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I have an irregular time series. I'd like to cram it into a Pandas DataFrame with a period index. I have no idea how to do this. How do I do this?
I have an irregular time series. I'd like to cram it into a Pandas DataFrame with a period index. I have no idea how to do this. How do I do this?
I am trying to perform image correlation to find which frame out of a set of 20 frames (the set is stored in a 3D array, x) matches best with a given frame (stored as a 2D array, y). This step has to be performed 1000 times.
I tried to vectorize the code to make it run faster. But somehow the v...
I have a ndarray A of shape (u,v,w) like this:
[[[ 1., 1., 0.],
[ 1., 3., 0.]],
[[ 0., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 0.]]]
I need to stack the rows (along dimension 0) together like so.
[[1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[1., 3., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]
How do I do this?
I ...
I'm running into a problem I've never encountered before, and it's frustrating the hell out of me. I'm using rpy2 to interface with R from within a python script and normalize an array. For some reason, when I go to piece my output together and print to a file, it takes ages to print. It also slo...
I want an API on a Flask/Gunicorn webserver to make a call to a separate, potentially long-running java application. If the java application finishes before the Gunicorn timeout, Flask should return the detailed response of the application. If the java application takes too long, I want to prempt...
If I have an m x n dataframe, how can I select only the values that make up the dark squares on a checkerboard pattern (note that m may not equal n and either could be bigger, smaller, or equal to the other)? I've tried to mask it by constructing a boolean mask but it isn't elegant. Also note tha...
Short Question:
I am trying to get mean of a column (Data Series) after grouping a Multi-Indexed Pandas DataFrame in two different ways. Difference being only the construction of the DataFrame. One gives me the desired result, the other gives an error DataError: No numeric types to aggregate
I've faced this specific trouble with multi-version python as 2.7 and 3.4.
python2.7 was installed by apple itself and I installed 3.4 myself and it works just fine.
When i use pip to install sklearn series(scikit-learn numpy scipy), since this pip was bound to python3.4 so python2.7 couldnt use ...
I would like to store some multidimensional data in a pandas dataframe or panel such that I would like to be able to return for example:
All the times for Runner A, Race A
All the times(and names) for Race A for a certain year say 2015
Example data would look something like this, note that n...
Currently I'm testing appengine-crowdguru-python this app by sending xmpp messages from http://localhost:8000/xmpp which has a form to post data .. I have filled from, to, chat (message) fields.
From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]
Chat: /tellme Who is Clin...
I am trying to write some data from a dataframe to a Excel Sheet using xlsxwriter, and then create a chart showing the data. I can get everything working except for the dates axis. It is starting at 01.01.1990 instead of my startdate.
I dont have any ideas of why it isnt working. The only differ...
I can use version 2.7.11 through Anaconda/Spyder or I can use 2.7.5 through the terminal. They are both 64 bit and I need 32 bit to use matplot lib.
How do I install a 32bit python and how would I redirect the python the code is run in to this (32 bit) python?
I load the data
df3=sql.read_sql("select * from referenceMesure",conn)
print df3
NumeroM Date Heure Reg
0 2396 2016-05-26 15:32:00 2396
1 2397 2016-05-26 15:34:00 75599
2 ...
With the below set of data I would like to have a graph with a "RESTART" sign/flag at the time of the reboot there. Is it possible?
00:50 2.3
01:00 2.8
01:10 3.4
01:20 3.9
01:50 0.4
02:00 0.5
I was searching for something like "matplotlib events" but that seemed to b...
A question that gets asked a lot is "Why use low level languages if you can code in high level languages more easily (and often tersely)?". I think the answers are fairly straight forward here, being mainly efficiency concerns.
However, I pose "Why do we use high level languages in the first pla...
If I have some (string) values from a GET or POST request with the associated Property instances, one IntegerProperty and one TextProperty, say, is there a way to convert the values to the proper (user) types without a long tedious chain of isinstance calls?
I'm looking to reproduce this sort of...
I have the following data frame:
id day total_amount
1 2015-07-09 1000
1 2015-10-22 100
1 2015-11-12 200
1 2015-11-27 2392
1 2015-12-16 123
6 2015-07-09 200
7 2015-07-09 ...
I have data that starts from 880AD however when converting dates to datetimes pandas reports that any date before 1677 is out of bounds. Why?
import pandas as pd
dates = [80,79,78,77,76]
for d in dates:
print(pd.to_datetime('16{d}-12-30 00:00:00'.format(d=d)))
Out[2]: 1680-12-30 00:00:00
I'm new to the world of python. I'm trying to create a plot showing accumulated GDD (Growing degree days) vs time for selected cities within a given period of time
I wrote a function to accomplish this, but I can't seem to get it to work right. I keep getting with an empty plot in it. Also a di...
I've got a MultiIndex with IDs and Dates, of the form:
MultiIndex(levels=[[196003, 196005, 196007, 196009, 196012, 196103, 196105, 196107, 196109, 196112, 196203, 196205, 196207, 196209, 196212, 196303, 196305, 196307, 196309, 196312, 196403, 196405, 196407, 196409, 196412, 201705, 201707, 20170...
