I want to install ruby 2.0 using
sudo apt-get install ruby2.0
But there isn't available package for ruby2.0
I want to install it using apt-get install the same like ruby 1.9.1
Any suggestions?
@Peege151 ... yeah I did get the database working...... I just had to run psql command after switching to the postgres user, create my db role with an associated database from the psql console....then switch back to 'normal' terminal mode and create my app with a similar name to my db name and a switch specifying the database as postgresql
@PrashanthSams ... Please do not use sudo when installing ruby. RVM is the best option. Check stackoverflow.com/questions/9056008/installed-ruby-1-9-3-with-rvm-but-command-line-doesnt-show-ruby-v ---140725594-87223791-1379592380=:14114 which is a straight forward way of installing ruby. Plus it works on any unix based system.....linux, os x ... the first answer shows you how to install and the second answer how to integrate it to the gnome terminal after installation.