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Haan @Tufan say
2 hours later…
@AnandSingh you are right bro
I got something from a tutorial
"So using an IntentService you can run long-running operations in the background without affecting the app’s responsiveness and at the same time one of the biggest advantage of it is that, it isn’t affected by most of the user interface (Activity/Fragment) lifecycle events, hence continues to run even when the Activity is destroyed for instance."
I am following this link
Can you tell me @AnandSingh Is it necessary to run asynctask in the background service???
Can you tell me @AnandSingh Is it necessary to run asynctask in the background service???
If you can dn tag me with your answer
7 hours later…
@Subho it is not necessary ...
Ya i have closed my service through stopSelf() methord
actually this is a big fault tha i was running asynctask in the service
@AnandSingh thnx man
for ur support
welcome :)
Now i am running a thread and in the thread i am just running the task which i was running in async task
Good, Async we use when we have to update UI after our thread related process.. so for service it is useless
I do not use Async in my apps, i use okhttp to do network related tasks
Ok can tell me some code
about okhttp
search okhttp.. it is a library
you will get nice tutorials
can we pass value with url through okhttp ???
I got one
try retrofit if you are making REST request
anyone can help me?
@AnandSingh ok
yes @yongyun if i can.
@AnandSingh This is my question on stackoverflow stackoverflow.com/questions/34838005/…
I don't know how to load the TABLE_ZH , TABLE_HI, when user select the specfic language from setting
Sorry, i am new in android. My lecturer give me this apps and ask me to make it support multiple language.
hmm seeing your problem
Thank you so much :)
you have created tables for multi laungage
why don't you create just one table?
and get the value according to language selected?
Do you mean i just needed to add my translated data to the column in one table?
I have did it , but i i thought that if i use different table and it can use localization method
same like values, values-en
or create one string entity like table and where you getting table name do something like: table = getResources.getString(R.string.table)
so it will return the table name from selected laungage
which one you prefer between use only one table ( add the translated data into column) and create different table in one db?
just paste this string entity in all language class, having same id, with your specified table names
only one table will be better option
why to create mess? right?
it will be difficult to understand too
create one column language in table and sort data according to that column
Sorry, i don't understand, you mean you prefer to add the translated data in one table
but not create multiple table right?
this will return which language is selected in device for ex: en for english
something like this
so to get details execute query select * from table where language = 'en'
hey guys. would it be easier to translate the string on the fly as opposed to storing it in a table?
Hey, Any xamarin developers in here?
Do you free to take a look of my project?
im not, what is xamarin?
Xamarin allows you to develop mobile apps using c#
ahh gotcha. i thought android natively allowed that? or was it c++ that is allowed natively
I dont they Google allows any language exept Java...But I
I'm not sure
c/c++ is supported via the NDK. but not c#. My curiosity got the best of me
im curious, why would you choose to use c# as opposed to java?
Hi @AnandSingh
R u free??
@AnandSingh I am uploading Image using this method. But the problem is if image size is too big then it takes lot of time. There is any other way in which i can upload my image but image quality will same & time is less... If you know any method please let me know...this is my code

AndroidMultiPartEntity entity = new AndroidMultiPartEntity();
File sourceFile = new File(filePath);

// Adding file data to http body
entity.addPart("newArtImages", new FileBody(sourceFile));
entity.addPart("artID", new StringBody(postedArtId));
hi guys

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