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A: Regex to match slash does not work

DanekTry the following: /web/search/(?!(employee/123456789$)).* The slash was doubled in the negating look-ahead group.

@fge is right, the / is not a special character in java regexs.
Well, Java Regexes and Classical Regexes are slightly different. Slash IS a special symbol in Regexes (check the link I provided), but not in Java Regexes
@Danek And the asker's regex should be for java.
@TheGuywithTheHat, sure, but it was not stated in the question body at the beginning. I've edited it though :)
@Danek But it was stated in the tags...
@TheGuywithTheHat Tags are not a part of a question and used for search and grouping purposes. Then please consider checking this: under "Be Specific".
@fge, wow, you've got me here! It is a special character in Ruby though. But it is my bad, sorry everyone for misinforming.
@Danek Nowhere in that "how to ask" page does it say that everything has to be in the body of the post.
@TheGuywithTheHat it states that the question should be specific/clear, but tag is not equal to question!
@fge / is a special character for regexes in some languages, but not all.
@TheGuywithTheHat, anyway, the answer was found, so let's not put too much pressure on that brilliant place :)
@Danek Neither is the title, but you edited it, not the body, to include java. Also, for future reference tags should not be included in titles.
@TheGuywithTheHat, I would kindly ask you then to provide me with a link for that direction. I've edited about 92 posts, and 80 of the edits were successfully approved. Each of them had a keyword in the header.
Dear @TheGuywithTheHat, for your further reference I am posting here this link:… The first point of the chosen answer states that the header should include enough information to understand the question without reading tags. Feel free to ask me if you have got any other doubts regarding proper questions asking on SO.
@Danek Sorry, what I meant was tags should not be included in the title in that way. Just because an edit got approved doesn't mean it was a good edit; many users approve edits that should be rejected (ask anyone here if you don't believe me). There is a more specific question about tags in titles here. It says "The only time you should use tags in your title is when they are organic to the conversational tone of the title."
@TheGuywithTheHat, sure, but in our case by adding "in Java" we are just adding more information about the particular environment in which we are facing some problems explained in the body of the question. The conversational tone is not being broken in that case. The only thing I require from headers is that they make sense, and, in my opinion, "Regex to match slash does not work in Java" makes more sense than "Regex to match slash not working". Also, thanks for that link, it looks very useful.
@Danek After asking the guys at the Tavern, it appears I was wrong about the "java" not needing to be in the body. For that, I sincerely apologize. They did not, however, say that "java" should be in the title.
@TheGuywithTheHat, well, that is the one option, because we've started with the fact that it was not clearly stated that the question was related to Java :)
Although I would like to point out that "not say" and "say not" are different things...
When I asked where the language should be stated, there responses were:
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 2 hours ago, by 3ventic
I'd say tags too if it matters to the question
I think it is pretty clear that the title should be in the tags and body, but not the title
From those responses
Just so you know, I'm deleting my comments on the answer that are here.
It helps reduce clutter, as almost no one care about our discussion.

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