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Q: Convert Windows Service Status DWORD value into human readable format

FabioI have a function for enumerating all the services on a Windows system using win32service.EnumServicesStatus() function from PyWin32 module in Python 3. I'm able to get the Status Name, Service Description and Status. The problem is that for the status instead of getting a string like "running", ...

Q: Result of .join in dask dataframes seems to depend on the way, the dask dataframe was generated

Arco BastI got unexpected results when applying join to dask dataframes which were generated by the .from_delayed method. I want to demonstrate this by the following example, which consists of three parts. Generate dask dataframe via the from_delayed method and join it with a dask dataframe generated v...

Q: Pandas Options in Anaconda is not working

MaxI have installed Anaconda and I am trying to retrieve options quote using pandas Options. I am getting the following error. Any suggestions how to fix it? Thank you. aapl = Options('aapl', 'yahoo') data = aapl.get_all_data() Traceback (most recent call last): ...

Q: Pandas unexpected scientific notion

Z XieI have a large csv file contains some bus network information. The stop code are made of a large number with a certain letter in the end. However, some of them are only numbers. When I read them into pandas, the large numbers become in scientific notion. like code_o lat_o lon_o code_d 4900...

Q: Installing Pandas on ubuntu 14.04

MarkI am trying to install pandas on ubuntu 14.04 using pip3. Whenever I begin the download it just stops and nothing happens. This has no happened for any other third party module I have installed using pip. Here is what happen. (trusty)mdz5032@localhost:~$ sudo pip3 install pandas [sudo] password...

Q: python selenium scraping tbody

jake wongThe below is the HTML code which I'm trying to scrape <div class="data-point-container section-break"> # some other HTML div classes here which I don't need <table class data-bind="showHidden: isData"> <!-- ko foreach : sections --> <thead>...</thead> <tbody>...<...

Q: write console output to excel sheet using DataFrame python

louisfor foo in root.finadall(xpath): print foo.name[xpath]} df = DataFrame({'Name': foo.name[xpath]}) df.to_excel('foo.xlsx', sheet_name='sheet1', index=False) The output prints the lots of names in the console. But In excel, It stores only the least one. How do i store all the...

Q: transfer dictionary to DataFram?

user7153I have following dictionary, how can I transform it into a four column DataFrame? (columns=['country','date','2y','10y'] temp {'Germany': date 2y 10y 0 2004-02-01 2.47 4.22 1 2004-03-01 2.22 4.05 2 2004-04-01 2.20 3.96 .. ... ... ... ...

2 hours later…
Q: Optimizing code for reading in multiple files from CDF format and into a pandas dataframe

M. Cuesta#Code for Defined Function, returning pandas dataframe def convert_cdfs_to_dataframe(filelist, varlist): #import spacepy and delorean for cdfs and datetimes from spacepy import pycdf from delorean import Delorean #create empty numpy arrays ll=len(varlist); varsdata=[np.zeros(1) f...

1 hour later…
Q: Selecting minimum number of vendors from df

user32207I have a pandas data frame containing items I want to purchase and vendors from which they can be obtained. The first column contains the identity of the item, followed by 200 columns of potential vendors. If a vendor sells the item the column contains the vendors catalogue number. There are aro...

Q: Optimize xgboost for low false positive

eleanoraIn xgboost, if you are building a classifier is it possible to specify an objective function to maximize the true positive rate when the false positive rate is 0.01 (1 in 100)? Reading http://xgboost.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model.html I can't work out how to specify an objective function that m...

2 hours later…
Q: Dot product of two sparse matrices affecting zero values only

rocknrollnerdI'm trying to compute a simple dot product but leave nonzero values from the original matrix unchanged. A toy example: import numpy as np A = np.array([[2, 1, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1, 0]]) B = np.array([[ 0.54331039, 0.41018682, 0....

Q: Subtracting multiple columns and appending results in pandas DataFrame

OmegamanI have a table of sensor data, for which some columns are measurements and some columns are sensor bias. For example, something like this: df=pd.DataFrame({'x':[1.0,2.0,3.0],'y':[4.0,5.0,6.0], 'dx':[0.25,0.25,0.25],'dy':[0.5,0.5,0.5]}) dx dy x y 0 0.25 0.5 1.0...

Q: What index should I use to convert a numpy array into a pandas dataframe?

mitsiI am trying to convert a simple numpy array into a pandas dataframe. x is my array, nam is the list of the columns names. x = np.array([2,3,1,0]) nam = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'] I use pd.DataFrame to convert x y = pd.DataFrame(x, index=(1:4) , columns=nam) But I have this erro...

