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!!dad add karma2 / What kind of food does the Karma Cafe serve? / Just desserts.
@mega6382 Ha ha ha! Brilliant! I'll save that one about karma2 for later!
3 messages moved from PHP
Usage: !!reminder [ examples | list | <text> [ at <time> | in <delay> ] | unset <id> ] Try !!reminder examples
!!reminder surviv.io in 10 hours
Reminder 42281699 is set.
!!reminder unset 42281699
Reminder 42281699 was unset.
!!reminder surviv.io in 4 hours
Reminder 42281712 is set.
!!remove 3
7 messages moved from Jeeves' Playground...
3 messages moved from Jeeves' Playground...
"Package affected" <select> of bug report form has 359 entries; should be split – #76273
Built-in commands (* indicates admin-only):
 admin - Manage the bot's admin list. Use 'admin help' for details.
 *alias - Add a bash-style alias
 *approve - Approve the bot for talking in this room. Room owners only.
 *ban - Ban a user from interacting with the bot for a specified period of time
 command - Manage command mappings. Use 'command help' for details.
 help - Alias of 'command list'
 invite - Invite the bot to join a room. This can also be done through the chat web interface.
 *leave - Ask the bot to leave the room. Room owners only.
!!thank Jeeves
@Jeeves Thank you
!!remove 3
6 messages moved from PHP
!!alias laravel sayf We don't do Laravel here %p, you could try the main site or The Laravel Community /
Command '!!laravel' aliased to '!!sayf We don't do Laravel here %p, you could try the main site or The Laravel Community /'
!!laravel jayistoocommon
We don't do Laravel here @JayIsTooCommon, you could try the main site or The Laravel Community
!!remove 2
5 messages moved from PHP
1 hour later…
i grow weed
1 message moved from JavaScript
2 hours later…
!!regex <[^>]
@mega6382 Pattern must be wrapped in a code block
!!regex <[^>] foo bar baz
@mega6382 Pattern must be wrapped in a code block
!!regex <[^>]
@mega6382 Pattern must be wrapped in a code block
!!remove 3
7 messages moved from Jeeves' Playground...
4 hours later…
║ [21 seconds] without an accident ║
║   since [2018-04-26 20:03:51]    ║
3 messages moved from PHP
If someone called me a cunt they wouldn't get a lifetime ban pending fights from other regs to unban them
2 messages moved from JavaScript
1 message moved from JavaScript

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