@Kirti @DroidWormNarendra iam using https://github.com/square/android-times-square/ and want to select multiple dates from the ranges but by default the dates range comes selected how to clear that
how can i use the following line of code in a fragment: context.aq.progress(ProgressHUD.show(MeditationActivity.this,"Please wait", true,false,MeditationActivity.this)); anyone?
i'm getting the following syntax error: The method show(Context, CharSequence, boolean, boolean, DialogInterface.OnCancelListener) in the type ProgressHUD is not applicable for the arguments (Context, String, boolean, boolean, Context)
i m using like that @Override public void onBackPressed() { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "You Can't Go to Previous Page!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); super.onBackPressed(); }
After logout the user is directed to login screen in android. Now, if user clicks on back button of phone it should stay on login screen itself.
How can I make it possible in android?
I have used following code in my application but it will close my application. It should stay on the login scr...
@Narendra your gcm response is delivered from server from the problem is on client follow following instruction developer.android.com/google/gcm/client.html for client side that might help, and you are testing on multiple devices ?