how parse will deal if internet is not available or may i need to check myself at every call of parse that either internet available or not @Narendra @Prabhakar
but when I changed the application name and added new in-app products and licence keys to the new application, I didn't find where the problem is occuring
i tested beta version in another application and i created new application in that i added in-app purchases, and i added in-app products and licence key of new application in my code
I changed my new application package name, so is there any problem with in-app util package.(That tutorial there are given one util package so i have to change that package name also when i changed my application package)
If I select a date... and then open datepickerdialog again, I want to show the previously selected date.. it is just showing current date everytime ~.~ Mine is a datepickerdialog
HI every one, lets talk Architecture, who have already used MVP in an android Project ? what do you think abt? is it a good solution to escape from the anti-patern lasagne-code ?
@Narendra can i know when we purchase a product it will return result like if product is purchased then You are already purchased otherwise product is not purchased or any type of result it will return
@Allu hmm as you said it working fine when you run direct from Eclipse then i am sure check ur code something missing or change while you build apk for upload
I used to test android.test.purchased SKU, then it is purchasing properly, and in old version beta testing .apk is also worked so what changes i have to to from old package to new package 1.change licence key 2. added in-app products in application and in playstore application 3. and changed packaged name in library util package. is this okay or I have to change anything.
First time, I have added item to cart > switched to cart activity (not getting total)
Log.d("TOTAL:", String.valueOf(CartArrayList.cartArraylist.get(d).getTotal()));
As a result, I am getting value like this: D/TOTAL:(1834): 0.0
Second time, I clicked on back and again from menu activity mov...