I'm trying to write a function to calculate an odds ratio given a string that matches one index in a pandas series associated with a mean value. I want to find the value that matches the string, perform a calculation on that. And then take the average of every value in the pandas series that DOES...
I'm curious about the behavior of pandas groupby-apply when the apply function returns a series. When the series are of different lengths, it returns a multi-indexed series. In [1]: import pandas as pd In [2]: df1=pd.DataFrame({'state':list("AABBB"), ...: 'city':list("vwxyz"...
Here's my problem. In the contexte of a ML project on 2015 MLB matchups I have two dataframes: One dataframe with the matchup details of the 2015 season with AND the result of my predictive model (the following image). And another dataframe with also de the matchup details of the 2015 season...
I've written an R function that calls gdal_calc.py to calculate the pixel-wise minimum value across a RasterStack (series of input raster files). I've done this because it's much faster than raster::min for large rasters. The function works well for up to 23 files, but throws a warning when passi...
I have been searching high and low on merging two data-frames based on meeting two criteria. Essentially what I am trying to do is vlookup from one data-frame into my main data-frame where date and ticker symbol match. A basic version of my main data-frame called df1 looks like below. It is the ...
I wrote a simple Pomodoro Timer in Python 3: from datetime import datetime, timedelta from gi import require_version require_version('Notify', '0.7') from gi.repository import Notify import sys class State: #length: the length of the state in minutes def __init__(self, length): ...
Let's say that I have these 4 submatrices: print(A[0]) print(A[1]) print(A[2]) print(A[3]) [[ 0. 1. 2.] [ 6. 7. 8.] [ 12. 13. 14.]] [[ 3. 4. 5.] [ 9. 10. 11.] [ 15. 16. 17.]] [[ 18. 19. 20.] [ 24. 25. 26.] [ 30. 31. 32.]] [[ 21. 22. 23.] [ 27. 28. 29.] [ ...
I'm currently struggeling to build my python project with cx_Freeze into an exe file and I'm not sure what I did wrong as I used the examples (PyQt4 and matplotlib) of Anthony Tuininga (https://github.com/GreatFruitOmsk/cx_freeze/tree/finder_zip_pkgs/cx_Freeze/samples) to do that. I have three ....
I've got a pandas dataframe. I want to 'lag' one of my column conditionally on an other columns. Typically below, i want to lag gdp based on y previous "real" value. Typically first entry will be 0 because we are looking for y = 0. Second entry will be 2 because we are looking for y = 1 Third ...
I'm trying to compile python cpp library using numpy arrayobject.h on Windows 7 x64. It keeps showing errors. Could anybody help me out to fix them? The error is like following. ndarrayobject.h:139:52: error: cannot convert 'int*' to 'npy_intp* {aka long long int*}' in argument passing My Env...
Extract of the Dataframe I want to manipulate the above pandas Dataframe to find the percentage of 'Days to 1st login < 14 days" by each 'Sales Chain' and grouped by every day, to have the answer like: "On 1st May, 20% users from web sale while 5% users from other sale channel logged in within 1...
Using Matplotlib, I have two subplots and I want them to have the same custom string xticks. Here is a minimal example what I tried so far: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharex=True) plt.xticks(range(6), [str(x)+"foo" for x in range(6)], rotation='45') for i in ...
Ok, it has been asked many times how to convert a 1D numpy array to a vertical one. The most used option is, if In [2]: a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) In [3]: a Out[3]: array([1, 2, 3, 4]) we usually do: In [5]: a = a[ : , np.newaxis] In [6]: a Out[6]: array([[1], [2], [3], [4]]) ...
Here is my question. a is a 2-d numpy array in the shape of 100x100 containing finite numbers b is a 2-d bool array in the shape of 100x100 containing True and False My target: Select specific part of array a when the value of b[i,j] == True My code here: select = a[np.array(n...
Background: I'm creating a mobile app using an API built with Django using Django REST Framework and hosted on Heroku. In the past, I've used Python Social Auth with this setup to authenticate users with their Facebook accounts, though this has been strictly for web apps. Now, I've seen that Fac...
I have several two-column tables that i want to join together with numpy. Each table has x and y columns. I need all the x columns joined together, with the y values matched up to the corresponding x. If an x value doesn't have a corresponding y, it should be None. I'm not so good at explaining,...