1 hour later…
Q: Pandas select closest date in past

JanBeing a beginner with pandas, I wonder how I can select the closest date in the past? E.g. I have a dataframe as follows: Terminart Info Datum Ergebnis 0 Hauptversammlung NaN 22.06.16 NaN 1 Jahresabschluss ...

Q: How to plot a cylinder with non-constant radius

DmanI have written code to generate a cylinder with a constant fixed radius: import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from math import sin, cos, pi fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') theta = np.linspace(-2*pi,2*pi, 6...

Q: PHP get python processes and kill it. Xamp/Windows

HoyoHow can I get all the python processes along with the arguments of each of process and kill it via PHP Xampp/Windows

Q: Plotly scatter plots stacked on top of each other

i squared - Keep it RealI have the following code: def visualizeGlobal(): mapList = cs.OrderedDict() mapList = prepareData('Stock') size = len(list(mapList.keys())) counter = 0 returns = [0]*size distance = [0]*size tickers = [0]*size for key in mapList: returns[counter] = mapLi...

Q: Dimension mismatch for applying indices from one df to another df

A1122I have df1 whose index has df1.index.shape of (80,). I have an numpy array df2 which has df2.shape of (80,2). However, when I try to convert df2 to dataframe, df2 = pd.DataFrame(df2,index=df1.index), I get the following error message: ValueError: Shape of passed values is (80, 2), indices im...

1 hour later…
Q: Apply StandardScaler on a partial part of a data set

mitsiI want to use severals methods from StandardScaler from sklearn. Is it possible to use these methods on some columns/features of my set instead of apply them to the entire set. For instance the set is data : data = pd.DataFrame({'Name' : [3, 4,6], 'Age' : [18, 92,98], 'Weight' : [68, 59,49]}) ...

Q: Can't set index of a pandas data frame - getting "KeyError"

Dhruv GhulatiI generate a data frame that looks like this (summaryDF): accuracy f1 precision recall 0 0.494 0.722433 0.722433 0.722433 0 0.290 0.826087 0.826087 0.826087 0 0.274 0.629630 0.629630 0.629630 0 0.278 0.628571 0.628571 0.628571 0 0.288 0.718750 ...

Q: Python pandas generating first day of month from array of datetime

ZanamI am trying to obtain the first day of month from array of datetime i.e. change all days to 1 and all hours to 0: import pandas as pd z1 = [datetime(2025, 10, 1, 3, 0),datetime(2025, 1, 6, 7, 0)] pd.DatetimeIndex(z1).normalize() DatetimeIndex(['2025-10-01', '2025-01-06'], dtype='datetime64[ns]',...

Q: Python Hash-Cracker

Starwarsfan2099This is my first actual python tool I've written and I'm certainly happy with the way it works, but I'm sure there's better ways to do things in the code. Any ideas on how to speed it up would also be nice too! Code: #!/usr/bin/python import StringIO import getopt import hashlib import sys impo...

kyll 5remove
Q: pandas.DataFrame corrwith() method

Nikita SivukhinI recently start working with pandas. Can anyone explain me difference in behaviour of function .corrwith() with Series and DataFrame? Suppose i have one DataFrame: frame = pd.DataFrame(data={'a':[1,2,3], 'b':[-1,-2,-3], 'c':[10, -10, 10]}) And i want calculate correlation between features 'a'...

Q: Guess the Number! Asginment

Sanatan ChaudharyI recently started "Interactive Programming with python" on Coursera. I was doing an asginment on guess the number, When i first run it it was working fine. But suddenly it is giving unexpected result. Please Help.Here's Link of my code in CodeSkulptor

Q: python - discrepancy between formatted numeric value and rounded value

pypalI found this weird behavior using python and numpy: print('%10.3f' %0.4975) returns 0.497, while numpy.round(0.4975,3) returns 0.498 as expected. With other similar numbers I always get the print statement to deliver the correctly rounded value (for example: 0.5975 --> 0.598). Why is this? ...

Q: Is there a predict_proba() method for image generator in keras?

Clement T.I was wondering: if I have a keras model and an image test set as a generator for which I would like to retrieve the classes probabilities how would I do? test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) test_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_directory( test_dir, target_size=(img_heig...

24 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Q: correlation matrix of one dataframe with another

BrianI was reading through the answers to this question. Then question came up on how to calculate the correlations of all columns from one dataframe with all columns from the other dataframe. Since it seemed this question wasn't going to get answered, I wanted to ask it as I need something just lik...

Q: Application made in python and compiled with py2exe didn't work

PratyusI made a python 2.7 program in PyCharm called Intelligent Timer. It is working and showing the stopwatch Changing time in both PyCharm and python IDLE. But when I converted it to .exe file using py2exe it did't work, It just showed the begining then when I pressed Enter to start the timer it disa...