I am training a neural network to do regression, (1 input and 1 output). Let's x and y be the usual input and output dataset, respectively.
My problem is that the y dataset (not the x) have some values set to nan, so the fitting goes to nan. I wonder if there is an option to ignore the nan value...
im working with data consisting in 2M points of aceleration in time, what im doing is apllying FFT to de dataset and ploting it to see behaviours. I did it with Matplotlib but i have the problem that i can not see or select any point to see to wich (x,y) value correspond, too that i trully need (...
I want a way to work with large datasets using tools I know (pandas etc). I am trying to write a efficient way of converting from CSV to HDF5 but it is not working:
This is the code I have right now:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import csv
import sys
if sys.versio...
When trying to change a column of numbers from object to float dtypes using pandas dataframes, I receive the following warning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
Now, the code runs just fine, but what woul...
As title says, this piece of code migrates files (binary and metadata) from a database to another one with different structure.
Currently my problem is that when I have to deal with a big database (about 30GB) , at a certain point the script slow down very much. Currently (Jun10 15.30) is still...
Say I have a numpy array that has some float('nan'), I don't want to impute those data now and I want to first normalize those and keep the NaN data at the original space, is there any way I can do that?
Previously I used normalize function in sklearn.Preprocessing, but that function seems can't...
I often see var is None in python code, using is to test equality only works for a very few objects like None. I used to think that it's better practice to use == to compare equality even if is is possible and to use is only if you want to test for the same identity.
However it seems to me like ...
Say I have a dataframe. The dataframe has three columns foo1, foo2, fooName, and has 4,000 rows. In every 5th row there is a value in fooName 'blah'. I want to go through the dataframe and say when fooName equals 'blah', then the next 4 values (those that aren't filled with the blah value) of foo...
I am trying to simulate a point moving in a circle. I would like to controle the speed at which it is getting animated. In the documentation I read that one can specify the delay between each frame in the FuncAnimation function by the interval parameter:
"interval: interval draws a new frame eve...
I have an array A of size 100 which might have repeating elements in it. I have another array B of size 10 which have unique elements in it. All elements of B are present in A and vice versa. I have another array C corresponding to B where each element of C is corresponding to the element in B.
I'm fairly new at this. I have a csv that has a string date/time column as shown below. I am trying to average flow values based on month-year.
X Flow
6/9/16/ 14:00 15000
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
#import csv
df = pd.read_csv('month...
Take a dataframe with one column of imagined 'temperature' data:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dates = pd.date_range('20070101',periods=3200)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0,100,(3200,1)), columns =list('A'))
df['date'] = dates
df = df[['date','A']]
I want to assign all ro...
I have discovered this module that works great, I love the output.
I am trying to change the values of the random input, here:
ws = random(500)*6
wd = random(500)*360
From this reference we learn that
This example uses randoms values for wind speed and direction(ws and wd variables). In s...
For example, I have a 2-dimensional matrix:
[0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0
0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0
0 0 5 5 5 5 5 0
5 0 0 0 5 0 0 5
0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0]
I want to get the indexes of the row and column with the most 5s. Which should be the third row and fifth column. I don't want to use for loop to get that becau...
I'm trying to write this simple script but for some reason i'm struggling with the mathematical multiply operation. The error that I am getting is
ufunc 'multiply' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('
I am using PyCharm for the first time as editor and I've never had th...
Given this data frame and pivot table:
import pandas as pd
I am trying to determine why the ultimate value produced by my function isn't being saved back to the new column I have instructed pandas to build. I have confirmed the if...elif statements are correct and function, and I have confirmed the calculations are occurring and generating the correct d...
I want to modify this SO topic here to three hourly interval.
I have a database of events at minute resolution. I need to group them in three hourly, and extract the count of this grouping.
The output would ideally look something like a table like the following:
3hourly count
0 10
Trying to plot values from a recorded data set from an experiment.
When fitting the data with an exponential decay, it's very successful in the form of a normal plot.
But having the plot in a semi-log form gives me this.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import pyl...
I've searched everywhere for an answer to this, sorry if it's a very basic question. I am filtering Numpy arrays using a boolean Numpy array that is created by comparing values at the same indices in 3 different arrays. My comparison is comprised of 2 separate boolean statements, say x[i]==y[i] &...
I have referred to matplotlib.org and a lot of threads but I can't plot a 3d surface. I am able to plot a 3d scatter but as soon as I try to plot a 3d surface it breaks for a lot of different errors. I fix errors but I get new ones. After fighting with it for a 2 days I believe my understanding o...
I would like to combine two columns for index while pivoting a pandas dataframe. I'm using the following code to do so:
ConceptTemp = Concept.pivot(index=['memberid','testscoreid'], columns='questionid', values='correct')
this gives me the following error:
ValueError: Wrong number of items pa...
