I am developing an application.
In that I am trying to share information of my application as a Status of Facebook and Twitter when button is clicked.
When I click on twitter button the status as I want to share is twitted automatically but In facebook I cant share info as I want in show blank ...
hi kareem try this <!-- <activity android:name=".SettingOptionActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Light.NoTitleBar" android:screenOrientation="portrait"/> -->
@pioneerBhawna already tried that but same its only hiding it when i try to drag it its coming but i want even if i try to drag then also shld not come
that's y its not working, once change android:minSdkVersion="11" to 11 and write this in application tag ..android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo.NoActionBar.Fullscreen"
in that when when u click play music, u have layout playlist and when u click add u will get 2 option spotify and music lib .when u click music lib and select songs and come back those will add to playist in that playlist i want to add edit option.
@Android : When I enter a city in textfield and select airport, then I have to mark all airports within the selected city. But my problem is, I can mark only airports within the specified radius. How to solve this?
@nithi just enter the city as u r doing and get the lat and long of thet corresponding city from Google reverse geocoding then pass that lat and long to that url and get the airpot list