Q: Parallel fill of numpy 3d array with multiple image files

pzelaskoI'd like to concurrently load multiple grayscale images from files on disk and put them inside a large numpy array in order to speed up loading time. Basic code looks like this: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # prepare filenames image_files = ... mask_files = ... n_samples =...

Q: Vectorize searching operations

Luis Ramon Ramirez RodriguezI'm working with to list of names to find the most similar pairs of string of one list to the other best_match = {'name_1':[],'name_2':[]} for name_1 in first_list: similarity = 0 max_similarity = 0 for name_2 in second_list: similarity = (difflib.SequenceMatcher(None,name_...

Q: pandas Panel 'iterrows'

user3294195I have a pandas Panel that looks like this: import pandas as pd P = pd.Panel(np.arange(90).reshape(5,6,3)) I want to create an generator along the major axis, similar to pd.DataFrame.iterrows, so that at each call, next returns a tuple containing the current major axis index and a dataframe of...

Q: Building a personal C/Python library to replace Matlab

eliI am considering to switch from Matlab to Python/C++ for research work. The objective is to create an environment similar to Matlab for rapid prototyping. Python is slow even with numpy and schipy. Matlab does such a great job at matrix computation that is hard to beat. With JIT compiling, for ...

Q: Select by index in pandas

HalfPintBoyHave a dataframe in Pandas like this (id-index): pa wat id 1000 12 1 1001 301 1 1002 0 0 How can I get the values from 1001 index id. I've tried .loc-but doesnt work.

Q: Area-weighted average of array using shapefile boundaries

luke.conibearI have a 2D masked array which is plotted on a Basemap with corresponding lon and lat numpy meshgrid arrays. I also have a shapefile containing cities, which I can overlay using readshapefile. My aim is to calculate area-weighted averages of the 2D array using the city boundaries from the shapefi...

Q: How to select a column location from each row if a condition match

Prankit Raimport pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({Company : ['abc','def','ghi']} {"2010" : [0,100,230]} {"2011" : [120,0,300]} {"2012" : [130,240,0]}) Select the first cell from the columns where year bookings is greater than 0 for column_name, column in df.transpose().iterrows(): first_column = Pro...

Q: Why the difference in speed to get groups in pandas

simonWhy the difference in performance on these three methods of getting groups from a 32m row dataframe in pandas. df = df.groupby("a", "b", "c").groups df = df.groupby("a", "b", "c").count() df = df.index df = df.groupby("a", "b", "c").count() df = df.drop(df.columns, axis=1).reset_index() The ...

Q: Pandas alternative of the SQL statement

Hassam SheikhI have this HUGE csv file that columns named timedim, unblendedcost and many more. I am loading this in pandas and trying to do something which is equivalent to this sql statement, SELECT sum(unblendedcost), timedim from usages group by day(timedim) where usages is my table in database I did tr...

Q: Understanding Gensim dictionary

MaxI am new comer to Gensim, and having hard time to understand how Gensim dictionary count the word frequencies. from gensim import corpora from pprint import pprint doc = [" b a a a", "a b", "a"] dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(line.lower().split() for line in doc) pprint(dictionary.token2id)...

Q: Set y axis limit in Pandas histogram

Andy ToulisI am using the built in histogram functionality to Pandas. I'd like to set the y-axis range to be from 0 to 1 (since I normalized the histogram range). Here is the context. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline interesting_columns = ['Level', 'Group'] for column in interesting_co...

Q: Getting a Truth Value Numpy error in Python

Troll_HunterI have this portion of code in my script (appended is an image object loaded using the Pillow module): appended_data = np.asarray(appended) # Find Right Side Vertical rsv_list = [] for i in range(int(.25 * appended.size[1]), int(.65 * appended.size[1]), 5): counter = 0 for value in appen...

Q: Pygit2: Why does merge leave branch in an unclean state?

nKnI'm currently running Pygit 0.24.1 (along with libgit 0.24.1), working on a repository where I have two branches (say prod and dev). Every change is first commited to the dev branch and pushed to the remote repository. To do that, I have this piece of code: repo = Repository('/foo/bar') repo.ch...

Q: Splitting a data file in python or pandas

TIllHave a data file consisting of a string (no tabs and no spaces and no column names). First two columns are equivalent to one piece of data, third column is another and 4 thru 7 are something else, etc. How can I get these strings into a dataframe with named columns? All the answers I've seen a...