I'm looking at creating a Dataframe that is the combination of two unrelated series.
If we take two dataframes:
A = ['a','b','c']
B = [1,2,3,4]
dfA = pd.DataFrame(A)
dfB = pd.DataFrame(B)
I'm looking for this output:
0 a 1
1 a 2
2 a 3
3 a 4
4 b 1
5 b 2
6 b 3
From what I understand, this error is caused by not using numpy arrays in tensorflow. I convert all of my lists to numpy arrays, but it doesn't work.
Is the dimensionality wrong? How can I determine what's causing the error?
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
I use python 2.7
I would like to merge two datasets on a string variable. One of my datasets is imported from excel using pandas read_excel. In this dataset the string variable that I would like to use for merging seems to be unicode (it prints as u'text' when I copy it to a list).
In the othe...
Hi I have a fairly large access database (roughly 45,000 rows, 46 columns), that I converted to excel. I cleaned up some of the data with a few python scripts and now I am unsure how to move forward.I asked a few colleagues and have gotten different responses.
Overall I want to go through the fi...
I have a school work to implement Logistic Regression with SGD and L2 regularization.
I implemented it with SGD, however, im not sure its correctly.
But its not working. THe cost just increases to infinity.
Im also not sure the SGD is correctly implemented!
Im also not s...
when exporting a cvs file from a data simulation, we lost the decimal places that were associated with the data recorded, making our plots and values inaccurate.
Anyway to fixing this to where all the values elements in the array are outputted as an array with decimal values?
import numpy as np...
Say now I have a numpy array which is defined as,
Now I want to have a list that contains all the indices of the missing values, which is [(1,2),(2,0)] at this case.
Is there any way I can do that?
I am trying to use an if statement to change values within a column if there length is greater than x
My csv data ..
ID Test_Case TC_NUM
I have a pivoted dataframe that looks like this:
For each memberid, testscoreid combination, I would like to add one more column which would be the total score of a memberid, testscoreid combination, depending on whether the irt_tlevel value is easy, medium or hard. I would like to give the va...
I have a pandas dataframe setup like this:
Group1 Group2 Group3
0 0.04058678 0.04282689 0.06680679
1 0.11657916 0.06695174 0.05153584
2 0.08382576 0.03587087 0.08919266
3 0.17477007 0.08141088 0.10727157
4 0.0821453 0.08226264 0.06800853
5 0.15685707 ...
Is there a way to add an argument to ArgumentParser for an np.array instead of a list?
I know I can do something like this
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
parser.add_argument('-foo', action='store', type=int, nargs='+')
args = parser.parse_args(['-foo', '1', '2'])
How can I get matplotlib ?
Also, the inline
%matplotlib inline
doesn't work.
Any help is much appreciated?
I have a package on my computer I use for personal, general use code. I build it with python setup.py develop --user which works very well for making changes to the code and it taking effect without a re-build.
This doesn't work well when I've tried to contribute-to and build public packages (e...
still new to functions and its application I would like to create a new column D for a dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 5], [4, 6, 7]], columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
0 1 2 3
1 1 3 5
2 4 6 7
the column D and its content shall be created by the help of...
I have cell phone usage and bill data arranged in the Pandas dataframe that has stats for two months of data. I'd like to pivot the data so that columns for each month become rows.
Starting point:
Name Jan Minutes Used Feb Minutes Used Jan Bill Paid Feb Bill Paid
0 Person A ...
For awhile now I have been looking for how to solve this problem. I am new to Python and Pandas, but I am quickly loving both.
the stackoverflow question (Compare Python Pandas DataFrames for matching rows) comes the closest to what I am needing but I just can't seem to get my head around how to...
I have a text file:
I mean I have the text file. Each line is a string: year-month-day.
My goal is to read this text file and to write this information to array.
import scipy as sp
I'm downloading two datasets from two different databases that need to be joined. Each of them separately is around 500MB when I store them as CSV. Separately the fit into the memory but when I load both I sometimes get a memory error. I definitely get into trouble when I try to merge them with p...
I plot two lines with matplotlib and would like to mark the maximum improvements. I use ax.annotate and got the following undesirable result,
Here is the source code.
from __future__ import division
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
x = range(10)
y1 = rang...
I have arrays similar to the following:
I then have a matrix of the following weights
What ...
In my python 2.X/3.X code, I am mapping an array arr using a function func, so I do
def func(i):
return o
output = numpy.vectorize(func)(arr)
When I look at the printout, the output of the first element is printed twice! Has anyone else seen that behavior? Is that bu...
This is my attempt at the mirror encryption challenge posted on r/dailyprogrammer/. I know its very vague, but since I am relatively new to python, I'd like for someone to just have a look and point out some things that I need to look out for and where I can improve please.
class Encrypt(object)...
I would like to change my data in a pandas dataframe.
The data I collect needs to be assigned a step value. The conditions of what triggers a step change are occasionally time or high pressure or temperature values. I cannot get past the first step: When the row is over a certain pressure (1100 ...