Say I have a pandas dataframe. I can access the columns either by their name or by their index. Is there a simple way in which I can retrieve the column index given its name?
I am plotting grid in matplotlib. I have a 3*2 subplot grid like this: Image I am plotting line charts in every subplot and each color of the line specifies a category. Let's say color_name = { cat1 : red , cat2 : black , ...} Now, meaning of color is same in every subplot but they may contain...
I have a RGB image img which is of shape (2560L, 1920L, 3L) and another single channel image mask which is of shape (2560L, 1920L). Now, I want to make this mask of shape (2560L, 1920L, 3L) i.e. I want to copy this single channel data into all the three channels. I'm doing it as follows. np...
I am getting a weird behaviour from pandas, I want to resample my minute data to hourly data (using mean). My data looks as follows: Data.head() AAA BBB Time 2009-02-10 09:31:00 86.34 101.00 2009-02-10 09:36:00 86.57 100.50 2009-02-10 09...
My requirement is to log onto one of the accessible network device (i.e. Cisco or Juniper). Once I am in I will access other vendor devices(L2 Switches) from logged in device. How do I achieve this using python as my programming language. Right now I am doing using Exscript but this isn't behavi...
I have data city inc pop edu crime cult New-York 29343,00 8683,00 0,00 10,40 0,00 Moscow 25896,00 17496,00 0,00 10,20 1,0 Rome 21785,00 15063,00 0,00 14,20 1,00 London 20000,00 70453,00 1,00 18,00 1,00 Berlin 44057,00 57398,00 1,00 ...
I have 2 date type in one of python dataframe column, i want to all the data values into same format. df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':['2016-06-01', '2016-06-01 10:00']}) print (df) Date 0 2016-06-01 1 2016-06-01 10:00 I want both the date in same format as below. Date ...
I have a 5 dimensional df (defined by multiindex) which saves my experiment results. Now I do my computation by multiprocessing so that each process take a slice df.loc[factor_i] (4 dimensional, where the number of axis of the multiindex reduced by 1) then compute it then return it. To collect th...
I want to categorize all the values of urbanrate (Which are all floating point numbers like 24.56,88.98,77.65) into 3 different categories.(one is values for <25, another for >=25 and <75 and last one for >=75) and store those values in a new variable (say urban). How can I do this. I have given ...
I'd like to plot venn diagrams based on my pandas data frame. I understand that matplotlib_venn accepts sets as input. My dataset contain client id and two other columns with information if the client was in campaign or not. df_dataset = pd.read_csv('...path...',delimiter=',',decimal=',') campai...
Apologies if this has been asked before, I can't seem to find an answer. If I create a dataframe like so: import pandas as pd, numpy as np df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100, 2)), columns=list('AB')) How would I change the entry in column A to be the number 16 from row 0 -15...
I have a simple image plot like this: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = np.arange(25) data.shape = (5,5) plt.imshow(data, interpolation='none') plt.show() In this case the input data a 5x5 matrix. The ticks on the axis go from 0 to 4. How would I go about changing thi...
I have a table defined like this: x = np.array([100., 200., 300., 400., 500., 600.]) y = np.array([20., 300., 450., 500., 550.]) z = np.array([[1., 1., 1., 1., 1.02, 1.05], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1.01, 1.05], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1.01, 1.04], [1., 1., 1., 1.01, 1....
I have two dataframes. The first named mergedcsv is of the format: mergedcsv dataframe The second dataframe named idgrp_df is of a dictionary format which for each region Id a list of corresponding string ids. idgrp_df dataframe - keys with lists For each row in mergedcsv (and the corresponding...
I need to test whether a variable is of type int, or any of np.int*, np.uint*, preferably using a single condition (ie no or). After some tests, I guess that: isinstance(n, int) will only match int and np.int32 (or np.int64 depending on plateform), np.issubdtype(type(n), int) seems to match al...
I'm trying to implement a 2D PCA with numpy. The code is rather simple: import numpy as np n=10 d=10 x=np.linspace(0,10,n) y=x*d covmat = np.cov([x,y]) print(covmat) eig_values, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(covmat) largest_index = np.argmax(eig_values) largest_eig_vec = eig_vecs[largest_index] ...
