@Rahul ek arraylist of object pass kiya hae mene then now hr ek object k lye ek arraylist of integer hae jisme checkbox ki checked positions hain ab wo update kese krun ?? means 0th recyclerview ki item k lye updated list kese pick krun adapter se ??
recyclerview k 0th position k lye ek spinner hae then 1th position k lye ek aur spinner hae hr spinner ka apne selectedItemslist hain now ab main recyclerview k 0th row k button click pe spinner k adapter se 0th row ki updated selectedItemList kese get krun @Rahul @Tufan @Rahul
hi guys! i am working on expandable listview. the child is a checkbox. there are several child checkboxes with the same id. i want to check a condition that if a particular id of a child checkbox is unchecked, then all the other checkboxes with the same id will also get unchecked. since the view is recycling, i am not able to hold the position of the items. how can i achieve this?
I'm trying to create a filter search (using EditText) to search through my custom ListView items. I've tried to do it but it seems, that there is something wrong, because when i try to search (type in EditText) nothing happens.
Could you please help me?
Thanks in advance! :)