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i m using this https://github.com/Tourenathan-G5organisation/SiliCompressor/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/iceteck/silicompressor/SelectPictureActivity.java but getting error Process: com.videocompressapplication, PID: 9282
java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occured while executing doInBackground()
at android.os.AsyncTask$3.done(AsyncTask.java:300)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.finishCompletion(FutureTask.java:355)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException(FutureTask.java:222)
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    	<!--Message Listener Containers-->
    	<bean id="fpesJmsContainer" class="org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer">
    	    <property name="connectionFactory" ref="gtrQueueConnectionFactory"/>
    	    <property name="destination" ref="fpesDestination"/>
    	    <property name="messageListener" ref="fpesListener" />
    		<!--<property name="errorHandler" ref="gtrWritebackErrorHandler"/>-->

It is something like this
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1 hour later…
PeeHaa There are Horses in spacE!
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4 hours later…
having to see all that stuff caused to your country
from a so called "religion of peace"
wouldnt you vote for her just to make a change
paris attacks 2015 by IS
130 ppl dead
nizza truck attack 2016 (IS) 90 ppl dead
and lots of minor accidents
this country was shell shocked by terrorist attacks
@DroidDev reading...
Oslo/utøya attack(s) in 2011 by anders behring breivik - 77 people killed
> It is ONLY 21 light years away
he was neither IS nor an imigrant
lol, like that's a distance we'll travel in blink of an eye
What is so special about IS?
@LunarWatcher that they are almost global
the point is its from the outside , its caused by lettign those ppl "invade" your country
You know, hans
you are beginning to sound like Trump
take it how you want
@LunarWatcher that the beliefs they practice, lead them to believe that there should only be one religion on earth, and sharia law should be imposed etc etc, which lead them to war with almost everyone, even with taliban
you would think different if you had all those attacks in your country
im sure of
@DroidDev :/
with speed of light...!
it'll take 21 years still
you are relativly save with all those things up north
Nothing is faster than light..
The flash's speed <<< Light
so, we need a multi-generation ship for that
its easy to speak from the outside
True that wolf sama
anyhow thats just my oppinion
you dont have to share it ;)
21 years...!
@DroidDev Don't most religions think their religion is the only right one and should be the only one?
we just had a terror attack last christmas in germany
its about making a change
because things cant go on like they do
@Hans1984 i have read an article why islam was born
sometimes that means drastic changes
it was a dictatorship religion
to keep all people in control
says much about the religion^
@LunarWatcher nope not by a long shot
im alright@TCat
what about you?
any new plans on your start-up?
going on leave from thursday
for 3 days :D
enjoy it
@DroidDev damn i cant remove those messages can you trash those
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