I have two dataframes with different lengths(df,df1). They share one similar label "collo_number". I want to search the second dataframe for every collo_number in the first data frame. Problem is that the second date frame contains multiple rows for different dates for every collo_nummer. So i wa...
I have a python pandas dataframe that has 3 rows in it: Name Time count AAA 5:45 5 BBB 13:01 8 CCC 11:16 3 I am trying to loop through this dataframe and if the count is greater than 5, i have to populate that row to a new dataframe. I know the count is 2 from a function as only 2 row...
I have a QWidget (udpWidget) instantiated in a QMainWindow (udpMainWindow). I am creating udpMainWindow from another QMainWindow There is some ValueError exception occurring (which I am going to fix). When I close the window of udpMainWindow, I can no longer do a bind to the port until I close t...
I have some dictionaries that I use in a package of mine that could easily be pandas.Seriess. However, I leave them as dicts simply because of the .update method, which both changes existing values and adds a new values to the dict in place. The pandas.Series.update only changes values in place. ...
Sometimes, I want to plot discrete value in pcolormesh style. For example, to represent a 2-d array in the shape of 100x100 which contain int 0~7 data = np.random.randint(8, size=(100,100)) cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('PiYG', 8) plt.pcolormesh(data,cmap = cmap,alpha = 0.75) plt.colorbar() Th...
I have a DataFrame with two columns in the index -- one is a label, the other is a time series period. I want to get the previous row for each row in the time series. But I can't use DataFrame.shift() because there's 2 columns in the index, and the shift is mixing up the labels. #Desired behavio...
It is said that matplotlibrc configuration files are used to customize all kinds of properties in matplotlib, that one can dynamically change the default rc settings to customize the default parameters for example through: matplotlib.rcParams['font.family'] = 'times new roman' ... But: what do...
i can't choose right title for this question i have a JavaScript Chart, for example this one : how can i change the value by a variable ?? i have this chart in a Django website and i want to change the chart's value by a variable in my database and it's the code : var echartGauge = echarts.i...
I'm running into an odd bug with matplotlib when plotting lines with transparency: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(range(120), range(120), alpha=0.4, color='#0000FF', linewidth=3) plt.savefig('out.png') plt.show() plt.close() The saved figure looks like this, which isn't surpris...
I wanted to implement cpu code to gpu code. I am studying cuda with my code. I know it will be faster on cpu, but I do not understand why it gives different result. my python code is: np.sum(zero_padded[t+1: t+sample_size+1] * zero_padded[t+1+lag: t+sample_size+1+lag]) and cuda code is : _...
I'm doing a project in python which has an array of 600 asteroid measurements (diameter, period, orbit radius). With that information I'd like to make new arrays according the diameter column, the resulting arrays would be diameter intervals of the first one. If i have this array, diameter ...
I have something like this: import sqlalchemy import pandas as pd test_db_connection = 'sqlite://' test_table = 'TestTable' test_index_column = 'IndexColumn' test_columns = [test_index_column, 'ValueColumn'] tuples = [("M101", "NCL2010H")] df = pd.DataFrame(tuples, columns = test_columns) engin...
the following two functions should be the same but when I used lambda, I keep getting "ValueError: ('The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().', u'occurred at index 0')" What is the reason lambda did not work? ------this gives ValueEr...
Importing the function single_snp from Microsoft's program "FaSTLMM" prevents python2.7 from displaying matplotlib plots. The plot is correctly displayed when omitting the import. How does importing this function interfere with the plotting of pyplot? (I need single_snp to perform a calculation w...
I'm trying to use np.gradient to calculate a derivative, but I'm getting strange results and want to check that I'm using it correctly to eliminate that as a possible error. A have a function y(x) over a range of equally spaced (but not unity) x-value data points. I compute the derivative by d...
I have a feature that is a subset of a set of labels. >>> labels = ['ini', '', 'pdf', 'flac', 'php'] >>> data = [random.sample(labels, random.randint(0, len(labels))) for _ in range(20)] >>> data[:5] [['pdf'], [], ['pdf', 'flac'], ['php', 'pdf', 'ini'], ['', 'php', 'ini']] I need a "k out of ...
I have a pandas dataframe with a text column. Now I want to group this dataframe and concatenate the text columns - here's some code to generate an example dataframe: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import string import random def text_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_lowercase): ...
