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Hello there!
Hello there!
Hello there!
But just because you deem a behaviour to be potentially damaging to their own future careers, it doesn't mean that you get to interpret it as offensive, and if you do, you're an RO; simply bin a message and move on. Turning it into an entire conversation that leads to another RO being suspended is just irresponsible
None of this has been a big deal; all of it has been a big meme
Just laugh it off
Maybe smoke some pot to cool down
4 messages moved from JavaScript
Hello there!
Hello there!
<p:calendar value="#{users.accountExpiry}"
onclick="selectme(#{indexvar}); "

validatorMessage="Invalid date format"
1 message moved from Jaba
1 hour later…
posted on March 01, 2017

February has been an exciting and very, very busy month for me. As you have probably heard, we’ve finally announced that we will launch the Ignition+TurboFan pipeline in Chrome 59. So despite running late, and not making it for February actually, I’d like to take the time to reflect on the TurboFan tale a bit, and tell my story here. Remember, that everything you read here is my very personal o

posted on April 03, 2017

I’m again running late for the March Edition, so that might turn into some kind of pattern. The last month was pretty exciting: We finally turned on Ignition and TurboFan by default for Chrome M59. It took two attempts, but it seems to stick now. Overall it went surprisingly well, despite the complexity and impact of this change; as my site director used to put it: “Changing from Crankshaft to

posted on June 20, 2017

It’s been a while since my last blog post, mostly because I didn’t really have the time or the energy to sit down and write up all the stuff that I wanted to write about. Part of it was because I have been pretty busy with the Ignition and TurboFan launch in Chrome 59, which fortunately was a huge success thus far. But also partly because I took some time off with my family. And last but not le

posted on June 29, 2017

Following up on part one of this series last week, here’s another (hopefully interesting) episode about optimization patterns for JavaScript (based on my background working on the V8 engine for more than four years). This week we’re going to look into an optimization called Function Context Specialization, that we introduced to V8 with TurboFan (other engines like JavaScriptCore implement simil

4 messages moved from JavaScript
1 hour later…
IntlDateFormatter incorrectly formats days of week for es_MX – #75043
tv de
798 318 149
1 hour later…
!!eval list(,$a,$b) = [1,2,3];
[ 5.6.30, 7.0.15 - 7.2.0beta2 ] Warning: range(): step exceeds the specified range in /in/HKSUC on line 1
!!remove 2
3 messages moved from PHP
3 messages moved from PHP
3 messages moved from Android Talkies
10 hours later…
@GenericBot myreviews asdf
@BaummitAugen 0 lqp reviews in 1 day; 0 reached consensus; unknown accuracy; 0 looks ok and 0 delete matching consensus; 0 looks ok and 0 delete against consensus.
2 messages moved from SOBotics
1 hour later…

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