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Q: Beginner regex password strength test

ArnoldM904I've been following a Python programming book and reached the Regex chapter where I encountered this challenge: "Write a password strength checker that checks if a password is: At least 8 character long Contains at least one uppercase and lowercase letter. And contains at least on...

7 hours later…
Q: open a text file with an argument on the command line using python

leakerI wrote this script that will let the user input the file name in the command line and it will open the file and do some things to it, otherwise it will print no match found : import sys import os path = "/home/Desktop/python/test" files = os.walk( path ) filename = argv[1] print "filename :", ...

Q: HackerRank: ACM ICPC Team (Python)

blackened You are given a list of N people who are attending ACM-ICPC World Finals. Each of them are either well versed in a topic or they are not. Find out the maximum number of topics a 2-person team can know. And also find out how many teams can know that maximum number of topics. Note S...

public Location getLocationByInterent() {
try {
locationManager = (LocationManager) mContext

// isGPSEnabled = locationManager
// .isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);

isNetworkEnabled = locationManager

if (!isNetworkEnabled) {
// no network provider is enabled
} else {
isNetworkEnabled = true;
this.canGetLocation = true;
1 message moved from Smart Developers' Lab
Q: Web server with Python

Bosy UzmakiIn this assignment, you will develop a simple Web server in Python that is capable of processing only one request. Specifically, your Web server will (i) create a connections socket when contacted by a client (browser); (ii) receive the HTTP request from this connection; (iii) parse the request t...

Q: Web server Network with Python Program

Bosy Uzmakiyou will develop a simple Web server in Python that is capable of processing only one request. Specifically, your Web server will (i) create a connections socket when contacted by a client (browser); (ii) receive the HTTP request from this connection; (iii) parse the request to determine the spec...

Q: Locate missing or extra elements between two data sets with limited access to unique identifiers

Alexander HolmbackI've written a python program that is responsible for making sure that all elements in one data set (let's call it the source) exists in another (let's call it the target). Constraints beyond my control: Retrieving unique element identifiers from the source is extremely costly (~7-8 minutes), ...

2 hours later…
@Sippy That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: fp
!!learn fu <>"fuck you can cakes"
@Sippy Command fu learned
!!tell rlemon fu
@rlemon Input not matching /you/. Help: User-taught command: can <>"fuck
fuck off then cap
!!forget fu
@Sippy Command fu forgotten.
!!learn fu <>fuck you can cakes
@Sippy Command fu learned
11 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
@rlemon Input not matching /you/. Help: User-taught command: can <>fuck
That was actually indirectly lol
3 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
1 message moved from [JavaScript ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript)
Q: Logic Gate Simulator - Proper Encapsulation

MonkpitSo I was checking out the courses on InteractivePython, and I came across this example to demonstrate inheritance. My focus is on the Connector class and how it interacts with BinaryGate and UnaryGate via the setNextPin method. class LogicGate: def __init__(self,n): self.name = n...

Q: Sorting networks

Colonel PanicYesterday I read a fascinating article on Wikipedia about sorting networks. Comparator networks are abstract devices built up of a fixed number of "wires" carrying values, and comparator modules that connect pairs of wires, swapping the values on the wires if they are not in a desired order. ...

Q: txt file appears blank with .write() python

geolishI am on a windows machine and am trying to write a couple thousand lines to a text file using ipython. To test this I am just trying to get some text to appear in the file. my code is as follows: path="\Users\\*****\Desktop" with open(path+'newheaders.txt','wb') as f: f.write('new text'...

Q: Find max difference for a given array - python

cyberbemon You are given an array of N integers, find the Max Difference where the index of largest number is greater than the index of the smallest number. If not find the next smallest number, so on and so forth. If this condition cannot be met, return -1 Sample Input Sam...

4 hours later…
Q: Jeep crossing problem python

MathewI have a scenario and was wondering if any of you are able to guide me forward with some coding using python 2.7 Basically there is a jeep which needs to cross a forest. It starts at its "home" where there are unlimited "fuel". the jeep needs to cross the forest and reach to the city. In between...

1 hour later…
Q: Account registration system for a quiz game

TexenoxAs part of a school project for ICT lessons, our class has been required to write a quiz program following certain criteria that has been set. The first part of this is a program that handles the registration process by asking the user for details such as player name, age, email and gender. The ...

Q: Python Module for MS Compression Algorithms

Elias51I was wondering if anyone knew of a resource/module to decompress contents of a file in Python using MS compression algorithms such as LZX and or Quantum? Does such a module exist? I am looking to decompress CAB archives using a Python script. I need to parse and interpret the entire file within ...

2 hours later…
Q: HackerRank: Encrption

blackenedGiven a two dimensional list, say some_list["ABCD", "EFGH", IJ], I am supposed to encrypt it by reading each column top to bottom, thus: A B C D E F G H I J becomes: AEI BFJ CG DH My initial try had “index out of range” problem so I did: def encrypt_list(some_list): enc...

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