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Very good morning @PiyushGupta
today is ur half day :)
mine full :(
Ha ha . U know it?
yes my memory is not so weak :P
what is the plan for today ?
ha ha. Not like dat.... Today i have to go in mrg in evening
Hello All.
I am facing one issue. can any one give me guidance
Question) I am working chat application..
in that chat App. There is image download and upload concept.
I am downloading image using async task. in do in background image will download and it will save in database ... this functionality is working perfectally.
but when user is clicking on download button .... its updated in Database and adapter also ... in that download icon removed and showing progress bar.
case 1) if clicked on download icon and image get downloaded, in list view its shows progress bar.. after completing downloaded progress bar will removed.. all things work perfectly ... if user will stay in same activity... or if activity is not finish.
case 2 is the issue..
case 2) if user click on download button then user press BACK BUTTON ... activity get finished. and again user coming on that same chat activity BEFORE IMAGE DOWNLOADED... IMAGE DOWNLOADING IS IN PROGRESS.

in that case when image downloaded and reflected on database also..
but not reflect on chat adapter.
You need to update your adapter in onResume method
case 3) if user click on image and PRESS BACK ... image get downloaded and updated on database ... and now user will again moved to chat activity ... it will show perfectly.
only on case to facing issue.. if image in DOWNLOADING state... at that time only facing issue.
see my downloading async task.
class DownloadFileFromURL extends AsyncTask<Object, String, DownloadImageHolder> {

protected void onPreExecute() {

protected DownloadImageHolder doInBackground(Object... params) {
// Check Image is already downloaded or not.

DownloadImageHolder holder = (DownloadImageHolder) params[0];
ChatDBHelper chatDbHelper = new ChatDBHelper();
try {
String str = holder.hbMessage.getMessage();
String seperatedString[] = str.split("##@!@##");
String mediaUrl = HBMessage.IMAGE_URL + seperatedString[1];
i have debug that code... everything is executing properly.. generally when we are calling notifyDataSetChanged it will refresh listview.... but only on 2 case... it will not refereshing listview...
its like, after finishing activity... and reopen that activity .... ASYNC TASK ADAPTER and my chat activity ADAPTER both reference are different?
Anyone knows what exact issue is it?'
@NarendraPrajapati hi good morg
I have one doubt i.e when i am deactivating my as a DeviceAdmin then i want to popup like asking password if password is correct then deactivate my app as a DeviceAdmin else i don't want to deactivate.
is it possible
Hmm deactivate means
@NarendraPrajapati hey i have one doubt yar
Close app or service
Yes @pan
@NarendraPrajapati ha i want to make my app is not a activeadmin in DeviceAdministrators it shown as a active admin or deactive admin
Ohk so how it will ask for activeadmin is there any Button it when u start it ask for that
Yes ask @Pans
@NarendraPrajapati I am programmatically making my app as a active admin,and i will also deactivate admin but when i am deactivate then i want dialog popup.
@NarendraPrajapati pls wait
i think it will work but when i am manually deactivating in DeviceAdministrators then also i want to display dialog,is it possible to popup dialog in settings-->Security-->DeviceAdministrators
Hmm if os provide then we can we need search. Let me try
@Hanuman I think yes I know how to open pop dialog
Q: how to make my application device administrator in android?

rolling.stonesI am trying to make my application device administrator , i followed some notes provided on the same at Device admin SAMPLE notes or TUTORIAL here but still could not implement it. Can some one plz point out a working example of the same , i just need to make sure that to uninstall the applica...

Check this it give some idea
Thanks @NarendraPrajapati i will check that
@ErumHannan gm, r u there?
i have send u the like i have dount in if i click the onlistitem i show the pop up window , but if i add extra buttion in list items the pop up window is not working ?
@Pans yes , check example , what u want do?
@NarendraPrajapati i have send my query b4
@NarendraPrajapati u have any idea
Yes I think it's promblem add listener
It's urgent if not send me ur demo code I will slove this issue
@NarendraPrajapati ok wait ill send u
@ErumHannan r u there?
@Pans check this
Q: ListView setOnItemClickListener not working by adding button

KishoreI have a list view with text and button in each row, list view setOnItemClickListener() is not working. is it possible to handle item click and button click events differently(item click should call ActivityA and button click should call ActivityB). Does anyone have a solution private ArrayList

@Hanuman @Pans bye
@NarendraPrajapati button is working but list item is not working?
@Pans Means onItemClick method not working while click on it?
and also firing event on button in adapter class?
@PiyushGupta need ur help
@kaushik Yeah.....in which?
I have some values in array like Pétion-Ville
there is an autocompletetextview when I type Pe it is not in dropdown how to show that value in dropdown
when I type only then it is showing
@kaushik I think problem is because of **
I have used that for highlighting
data is from database?
static data
@kaushik é is the french albhabet
I type Pe it is not in dropdown how to show that value in dropdown because the e is diff
yes i know that
but how can i achieve that any simple way
have u used equalIgnoreCase()???
so I have to use another temp array for populating data
Yes you have to .
Np. bro
that the thing i want to avoid
@PiyushGupta this is my code pastie.org/9875626
@Pans apply android:focusable="false" and android:focusableInTouchMode="true" for ur custom layout UIs
@PiyushGupta have to give both ?
and android:clickable="false" too
yes both
A: Custom ListView with button

kaushikAs Button is a focusable view thats why onItemClick isn't work in ur_row.xml (where you placed that Button) add these attributes inside Button tag android:focusable="false" android:focusableInTouchMode="false" android:clickable="false" Inside your CustomAdapter's getView(...) set onClickListen...

A: ListView onItemClickListener does not work Android

kaushikIn single_request layout you have focusable item like Button thats why onItemClick is not fired. set all focusable items focusability false. code snippet for focusable item like button <Button android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_...

see balckbelt's answer @Pans
@PiyushGupta have to set in button or list view
for Button
@PiyushGupta hi
@PiyushGupta mrg kya hai ?
@kaushik Marriage
friend's or ur ?
Seen my new template blog piyushkumar-gupta.blogspot.in??
ha ha .. relative
yes have seen it
ok.. but changed template
hmmm hmmm
now i see the diff
But followers are empty :p
now I become ur first follower :)
Oh. thanks buddy....
whats for ?
@PiyushGupta i want show different view for list items and another one for button , if i click the list items it show pop up window and for button i want to show another ui screen , now button working fine while using both ,but list item is not working
@kaushik follow
i'll get help from ur blog @PiyushGupta
@Pans have u seen those links I have posted
yaar kabhi toh @PiyushGupta sir ko thora rest diya karo @Pans :)
@Pans Apply this logic pastie.org/9875653
@PiyushGupta ok thanks
if it works let me know
@PiyushGupta ya ill tel u
anyone worked on custom softkeypad.
1 hour later…
@PiyushGupta gone ?
can somone tell me i m playing audio file now i want to give user to control volume using my app using seekbar
how can i ?mp.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
then ?
when at 2:30
its 2:30 :P
ha ha just in 5 mins
ok bye enjoy ur eve
bye bye
@PiyushGupta hi one small issue
tell the issue
3 hours later…
4 hours later…

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