Q: GDAL ReadAsArray() keeps returning None

1saacI can't stop the ReadAsArray() method from returning None. I don't understand why because I have written it in exactly the same was another script that works just fine. I want to point out early that I do have gdal.UseExceptions() enabled. This seems to be a someone common problem from searchi...

Q: find mean and std from list of array

Naravut SuvannangI calculate roc_curve using sklearn and get some result then doing 10 times each time append roc_curve values in data. this is what data look like [(array([ 0. , 0.0483871 , 0.0483871 , 0.14516129, 0.14516129, 0.20967742, 0.20967742, 0.20967742, 0.27419355, 0.27419355, ...

Q: How to colour data points on a 3D scatterplot in matplotlib

Lucas BertoniI want to generate a 3d scatterplot of data-points, colouring them based on the value of their y-coordinate, but I can't manage to get the points to actually colour. If the value of the datapoint is low, the colour should be closer to the blue-end of the colour spectrum. If the value is higher t...

Q: Matpoltlib line not being recognized by the 'pick_event' handle

TomI'm trying to create a line from one point to another where if it is clicked, it is removed from the plot. I have a plot that creates a simple line but for some reason, it isn't picked up with the event handle 'pick_event' when it is clicked on. Here's what I have: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d impo...

Q: How to remove multiple columns that end with same text in Pandas?

TanyaI'm trying to remove a group of columns from a dataset. All of the variables to remove end with the text "prefix". I did manage to "collect' them into a group using the following: enter image description here and then tried a series of ways to drop that group that resulted in a variety of erro...

Q: giving a name to a pandas dataframe ?

romain jouinWhen I look to a pd df : I tel myself I would like to fill the upper left empty space by a dataframe name. Is that possible ? (Here it would be to put a text on the empty cell on top of "Lib_ze" and on left of "nunique".)

Q: How to create random orthonormal matrix in python numpy

DacionIs there a method that I can call to create a random orthonormal matrix in python? Possibly using numpy? Or is there a way to create a orthonormal matrix using multiple numpy methods? Thanks.

Q: Splitting a 1-d numpy array from tdms file, and plot shorter time series/intervalls from the original array

Arne BakkeNeed help to pull out a spesific intervall from a 1-d numpy array from a tdms file. Im able to plot the file but are unable to spesify the sample intervall that I want to plot. As you can see on the picture I want to plot the intervall that is in green. What I want to get into its own data Th...

Q: two plots from pandas dataframe with different vertical axes on the same figure

daniel grzechi'm trying to plot in python a line plot and a bar plot on the same figure using data from pandas dataframe. i manage to get two axes on the plot and the legend displays two entries, but the first of the plots is not present. here's my code: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd ...

Q: adjusting plot of a resetting time series in Python

AnarKiI would like to plot a vector that has values which are increments, and that reset to 0 each time they reach the value 100. Is there an easy way to plot the values without drawing the line from top to bottom each time the value resets to 0 ? am currently plotting using numpy.array and the follo...

Q: Calculate working minutes between two timestamps

CharonI've created a function to calculate the working minutes between two timestamps. I class working minutes as those between 9am - 5pm and not on weekends or national holidays. The holidays are those in the UK. I think the function itself is quite quick, although generating the initial series pro...

Q: How to retransform scikit's LabelEncoder labels?

john doeJust a quick question guys, I encoded categorical features with scikit's LabelEncoder, from the documentation I read that such class has an inverse_transform function, so I tried the following: Once I performed classification: In: predictions = clf.predict(X_test) print(prediction.shape) print...

Q: Importing images for manifold Isomap

TapaniThere are 192 x 144 pixel images. They should be imported to a Python list so that the items in the list are NDArray instances. New dataframe should be created from the list and that dataframe should be given to Isomap. iso.fit(df) fails with the errors array = array.astype(np.float64) ValueErro...

Q: How to Reset Python libraries modified by a software on Mac OS X El Capitan to original versions

tg89I am facing problems in python after installing QGIS. While installing QGIS, it mentioned that it would override my matplotlib and numpy python libraries. I am facing trouble with executing python programs through these overrided libraries. I have tried to uninstall these python libraries using s...

Q: Slicing array in python

F LI have arrays with these shapes: q.shape #(28,40,100) g.shape #(27,40,100) for x in range (0,100): for y in range (0,40): qg = np.interp(100,g[:,y,x],q[:,y,x]) #how? print qg Of course it can't be interpolated because g and q don't have equal shapes. How should the script b...

Q: How does Pandas treat the aggregate function sum versus diff

ifloresI'm using python and pandas and I have a data set that looks something like: District Race/Ethnicity Value 3 Achievement First Academy District Black or African American 30.0 4 Achievement First Academy District White ...

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