@Rahul i am using tablayout with viewpager and 4tabs have its own fragment .. now i have to display different toolbar for different fragments so i m going to handle this inside viewpager.onpagechange listener is this ok ?? or may i need to create a public method in activityA and call method from fragment to update toolbar ?
yes, you can do it.
This is how you do it for android. few steps are required, but you can do it...
Hope this helps.
@Rahul i m using activityA that contains more than one fragment ..... lets say fragB contains recyclerview now i need to update activityA toolbar title from fragB adapter ..... then will i create public method inside activityA and will call activityA method from fragB and fragB will get updates from callback that i created to update on delete action
http://hastebin.com/hosicilutu.cs I am using this code to get Facebook user images, i am getting my all images that are public, from other accounts i am not getting all public images
UPDATE: TeamViewer has addressed this problem on their download page. It clearly states which version is meant for Multiarch and which isn't. (PROTIP: Version 11.10 and up have multiarch.)
Bad idea!
Don't use out-of-date repos (Raring in Trusty).
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Download the official image from ...