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03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 17:00

i m taking pull but getting error your local changes would be overwritten by merge commit , stash or revert them while the files are configuration files
what should i need to do now ?
vgm all
Null child action in group Import into Version Control () of class class com.intellij.ide.actions.NonEmptyActionGroup, id=Bitbucket.Share
what is this ? @Kaushik do u know why this error happening ?
hi anyone tell me how to do addItems in recyclerview in onScroll in android @Kaushik
@Kaushik Gm dada
can we auto read otp on marshmallow device?
yes after allowing sms permission
@JaiprakashSoni vgm bro
@Kaushik Gm
hw r u
i have used coordinator layout and inside this reyclreview exist so pls tell me can i use coordinatorLayout.findLastVisibleItemPosition() ?
Gm all :)
@Erum coordinatorLayout why this
2 messages moved to Trash
@Erum use that code which is given by kausik
yes but how to handle coordinatorlayout
no need to handle anything for coordinate layout
randomPostLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition() so what will be the randomPostLayoutManager in my case
@JaiprakashSoni hello
Guys i need help how to replace fragment in fragment dialog
here is my code
@TheNightKing vgm I'm fine
@Kaushik gm
@Kaushik help me
did u integrate pay @Kaushik
sorry bro very busy
@Prabhakar nope
@Kaushik Busy ? Wrong dada :P
@PiyushGupta how r u bro
@Prabhakar hi
Guys i needed like this App:- play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.im.RemoDroid&hl=en without Root my Phone App gonna Working to connect one device to another.
any ieda
@theremin hii...u there??
@JaiprakashSoni well I am fine. Wt abt u ?
@PiyushGupta webview auto handles playing video in device orientation changed ?
@JaiprakashSoni getting problem in payu integration
Happy mrng all :)
@JaiprakashSoni @PiyushGupta@RRB@AnshulTyagi Good Morning!! i am working on fragment trying to open second fragment from first fragment..system stop working.
@UchihaSasuke, can u show me ur code?
i am facing some problem while doing reverse engg.
What do we have to write in cmd propmt for windows?
@ParthaChakraborty pastebin.com/TUeXMTce
@PiyushGupta I m fine 2
@Prabhakar sorry I hv never worked on payu
@PiyushGupta thankyou
@PriyankaMinhas bhabhi g GM
@UchihaSasuke VGM can u show error logcat
@JaiprakashSoni LOL
good morning all
very good morning all :)
hows u all, my friends?
@DroidWormNarendra VGM
hello all
did any1 sent accesstoken in header in retrofit
@JaiprakashSoni i am getting error onAttach as i using context..
Good Morning @DroidWormNarendra.
@UchihaSasuke in BookingScreenSecondFragment u hv created an interface for callback
and u hav not implemented it in ur mainactivity
@JaiprakashSoni i am calling it from second fragment button ..so do i have to implement on main activity too.
and in onattachment u have checked if activity is not isInatanceOf ur interface then throw error
@UchihaSasuke u can create a common interface if u are donig same functionalty in all fragment or u have to implement all infterface
in mainactivity
@ankitagrawal hi
@JaiprakashSoni ok ..let me try
@PankajSharma hello
@PriyankaMinhas Mam wel come :)
mport com.google.android.gms.auth.api.signin.GoogleSignInAccount; cannot be resolved even i import its dependencies too
which dependency?
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth:8.4.0'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:8.4.0'
but its still its giving me eror
@JaiprakashSoni hey
what to do now /
can you show your gradle file?
or just try to add
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
in your dependencies
@ankitagrawal hey
@PiyushGupta :)
@PiyushGupta hey
@PriyankaMinhas hey girl, wassup?
@ankitagrawal hi buddy
@DroidWormNarendra learning reverse engg... you say hows yu?
@Piyush hello man
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth:8.4.0'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:8.4.0'
@PriyankaMinhas good
@DroidWormNarendra hello sir
will give multidex issue
@PriyankaMinhas hey anime girl
i import same @nawaabsaab
but that was working fine yesterday dnt know whats wrong
will give multidex issue
@ankitagrawal hello
is it giving mutidex issue?
Is it raining?
How was the weather today?
It was too cloudy,,, dark black here
@PriyankaMinhas too much hot
@DroidWormNarendra hi
@TheNightKing you're beer beep
no tufan is beer
he's fruit juice not beer
nops its not giving any issue Error:(367, 83) error: cannot access GoogleSignInResult
class file for com.google.android.gms.auth.api.signin.GoogleSignInResult not found
@AnshulTyagi how are your testers :P
@PriyankaMinhas one is on leave
another one is transferred
hahha left with 2
just because of you :P @Anshul
might be
I'm doing good in my project
3rd will resign :D
4th one will be fired
@PriyankaMinhas no
4th one is their TL :P
Hey one question, I have navigation drawer.. and wanted to show toast on it only.. not in the activity.. I mean when ever i click in navigation buttons then first it closes navigation and then toast appears
@AnshulTyagi hahaha
@PriyankaMinhas you wanna show toast on it click ?
yes it is showing but only in the navigation block
what do you want?
you can close it
not behind it.. where activity resides.. I dont know whether this is an issue or not but still wanted to confirm
you want to show in activity after closing of drawer?
Q: How to move an Android App in Auto Start List of Mi Note3, so it receives Push even app is closed

Rajendra KhabiyaI am working on an android app and from last 2 weeks i am facing a issue in MI Phones that they don't receive Push Notification when application is in Background State or Inactive State. This is working great in other devices like samsung, micromax etc. At last i solve it by Moving My applicatio...

