I am working on a project where I need to run the background service which identify whenever keyboard opens in that android phone and then should detect what is being typed by user in any app. Its like a key logger app for android where I want to capture all text typed by user anywhere in the pho...
@Rahul i removed this code //TextDrawableCenter textDrawableCenter = new TextDrawableCenter(String.valueOf(position)); //textDrawableCenter.setTextSize(52f); // textDrawableCenter.setColor(mContext.getResources().getColor(android.R.color.holo_red_light));
NO ACTUALLY i change in ur code too ..... what i did see ......
i click on any one item of wheel then after click i added one more item in the list and pass the arraylist to the adapter again and just after this listarray size is 5 while before insertion it was 4
why this is happening ?
is thi because there is no adapterNotfiy data set changed ??
Is there a method to update the preview with the same frequency of the photos that are being captured? In case in which can't be done, is there a way of non visualizing the preview when I continue to take the photos?
actually the issue is i m passing list to adapter its working fine on first time but when i m adding new items in list and then trying to set list to adapter then its giving me error for list size even the list size is 10 but its saying index 9 out of index
Can you clarify this? If fragment is attached to activity, and on screen orientation change how can fragment retains its instance and is stopped and not destroyed while activity is destroyed?
on Screen Orientation change if setRetainInstance is set to true, fragment retains state even after activity destroys. Isn't this opposes general Activity-Fragment lifecycle?
java.io.FileNotFoundException: file:/storage/emulated/0/PicturesAndroid%20File%20Upload/IMG_20150528_150144.jpg‌​: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
i dnt know abt that ..that is much problematic ..its better when login succed put you value in shared preferences...nd logout
@Prabhakar i had done something like that when i fetch all data i put this in shared preferences nd call a function logoutFromFacebook(); nd protected void logoutFromFacebook(){ LoginManager.getInstance().logOut(); Log.d("Logout From Facebook","Logout"); }