I'm writing a script that will update a matplotlib plot continuously for a predetermined amount of time while allowing the rest of my code to run in the background. The code below "works" and causes the plot to update as desired for about 5 seconds and then the plot window becomes unresponsive. ...
I ultimately want to be able to draw over the top of other images, and then save the drawing data to be viewed later. I've tried working with matplotlib. I got it pretty functional, as described here, but run into a lot of issues since I can't have it open in another window, and when it displays...
I'm wondering if one should avoid using pandas in preprocessing pipelines or not? In the book of Sebastian Raschka - Python Machine Learning. The preprocessing is typically done in pandas or directly in a pipeline using scikits built-in preprocessing. Those built-in functions essentially access ...
First I create a two-level MultiIndex: import numpy as np import pandas as pd ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([('X','Y'), ('a','b')]) I can use it like this: pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((3,4)), columns=ind) Which gives: X Y a b a b 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 ...
I I have a pandas.Series() with index of DateTime (dates) and some data. I would like to create a new pandas.Series() with the same index and mark days 1-5 of each month with True and all other with False. I can then apply some operations on the original data based on the allowed dates in the new...
I have a big 2D NumPy array, let's say 5M rows and 10 columns. I want to build a few more columns according to some stateful logic implemented using Numba @jitclass. Let's say there are 50 such new columns to create. The idea is to iterate over all the rows of 10 columns in a Numba @jit functi...
I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 64-bit. I downloaded Python3.5.1 Gzipped tarball source from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-351/. Then installed using ./configure sudo make install Then I upgrade pip by sudo pip install --upgrade pip it upgraded pip to 8.1.2, which is the la...
I wanted to install Matplotlib in Mac (10.7.5 Lion) where python (2.7.1), pip (8.1.2), numpy (1.11.0), astropy(1.2) are already installed and are working as expected. First I tried with the command sudo pip install matpltlib and it showed that Matplotlib 1.5.1 has been installed successfully. But...
I'm running sklearn's PCA fit_transform() function on some data I'm looking to analyze, and I'm having trouble figuring out how exactly I need to transform scaled data back into numbers that make sense within the context of what I'm running. More specifically, when I run: import pandas as pd im...
I am wondering if there is a way to change the values of a colorbar in a pcolormesh plot without changing the colors of the plot itself. When I manually set the values of the colorbar it always changes how it draws the picture. The original image is below: Plots 1 The picture looks right, but I...
I'm trying to use pandas for plotting using the ggplot theme. Here is my sample dataframe: seasonname Core-no season Fall/Winter Spring/Summer Summery Core True Summer date_utc 2015-06-01 199.7825 111.1363 1...
I have a pandas.Series() object and I am trying to filter the data based on the month in the index. Here is an example Series object (index is ["2010-01-01", "2010-02-01", ..., "2016-06-01"]): d = pd.Series(1, pd.date_range("20100101", periods=100, freq="MS")) I would like to keep only items w...
If I want to select a range from the following dataframe I can use this command: bars_specified_days = bars['2016-05-27':'2016-06-03'] How do I exclude a single day (2016-05-30) from the range 2016-05-27:2016-06-03? bars_specified_days.describe <bound method NDFrame.describe of Timestamp 2...
I have the following code: plt.figure(figsize=(15, 20)) min_v = np.min(net_l0) max_v = np.max(net_l0) for i in range(8): for j in range(4): num = i*4 + j plt.subplot(8,4, num+1) w_filt = net_l0[num, :3] w_filt = w_filt.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1, 2) img...
Right now I have to do the following: ix=None for ixi in [res[col].str.contains('string') for col in res.columns]: if ix is not None: ix = ix | ixi else: ix = ixi res[ix]
Someone among you have experienced an error with datetime using nvd3 for python? I'm working with pandas DatetimeIndex: per_month = df_datetime.resample('1M').sum().fillna(0) x = per_month.index.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') y = per_month.tolist() In [1] x[0] Out[1] '31-01-2012' In [2] y[0] Out[2] '6....
def load_data(): data = pd.read_csv('data-WDI/WDI_Data.csv') print('filling na..') data.fillna(data.groupby(['Country Name', 'Indicator Name']).transform('mean'), inplace=True) data.set_index(['Country Name', 'Indicator Name'], inplace=True) data = data.to_panel() # save o...
