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Good Morning
@Shailesh I have worked on both architecture
and I like MVVM
morn' guys..
Jay Mahadev!
@Shailesh the main difference is related to data binding
in MVVM we create view model variable in layout and bind view but MVP either we have to create view object or you can use butter knife
Good Morning Friends ...!
@JaiprakashSoni Ohkay
Mornin peeps
Good Morning
4 hours later…
@Ninja sorry for old question, did you try to move from wifi zone to no wifi zone?
hiii all
while fetching contacts in my app its taking more time
@JaiprakashSoni @Ninja @Radhey could someone help me
Hi there,I do have some doubts can anyone help me ?

So new navigation architecture is for batter fragment management. So for understanding the concept i created one demo project with 3 fragment. My structure is like this.

MainActivity > Root fragment > Host fragment > Detail fragment > List Fragment

I have assigned actions from "host to detail" and "detail to list" with actions tag.

Now what happen here, When i press back from list fragment it's redirecting to details but recreating whole fragment and i lost all data ans state.
@RushDroid can you show how you are adding/replacing fragment
I am using navigation architecture @JaiprakashSoni
while fetching contacts in my app its taking more time
in android ?
how much time it was taking ?
its taking more than one minute
Can you paste your code @DilipTiwari
@RushDroid sorry I have never use navigation architecture
@DilipTiwari whole method not code
did you call it in main thread ?
this is the only code which i have written from this only i m fetching contacts
yes i m calling it on main thread
@AshishJain sorry yesterday i forgot that, today i will check it when i'll leave the office
Don't call it on main thread
It will stuck UI thread
i am getting this error and data is not inserted in firebase DB
BiChannelGoogleApi: [FirebaseAuth: ] getGoogleApiForMethod() returned Gms
Email/password is already enabled in firebase console
plz do some help because i have checked some of the stack overflow and github post but still not solved this issue
@RushDroid ok bro
disable rule might help you @Ninja
below is the root level build.gradle
`classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.2.0'`
below are the dependencies that i have added in app level build.gradle file
`implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-database:16.1.0'`
`implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-auth:16.2.0'`
`implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-core:16.0.8'`
`implementation "com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-auth:3.1.0"`
@RushDroid let me try
actually when i trying yesterday then one time data is inserted after now its not working
let me try @RushDroid @JaiprakashSoni
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if false;
@RushDroid (Y), i am on this way...
Hello All
Have anyone this solution ?
@KrupaliShingala @JaiprakashSoni @Radhey
@Ninja Can you please look into my code I have mentioned a few steps. I want to call service every 10 - 20 secs but it's not calling?

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