Can anyone please help me to solve this issue
Drawer opens on click of navigation? ok.. if i click on list items.. then toast appears but it is not shown on drawer open rather after the close of drawer. I wanted it in on drawer open
oh i;ve never seen
Because I close drawer first using handler then it shows toast
@RajendraKhabiya I don't think u need root recever event to receive gcm notification
I added a GCM BroadCast Reciever along with Wake Lock but it is also dependent on Root Recevier
in MI Phones
I tried same thing with Root Recevier but no luck
I think it is something related to system write
and Only With Most Updated Phones like Nexus6, MI etc
Trying to solve this from last 2 weeks but no hope
As i mentioned in question working great with samsung and other phones
But when i use app in MI it receive push only when app is active
@AnshulTyagi hmm
@PriyankaMinhas i'm trapped in a chart lib here
@RajendraKhabiya try uninsatll app and re intall it and open once and close it.. then check if u receive notification or not
Nopes, Already do that
@AnshulTyagi i did not got the reponse from her
not working in that case too
@TheNightKing can you again ping her?
chinese devices r shit
@JaiprakashSoni It is related to System Settings.. Do you know how to modifiy this by code ?
@AnshulTyagi yes i did
@PriyankaMinhas as you implented on open and close of drawer on create.so its closed when u click on navigation item after you select.
@JaiprakashSoni Not issue with Chineese Phone it is with phones which relay a lot on Security including Google nexus 6
@RajendraKhabiya I hv not found this kind of permission in my phone.. it also ha 6.0
Are you using Mi or Nexus6 ?
it is available in these phones only at this moment
@JaiprakashSoni Sir
May be in all in Future..
Please guys ping me if anyone know any solution for this, any help will be appreciated..
don't have time for that
It's Okay i understand, Ty
Someone will help if free. Don't worry
@UchihaSasuke thankyou for the help..
@JaiprakashSoni Sir task done ?
@PriyankaMinhas :)
But what if i donot write the code it oncreate?
I measn i want it there also
@PiyushGupta whats up
Good... What about u ? @PriyankaMinhas
@DroidWormNarendra Sleepy?
@PiyushGupta no you answered wrong.. Its a roof (On up)
@PriyankaMinhas why you want to open the drawer and not closed as it working fine.it will give you toast detail on the click of the item.
@PriyankaMinhas I know.. Because I am wrong.. ha ha :P
Rahul is not seeming these days
@TheNightKing Ok. I'll leave a message to her at lunch
i got the response
so fast lol
@TheNightKing what response?
@ankitagrawal JSON response
i see
@nawaabsaab @Rahul is here
@PiyushGupta for developer task queue is end less
anyone used google singin @TheNightKing @AnshulTyagi
@JaiprakashSoni But for u it is not
google plus
@PiyushGupta bro I m not a superman
@JaiprakashSoni Yes right. U r better than him :)
@UchihaSasuke yeah but toast is showing on close of drawer
@PiyushGupta bro it seems u get hangover.. come out of it
@JaiprakashSoni Yes I am fan of Salman Khan so :)
@ankitagrawal In ur id there is 2411. Is it?
@PriyankaMinhas what context do you call for it?
and where you're calling it?
explain (2 marks)
@PiyushGupta right?
@ankitagrawal So i sent to that id dude
@PiyushGupta not get into bad habits else bhabhi g will kill u :P
@JaiprakashSoni ha ha . LOL.. Why my bhabhi Ji doing same ?? :P
@PriyankaMinhas no its working on your item click(or what text you provided in drawer) ,but your drawer is closed as you called it just after opening.and toast takes time to display.so it looked you close the drawer than it display the toast text.
@PiyushGupta I don't drunk so it does not apply on me :D
@UchihaSasuke grt bingo...
@JaiprakashSoni U mean i drunk ? Never buddy
@PriyankaMinhas U too
I am not applying toast now
@PiyushGupta question closed
@PriyankaMinhas Lol
One more question
@PiyushGupta but i didnt receive dude
@ankitagrawal send me on gupiyushkumarv
If we do reverse engg.. and services are there then? I mean what if we consume same services like...?
I mean i want my app should not be hacked easily.. what do i require in my app?
Kindly ellaborate every scenario
I want to know every single bit with all pros and cons
@PriyankaMinhas every app can be hacked
@ankitagrawal Dude @PriyankaMinhas wants to know all scenario. Tell her to use Proguard and read docs for it
i'm bored
you can be
@TheNightKing then melt away
@ankitagrawal send ?
@TheNightKing btw start with constraint layout then
you mean even the services also?
even on Chrome developer i can se many api of freecharge and paytym