I would like to set the colors of bars in a polar bar chart (in matplotlib) to use color gradients instead of single colors. Here is some sample code (http://matplotlib.org/examples/pie_and_polar_charts/polar_bar_demo.html): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt N = 20 theta = np.l...
I am new at programming and new to stackoverflow.com. Today I am practicing classes and subclasses in python. Can someone give me an example of a subclass in the short program I created? Why is a subclass necessary instead of just adding methods to the class? Can you please make a simple subclass...
I am trying to get unique combinations of phone numbers and values, where phone numbers and values are each in two potential columns. For example: df = pd.DataFrame({'phone1':[4567890876, 4567890876, 9178889999, 3237800876], 'phone2':[4567890876, 4567890876, 9178889999, 2139...
I've been using pandas apply method for both series and dataframe, but I am obviously still missing something, because I'm stumped on a simple function i'm trying to execute. This is what I was doing: def minmax(row): return (row - row.min())/(row.max() - row.min()) row.apply(minmax) bu...
I have an object from type numpy.core.records.recarray. I want to use it effectively as pandas dataframe. More precisely, I want to use a subset of its columns in order to obtain a new recarray, the same way you would do pandas_dataframe[[selected_columns]]. What's the easiest way to achieve this?
I have stored lists inside a Series. How can i recreate these lists? Selecting a certain cell inside the Series returns a Series object. Series.tolist() returns the whole list with one element, not as a list with several elements. Much thanks in advance.
I have a bunch of data from users logging events, and the data is of type 0, 1, or 2. These all hence form irregular time series. I have brought them into pandas Series, one for each data type, with a data time index. I have also resampled with ffill and applying asfreq to my data types. Howeve...
I've been working on this for a few hours and am giving up at this point. I have a scientific tool that is slightly glitching and creating a .csv database with datapoints out of order, i.e. Test_ID Data_Point Test_Time Step_Time etc... 1 1439 1441.044976 1328.572329 1 1440 1442.046...
I have a fixed area of print 20.5" by 11.5" and have to plot 100 points (vert y axis) and 366 ( horizontal or x axis). I can't find the matplotlib mechanism to specify the spacing between the ticks. I'd like to start with 1/8" and see what it looks like. I know how to specify the print area but N...
I Have a 2 dimensional numpy array say as follows: [["cat","dog","dog","mouse","man"], ["rhino","rhino","bat","rhino","dino","dino"], ["zebra","alien","alien","alien","alien"]] I want to perform numpy.unique along each row in order to count the number of occurences of each label, unfortunately...
I have a cvs with data like this: [id names timestamp is_valid] [1 name:surname 2016-06-09 23:29:50.083093 True] I need to select rows based on this condition: if is_valid is true and if timestamp has passed 24 hours. So it should be True and has time 2016-...
I have an image that I would like to rotate. Namely, exchange the x and y axes. It is of a spectrogram. The basic code is import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Sxx, f, t, im= plt.specgram(dataArray, NFFT=2**8, Fs = 100, noverlap = 128) plt.show() This is what gets produced: Plot Does Python have...
I am appending to a pandas table within an HDF5 file in chunks with each dataframe I append indexed by time. I notice that when I read the table back into memory, the indices are now ints rather than a time value. How can I append to table while keeping time index information? #Get Table node ...
I'm very comfortable with Swift, Obj-C, and Javascript but for a new project I need to use a library that is only available in Python. How do I integrate python or python scripts into an OSX project? There is the option of going PyObjc or pyapp to build the entire application but that seems extr...
I have a pandas dataframe containing rows with numbered columns: 1 2 3 4 5 a 0 0 0 0 1 b 1 1 2 1 9 c 2 2 2 2 2 d 5 5 5 5 5 e 8 9 9 9 9 How can I filter out the rows where a subset of columns are all above or below a certain value? So, for exa...
I have a directory with about 130 .json files. I've narrowed it down to the ones I want to combine using the following method: path_to_json = 'C:/Users/hcohen/Documents/Personal' json_files = [pos_json for pos_json in os.listdir(path_to_json) if (pos_json.endswith('.json') and not pos_json.start...
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