for tomorrow's chat as well
@jon haha
1:59 AM
Woo, stabbing stick!
@GeorgeStocker I don't think so
And I made it
But the autocomplete functionality is still there
@NullUserExceptionఠ_ఠ I plan to ask the same questions, so I'll be cross-referencing your answers for any discrepancies

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