or maybe swift
may be sfit
@HitMan Good afternoon :P
didn't get
common dude i send you @PiyushGupta
@RRB good afternoon
@PriyankaMinhas every app can be hacked.. but u can make hacker hard to understand ur logic
for that u can use proguard and encryption
ohhhhh @JaiprakashSoni jai ho
now understanding well
@PriyankaMinhas Oh so we told u wrong ?
@ankitagrawal Common but i didn't get same as u
@ankitagrawal i only like exposing api
@PiyushGupta bt he ellaborated it well LOL
if u r using encryption then u can hide key by putting it at different place in pieces @PriyankaMinhas
@TheNightKing i see what is sfit?
@TheNightKing constraint layout is not exposing api?
@PriyankaMinhas thanks bhabhi g :P
hmm.. @JaiprakashSoni I hacked an app..there they have consumed services also
@PriyankaMinhas Ok :(
@PiyushGupta it cant be helped
@PriyankaMinhas what do you mean by consumed services?
@ankitagrawal you know i don't like android
@JaiprakashSoni will arrange your meeting with the bhai
i wanna sfit from android to J2EE
@TheNightKing true that is why i recommed swift language
@PriyankaMinhas who one that?
@TheNightKing its shift and not sfit
@PriyankaMinhas I m planing to visit bhai's place... U hv to prepare for that :P
@TheNightKing lol i was confuse what to wanted to say
@ankitagrawal I mean what if I have every single code with same services...url..and made a lil changes then?
@AnshulTyagi where is second admin
@PriyankaMinhas if u want to hide service url then encrypt it and put it in string.xml and decrypt it when ever u want
@JaiprakashSoni yeah sure he is in office right now
@PriyankaMinhas take webservice url from another webservice
hmm but what if in my previous apps i have not done any encryption.. some of the hackers like you just changed the app name and runs as it is... then?
in google play store i mean
@PriyankaMinhas server side validation of source?
Do my webserver gets to know anything? or anyone? the only thing will happen is my server space will be occupied ...
unable to use google+ signin and FCM both @TheNightKing @Dev anyidea whats the reason
@TheNightKing lost in the shades
may i need to use same google-services.json for both purpose
@ankitagrawal it would be a great help for me
@Erum error?
@PriyankaMinhas see my question?
@PriyankaMinhas Do u know about WSDL?
does your web service validates each request or not?
@Dev hi bro
hello jai, how are you bro?
@Dev I m fine.. say about u
all well!
long time to see u
@Dev long time to see u
come at my place, lets have a drink party
But U need to come here
y me and not you?
Because @JaiprakashSoni will come here so u can come with him too
once i m adding firebase dependency then getting error GoogleApiClient cannot be resolved
will i use same google-services.json file for both firebase and google+
@ankitagrawal grt.. Will have a scrum regarding it
@PiyushGupta what is it?
@Erum yes you can use same for both
how ?
post question on so
@PriyankaMinhas np
Web service description language@PiyushGupta
just googled it now
ha ha LOL
my lunch time...
will have a break now..
Ok go .... :)
@AnshulTyagi ohh i see
I'm starving for food rn
guys a good laptop with 32gb ram anyone?
@ankitagrawal who cares
@TheNightKing i care for a 32gb laptop becoz i want to purchase one
@AnshulTyagi if you are so obsessed go get yourself
@TheNightKing how to get sha in android studio
@ankitagrawal I'm looking for it
@ankitagrawal where?
@AnshulTyagi is hindi allowed now?
@Erum use English
@nawaabsaab can u pls see the issue
I don't want to waste your time
@DroidWormNarendra Y ?
what? @Piyush
@DroidWormNarendra Not answering
I forgot
just came back from lunch
U always forget
@Piyush can we format date in sqlite that is stored as text datatype?
why getters are considered evil in this article? can someone please explain that to me? yegor256.com/2016/04/05/printers-instead-of-getters.html
@MidoriKocak naa getter are not evil
he is just seeing one side of a coin
that was really a brainfuck
when picking gallery images from google photos, I get uri something like this -content://com.google.android.apps.photos.contentprovider/0/1/mediakey%3A%2FAF1QipNIQzhIbpOpI_ZUVLRLaKwzptIqyBy1D4QE38Ls/ORIGINAL/NONE/664526860

when I try to get file path from this uri, it returns me null
any solution @Piyush @Anshul @TheNightKing @ankitagrawal
Error:Plugin with id 'com.github.dcendents.android-maven' not found.
any lib ?
go to gradle of that lib
and remove this plugin line
and resync
Our country is changing but Punjab can't fly
03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 17:00

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